Difference between revisions of "FOSS4G 2019 BirdsOfAFeather"

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(69 intermediate revisions by 34 users not shown)
Line 19: Line 19:
The BoF sessions rooms are available after regular parallel session times (setup theater style) in the InterContinental Hotel.
The BoF sessions rooms are available after regular parallel session times (setup theater style) in the InterContinental Hotel.
* Ronda Ballroom;
* Ronda Ballroom (450 people);
* Fortuna Vest;
* Fortuna Vest (80 people);
* Fortuna Est;
* Fortuna Est (80 people);
* Rapsodia Ballroom;
* Rapsodia Ballroom (220 people);
* Opera;
* Opera (70 people);
* Opereta;
* Opereta (40 people);
* Simfonia;
* Simfonia (30 people);
* Bolero;
* Menuet (50 people);
* Hora;
* Hora (45 people);
* Concerto.
* Coral (30 people).
We will put a BoF organizing board next to the lounge for on site organization.
We will put a BoF organizing board next to the lounge for on site organization.
Line 38: Line 38:
= Wednesday 28 August (18:00 - 19:30) =  
= Wednesday 28 August (18:00 - 19:30) =  
== Ronda Ballroom ==
== Ronda Ballroom (1st floor) ==
=== OSGeo Charter Member ===
=== OSGeo Charter Member ===
Line 47: Line 47:
*  Vicky Vergara
*  Vicky Vergara
== Fortuna Vest ==
== Fortuna Est (21st floor) ==
=== GeoServer Flock  (18:00-19:00) ===
* Description: Meet GeoServer enthusiasts from all backgrounds for stories, discussion, and GeoServer Q&A.
* Description: The BOF is aimed at organizing the  OSGeo Forum that will held at the ISPRS Congress 2020 (http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/) in June 2020
* Person to contact: [[User:Jive|Jody Garnett]]
* Persons to contact: Maria Antonia Brovelli (maria.brovelli@polimi.it) and Serena Coetzee (serena.coetzee@up.ac.za)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Jody Garnett
Moritz Lennert
== Rapsodia Ballroom (1st floor) ==
=== GeoServer Demos (19:00-19:30) ===
=== GeoForAll meeting ===
* Description: Got a great GeoServer example? Share and learn ...
* Description: The aim of the BOF is to connect with members of GeoForAll labs and other educators.
* Person to contact: [[User:Jive|Jody Garnett]]
* Person to contact: Andreea Marin (andreeamarin19@gmail.com) and Victoria Rautenbach (victoria.rautenbach@gmail.com)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* Jody Garnett
* Cameron Green
* Andreea Marin
* Zoltan Siki
== Fortuna Est ==
== Opera (2nd floor) ==
=== MapServer ===
* Description: The BOF is aimed at organizing the OSGeo Forum that will held at the ISPRS Congress 2020 (http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/) in June 2020
* Description:  An opportunity for users and devs to get together for a general discussions about MapServer's past, present and future.
* Persons to contact: Maria Antonia Brovelli (maria.brovelli@polimi.it) and Serena Coetzee (serena.coetzee@up.ac.za)
* Person to contact: Seth Girvin and Daniel Morissette
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* Add your name
* Seth Girvin
* Daniel Morissette
* Lars Schylberg
* Even Rouault
* Michael Smith
* Mathieu Coudert
* Stephan Meißl
* Add your name
== Rapsodia Ballroom ==
== Opereta (2nd floor)==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Catalog ===
* Description: Add description
* Description:  
* Person to contact: Add contact person
Who is coming:
- Metasearch; what are the expected/agreed best practices to link to OGC services from a Dublin Core metadata record, so metasearch is able to activate add-to-map button? Is it possible to specify a specific layer in the service so metasearch will not display the capabilities-layer-selection.
*  Add your name
== Opera ==
- OGC API Catalog (AKA Cat 4) in OGC, MetaSearch, pyGeoAPI, GeoNetwork, Geoserver, deegree
=== Add BoF name ===
- Catalogs typically use OGC services to provide data previews of listed datasets. OGC is creating a batch of new OGC-API standards which will likely impact catalogs. Many catalogs delegate to OpenLayers and JSONIX to communicate to OGC services. To hear is the status of OpenLayers and JSONIX about ideas on new OGC API's
* Description: Add description
* Person to contact: Tom Kralidis, Paul van Genuchten
* Person to contact: Add contact person
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* Add your name
