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[[Francophone|OSGeo-fr]] | [[organisation_fr|Section Organisation libre]]
= Proposal for the creation of the Francophone Local Chapter (OSGeo-fr)=
= Proposal for the creation of the Francophone Local Chapter (OSGeo-fr)=
==Intérêt de créer une représentation francophone ?==
Reference links:
* Barrière de la langue
* [[Local_Chapter_Guidelines|Local Chapter Guidelines]]
La langue anglaise qui constitue la langue la plus utilisée dans le milieu informatique n'est pas toujours bien maîtrisée par tout le monde. Il est donc primordial de permettre à ceux qui la maîtrisent mal ou pas du tout de pouvoir contribuer ou au moins utiliser les outils de la géomatique libre. Diffuser des informations, de la documentation et des documents en Français est donc le premier intérêt d'une représentation francophone.
* [http://www.osgeo.org/membership OSGeo Memberships]
* Spécificité francophone
* [[India|India Local Chapter]]
* dynamiser la géomatique francophone
== Structure==
The first role of the Francophone Local Chapter (hereafter named OSGeo-fr) will be to federate French speaking GFOSS users into a Francophone geospatial community.
Le statut associatif, bien qu'ayant de nombreux avantages pour une représentation locale, n'est pas nécessaire dans le cadre de la formation d'une représentation francophone. Cela pourra évoluer en fonction des besoins de la représentation, la création d'une association pourra être rediscutée à tout moment. La représentation francophone (appelée plus simplement la représentation) est une association informelle avec à sa tête un président dont la fonction est définie dans la section suivante ainsi que son organisation.
This community will aim at promoting geospatial software, open geodata and of course OSGeo's missions at a local level. These missions, which will be detailled hereinafter, have to be close enough to local user's needs : language barrier and francophone specificity, such as character encoding, local coordinate systems, etc.
La représentation s'adresse à toute personne qui souhaite échanger en Français sur les thèmes couverts par l'OSGEO et en particulier ceux dont fixés en accord avec les contributeurs.
=== Language barrier===
Toute personne morale ou physique peut participer à la représentation francophone. Chaque personne physique (contributeur) possède un droit de vote.
English language is widely used in software development projects, but it is not always well understood locally. That's why it is so important to offer translations, so as to enable non native English-speaking people to use and contribute to free and open source geospatial software. Sharing informations and documentations in French is one of the main purposes for a Francophone Local Chapter. As we will see later, it won't be the only one.  
== Organisation==
=== Francophone specificity===
L'organisation de la représentation francophone est structurée de la même manière que les missions. À la tête de la représentation, le président dont la mission principale, en accord avec le local chapter guideline, est de faire le lien avec l'OSGeo, rapporter l'état d'avancement des missions de la représentation, d'autres missions peuvent lui être attribuées par la représentation. Pour chaque mission une commission est crée avec à sa tête un ''chef de commission''. Les commissions pourront être structurées elles-même en projets avec éventuellement un chef de projet en fonction de l'importance et du nombre de contributeurs.
Character encoding and local coordinate systems are the best examples to demonstrate local specificity. The local chapter will link local users to international developers in order to improve technical implementations of local specificities and issues.
Voici les commissions potentiellement à créer :
=== Promoting OS software at local level===
# Commission "communauté libre"
GFOSS are getting increasingly popular in professional environments, but their technologies are not always well-known, so that demonstrations, documentation or software comparisons will always be welcomed.  
#* projet 1 : gestion d'un portail
Proprietary softwares benefit from a better marketing. Moreover, they are often taught in University.  
#* projet 2 : gestion des rencontres
#* projet 3 : promotion de l'OSGeo
# Commission "données libres"
#* projet 1 : promotion les licences libres
#* projet 2 : héberger, diffuser et créer des données libres
#* projet 3 : libérer des données
# Commission "logiciels libres"
#* projet 1 : promotion et démonstration des logiciels libres.
#* projet 2 : localiser, traduire, personnaliser les logiciels pour les besoins locaux.
#* projet 3 : encourager la création et la traduction de documentation en français, et la diffuser.
#* projet 4 : fournir du support en français sur les listes et forums de discussion.
