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==  OSGeo Education and Curriculum Current Initiatives ==
==  OSGeo Education and Curriculum Current Initiatives ==
'''The official website is online at ''http://www.geoforall.org''''' - locations: [http://www.geoforall.org/locations/ ICA-OSGeo Map]
'''The official website is online at ''http://www.geoforall.org''''' - locations: [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/geo-for-all/#map Geo for All Map]
=== 1) Continue to build up our educational material federated content databases ===
=== 1) Continue to build up our educational material federated content databases ===
* [http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content OSGeo edu's educational content metadatabase] -- a place for metadata and links to external material we are posting on our own websites
* [http://old.www.osgeo.org/educational_content OSGeo edu's educational content metadatabase] -- a place for metadata and links to external material we are posting on our own websites
* [[Webinar Series ]]
* [[Webinar Series ]]
Line 13: Line 13:
This initiative is led by Suchith Anand.
This initiative is led by Suchith Anand.
In September 2011, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of developing on a global basis collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organizations in open source GIS software and data. The MoU aims to provide expertise and support for the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Laboratories across the world for supporting development of open-source geospatial software, open data, open standards training and expertise. ISPRS joined this initiative in 2014. The motto of ICA-OSGeo Lab initiative is "Geo For All".Central to "Geo for All" mission is the belief that knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great opportunities for everyone.  Details at [[MOU_ICA]].
In September 2011, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of developing on a global basis collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organizations in open source GIS software and data. The MoU aims to provide expertise and support for the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Laboratories across the world for supporting development of open-source geospatial software, open data, open standards training and expertise. ISPRS joined this initiative in 2014. The motto of Geo for All Lab initiative is "Geo For All".Central to "Geo for All" mission is the belief that knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great opportunities for everyone.  Details at [[MOU_ICA]].
All interested organisations must be committed to contribute to the vision outlined in the ICA-OSGeo MoU http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals  http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.
All interested organisations must be committed to contribute to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals  http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.
== Current members of the ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Network ==
== Current members of the Geo for All Labs Network ==
[http://gis.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/index.php#labsmap Updated Leaflet Map of the ICA-OSGeo Network Nodes by Vasek and Anna]
[http://gis.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/index.php#labsmap Updated Leaflet Map of the Geo for All Network Nodes by Vasek and Anna]
[http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab/ Leaflet Map of the ICA-OSGeo Network Nodes by Luca Delucchi, June 2013],
[http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab/ Leaflet Map of the Geo for All Network Nodes by Luca Delucchi, June 2013],
and the related  
and the related  
[http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab/ica-osgeo-lab.tar.gz application]  
[http://lucadelu.org/ica-osgeo-lab/ica-osgeo-lab.tar.gz application]  
[http://conlibre.org/osgeolabs/ Visit the ICA-OSGeo Network website]
[http://conlibre.org/osgeolabs/ Visit the Geo for All Network website]
[https://mapsengine.google.com/map/embed?mid=z4Nmc5_-QPhA.kBqA02Uh9xoc Google Map of the ICA-OSGeo Network Nodes],
[https://mapsengine.google.com/map/embed?mid=z4Nmc5_-QPhA.kBqA02Uh9xoc Google Map of the Geo for All Network Nodes],
[https://maps.google.de/maps/ms?msid=217919488281947849251.0004da7def3b647f010c4&msa=0&ll=-27.332735,-43.330078&spn=18.234488,25.158691 The first Google Map of the ICA-OSGeo Network Nodes](thanks to Franz-Josef)  
[https://maps.google.de/maps/ms?msid=217919488281947849251.0004da7def3b647f010c4&msa=0&ll=-27.332735,-43.330078&spn=18.234488,25.158691 The first Google Map of the Geo for All Network Nodes](thanks to Franz-Josef)  
Feel free to join the mailing list http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ica-osgeo-labs to follow the discussions among the participants of this initiative.
Feel free to join the mailing list http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall to follow the discussions among the participants of this initiative.
