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'''Welcome to the PDX-OSGEO Local Chapter!'''
'''Welcome to the Portland, OR Chapter of OSGEO - serving Oregon and SW Washington!'''
'''This wiki page is mostly historical at this point, head over to our current [https://www.osgeo.org/local-chapters/pdxosgeo/ website]
== News ==
== News ==
* Presentation for PLSO/ORURISA GIS in Action Conference 2012 - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JlmI9S6ZHYtW2pEwe4VtVYw1rehxbqdgkutoWbKjAw4/edit Open Source Smackdown - Web Mapping Clients Edition]
* <span style="color:#ff0000">We now meet on the 3th Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 PM at various locations.</span>
* Details on '''[[PDX-OSGEO#Unconference_March_31st_and_April_1st.2C_2011 | 2011 Open Source GIS unconference]]'''
=== Meetings ===
* Progress on [[PDX_OSGEO_OSGEO_Local_Chapter_Recognition | OSGeo Local Chapter Recognition]]
We don't seem to update the Meetings portion of the website.  Checking [http://calagator.org/events/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=osgeo Caligator] for "OSGeo" is probably the best route. 
== Meeting presentations or topics ==
''posting here to  make it easier to work on planning, move if desired''
[[PDX_OSGEO_Meeting_Notes | Past Meeting Notes]]
  <li>August 24: Ecotrust eCatch and bioregion discovery</li>
  <li>September 28: Jonathan Karon (fightingmonk) is coming to present his [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/683 OSBridge 2011 session]</li>
  <li>October 26: Lev Tyspin from [http://thinkshout.com/ ThinkShout] is coming to talk about some Drupal mapping work they've done</li>
  <li>November: No meeting due to holidays</li>
  <li>December: No meeting due to holidays</li>
[[PDX_OSGEO_Meeting_Planning | How to plan a meeting]]
  <li>January 25: TBD</li>
== About the PDX-OSGEO Local Chapter ==
=== Introduction ===
{| class="wikitable"
PDX-OSGEO is a proposed Local Chapter of OSGeo.  PDX-OSGEO has a cachement area equal to the PDX airport, Oregon and SW Washington (Vancouver, WA / Clark County, WA). Monthly meetings are held in Portland.
|+ '''PDX-OSGEO Meetings, third Wednesdays, for 2015, 6:00-7:30 PM'''
! Date
! Location
! Speakers, Topics
| January 21
| Cramer
| QGIS and InkScape - Producing great cartography with open source tools by Dave Mangold.
| Feb 18
| Cramer
| CartoCSS and UTFGrids for collaborative mapping by Nick Martinelli.
| March 17
| Cramer
| Vector Tiles, Justin Miller [[http://justinmiller.io/posts/2015/01/20/anatomy-of-a-travel-map/ | http://justinmiller.io/posts/2015/01/20/anatomy-of-a-travel-map/ ]]
| April 15
| Cramer
| Katie Urey, Ryan Peterson [[http://spiderosm.org| http://spiderosm.org ]]update
| May 20
| location
| tbd
| June 17
| location
| tbd
| July 15
| location
| tbd
| August 19
| location
| tbd
| September 16
| location
| tbd
| October 21
| location
| tbd
| November 18
| location
| tbd
| December 16
| location
| tbd
=== History ===
== Events ==
PDX-OSGEO has been around and meeting in one form or another since before February 2009 under various names.  Since September 2010, we have been recognized as an Oregon-URISA  [http://orurisa.org/PDXOSGIS Special Interest Group (SIG)].  Since 2010, the local chapter has coordinated an open source unconference with ORURISA and [http://orurisa.org/GIS_In_Action GIS In Action].  There are also deep roots with our sister OSGeo Local Chapter, [http://cugos.org CUGOS].
=== Mission ===
[[FOSS4G_2014 | links for various FOSS4G 2014 pages]]
The OSGeo PDX-OSGEO Chapter strives to promote the local use of Open Source Geospatial software, particularly new users in the Oregon/SW Washington area. The group hosts monthly meetings providing presentation, discussion, and educational opportunities and focuses on materializing an annual Open Source GIS unconference.
=== Objectives ===
=== Upcoming Events ===
Monthly Meetings, usually totaling 10/year:
* Presentations (Application and Technical)
* Chapter business
* Social gathering
Regional Events:
2015 Summer Outdoor Mapathons, tentative schedule.
* Open Source GIS unconference
* Conference participation
*Monday July 6 - 6PM The Portland Building under Portlandia statue. Gab for 10 minutes, divvy up quadrants- head out.
* Mailing List
* Wiki Development
* Monthly meetings
Legal Status:
*Monday July 13 - Along Orange TriMet MAX line,  N Killingsworth St MAX Station Stop ID 11512,  Morning or noonish to work with Babies and strollers.
* No real independent legal structure.