Toute personne peut contribuer à un ou plusieurs projet mais ne peut gérer deux commissions à la fois (pluralité des contributeurs, disponibilité, ...) sauf s'il manque des personnes.
A local presence could change this situation, and we have plans for that :
# first by organizing lectures and workshops around GFOSS. One of our missions will be to create educational material in local language, with the help of OSGeo's Educational Committee.  
# secondly by demoing GFOSS in trade shows.
==Élection du président et des chefs de commissions==
== Structure and organization==
Annuellement, une élection est mise en place pour élire un président et les chefs de commissions. Chaque contributeur possède un droit de vote pour chaque personne à élire (un président et une personne par commission). Les votes sont à envoyer selon la procédure établie à une adresse mail ou Internet. Les éléctions sont à la majorité (50 % plus une voix).
===Structure and Legal status ===
OSGeo Francophone Chapter is, presently, like OSGeo India Chapter, a voluntary organization, and has not been registered as a legal body. This could be changed if needed, as it would help to manage funds and financial supports from companies.
Le président et les chefs de commissions ont pour mission de gérer la représentation pour que celle-ci fonctionne au mieux. Toute décision devra être approuvée par un vote des contributeurs, notamment, celle concernant la structure de la représentation, son organisation (ajout ou enlèvement d'une commission), élection du président et des chefs de commissions (liste non exhaustive).
The Local Chapter welcomes all french-speaking people willing to share information about GFOSS. The Francophone Local Chapter is open to all french-speaking geospatial community members. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
Seule les personnes inscrites à la mailing list au plus tard 2 jours avant le début de la procédure d'élection (c'est à dire avant que chaque personne ne se présente pour un poste) pourront voter. Aucune possibilité de rattrapage ne sera possible.
=== Organization===
==Représentation francophone==
The president's role is to link the Local Community to OSGeo, and has to report annually about the Local Chapter's projects and missions.
This Local Chapter's organization follows its three main missions. Other missions could be added later if we feel the need.
For each mission, there is a Committee and a "Committee Leader" who has been elected.
Each Committee manages several projects, which are clearly identified by a goal and a person in charge.
Here are the three Committees we wish to create:
# Organization Committee
# Free Data Committee
# Free & OS Software Committee
Every member will be offered the possibility to contribute to one or more project, but one person will not be authorized to manage more than one committee (except if there is a lack of candidates for the elections).
In the near future, we plan to write RFCs in order to determine more precisely how OSGeo-fr will organize itself. For example, a RFC should describe how elections will be managed.
To keep contact and to share ideas and information, the Local Chapter is using the [Francophone] mailing list. The wiki will archive all information and should be the formal and official reference for any question.
The Local Chapter members will be organized based on OSGeo's model, with Participants, Members, Board. [FIXME: pas clair]
Companies have a special role. They will be allowed to financially support the Local Chapter, or to use the OSGeo Sponsorship System.
=== Missions ===
Missions are listed below. For each of them, a few projects are defined. This list is not exhaustive and can be modified, especially to add projects if enough people are interesting in participating.
# Organization Committee
#* project 1: manage portals and wiki.
#* project 2: manage meetings and trade shows.
#* project 3: promote OSGeo's missions.
# Free Data Committee
#* project 1: promote free data licenses.
#* project 2: host, share and publish free data.
#* project 3: help liberating data.
# Free & OS Software committee
#* project 1: promote and demonstrate GFOSS software.
#* project 2: localize, translate and customize GFOSS software.
#* project 3: promote writing and translating documentation
#* project 4: support in French on mailing lists and forums.
== Members ==
===Francophone OSGeo Chapter Officers===
Here are the persons who were elected. More information about them can be found in the personal wiki pages (following the link) :
* President : '''[[User:yjacolin|Yves Jacolin]]'''
* Organization Committee leader: '''[[user:Gwenae.Bachelot@autodesk.com|Gwenael Bachelot]]'''
* Data Committee leader: '''[[user:Vdb|François Van Der Biest]]'''
