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OSGeo Member
Name: Sanghee Shin Sanghee Shin.jpg
Job Title: C.E.O. and President
Company: Gaia3D, Inc.
City: Seoul
Country: South Korea
Local Chapter: Korea
Phone: +82-2-3397-3475
Instant Messaging: Skype: endofcap
Language(s): Korean; English
Personal Description : Sanghee Shin is a business man who is managing & running Gaia3D, Inc., a geospatial software company in Korea. He established OSGeo Korean Chapter in 2008 and was elected as a Charter Member of OSGeo Foundation in 2011. He also co-founded KAOS-G(Korea Alliance of Open Source GeoSpatial), an alliance of commercial open source GIS companies in Korea and has served as chair person of KAOS-G since 2013. He organised International FOSS4G 2015 Seoul as a chairperson. He was elected as Board of Directors, OSGeo. He has actively promoted open source, open standard and open data in Korea and around Asia. He enjoys giving talks about open source GIS and open source business. You can find more at his blog and Facebook
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[[Info::Sanghee Shin is a business man who is managing & running Gaia3D, Inc., a geospatial software company in Korea. He established OSGeo Korean Chapter in 2008 and was elected as a Charter Member of OSGeo Foundation in 2011. He also co-founded KAOS-G(Korea Alliance of Open Source GeoSpatial), an alliance of commercial open source GIS companies in Korea and has served as chair person of KAOS-G since 2013. He organised International FOSS4G 2015 Seoul as a chairperson. He was elected as Board of Directors, OSGeo. He has actively promoted open source, open standard and open data in Korea and around Asia. He enjoys giving talks about open source GIS and open source business. You can find more at his blog and Facebook| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Translate.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  

Sanghee Shin

Sanghee Shin

Board Member of OSGeo, C.E.O. and President, Gaia3D, Inc.

Location: Seoul, South Korea and Cambridge, U.K.

Sanghee Shin is a business man who is managing & running Gaia3D, Inc., a geospatial software company in Korea. He established OSGeo Korean Chapter in 2008 and was elected as a Charter Member of OSGeo Foundation in 2011. He also co-founded KAOS-G(Korea Alliance of Open Source GeoSpatial), an alliance of commercial open source GIS companies in Korea and has served as chair person of KAOS-G since 2013. He organised International FOSS4G 2015 Seoul as a chairperson. He was elected as Board of Directors, OSGeo. He has actively promoted open source, open standard and open data in Korea and around Asia. He enjoys giving talks about open source GIS and open source business. You can find more at his blog and Facebook

OSGeo Experience

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Email: endofcap AT gmail DOT com or shshin AT gaia3d DOT com
Phone (work): +82-2-3397-3475
Skype: endofcap
Spoken Language(s)
Korean, English
Profile last updated
22nd, November, 2015
Additional Background

Sanghee Shin received the BSc from the Department of Landscape Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea, 1996. He majored in environmental GIS and received MSc from Seoul National University, Korea, 1998. In 2011, he received MBA(Master of Business Administration) degree from KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) business school. He had been a GIS SW programmer till to 2004 and changed his career path to business administration. Since 2004, he has been president & C.E.O. of Gaia3D, Inc., a geospatial company in Korea. His major interests include open source GIS, 3D GIS, environmental GIS and meteorology.