Board Meeting 2022-06-27

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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 27 June 2022 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. Vote outcome for FOSS4G2023 venue
  5. discussion item: is it a problem to have only one FOSS4G proposal in any year?
  6. OSGeo OGC MOU
    1. Update/status
    2. discussion item: how can we support OSGeo projects as reference implementations for OGC standards
  7. ESA Open Call letter of support


  • Presiding: Michele
  • Scribing: Vicky, Rajat
  • Attending: Tom, Michele, Angelos, Rajat, Tom, Codrina
  • Guests:

Review and approve past minutes

Vote outcome for FOSS4G2023 venue

Discussion item: is it a problem to have only one FOSS4G proposal in any year?

  • This topic is suitable for a f2f meeting.
  • Depends on the LOC considering the pandemic
  • Way and relation with OSGeo and organizer
  • Aside from offering all the support, board may think of contractual point of view
  • Question: What if nobody applies? Thoughts!
    • Can there be an online conference?
    • FOSS4G holds impact more than a conference; potential business collaboration; meeting with peers
  • Question: What about the modifications in framework to address lack of interest by LOCs?
    • Need to publicize that hosting of FOSS4G brings local economic developments
    • Need support with the digital infrastructure like PreTalks, email system, and ticketing system


  • Update/Status
  • Discussion item: how can we support OSGeo projects as reference implementations for OGC standards?
    • Need to check the exact freecharged number of reference implementations allowed by OGC to the OSGeo projects; any preference to specific projects

ESA Open Call letter of support

  • Link:
  • Thoughts: It's a letter of recommendation for a company and the employees of the company are the OSGeo members.
  • It was not a question of the trust but the time required for submitting the LoR
  • The friction was due to provide openness to all the potential participants (in case of a company) to provide the time to all, as discussed and decided over the protocol (which will require voting of the board to break to protocol)
  • What will happen in case of any individual? Any predefined procedure…About updating the wiki page for Letter of Support for the individuals and action item for f2f meeting
    • Thoughts: updated profile or member page; Try to encourage their position as Charter Member



  • no log, a jitsi meeting

Next meeting