* Software Committee leader: '''[[user:VincentP|Vincent Picavet]]'''
You can contact each of us by sending a mail to the francophone mailing list.
===Initial Membership===
# [[user:djay|Gérald Fenoy]] (Balaruc les Bains, France)
# [[user:vdb|François Van Der Biest]] - (Paris-Chambéry, France)
# [[user:yjacolin|Yves Jacolin]] (Suresnes, France)
# [[user:fpouget|Frédéric Pouget]]
# [[user:Dmorissette|Daniel Morissette]] - (Chicoutimi, Québec)
# [[user:Laurent Jégou|Laurent Jégou]] - (Toulouse, France)
# [[user:Eve|Eve Rousseau]] - (Paris, France)
# [[user:tbadard|Thierry Badard]] - (Québec, Qc, Canada)
# [[user:gwenael.bachelot@autodesk.com|Gwenael Bachelot]] - (Paris, France)
# [[user:ludovic-L|Ludovic Lestrat]] (Orléans, France)
# [[user:rldhont|René-Luc D'Hont]] - (Montpellier, France)
# [[user:Fxp|François Prunayre]] - (Limoges, France)
# [[user:djonglez|David Jonglez]] - (Chambéry, France)
# [[user:EmmanuelBelo|Emmanuel Belo]] - (Lausanne, Suisse)
# [[user:Damien|Damien Corpataux]] - (Lausanne, Suisse)
# [[user:asaintleger|Arnaud Saint Léger]] - (Chambéry, France)
# [[user:pgiraud|Pierre Giraud]] - (Chambéry, France)
# [[user:AlexSaunier|Alexandre Saunier]] - (Lausanne, Suisse)
# [[user:mcoudert|Mathieu Coudert]] - (Chambéry, France)
# [[user:VincentP|Vincent Picavet]] - (Paris, France).
# [[user:makina|Christophe Tuffery]] - (Paris, France)
# [[user:sidonie|Sidonie Christophe]] - (Paris, France)
# [[user:JulienSam|Julien-Samuel Lacroix]] - (Chicoutimi, Québec)
# [[user:pa|Pierre-André Le Ny]] - (Paris, France)
# [[user:otravaglini|Olivier Travaglini]] - (Genève, Suisse)
# [[user:aleroux|Alexandre Leroux]] - (Montréal, Québec)
# [[user: MartinF| Martin Fafard]] - (Laval, Québec)
# [[user: kleinicolas| Nicolas KLEIN]] - (La Rochelle, France)
# [[user: greg | Grégory BOURBON]] - (St Etienne, France)
# [[user: Robin | Robin PREST]] - (Laon, France)
# [[user: Marie | Marie Silvestre]] - (Paris, France).
# [[user: trantor | Xavier Guipon]] - (Vanves, France)
# [[user: barns | Frédéric BARNAY]] - (Aix-en-Provence, France)
# [[User:ThGonon | Thierry GONON]] - (Lagnieu, France)
# [[user: sylther | Sylvain Théry]] - (Paris, France).
# [[user: jrom | Jérome Gasperi]] - (Toulouse, France).
# [[user: bonzini | Chris HERMANSEN]] - (Grenoble, France).
# [[user: Mainguenaud | Michel MAINGUENAUD]] - (Rouen, France).
# [[user: abouju | Alain Bouju]] (Université de La Rochelle, France).
# [[user: Mgaio | Mauro Gaio]] - (Pau, France).
# [[user: Jlesbegu | Julien Lesbegueries]] - (Pau, France).
# [[user: pierre.loustau | Pierre Loustau]] - (Pau, France).
# [[user: gt | Gilles Taladoire]] - (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie).
# [[user: touraivane | Touraïvane]] - (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie).
# [[user: hhalbout | Hervé Halbout]] - (Caen, France).
# [[user: jeansoulin | Robert Jeansoulin]] - (Marne-la-Vallée, France).
# [[user:oertz | Olivier Ertz]].
# [[user: gignacnic | Nicolas Gignac]] - (Ville de Québec, Québec).
# [[user: Edouard | Edouard Legoupil]] - (Accra, Ghana).
# [[user: Sharky | Denis Helfer]] - (Strasbourg, France)
# [[user: Bveler | Benoit Véler]] - (Grenoble, France)
# [[user: Ludo | Ludovic Granjon]] - (Barcelonnette, France)
# [[user: Thomas G | Thomas Gratier]] - (Allanche, France)
# [[user: vheurteaux | Vincent Heurteaux]] - (Montpellier, France)
# [[user: Souley | Souleymane Ousmane]] - (Niamey, NIGER)
# [[user: cbredel| Christophe Bredel]] - (St Jean d'angely, France)
# [[user: elem | Eric Lemoine]] - (Chambéry, France)
# [[user: jmichf | Jean-Michel Follin]] - (Le Mans, France)
# [[user: pla | Pierre Lagarde]] - (Orléans, France)
[[Category: Local chapter francophone]]
== Projects ==
=== Achievements ===
# [[Francophone|Francophone Local Chapter]] wiki pages.
# [[GeoEvenement2007|OSGeo at Géoévénement 2007 Trade show]] :
#* OSGeo booth
#* [http://www.osgeo.org/library|OSGeo conference], need to set langage to French.
#* Open Source Village (22 companies, lots of visitors)
# [[Journal_vol1_fr|Localisation of OSGeo Journal Vol. 1]] and [http://www.osgeo.org/journal/volume1|here]
# Francophone OSGeo Board election in june/july 2007
# OSGeo brochures v1 and v2 localisation march 2007 and august/september 2007
=== Current actions ===
# Localisation:
#* [[Portal_Translation_Status#Fran.C3.A7ais|OSGeo Website]]
#* [[Journal_vol2_fr|OSGeo Journal Vol. 2]]
# OSGeo representation at tradeshows :
#* [[Geotunis2007|Booth at GeoTunis 2007]]
#* Conference during Autodesk's user day
# Creation of a Legal association
#* to allow sponsorship management
#* to get representative weight
=== Planned actions ===
# OSGeo Journal
#* Create a project to form and organize a french translation team
# Desktop applications benchmarking project
# Francophone FOSS4G
# ... and lots of projects depending on our contributors