* No real capacity to independently hold funds in other than ad hoc informal manner.
* Affiliations with OSGeo and ORURISA help us with some of the tasks that require legal recognition as an independent entity. 
* There are currently no plans to seek any independent legal structure in the future.
== Getting Involved ==
*Monday July 20 - Evening, Eastside... MAX Orange Line?
The PDX-OSGEO Local Chapter is a flexible organization, join us and help steer.
=== Mailing List ===
*Monday July 27 - noonish, – 82nd Ave and Division? Other ideas?
Please join our mailing list to make sure that you know what's going on.  Sign up and participate (or just lurk for a while).  You do need to answer the questions (what is your favorite map and something else I think) to the extent needed to demonstrate that you are a person and have the minimal amount of GEO knowledge to not be a random spammer. 
[http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis google email group]
=== IRC ===
=== Past Events ===
We can be found on irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeo-pdx when there is something to discuss.
=== Membership ===
Anyone who wants to help support our mission is free to become a member. 
'''List yourself on the [[PDX_Member | PDX-OSGEO Member Page]] and you're in!'''
=== Leadership ===
To the extent that we think that we need leadership, it is [[User:Percyd | Percy]]. Mostly we expect everyone to step up and help on most tasks resulting in a light load for all.
* Sep. 8-13 (Mon-Sat) [http://2014.foss4g.org/ FOSS4G 2014] (Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky)
=== Meetings ===
<center><span style="color:#ff0000">'''IMPORTANT NOTICE: '''</span>
* Mar. 21 (Thu) GPS, Geodesy and the Ghost in the Machine: A Workshop for Surveyors and GIS Professionals [http://www.ogug.net/PDF%20files/Dennis%20GPS.pdf (PDF)] (Salem, Oregon)
<BR> We now meet on the 3th Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 PM at
* Apr. 30 - May 1 (Tue-Wed) [http://www.orurisa.org/GIS_In_Action GIS In Action 2013] (PDX)
<BR> '''[http://www.ecotrust.org/ Ecotrust's - Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center]'''
* May 2 (Thurs) [[PDX-OSGeo_2013_Unconference|2013 Unconference]] (PDX)
* Aug. 27-29 (Tue-Thu) [http://geog.uvic.ca/CSRS2013/CSRS_2013/Home.html 34th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing] (Victoria, B. C., Canada)
'''Ecotrust Natural Capital Center'''
*721 NW 9th Ave, Suite 200
*Portland, Oregon 97209
<BR> Still in NW (Old Town) Portland.
<BR> No need to RSVP, all are welcome
<BR - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers.  
<BR> If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in discussions, so
<BR> please check there for the most recent information and activity.
* Sep. 4 (Wed) [http://www.orurisa.org/Events?eventId=702687&EventViewMode=EventDetails Central Oregon GIS - Cartography Outside of ESRI] (Bend, Oregon)
* Sep. 21 (Sat) [http://www.orurisa.org/Default.aspx?pageId=507168 Willamette Valley GIS Users Group Summer 2013 Quarterly Meeting] (Salem, Oregon)
<!-- Perhaps we'll get back to this map in the future -->
* Sep. 23-25 (Mon-Wed) [http://gisgig.com/gisevents/2013-geoalberta-conference/ 2013 GeoAlberta Conference] (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
* Sep. 27-29 (Fri-Sun) {http://wherecamppdx.org/ WhereCampPDX 6] (Portland, Oregon)
'''I was hoping to get an OpenLayers map of where we meet, but haven't figured out how without creating a false user at that location.  Here is me as a stand in.'''
* Oct. 14-18 (Mon-Fri) [http://sunriver2013.nwgis.org/ NWGIS Sunriver 2013] (Central Oregon)
{{#umSetParam: -122.688206|45.529986|Portland, Oregon|OpenSourcery|Meeting Location}}
* Oct 19 [http://calagator.org/events/1250464914 OpenStreetMap Fall Editathon] (Portland)
{{#umUserMap: EliL|300px|300px|6|4|y}}
* Oct. 16 (Wed) [http://cugos.org/events/2013/10/16/fall-fling/ CUGOS 2013 Fall Fling] (Seattle, Washington)
[[PDX_OSGEO_Meeting_Planning | How to plan a meeting]]
* Oct. 23 (Wed) Randal Schwartz interviews Tim Sutton and Gary Sherman of [http://qgis.org QGIS] on [http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly FLOSS Weekly TV] (internet)
[http://collectiveagency.co/ Collective Agency]
* Oct. 25 (Fri) American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Columbia River & Puget Sound Regions [http://columbia.asprs.org/CRR/index.html 17th Annual Technical Exchange] (Vancouver, Washington)
322 NW Sixth Ave, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209