There are two tables, the first one for university/education/schools members ; second table for  Industry ,Government and NGO partners of "Geo for All" mission, please select one accordingly.
There are two tables, the first one for university/education/schools members ; second table for  Industry ,Government and NGO partners of "Geo for All" mission, please select one accordingly.All interested organisations joining as "labs" or "partners"must be committed to contribute to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.
To add a new member copy an existing table entry (uses Mediawiki syntax) and input your information. The coordinates are '''WGS84 decimal coordinates''' in format '''longitude, latitude'''; if you don't add the coordinates following this rule your institution will not show on the [http://www.geoforall.org/locations/ ICA-OSGeo Map].  
To add a new member copy an existing table entry (uses Mediawiki syntax) and input your information. The coordinates are '''WGS84 decimal coordinates''' in format '''longitude, latitude'''; if you don't add the coordinates following this rule your institution will not show on the [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/geo-for-all/#map Geo for All Map].
The script to generate the map is available here http://www.geoforall.org/locations/update_geojson.py
=== University/Higher Education/Schools members ===
=== University/Higher Education/Schools members ===
Line 44: Line 46:
! Continent
! Continent
! Coordinates (longitude, latitude)
! Coordinates (longitude, latitude)
! Application received / Announced
! Application received / Announced
! Notes (projects, collaborations, etc)
! Notes (projects, collaborations, etc)
Line 57: Line 60:
| Didier Leibovici
| Stuart Marsh
| Didier dot Leibovici at nottingham.ac.uk
| Stuart dot Marsh at nottingham.ac.uk
| 2.
| 2.
Line 94: Line 97:
| 5.
| 5.
| [http://research.ncl.ac.uk/osgeolab/ Newcastle University]
| [http://research.ncl.ac.uk/osgeolab/ Open Source Geospatial Lab Newcastle University]
| Newcastle
| Newcastle
| UK
| UK
Line 101: Line 104:
| 2013-01-17
| 2013-01-17
| Philip James
| Dr David Fairbairn
| philip.james at ncl.ac.uk (please use subject: OSGeoLab)
| david.fairbairn@newcastle.ac.uk
| 6.
| 6.
| [http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/ Politecnico di Milano - Polo Territoriale di Como]
| [http://geolab.como.polimi.it/ Politecnico di Milano - Polo Territoriale di Como]
| Como
| Como
| Italy
| Italy
Line 111: Line 114:
| 9.095939, 45.803516
| 9.095939, 45.803516
| 2013-02-25
| 2013-02-25
| Geospatial analysis and geovisualization, Geo Big Data, [http://geomobile.como.polimi.it/ VGI and citizen science]
| Maria Brovelli
| Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
| geowb at geomatica.como.polimi.it
| maria.brovelli@polimi.it
| 7.
| 7.
Line 127: Line 130:
| 8.
| 8.
| [http://www.gridw.pl UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre]
| [http://gridw.pl/en/areas-of-competence/179-open-source-geolab UNEP/GRID Warsaw Centre]
| Warsaw
| Warsaw
| Poland
| Poland
Line 133: Line 136:
| 21.039473, 52.198849
| 21.039473, 52.198849
| 2013-03-18
| 2013-03-18
| new website under development
| Ela Woloszynska-Wisniewska
| Ela Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska
| ela at gridw.pl
| ela at gridw.pl
Line 149: Line 152:
| 10.
| 10.
| [http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/osgl/ ETH Zurich]
| [http://osgl.ethz.ch/ Open Source Geospatial Laboratory at ETH Zurich]
| Zurich
| Zurich
| Switzerland
| Switzerland
Line 156: Line 159:
| 2013-09-20
| 2013-09-20
| [http://www.karto.ethz.ch/ Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich]
| [http://www.karto.ethz.ch/ Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich]
| Ionut Iosifescu
| Raimund Schnürer
| iosifescu at ethz.ch
| schnuerer at ethz.ch
| 11.
| 11.
