Board Meeting 2022-04-25

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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 25 April 2022 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. OSGeo Budget 2022
  5. Boundary condition of the open source software foundation with respect to transition of software to services.
  6. e-mail account policy
  7. Kart Project's Org Stipend for the GSoC 2022
  8. Geospatial World Forum
  9. FOSS4G 2022
  10. GeoLIBERO clarifications
  11. Inactive members-
  12. PDAL on #osgeolive 2022 (time allowing)
  13. Add your topic here


  • Presiding: Michele
  • Scribing: Marco
  • Attending: Marco, Michele, Angelos, Michael, Rajat, Vicky, Adam
  • Guests: Regina, Luca, Brian

Review and approve past minutes

OSGeo Budget 2022

Boundary condition of the open-source software foundation with respect to the transition of software to services

  • Jody brought this up and is asking the board if we’re ok to include or endorse SaaS
  • We agree that If the code used in the SaaS (Software as a Service) is deployable on its own instances then it can be treated as a project.
  • The service is not the interesting part, the deployable code is.
  • The projects wanting to be incubated are to prove that they are deployable

E-mail account policy

  • In the past, there were already requests for accounts. If everyone would have one real account, it would burn all SAC hours
  • We need to address the cost-benefits by asking SAC if there are resources
  • We need to make sure there is a clear policy
  • Regina says definitely we do not do real mailboxes
  • We are not doing aliases either

Kart Project's Org Stipend for the GSoC 2022

  • If they do it they should do it as a donation
  • We should ask them if they want to join OSGeo

Geospatial World Forum

  • Travel and stay expenses for the representative (Luca) of OSGeo are covered as if it was a board member since the board asked.

FOSS4G 2022

  • Late with tickets registrations since there was a DooS attack on the system
  • No posters, instead lightning talks
  • About 400 talks
  • All smooth besides registration

GeoLIBERO clarifications

  • If they do not have a local chapter then that is much welcomed
  • Spread awareness using the OSGeo Announcements or News or Discuss lists (
  • Review if the initiatives and events align with existing projects and initiatives and join hands

Inactive members

  • How do we deal with 100 people that did not vote for over 2 years?
  • If there is no participation in voting then some kind of warning can be issued
  • Important to consider that if there are any changes in email addresses leading to missing the email notifications
  • Good to do it on personal note instead of group announcement
  • There shall not be different classifications of retirement
  • Thinking on the active members that didn't vote in at least the last 2 years. Probably there was an e-mail change, (or other some valid reason of not participating). We should reach out at a personal level to clarify.

PDAL on OSGeoLive 2022

  • Issues in debain packaging of pdal (
  • Conda can’t be used on OSGeoLive
  • What exactly is required from board? (considering PDAL is not an OSGeo affiliated project)
  • Considering it as a technical problem, a solution can be figured out internally for inclusion of PDAL in OSGeoLive



  • no log, a jitsi meeting

Next meeting