Check their [http://collectiveagency.co/welcome/portland-faq/ Portland page] for transportation info their, including parking and Tri-met info.
==== 2011 ====
* Nov. 8 (Fri) [http://www.christinafriedle.com/1/post/2013/09/save-the-date-2013-portland-cartography-symposium.html 2013 Portland Cartography Symposium] (Portland, Oregon)
[[March 23, 2011]] - Discussion on the unconference.
[[PDX-OSGEO_20110427_Agenda | April 27th 2011 Agenda]]
[[May 25th, 2011]]
* Presentation for PLSO/ORURISA GIS in Action Conference 2012 - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JlmI9S6ZHYtW2pEwe4VtVYw1rehxbqdgkutoWbKjAw4/edit Open Source Smackdown - Web Mapping Clients Edition]
[[PDX_OSGEO_20110824_Agenda | August 24th 2011 Agenda]] Minutes: [[August 24th, 2011]]
[[PDX_OSGEO_20110928_Agenda | September 28th 2011 Meeting]]
* Details on '''[[PDX-OSGEO#Unconference_March_31st_and_April_1st.2C_2011 | 2011 Open Source GIS unconference]]'''
[[PDX_OSGEO_20111026_Meeting | October 26th 2011 Meeting]]
[[PDX_OSGEO_Past_events | More past events ]]
==== 2012 ====
== About the PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter ==
=== Introduction ===
PDX-OSGeo is a Local Chapter of OSGeo.  PDX-OSGeo has a catchment area equal to the PDX airport, Oregon and SW Washington (Vancouver, WA / Clark County, WA).  Monthly meetings are held in Portland.
[[PDX_OSGEO_20120125_Agenda | January 25th 2012 Meeting]]
=== History ===
PDX-OSGeo has been around and meeting in one form or another since before February 2009 under various names.  Since September 2010, we have been recognized as an Oregon-URISA  [http://orurisa.org/PDXOSGIS Special Interest Group (SIG)].  Since 2010, the local chapter has coordinated an open source unconference with ORURISA and [http://orurisa.org/GIS_In_Action GIS In Action].  There are also deep roots with our sister OSGeo Local Chapter, [http://cugos.org CUGOS]. In August, 2012, we became an official OSGeo local chapter by action of the OSGeo [[Board_Meeting_2012-08-09 | August, 2012 board meeting]].
[[PDX_OSGEO_20120222_Meeting | February 22nd 2012 Meeting]]
=== Mission ===
The PDX-OSGeo Chapter strives to promote the local use of Open Source Geospatial software, particularly new users in the Oregon/SW Washington area. The group hosts monthly meetings providing presentation, discussion, and educational opportunities and focuses on materializing an annual Open Source GIS unconference.
[[PDX_OSGeo_20120328_Meeting | March 28th 2012 Meeting]]
=== Objectives ===
Monthly Meetings, usually totaling 10/year:
* Presentations (Application and Technical)
* Chapter business
* Social gathering
[[PDX_OSGeo_20120425_Meeting | April 25th 2012 Meeting]]
Regional Events:
* Open Source GIS unconference
* Conference participation
[[PDX_OSGeo_20120523_Meeting | May 23rd 2012 Meeting]]
* Mailing List
* Wiki Development
* Monthly meetings
[[PDX_OSgeo_20120620_Meeting | June 20th 2012 Meeting]] '''(3rd Wednesday - New location)'''
Legal Status:
* No real independent legal structure.
* No real capacity to independently hold funds in other than ad hoc informal manner.
* Affiliations with OSGeo and ORURISA help us with some of the tasks that require legal recognition as an independent entity. 
* There are currently no plans to seek any independent legal structure in the future.
Add next meeting here like <nowiki> [[PDX_OSGEO_YYYYMMDD_Meeting | Month ## #### Meeting]]</nowiki>
=== Annual Reports ===
* [[PDX_OSGeo_Chapter_Annual_Report_2013 | 2013]]
* [[PDX_OSGeo_Chapter_Annual_Report_2012 | 2012]]
* [[PDX_OSGEO_Chapter_Annual_Report_2011 | 2011]]
* [[PDX_OSGEO_Chapter_Annual_Report_2010 | 2010]]
July 18th (3rd Wednesday)
== Getting Involved ==
The PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter is a flexible organization, join us and help steer.
August 15th (3rd Wednesday)
=== Membership ===
Anyone who wants to help support our mission is free to become a member. 
'''List yourself on the [[PDX_Member | PDX-OSGEO Member Page]] and you're in!'''
September 19th (3rd Wednesday)
=== Mailing List ===
Please join our mailing list to make sure that you know what's going on.  Sign up and participate (or just lurk for a while).  We have two main lists:
October 17th (3rd Wednesday)
* For general discussion  and announcements: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgeo You do need to answer the questions (what is your favorite map and something else I think) to the extent needed to demonstrate that you are a person and have the minimal amount of GEO knowledge to not be a random spammer.