* Paul
* Tom
* Antonio
* Angelos
== Opereta ==
== Simfonia (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== GRASS GIS new website ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Small meeting to discuss about the new GRASS GIS website and plan/split further tasks
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Veronica Andreo (veroandreo@gmail.com)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Nicolas Bozon
*  Veronica Andreo
*  ...
== Simfonia ==
== Menuet (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== OpenMapTiles ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Discussion about OpenMapTiles project - meeting of contributors, users and all the people interested.
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Eva Jelinkova
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Eva Jelinkova
*  Dalibor Janak
== Bolero ==
== Hora (21st floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
===Travel Grant Program participants' session ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: This session is dedicated to the FOSS4G 2019 TGP participants.
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Olimpia Copăcenaru
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Olimpia Copăcenaru
*  Muhammad Hasan Mustafa
*  Rosa Maria Aguilar de Archila
*  Katre Kasemägi
*  Jordan Steven Bates
*  Tanmoy Chakraborty
*  Md Reaid Alam
*  Madelijn Madelief Bazen
*  Akintunde Opeyemi Kuye
*  Hamidreza Ostadabbas
*  Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam
*  Cláudia Morais Viana
*  Candan Eylül Kilsedar
*  Brenda Ayo
*  Ivan Rykin
*  Caroline Akoth Otiwa
*  Sharon Adhiambo Omoja
*  Céline Lorraine Jacquin
*  Gladys Adjei
*  Anne Akinyi Aol
*  Sidorela Uku
*  Gorica Bratić
*  Stefan Jovanovic
*  Besfort Guri
*  Vesna Tunguz
*  Lukáš Bezrouk
*  Ana-Ioana Breaban
*  Iuliia Danylenko
*  Marko Kažić
*  Brunilda Licaj
*  Erviola Konomi
== Hora ==
== Coralle (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== GeoServer Flock  (18:00-19:00) ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Meet GeoServer enthusiasts from all backgrounds for stories, discussion, and GeoServer Q&A.
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: [[User:Jive|Jody Garnett]]
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Jody Garnett
*  Gert-Jan van der Weijden
*  Andrea Aime
== Concerto ==
=== GeoServer Demos (19:00-19:30) ===
=== Add BoF name ===
* Description: Got a great GeoServer example? Share and learn ...
* Person to contact: [[User:Jive|Jody Garnett]]
* Description: Add description
* Person to contact: Add contact person
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Jody Garnett
*  Andrea Aime
= Thursday 29 August (18:00 - 19:30) =  
= Thursday 29 August (18:00 - 19:30) =  
== Ronda Ballroom ==
== Ronda Ballroom (1st floor) ==
=== OSGeo Members ===
=== OSGeo Members ===
Line 156: Line 201:
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
*  Vicky Vergara
*  Vicky Vergara
* Zoltan Siki
== Fortuna Vest ==
== Fortuna Vest (21st floor) ==
=== Open Source Cartography and Mapping (18:00-19:30) ===
=== Open Source Cartography and Mapping (18:00-19:30) ===
Line 166: Line 212:
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
*  Jody Garnett
*  Jody Garnett
*  Andrea Aime
*  <del>[[User:Geejee|Gert-Jan]] (depending on the exact planning of the "FOSS4G-Europe 2020" BoF)</del>
== Fortuna Est ==
== Fortuna Est (21st floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Add BoF name ===
Line 177: Line 225:
*  Add your name
*  Add your name
== Rapsodia Ballroom ==
== Rapsodia Ballroom (1st floor) ==
=== Women in Geospatial - What skills will matter in FOSS4G? ===
This session highlights different aspects of essential skills in order to build up a successful career in FOSS4G. Besides an inspirational talk from Maria Brovelli, the Queen of FOSS4G, we will have a panel discussion with geospatial experts and FOSS4G enthusiasts discussing essential career skills across the career ladder.
Additionally, some community efforts such as the newly founded [https://twitter.com/geospatialwomen/ Women in Geospatial network] and the [https://twitter.com/GeochicasOSM/ GeoChicasOSM network] are presented.
=== Women in Geospatial ===
