Board Meeting 2012-04-19
This board meeting is scheduled for the 19th of April 2012 at 17:00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype or by email.
- Review past minutes: Board Meeting 2012-03-22
- Appoint secretary
- Action items from last meeting
- mpg to do inventory of committees and local chapters (carried over from previous meeting)
- Daniel to resolve 'c3 vs. 'c6 issue
- Jo to start investigating the ELOgeo importation process
- Daniel to decide what to do about QuickBooks issue
- mpg to get a plan for DC F2F meeting / (edited: report from meeting?)
- kick-starting the Marketing discussion (Arnulf attempted to do something here)
- a Motion: Confirm Cameron Shorter as interim Chair of the Marketing Committee (Arnulf)
- update from Frank on Beijing FOSS4G conference
- Consider recommendation for GEOS to graduate incubation with Sandro Santilli as VP, GEOS.
- Funding request for the GRASS GIS Community Sprint in May 2012 (see email)
- ambassador to Eclipse WG meeting?
- Charter Membership (clean out, update)
- Preparation for elections in July (Arnulf)
- Confirm next meeting time and date Board Meeting 2012-05-10
- please add items
- logistics
- detailed conversation log:
- Attending: dmorissette (Daniel Morissette), mpg (Michael Gerlek) , FrankW (Frank Warmerdam), seven (Arnulf Christl), pmbatty (Peter Batty), tschaub (Tim Schaub)
- Absent: Jo Cook, Mark Lucas
- Chair: Tim Schaub
- Scribe: Arnulf Christl
Assigned Tasks
- Peter Batty and Jo Cook to work on getting FOSS4G 2011 material online
- Arnulf to start thread on policy for FOSS4G 2012 on board list.
- [19:14] <tschaub> MOTION: adopt minutes of 2012-03-22 meeting. Tim 1st, Arnulf 2nd, all in favor.
- [19:33] <seven> MOTION: Confirm Cameron Shorter as interim Chair of the Marketing Committee. Arnulf 1st, Peter 2nd, all in favor.