* For planning upcoming meetings (open to all participants): http://lists.pdxosgeo.org/sympa/info/planners
November (typically canceled)
=== IRC ===
We can be found on irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeo-pdx when there is something to discuss.
December (typically canceled, or Winter Coders Social)
=== Leadership ===
To the extent that we think that we need leadership, it is [[User:Percyd | Percy]].  Mostly we expect everyone to step up and help on most tasks resulting in a light load for all.
=== Wiki ===
=== This Wiki ===
==== How To Write WIKI ====
==== How To Write WIKI ====
Check out WikiPedia, where else. This is a great resource for many wiki writing tips
Check out WikiPedia, where else. This is a great resource for many wiki writing tips
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing#Organizing_your_writing How to Write Wiki]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing#Organizing_your_writing How to Write Wiki]
== Annual Reports ==
=== Event Set Up ===
* [[PDX_OSGEO_Chapter_Annual_Report_2010 | 2010]]
* [[PDX_OSGEO_Chapter_Annual_Report_2011 | 2011]]
* [[PDX_OSGeo_Chapter_Annual_Report_2012 | 2012]]
== 2011 Unconference ==
The annual Open Source GIS Unconference was coordinated in conjunction with [http://calagator.org/events/1250459867 GIS In Action]. There was an Open Source GIS Smackdown on Tuesday at 10:30am right after the Keynote. In addition to the Unconference, there was additional presentations on Open Source applications through GIS in Action that were well worth checking out.
===== 2011 GIS in Action Notes =====
* GIS in Action, Tuesday March 29, 2011, 10:30-12:00: [[GIS Smackdown]]
* GIS in Action, Tuesday March 29, 2011, 3:30-5:00: [[Scripting and Beyond]]
* GIS in Action, Wednesday March 30, 2011, 1:30-3:00: [[ESRI and Open Source]]
* GIS in Action, Wednesday March 30, 2011, 3:15-3:24: [[Update on Japan Crisis Mapping]] 
===== Unconference Sessions =====
{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! Time !! Room 328 !!  Room 338
| 10:00am-11:00am || [[Civic apps, OSM and State / Authoritative data]] ||  [[2011_Unconference_Routing_Session | Routing in Open Source]] ||
| 11:00am-noon || [[Crisis Mapping: RDTN.org]]  || Can Open Source Replace ESRI? ||
| 1:30pm-2:30pm || [[State of OR Services and Standards]]  || [[QGIS Python Extensions]] ||
| 2:30pm-3:30pm || [[Open Street Maps HowTo]]  || Getting started with 'R' ||
| 3:30pm-4:30pm || Building Minecraft Maps with USGS Data || [[Integrating OpenLayers with GeoExt]] ||
======= (preliminary) unconference lessons learned =========
Some discussion that Fri/Sat is a better day then Thur because more people can attend that are otherwise at work. Worth discussion before next year.
Two rooms was fine for venue was fine
Refreshments were sufficient. Lets see if we can get GIA to donate leftovers again.
Timing was OK once it started; but start time and planning should be tightened up some. Everyone that was going to be there at 9:00 was!
Where are all the notes that people took - please send to the listserv pdxosgis group or plug in here.
Hackathon-Crisis Map session at backspace on Friday averaged between 6-7 people. Lots of education about OSM and Tools. Would have liked to see more people there - maybe same day as main event - could be a 1/2 day tract on un-conference day. It was good to have something to focus on too.
====April 1, 2011 April Fools' Hackathon====
The Hackathon is OPEN. We're meeting at [http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&nord=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=backspace&fb=1&gl=us&hq=backspace&hnear=Portland,+OR&cid=0,0,8416363487660196607&ei=2uKUTZmxHIr0tgPO8uHIBQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CDAQnwIwAQ Backspace] from 11am-2p. Submit your ideaz here.
* [[Crisis Camp Japan]]
* Documenting and How To's
* For people who don't want to do Hackathon activities, they could help with mapping the (Japan) crisis area for OpenStreetMap.  See also, [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2011_Sendai_earthquake_and_tsunami OSM wiki]
* I've got a fairly complete open source GIS stack built as an openSUSE Linux appliance. It consists of R plus the R "Spatial" task view plus all of its dependencies (Proj4, Grass, GDAL, PostGIS) plus QGIS. But not all of us run openSUSE Linux - yet ;-). I'd like to see this stack ported to Windows and MacOS X. I can do Ubuntu and Fedora ports myself if anyone's interested, and I can help with the Windows port. The scripts are on Github at [https://github.com/znmeb/Data-Journalism-Developer-Studio/tree/master/Desktop/Install-Scripts] and [https://github.com/znmeb/Data-Journalism-Developer-Studio/tree/master/Desktop/Install-Scripts/Spatial] if anyone wants to get a head start on this.