Latest revision as of 05:32, 8 October 2009

OSGeo-fr | Section Organisation libre

Proposal for the creation of the Francophone Local Chapter (OSGeo-fr)

Reference links:


The first role of the Francophone Local Chapter (hereafter named OSGeo-fr) will be to federate French speaking GFOSS users into a Francophone geospatial community. This community will aim at promoting geospatial software, open geodata and of course OSGeo's missions at a local level. These missions, which will be detailled hereinafter, have to be close enough to local user's needs : language barrier and francophone specificity, such as character encoding, local coordinate systems, etc.

Language barrier

English language is widely used in software development projects, but it is not always well understood locally. That's why it is so important to offer translations, so as to enable non native English-speaking people to use and contribute to free and open source geospatial software. Sharing informations and documentations in French is one of the main purposes for a Francophone Local Chapter. As we will see later, it won't be the only one.

Francophone specificity

Character encoding and local coordinate systems are the best examples to demonstrate local specificity. The local chapter will link local users to international developers in order to improve technical implementations of local specificities and issues.

Promoting OS software at local level

GFOSS are getting increasingly popular in professional environments, but their technologies are not always well-known, so that demonstrations, documentation or software comparisons will always be welcomed. Proprietary softwares benefit from a better marketing. Moreover, they are often taught in University.

A local presence could change this situation, and we have plans for that :

  1. first by organizing lectures and workshops around GFOSS. One of our missions will be to create educational material in local language, with the help of OSGeo's Educational Committee.
  2. secondly by demoing GFOSS in trade shows.

Structure and organization

Structure and Legal status

OSGeo Francophone Chapter is, presently, like OSGeo India Chapter, a voluntary organization, and has not been registered as a legal body. This could be changed if needed, as it would help to manage funds and financial supports from companies.

The Local Chapter welcomes all french-speaking people willing to share information about GFOSS. The Francophone Local Chapter is open to all french-speaking geospatial community members. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.


The president's role is to link the Local Community to OSGeo, and has to report annually about the Local Chapter's projects and missions.

This Local Chapter's organization follows its three main missions. Other missions could be added later if we feel the need. For each mission, there is a Committee and a "Committee Leader" who has been elected. Each Committee manages several projects, which are clearly identified by a goal and a person in charge.

Here are the three Committees we wish to create:

  1. Organization Committee
  2. Free Data Committee
  3. Free & OS Software Committee

Every member will be offered the possibility to contribute to one or more project, but one person will not be authorized to manage more than one committee (except if there is a lack of candidates for the elections).

In the near future, we plan to write RFCs in order to determine more precisely how OSGeo-fr will organize itself. For example, a RFC should describe how elections will be managed.

To keep contact and to share ideas and information, the Local Chapter is using the [Francophone] mailing list. The wiki will archive all information and should be the formal and official reference for any question.

The Local Chapter members will be organized based on OSGeo's model, with Participants, Members, Board. [FIXME: pas clair] Companies have a special role. They will be allowed to financially support the Local Chapter, or to use the OSGeo Sponsorship System.


Missions are listed below. For each of them, a few projects are defined. This list is not exhaustive and can be modified, especially to add projects if enough people are interesting in participating.

  1. Organization Committee
    • project 1: manage portals and wiki.
    • project 2: manage meetings and trade shows.
    • project 3: promote OSGeo's missions.
  2. Free Data Committee
    • project 1: promote free data licenses.
    • project 2: host, share and publish free data.
    • project 3: help liberating data.
  3. Free & OS Software committee
    • project 1: promote and demonstrate GFOSS software.
    • project 2: localize, translate and customize GFOSS software.
    • project 3: promote writing and translating documentation
    • project 4: support in French on mailing lists and forums.