This session is organised by Women in Geospatial network and we invite everyone to this session (men and women), who would like to join us in discussing different career development paths in the FOSS4G domain.
==== Programme ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Time !! Title !! Presenter
| 18:00-18:05 || Welcome and setting the scene || Julia Wagemann
| 18:05-18:10 || Women in Geospatial || Julia Wagemann
| 18:10-18:15 || GeoChicas OSM || Celine Jacquin
| 18:15-18:30 || '''''"From an old Queen to young Princesses, Frogs and Princes"''''' || Maria Brovelli
| 18:30-19:20 || Panel discussion on '''"Careers in FOSS4G - Which skills will matter?"''''' || Moderator: Joana Kamenova,
* Maria Brovelli
* Athina Trakas
* Astrid Emde
* Laura Mugeha
* Celine Jacquin
* Maria Arias de Reyna
* Maria Bellesteros
| 19:20-19:30 || Q&A and Wrap-up || Julia Wagemann
* Description: Add description
* Person to contact: Julia Wagemann
Who is coming:
==== Who is coming ====
*  Julia Wagemann
[https://2019.foss4g.org/speakers/julia-wagemann/ Julia Wagemann] (Contact person for this session)
* Malen Libman
* Malena Libman
* Ilie Codrina
* Ilie Codrina
* Maria Brovelli
* Athina Trakas
* Astrid Emde
* Laura Mugeha
* Celine Jacquin
* Maria Arias de Reyna
* Maria Bellesteros
* Joana Kamenova
* Carmen Díez
* Cristina Vrînceanu
* ...
== Opera ==
== Opera (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Mapillary Q&A Session (12:45-14:00) ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Mapillary will be available during lunch for all questions on street-level imagery, computer vision, mobile apps, OpenStreetMap integrations and anything else that may interest you.
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Edoardo Neerhut, Christopher Beddow, Ovidiu Voda - All in the Attendify app
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
*  Add your name
*  Add your name
== Opereta ==
== Opereta (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== FOSS4G-Europe 2020===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Talk about FOSS4G Europe the next year. Where and who? See also dedicated AM [[AM_FOSS4G2019_Bucharest]]
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: [[User:jachym|Jáchym Čepický]] jachym.cepicky@gmail.com
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* Add your name
* [[User:jachym|Jáchym]]
* [[User:Jgrocha|Jorge Gustavo]], Portugal
* [[User:Astrid Emde | Astrid Emde]]
* [[User:Geejee|Gert-Jan van der Weijden]], Netherlands
* [[User:Lads|Luís de Sousa]], Portugal
* [[User:tkardi|Tõnis Kärdi]], Estonia
* [[User:Geogoeroe|Erik Meerburg]], Netherlands
* [[User:Peteris|Pēteris Brūns]], Latvia
* [[User:Eva|Eva Jelinkova]], Czechia
== Simfonia ==
== Simfonia (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Google Code-in ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Meetup for Google Code-in mentors and students to discuss challenges and opportunities for the 2019 GCI.
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Victoria Rautenbach (victoria.rautenbach@gmail.com)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* Cameron Green
*  Add your name
*  Add your name
== Bolero ==
== Menuet (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Deep Learning for Earth Observation ===
* Description:
Deep Learning for EO is already there.
But how can we go further ?
* Description: Add description
Few leads:
* Person to contact: Add contact person
- High Quality Geographical OpenDataSet
- DL for EO Frameworks best practices and convergence
- Reducing CO2 footprint
- EO Data Cube
- Interoperabilty with GIS tools
- [bring your owns]
* Person to contact: Olivier Courtin @o_courtin
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Olivier Courtin
== Hora ==
== Hora (21st floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== Add BoF name ===
Line 239: Line 349:
*  Add your name
*  Add your name
== Concerto ==
== Coral (2nd floor) ==
=== Add BoF name ===
=== GeoTIFF (.js) ===
* Description: Add description
* Description: Discussion about remote GeoTIFF exploitation and geotiff.js
* Person to contact: Add contact person
* Person to contact: Fabian Schindler (@__fschindler__)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Add your name
Fabian Schindler
* [[User:Ivansanchez|Ivansanchez]] ([[User talk:Ivansanchez|talk]])