==== Volunteers  ====
Thanks to all of you who presented, helped organized, or took a shift at the PDX-OSGeo booth at the events!
==== Social Media - Following the Unconference ====
* Twitter aggregators - suggested tags: #GIA, #pdxosgeo
* Foursquare
* Geoloqi - Log in with your Twitter ID or sign up: [http://geoloqi.com/ Geoloqi site]
Google Group
[http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis google email group]
==== Recommended Further Reading ====
The following websites were mentioned as further reading at the Unconference:
* [http://gis.stackexchange.com/ GIS Stack Exchange] for any GIS question for any software
* [http://slashgeo.org/ Slash Geo]
* [http://planet.osgeo.org/ Planet OSGeo]
==== Event Set Up ====
[[Event set up]] notes.
[[Event set up]] notes.
== Geo Resources ==
== Resources ==
=== SPRING GIS ===
=== SPRING GIS ===
[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/index.html SPRING] is a state-of-the-art GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. SPRING is a product of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE/DPI (Image Processing Division)[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/index.html ...]
[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/index.html SPRING] is a state-of-the-art GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. SPRING is a product of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE/DPI (Image Processing Division)[http://www.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/index.html ...]
* This documentation was translated and written by USFWS. At one point it was downloadable from the internet although I can't find it now.
[[SPRING GIS documentation]]
* Some seems excellent.  Some still has areas that could use polish.  It is listed as a draft. 
#[[File:0_0 Using SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:0_1 Main Steps to operate the SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:1_1 Using Spring for the first time.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_1 How to Begin Step 1 Activating a databank.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_2 How to Begin Step 2 Activing a Project.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_3 How to Begin Step 3 Visualizing an Image.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_4 How to Begin Step 4 Enhancing a Colored Composition.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_10 How to Begin Step 6 Visualizing other Categories.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_13 How to Begin Step 7 Visualize Cadastral Data.odt]]
#[[File:1_1_14 How to Begin Step 8 Closing SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:1_2 (part2) Manipulating the Data Bank.odt]]
#[[File:1_2 Manipulating Data Bank in SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:1_3 Manipulating a Project.odt]]
#[[File:1_4 Manipulating a InfoLayer.odt]]
#[[File:1_5 Defining the Data Model.odt]]
#[[File:2_3 Conceptual model of SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:2_4 basic cartographic concept for the use of SPRING.odt]]
#[[File:2_6 Vectorial data manipulation in the SPRING.odt]]
=== USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL  ===
=== USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL  ===
An example of how to get SURGO soils data into a PostgreSQL database on a GNU/Linux-based OS.  
An example of how to get SURGO soils data into a PostgreSQL database on a GNU/Linux-based OS.  
[[File:SSURGO_to_PostgreSQL.odt]]|USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL
[[File:SSURGO_to_PostgreSQL.odt]]|USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL
===The top seven alternatives to the Google Maps API===
Wm Leler of the PDX-OSGeo presented this topic and Net Magazine requested that he write it up at http://www.netmagazine.com/features/top-seven-alternatives-google-maps-api Article date: 2012-06-18.
=== Other useful links===
* [http://gis.stackexchange.com/ GIS Stack Exchange] for any GIS question for any software
* [http://slashgeo.org/ Slash Geo]
* [http://planet.osgeo.org/ Planet OSGeo]
== Acknowledgments ==
== Acknowledgments ==
Line 289: Line 223:
[[Category:Local Chapters]]
[[Category:Local Chapters]]