Francophone OSGeo Chapter Officers

Here are the persons who were elected. More information about them can be found in the personal wiki pages (following the link) :

You can contact each of us by sending a mail to the francophone mailing list.

Initial Membership

  1. Gérald Fenoy (Balaruc les Bains, France)
  2. François Van Der Biest - (Paris-Chambéry, France)
  3. Yves Jacolin (Suresnes, France)
  4. Frédéric Pouget
  5. Daniel Morissette - (Chicoutimi, Québec)
  6. Laurent Jégou - (Toulouse, France)
  7. Eve Rousseau - (Paris, France)
  8. Thierry Badard - (Québec, Qc, Canada)
  9. Gwenael Bachelot - (Paris, France)
  10. Ludovic Lestrat (Orléans, France)
  11. René-Luc D'Hont - (Montpellier, France)
  12. François Prunayre - (Limoges, France)
  13. David Jonglez - (Chambéry, France)
  14. Emmanuel Belo - (Lausanne, Suisse)
  15. Damien Corpataux - (Lausanne, Suisse)
  16. Arnaud Saint Léger - (Chambéry, France)
  17. Pierre Giraud - (Chambéry, France)
  18. Alexandre Saunier - (Lausanne, Suisse)
  19. Mathieu Coudert - (Chambéry, France)
  20. Vincent Picavet - (Paris, France).
  21. Christophe Tuffery - (Paris, France)
  22. Sidonie Christophe - (Paris, France)
  23. Julien-Samuel Lacroix - (Chicoutimi, Québec)
  24. Pierre-André Le Ny - (Paris, France)
  25. Olivier Travaglini - (Genève, Suisse)
  26. Alexandre Leroux - (Montréal, Québec)
  27. Martin Fafard - (Laval, Québec)
  28. Nicolas KLEIN - (La Rochelle, France)
  29. Grégory BOURBON - (St Etienne, France)
  30. Robin PREST - (Laon, France)
  31. Marie Silvestre - (Paris, France).
  32. Xavier Guipon - (Vanves, France)
  33. Frédéric BARNAY - (Aix-en-Provence, France)
  34. Thierry GONON - (Lagnieu, France)
  35. Sylvain Théry - (Paris, France).
  36. Jérome Gasperi - (Toulouse, France).
  37. Chris HERMANSEN - (Grenoble, France).
  38. Michel MAINGUENAUD - (Rouen, France).
  39. Alain Bouju (Université de La Rochelle, France).
  40. Mauro Gaio - (Pau, France).
  41. Julien Lesbegueries - (Pau, France).
  42. Pierre Loustau - (Pau, France).
  43. Gilles Taladoire - (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie).
  44. Touraïvane - (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie).
  45. Hervé Halbout - (Caen, France).
  46. Robert Jeansoulin - (Marne-la-Vallée, France).
  47. Olivier Ertz.
  48. Nicolas Gignac - (Ville de Québec, Québec).
  49. Edouard Legoupil - (Accra, Ghana).
  50. Denis Helfer - (Strasbourg, France)
  51. Benoit Véler - (Grenoble, France)
  52. Ludovic Granjon - (Barcelonnette, France)
  53. Thomas Gratier - (Allanche, France)
  54. Vincent Heurteaux - (Montpellier, France)
  55. Souleymane Ousmane - (Niamey, NIGER)
  56. Christophe Bredel - (St Jean d'angely, France)
  57. Eric Lemoine - (Chambéry, France)
  58. Jean-Michel Follin - (Le Mans, France)
  59. Pierre Lagarde - (Orléans, France)



  1. Francophone Local Chapter wiki pages.
  2. OSGeo at Géoévénement 2007 Trade show :
    • OSGeo booth
    • conference, need to set langage to French.
    • Open Source Village (22 companies, lots of visitors)
  3. Localisation of OSGeo Journal Vol. 1 and [1]
  4. Francophone OSGeo Board election in june/july 2007
  5. OSGeo brochures v1 and v2 localisation march 2007 and august/september 2007

Current actions

  1. Localisation:
  2. OSGeo representation at tradeshows :
  3. Creation of a Legal association
    • to allow sponsorship management
    • to get representative weight

Planned actions

  1. OSGeo Journal
    • Create a project to form and organize a french translation team
  2. Desktop applications benchmarking project
  3. Francophone FOSS4G
  4. ... and lots of projects depending on our contributors