Latest revision as of 06:11, 29 August 2019


Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions are unstructured timeslots where people can self-organise themselves to discuss topics of interest.

General Information

During the FOSS4G 2019 conference in Bucharest, there will be a number of spaces for people to hold Birds of a Feather sessions.

For reference, an overview of the FOSS4G schedule is available at https://2019.foss4g.org/schedule/outline/.

How to organize a BOF

BoF sessions are informal gatherings of people around a specific topic. BoF's can be held in: BoF rooms or taken off-site for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

While FOSS4G is provide space, but the setting up a bird-of-feather meetup is done informally using this wiki, twitter, or on site BoF board.


The BoF sessions rooms are available after regular parallel session times (setup theater style) in the InterContinental Hotel.

  • Ronda Ballroom (450 people);
  • Fortuna Vest (80 people);
  • Fortuna Est (80 people);
  • Rapsodia Ballroom (220 people);
  • Opera (70 people);
  • Opereta (40 people);
  • Simfonia (30 people);
  • Menuet (50 people);
  • Hora (45 people);
  • Coral (30 people).

We will put a BoF organizing board next to the lounge for on site organization.

FOSS4G Contact

Reach out to https://twitter.com/foss4g on twitter, or mailto:foss4g2019@lists.osgeo.org via email.

Wednesday 28 August (18:00 - 19:30)

Ronda Ballroom (1st floor)

OSGeo Charter Member

  • Description: Are you a charter member? Then come to this BoF to talk about what we do as Charter Members!
  • Person to contact: Vicky Vergara

Who is coming:

  • Vicky Vergara

Fortuna Est (21st floor)


  • Description: The BOF is aimed at organizing the OSGeo Forum that will held at the ISPRS Congress 2020 (http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/) in June 2020
  • Persons to contact: Maria Antonia Brovelli (maria.brovelli@polimi.it) and Serena Coetzee (serena.coetzee@up.ac.za)

Who is coming:

  • Moritz Lennert

Rapsodia Ballroom (1st floor)

GeoForAll meeting

  • Description: The aim of the BOF is to connect with members of GeoForAll labs and other educators.
  • Person to contact: Andreea Marin (andreeamarin19@gmail.com) and Victoria Rautenbach (victoria.rautenbach@gmail.com)

Who is coming:

  • Cameron Green
  • Andreea Marin
  • Zoltan Siki

Opera (2nd floor)


  • Description: An opportunity for users and devs to get together for a general discussions about MapServer's past, present and future.
  • Person to contact: Seth Girvin and Daniel Morissette

Who is coming:

  • Seth Girvin
  • Daniel Morissette
  • Lars Schylberg
  • Even Rouault
  • Michael Smith
  • Mathieu Coudert
  • Stephan Meißl
  • Add your name

Opereta (2nd floor)


  • Description:

- Metasearch; what are the expected/agreed best practices to link to OGC services from a Dublin Core metadata record, so metasearch is able to activate add-to-map button? Is it possible to specify a specific layer in the service so metasearch will not display the capabilities-layer-selection.

- OGC API Catalog (AKA Cat 4) in OGC, MetaSearch, pyGeoAPI, GeoNetwork, Geoserver, deegree

- Catalogs typically use OGC services to provide data previews of listed datasets. OGC is creating a batch of new OGC-API standards which will likely impact catalogs. Many catalogs delegate to OpenLayers and JSONIX to communicate to OGC services. To hear is the status of OpenLayers and JSONIX about ideas on new OGC API's

  • Person to contact: Tom Kralidis, Paul van Genuchten

Who is coming:

  • Paul
  • Tom
  • Antonio
  • Angelos

Simfonia (2nd floor)

GRASS GIS new website

  • Description: Small meeting to discuss about the new GRASS GIS website and plan/split further tasks
  • Person to contact: Veronica Andreo (veroandreo@gmail.com)

Who is coming:

  • Nicolas Bozon
  • Veronica Andreo
  • ...

Menuet (2nd floor)


  • Description: Discussion about OpenMapTiles project - meeting of contributors, users and all the people interested.
  • Person to contact: Eva Jelinkova

Who is coming:

  • Eva Jelinkova
  • Dalibor Janak

Hora (21st floor)

Travel Grant Program participants' session

  • Description: This session is dedicated to the FOSS4G 2019 TGP participants.
  • Person to contact: Olimpia Copăcenaru

Who is coming:

  • Olimpia Copăcenaru
  • Muhammad Hasan Mustafa
  • Rosa Maria Aguilar de Archila
  • Katre Kasemägi
  • Jordan Steven Bates
  • Tanmoy Chakraborty
  • Md Reaid Alam
  • Madelijn Madelief Bazen
  • Akintunde Opeyemi Kuye
  • Hamidreza Ostadabbas
  • Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam
  • Cláudia Morais Viana
  • Candan Eylül Kilsedar
  • Brenda Ayo
  • Ivan Rykin
  • Caroline Akoth Otiwa
  • Sharon Adhiambo Omoja
  • Céline Lorraine Jacquin
  • Gladys Adjei
  • Anne Akinyi Aol
  • Sidorela Uku
  • Gorica Bratić
  • Stefan Jovanovic
  • Besfort Guri
  • Vesna Tunguz
  • Lukáš Bezrouk
  • Ana-Ioana Breaban
  • Iuliia Danylenko
  • Marko Kažić
  • Brunilda Licaj
  • Erviola Konomi

Coralle (2nd floor)

GeoServer Flock (18:00-19:00)

  • Description: Meet GeoServer enthusiasts from all backgrounds for stories, discussion, and GeoServer Q&A.
  • Person to contact: Jody Garnett