Line 177: Line 180:
| 21.013407, 52.178478
| 21.013407, 52.178478
| in process of being established
| Prof. Dr. Marek Baranowski
| Prof. Dr. Marek Baranowski
| Marek.Baranowski@igik.edu.pl
| Marek.Baranowski@igik.edu.pl
Line 193: Line 196:
| 14.
| 14.
| [http://www.geo.info.hu/english/index.php Faculty of Geoinformatics,University of West Hungary]
| [http://www.geo.info.hu/english/index.phpÓbuda University Alba Regia Technical Faculty Institute of Geoinformatics OSGeo Lab]
| Székesfehérvár
| Székesfehérvár
| Hungary
| Hungary
Line 199: Line 202:
| 18.418833, 47.188778
| 18.418833, 47.188778
| in process of being established
| Andrea Podör  
| Andrea Podör  
| podor.andrea@amk.uni-obuda.hu
| 15.
| 15.
Line 210: Line 213:
| 9.17370, 48.77996
| 9.17370, 48.77996
| 2013-10-14
| 2013-10-14
| [https://www.fossgis.de/wiki/FOSS@HFT FOSS@HFT: Open Source Group at University of Applied Sciences]; Open Source based geospatial education; OSGEo Certification framework
| Franz-Josef Behr
| Franz-Josef Behr
| franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
| franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
| 16.
| 16.
| [http://www.geomatica.ufpr.br/index.html Federal University of Paraná]
| [http://www.labgeolivre.ufpr.br/ Laboratorio Geoespacial Livre, Federal University of Paraná]
| Paraná
| Paraná
| Brazil
| Brazil
| South America
| South America
| -49.26141, -25.427074
| -49.23329, -25.45304
| 2012-05-23
| 2012-05-23
| Active - Website [http://www.labgeolivre.ufpr.br/ Laboratório Geoespacial Livre] Research on: Academic and Collaborative SDI; Geo Big Data, Geovisualization, Indoor Mapping, Data Quality, Use and User Issues, VGI.
| Silvana Camboim
| Silvana Camboim
| silvanacamboim at gmail.com
| 17.
| 17.
| [http://www.unesp.br/ São Paulo State University] (UNESP)
| [http://geografia.science.upjs.sk/index.php/en/ Institute of Geography, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University]
| São Paulo
| Kosice
| Brazil
| Slovakia
| South America
| Europe
| -46.654129, -23.576574
| 21.2460432, 48.7288883
| 2016-04-25
| Open source GIS course, development and applications of GRASS GIS; R; MapServer; LAStools; MeshLab; CloudCompare; Blender
| Jaroslav Hofierka
| jaroslav.hofierka@upjs.sk
| 18.
| 18.
| National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD)
| [http://comunidad.udistrital.edu.co/osgeolabud/ OSGeoLabUD, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas]
| Puerto Maldonado
| Bogotá
| Peru
| Colombia
| South America
| South America
| -73.245789, -3.745845
| -74.06564, 4.62799
| 2013-02-01
| 2017-02-22
| in process of being established
| [http://comunidad.udistrital.edu.co/osgeolabud/ OSGeoLabUD, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas]
| Andrea Birgit Chavez
| Paulo Cesar Coronado Sanchez
| paulo_cesar@udistrital.edu.co
| 19.
| 19.
| [http://ltaat.fcien.edu.uy Universidad de la República]
| [http://www.universidad.edu.uy/ Universidad de la República]
| Montevideo
| Montevideo
| Uruguay
| Uruguay
Line 254: Line 257:
| -56.176441, -34.902405
| -56.176441, -34.902405
| 2013-03-01
| 2013-03-01
| new website under development
| [http://geografia.fcien.edu.uy/ltaat/  Laboratorio de Técnicas Aplicadas al Análisis del Territorio]
| Virginia Fernandez
| Virginia Fernandez
| vfernandez at presidencia.gub.uy
| vivi@fcien.edu.uy
| 20.
| 20.
| University of Campinas
| [http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/ Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica, University of Trento]
| Campinas
| Trento
| Brazil
| Italy
| South America
| Europe
| -47.063239, -22.907105
| 11.139053, 46.064827
| in process of being established
|[http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/documents.html Tutorials in the Italian and English languages]
|[[User: clara |Clara Tattoni]]
|clara.tattoni at unitn.it
| 21.
