Template:Event Timetable
Event Timetable
This timetable shows events where OSGeo appears. "Appearance" can mean that members meet there, give presentations or that OSGeo operates a booth. If OSGeo has an official presence at the event (booth, info brochures, etc.), the following information has to be provided on an extra Wiki page and linked from here:
- Name of the Event Owner who is the OSGeo contact person
- Whether OSGeo will have a booth
- A list of OSGeo speakers
List of Past Events
- 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 31 July - 4 August, 2006, Denver, CO
- International Geotechnologies Tradeshow 17 - 20 August, 2006, São Paulo, Brazil
- MapAsia2006 29 August - 1 September 2006 (Bangkok,Thailand)
- FOSS4G conference, 12-15 September 2006 (Lausanne, Switzerland) | OSGeo at FOSS4G2006
- EuroOSCON 2006 Open Source Convention 18-21 September, 2006 (Brussels, Belgium) | OSGeo at EuroOSCON 2006
- URISA Sept 26-29 2006 (Vancover, Canada)
- GINorden 2006 GINorden 2006, 2-4 October 2006 (Helsinki, Finland)
- Intergeo 2006 Open Source Park 10-12 October 2006 (Munich, Germany)
- GIS-IDEAS 2006 9-11 November 2006 (Ho Chi Minh (Saigon),Vietnam)
- Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2006 13-17 November, 2006 (Goa,India)
- FOSS.in 2006 24th-27th November (Bangalore, India)
- 8. Italian GRASS Users Meeting 14-16 February 2007, Palermo, Italy
- International Symposium for a Digital Earth (ISDE) 5-8 June 2007, San Francisco, USA
- 33. IGC - International Geological Congress - now with focus on Geoscience. Deadline for program suggestions is end of Aug 2006 (!)