Who is coming:

  • Jody Garnett
  • Gert-Jan van der Weijden
  • Andrea Aime

GeoServer Demos (19:00-19:30)

  • Description: Got a great GeoServer example? Share and learn ...
  • Person to contact: Jody Garnett

Who is coming:

  • Jody Garnett
  • Andrea Aime

Thursday 29 August (18:00 - 19:30)

Ronda Ballroom (1st floor)

OSGeo Members

  • Description: Are you a member of OSGeo, come and talk about what members do in OSGeo
  • Person to contact: Vicky Vergara

Who is coming:

  • Vicky Vergara
  • Zoltan Siki

Fortuna Vest (21st floor)

Open Source Cartography and Mapping (18:00-19:30)

  • Description: Making open source look good with QGIS, GeoStyler, GeoServer and more ...
  • Person to contact: Jody Garnett

Who is coming:

  • Jody Garnett
  • Andrea Aime
  • Gert-Jan (depending on the exact planning of the "FOSS4G-Europe 2020" BoF)

Fortuna Est (21st floor)

Add BoF name

  • Description: Add description
  • Person to contact: Add contact person

Who is coming:

  • Add your name

Rapsodia Ballroom (1st floor)

Women in Geospatial - What skills will matter in FOSS4G?

This session highlights different aspects of essential skills in order to build up a successful career in FOSS4G. Besides an inspirational talk from Maria Brovelli, the Queen of FOSS4G, we will have a panel discussion with geospatial experts and FOSS4G enthusiasts discussing essential career skills across the career ladder.

Additionally, some community efforts such as the newly founded Women in Geospatial network and the GeoChicasOSM network are presented.

This session is organised by Women in Geospatial network and we invite everyone to this session (men and women), who would like to join us in discussing different career development paths in the FOSS4G domain.


Time Title Presenter
18:00-18:05 Welcome and setting the scene Julia Wagemann
18:05-18:10 Women in Geospatial Julia Wagemann
18:10-18:15 GeoChicas OSM Celine Jacquin
18:15-18:30 "From an old Queen to young Princesses, Frogs and Princes" Maria Brovelli
18:30-19:20 Panel discussion on "Careers in FOSS4G - Which skills will matter?" Moderator: Joana Kamenova,


  • Maria Brovelli
  • Athina Trakas
  • Astrid Emde
  • Laura Mugeha
  • Celine Jacquin
  • Maria Arias de Reyna
  • Maria Bellesteros
19:20-19:30 Q&A and Wrap-up Julia Wagemann

Who is coming

  • Julia Wagemann (Contact person for this session)
  • Malena Libman
  • Ilie Codrina
  • Maria Brovelli
  • Athina Trakas
  • Astrid Emde
  • Laura Mugeha
  • Celine Jacquin
  • Maria Arias de Reyna
  • Maria Bellesteros
  • Joana Kamenova
  • Carmen Díez
  • Cristina Vrînceanu
  • ...

Opera (2nd floor)

Mapillary Q&A Session (12:45-14:00)

  • Description: Mapillary will be available during lunch for all questions on street-level imagery, computer vision, mobile apps, OpenStreetMap integrations and anything else that may interest you.
  • Person to contact: Edoardo Neerhut, Christopher Beddow, Ovidiu Voda - All in the Attendify app

Who is coming:

  • Add your name

Opereta (2nd floor)

FOSS4G-Europe 2020

Who is coming:

Simfonia (2nd floor)

Google Code-in

  • Description: Meetup for Google Code-in mentors and students to discuss challenges and opportunities for the 2019 GCI.
  • Person to contact: Victoria Rautenbach (victoria.rautenbach@gmail.com)

Who is coming:

  • Cameron Green
  • Add your name

Menuet (2nd floor)

Deep Learning for Earth Observation

  • Description:

Deep Learning for EO is already there. But how can we go further ?

Few leads:

- High Quality Geographical OpenDataSet 
- DL for EO Frameworks best practices and convergence
- Reducing CO2 footprint
- EO Data Cube 
- Interoperabilty with GIS tools
- [bring your owns]

  • Person to contact: Olivier Courtin @o_courtin

Who is coming:

  • Olivier Courtin

Hora (21st floor)

Add BoF name

  • Description: Add description
  • Person to contact: Add contact person

Who is coming:

  • Add your name

Coral (2nd floor)

GeoTIFF (.js)

  • Description: Discussion about remote GeoTIFF exploitation and geotiff.js
  • Person to contact: Fabian Schindler (@__fschindler__)

Who is coming: