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*If you don't have an IRC client, you can use the [http://irc.telascience.org/cgi-bin/telascience-irc.cgi IRC Web browser interface] or [http://webchat.freenode.net/ Freenode's Webchat] (if you are behind a restrictive firewall)
*If you don't have an IRC client, you can use the [http://irc.telascience.org/cgi-bin/telascience-irc.cgi IRC Web browser interface] or [http://webchat.freenode.net/ Freenode's Webchat] (if you are behind a restrictive firewall)
;Existing services hosted on the Projects VM:
;Existing services hosted on the Projects VM:

Revision as of 01:57, 27 November 2010

The Projects VM is a Debian virtual machine minimally administered by SAC, hosted on osgeo4 at OSU OSL and used for hosting project web sites and some related services.

The VM is reachable by ssh at projects.osgeo.osuosl.org. Anyone in the https://www.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/auth/ldap_shell.py has ssh access, and anyone in this group can add new people via the link. Sudo access can be provided by existing sudoer's by adding folks to the sudoers group in /etc/group, though it is normal practice to try and only extend sudo access to one user per project.

This VM hosts several project critical resources (projects web sites primarily). It is a shared environment and it is important that folks making changes on the system be aware of the impact they might have on other hosted services. Apache changes should be made carefully and needfully.

Place to reach SAC members in case of troubles or quick questions:

Existing services hosted on the Projects VM
site path contact comments
2010.foss4g.org /osgeo/foss4g/2010 admined by frank/lorenzo?
demo.geotools.org /osgeo/geotools admined by jdeolive/jgarnett
geos.org /osgeo/geos admined by pramsey
geotools.org /osgeo/geotools admined by jdeolive/jgarnett
grass.osgeo.org /osgeo/grass admined by neteler/martinl/hamish own mediawiki
mapserver.org /osgeo/mapserver.org admined by hobu/jmckenna
openlayers.osgeo.org /osgeo/openlayers admined by crschmidt
projects.mapbender.osgeo.org /osgeo/mapbender admined by astrid_emde/christoph/uli have a look at Mapbender at ProjectsVM
tilecache.org /osgeo/tilecache admined by crschmidt
www.gdal.org /osgeo/gdal admined by FrankW
www.remotesensing.org /osgeo/remotesensing.org admined by FrankW