Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2022-05-30"

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* Motion passed on Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/d/x9flupy0/approve-meeting-minutes-from-board-meeting-2022-04-25
* Motion passed on Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/d/x9flupy0/approve-meeting-minutes-from-board-meeting-2022-04-25
==  OGC OSGeo MoU ==
===  OGC OSGeo MoU ===
* https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/80
The board needs to review the press release. OSGeo and OGC to deliver joint keynote at FOSS4G, so there is some pressure.
* The board needs to review the press release. OSGeo and OGC to deliver joint keynote at FOSS4G, so there is some pressure.
* Two sections in particular need review / adding: "About OSGeo", and a quote from OSGeo.
* Tom asked the board to consider the message OSGeo wants to give in the MoU press release.
* MoU release time - both end of June and at FOSS4G discussed, end of June seems to be the consensus
* Comments on the draft press release will be accepted until 3 June, at which point the press release will be returned to OGC for final edits and release.
Two sections in particular need review / adding: "About OSGeo", and a quote from OSGeo.
=== FOSS4G 2022 ===
Tom asked the board to consider the message OSGeo wants to give in the MoU press release.
* Discussion of board travel plans for FOSS4G Firenze.
* A decision was reached to hold a face to face meeting on Saturday 27 August at the same time as the code sprint
MoU release time - both end of June and at FOSS4G discussed, end of June seems to be the consensus
* Codrina will ask the Firenze LOC if we can use a room at the code sprint venue.
Comments on the draft press release will be accepted until 3 June, at which point the press release will be returned to OGC for final edits and release.
== FOSS4G 2022 ==
Discussion of board travel plans for FOSS4G Firenze.
A decision was reached to hold a face to face meeting on Saturday 27 August at the same time as the code sprint
Codrina will ask the Firenze LOC if we can use a room at the code sprint venue.
== Bolsena 2022 Funding Request ==
EU2000 is requested from OSGeo to assist a code sprint in Bolsena: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Bolsena_Code_Sprint_2022#OSGeo_Funding_Request
Motion going to vote on Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/d/f8K3nQxN/bolsena-2022-code-sprint-funding-request
== CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members ==
Discussion about how to retire inactive charter members, meaning everyone who has not voted for 2-3 elections
We propose to contact all inactive charter members to initialise discussion about what they want to do.
=== Bolsena 2022 Funding Request ===
Discussion about putting a page on the OSGeo wiki about voluntary retirement - and automatic/silent retirement (as exceptional procedure of 2022, and clarified for subsequent years)
Anne as CRO will then write on discuss list asking to contact CRO either to update the email, or to retire as per the procedure on the wiki
== NASA discussion / open science meeting ==
* EU2000 is requested from OSGeo to assist a code sprint in Bolsena: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Bolsena_Code_Sprint_2022#OSGeo_Funding_Request
* Motion passed on Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/d/f8K3nQxN/bolsena-2022-code-sprint-funding-request
Condrina reported on an informal meeting with ESA and NASA about open source communities at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, attended by Codrina and Adam.
=== CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members ===
This sparked a discussion to follow up on meeting with the NASA TOPS program.
* Discussion about how to retire inactive charter members, meaning everyone who has not voted for 2-3 elections
* We propose to contact all inactive charter members to initialise discussion about what they want to do.
* Discussion about putting a page on the OSGeo wiki about voluntary retirement - and automatic/silent retirement (as exceptional procedure of 2022, and clarified for subsequent years)
* Anne as CRO will then write on discuss list asking to contact CRO either to update the email, or to retire as per the procedure on the wiki
=== NASA discussion / open science meeting ===
* Condrina reported on an informal meeting with ESA and NASA about open source communities at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, attended by Codrina and Adam.
* This sparked a discussion to follow up on meeting with the NASA TOPS program.
=== Actions ===
=== Actions ===
* Board to review OGC/OSGeo MoU press release and make any comments by 3 June
* Board to review OGC/OSGeo MoU press release and make any comments by 3 June (Done)
* Codrina will ask Luca (FOSS4G Firenze LOC chair) if we can use the code sprint venue for a board meeting
* Codrina will ask Luca (FOSS4G Firenze LOC chair) if we can use the code sprint venue for a board meeting
* Anne Ghisla to prepare a page on voluntary retirement for the OSGeo wiki, board to approve before publication on wiki
* Anne Ghisla to prepare a page on voluntary retirement for the OSGeo wiki, board to approve before publication on wiki
* Angelos to e-mail NASA about open science meeting
* Angelos to e-mail NASA about open science meeting (Done)
* See https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues
* See https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues

Latest revision as of 00:39, 27 June 2022

This board meeting is scheduled Monday 30 May 2022 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. OGC / OSGeo MOU update
  5. FOSS4G 2022
  6. Bolsena 2022 Funding Request
  7. CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members


  • Presiding: Michele Tobias
  • Scribing: Adam Steer
  • Attending: Michele Tobias, Adam Steer, Vicky Vergara, Angelos Tzotsos, Codrina Ilie, Tom Kralidis, Rajat Shinde, Marco Bernasocchi
  • Guests: Anne Ghisla, Brian Hamlin

Review and approve past minutes


  • https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/80
  • The board needs to review the press release. OSGeo and OGC to deliver joint keynote at FOSS4G, so there is some pressure.
  • Two sections in particular need review / adding: "About OSGeo", and a quote from OSGeo.
  • Tom asked the board to consider the message OSGeo wants to give in the MoU press release.
  • MoU release time - both end of June and at FOSS4G discussed, end of June seems to be the consensus
  • Comments on the draft press release will be accepted until 3 June, at which point the press release will be returned to OGC for final edits and release.

FOSS4G 2022

  • Discussion of board travel plans for FOSS4G Firenze.
  • A decision was reached to hold a face to face meeting on Saturday 27 August at the same time as the code sprint
  • Codrina will ask the Firenze LOC if we can use a room at the code sprint venue.

Bolsena 2022 Funding Request

CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members

  • Discussion about how to retire inactive charter members, meaning everyone who has not voted for 2-3 elections
  • We propose to contact all inactive charter members to initialise discussion about what they want to do.
  • Discussion about putting a page on the OSGeo wiki about voluntary retirement - and automatic/silent retirement (as exceptional procedure of 2022, and clarified for subsequent years)
  • Anne as CRO will then write on discuss list asking to contact CRO either to update the email, or to retire as per the procedure on the wiki

NASA discussion / open science meeting

  • Condrina reported on an informal meeting with ESA and NASA about open source communities at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, attended by Codrina and Adam.
  • This sparked a discussion to follow up on meeting with the NASA TOPS program.


  • Board to review OGC/OSGeo MoU press release and make any comments by 3 June (Done)
  • Codrina will ask Luca (FOSS4G Firenze LOC chair) if we can use the code sprint venue for a board meeting
  • Anne Ghisla to prepare a page on voluntary retirement for the OSGeo wiki, board to approve before publication on wiki
  • Angelos to e-mail NASA about open science meeting (Done)


  • no log, a jitsi meeting

Next meeting