Latest revision as of 16:50, 26 January 2018

Welcome to the Portland, OR Chapter of OSGEO - serving Oregon and SW Washington!

This wiki page is mostly historical at this point, head over to our current website


  • We now meet on the 3th Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 PM at various locations.


We don't seem to update the Meetings portion of the website. Checking Caligator for "OSGeo" is probably the best route.

Past Meeting Notes

How to plan a meeting

PDX-OSGEO Meetings, third Wednesdays, for 2015, 6:00-7:30 PM
Date Location Speakers, Topics
January 21 Cramer QGIS and InkScape - Producing great cartography with open source tools by Dave Mangold.
Feb 18 Cramer CartoCSS and UTFGrids for collaborative mapping by Nick Martinelli.
March 17 Cramer Vector Tiles, Justin Miller [| http://justinmiller.io/posts/2015/01/20/anatomy-of-a-travel-map/ ]
April 15 Cramer Katie Urey, Ryan Peterson [http://spiderosm.org ]update
May 20 location tbd
June 17 location tbd
July 15 location tbd
August 19 location tbd
September 16 location tbd
October 21 location tbd
November 18 location tbd
December 16 location tbd


links for various FOSS4G 2014 pages

Upcoming Events

2015 Summer Outdoor Mapathons, tentative schedule.

  • Monday July 6 - 6PM The Portland Building under Portlandia statue. Gab for 10 minutes, divvy up quadrants- head out.
  • Monday July 13 - Along Orange TriMet MAX line, N Killingsworth St MAX Station Stop ID 11512, Morning or noonish to work with Babies and strollers.
  • Monday July 20 - Evening, Eastside... MAX Orange Line?
  • Monday July 27 - noonish, – 82nd Ave and Division? Other ideas?

Past Events


  • Sep. 8-13 (Mon-Sat) FOSS4G 2014 (Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky)


  • Mar. 21 (Thu) GPS, Geodesy and the Ghost in the Machine: A Workshop for Surveyors and GIS Professionals (PDF) (Salem, Oregon)
  • Oct. 23 (Wed) Randal Schwartz interviews Tim Sutton and Gary Sherman of QGIS on FLOSS Weekly TV (internet)
  • Oct. 25 (Fri) American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Columbia River & Puget Sound Regions 17th Annual Technical Exchange (Vancouver, Washington)



More past events

About the PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter


PDX-OSGeo is a Local Chapter of OSGeo. PDX-OSGeo has a catchment area equal to the PDX airport, Oregon and SW Washington (Vancouver, WA / Clark County, WA). Monthly meetings are held in Portland.


PDX-OSGeo has been around and meeting in one form or another since before February 2009 under various names. Since September 2010, we have been recognized as an Oregon-URISA Special Interest Group (SIG). Since 2010, the local chapter has coordinated an open source unconference with ORURISA and GIS In Action. There are also deep roots with our sister OSGeo Local Chapter, CUGOS. In August, 2012, we became an official OSGeo local chapter by action of the OSGeo August, 2012 board meeting.


The PDX-OSGeo Chapter strives to promote the local use of Open Source Geospatial software, particularly new users in the Oregon/SW Washington area. The group hosts monthly meetings providing presentation, discussion, and educational opportunities and focuses on materializing an annual Open Source GIS unconference.


Monthly Meetings, usually totaling 10/year:

  • Presentations (Application and Technical)
  • Chapter business
  • Social gathering

Regional Events:

  • Open Source GIS unconference
  • Conference participation


  • Mailing List
  • Wiki Development
  • Monthly meetings

Legal Status:

  • No real independent legal structure.
  • No real capacity to independently hold funds in other than ad hoc informal manner.
  • Affiliations with OSGeo and ORURISA help us with some of the tasks that require legal recognition as an independent entity.
  • There are currently no plans to seek any independent legal structure in the future.

Annual Reports

Getting Involved

The PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter is a flexible organization, join us and help steer.


Anyone who wants to help support our mission is free to become a member. List yourself on the PDX-OSGEO Member Page and you're in!

Mailing List

Please join our mailing list to make sure that you know what's going on. Sign up and participate (or just lurk for a while). We have two main lists:


We can be found on irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeo-pdx when there is something to discuss.


To the extent that we think that we need leadership, it is Percy. Mostly we expect everyone to step up and help on most tasks resulting in a light load for all.

This Wiki

How To Write WIKI

Check out WikiPedia, where else. This is a great resource for many wiki writing tips

Event Set Up

Event set up notes.

Geo Resources


SPRING is a state-of-the-art GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. SPRING is a product of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE/DPI (Image Processing Division)...

SPRING GIS documentation

USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL

An example of how to get SURGO soils data into a PostgreSQL database on a GNU/Linux-based OS.

File:SSURGO to PostgreSQL.odt|USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL

The top seven alternatives to the Google Maps API

Wm Leler of the PDX-OSGeo presented this topic and Net Magazine requested that he write it up at http://www.netmagazine.com/features/top-seven-alternatives-google-maps-api Article date: 2012-06-18.

Other useful links


Thanks to various OSGeo local chapters and other wiki contributors whose work we borrowed and particularly CUGOS.