| 21.
| Federal University of Alagoas
| [http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/index_en.html University of Heidelberg]
| Maceió
| Heidelberg
| Brazil
| Germany
| South America
| Europe
| -35.735098, -9.666251
| 8.67024, 49.41739
| 2016-02-08
| http://www.nmarisco.simplesite.com.br/
| [http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/index_en.html Heidelberg GIScience]
|Alexander Zipf and Bernhard Hofle
Line 298: Line 301:
| -72.524696, 42.393578
| -72.524696, 42.393578
| 2012-10-18
| 2012-10-18
| Developing a Web-GIS class; Working on grants to support GeoForAll's activities; Collaboration on open educational materials
| Developed and supports a web-based academic paper review system for use at FOSS4G global and regional conferences (http://scholarworks.umass.edu/foss4g/); collaboration on open educational; and grant efforts to support GeoForAll's activities.
| Charlie Schweik
| Charlie Schweik
| cschweik at pubpol dot umass dot edu
| cschweik at pubpol dot umass dot edu
Line 314: Line 317:
| 25.
| 25.
| [https://geospatial.ucdavis.edu/resources/open-source University of California, Davis]
| [https://spatial.ucdavis.edu Center for Spatial Sciences, University of California, Davis]
| Davis
| Davis
Line 320: Line 323:
| -121.766945, 38.548801
| -121.766945, 38.548801
| 2013-02-04
| 2013-02-04
| [http://live.osgeo.org OSGeo-Live]
| [http://rspatial.org R-Spatial.org],[https://live.osgeo.org OSGeo-Live]
| Alex Mandel
| Alex Mandel
| aimandel at ucdavis.edu
| aimandel at ucdavis.edu
Line 340: Line 343:
| North America
| North America
| -81.357886,41.153667
| -81.357886, 41.153667
| 2013-08-30
| 2013-08-30
Line 388: Line 391:
| in process of being  established
| in process of being  established
| Noriel Christopher Tiglao
| Noriel Christopher Tiglao
| nctiglao at gmail.com
| 32.
| 32.
Line 408: Line 411:
| 78.3503, 17.4454
| 78.3503, 17.4454
| 2011-08-22
| 2011-08-22
| LSI, a unique center in India that promotes Open Source GeoSpatial Research and System building efforts at multiple levels since 2006. Also, an active proponent for use of Open Source and Open Technology in Educational initiatives and eGovernance Projects.
| Dr K S Rajan
| Dr K S Rajan
| rajan@iiit.ac.in
| 34.
| 34.
Line 420: Line 423:
|Rizwan Bulbul
|Waqas Qazi
| 35.
| 35.
| [http://www.up.ac.za/cgis University of Pretoria]
| [http://www.up.ac.za/ggm Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria]
| Pretoria
| Pretoria
| South Africa
| South Africa
Line 441: Line 444:
| 36.858574, -1.249038
| 36.858574, -1.249038
| in process of  being established
| Hussein Farah
| Hussein Farah
| farah at rcmrd.org
| farah at rcmrd.org
Line 452: Line 455:
| -0.191617, 5.650366
| -0.191617, 5.650366
| in process of being established
| Foster Mensah
| Foster Mensah
Line 479: Line 482:
| 40.
| 40.
| [http://www.geomaticsindia-cept.org/ CEPT University]
| Center for Applied Geomatics, CEPT University[http://https://cept-cag.com/]
| Ahmedabad
| Ahmedabad
| India
| India
| Asia
| Asia  
| 72.566004,23.039568
| 72.566004, 23.039568
| 2012-07-18
| 2012-07-18
| in process of  being established
| Training & Development
| Prof. Anjana Vyas        &      Ms. Darshana Rawal
| Prof. Anjana Vyas        &      Ms. Darshana Rawal
| anjanavyas at cept.ac.in    rawalnet at cept.ac.in
| anjanavyas at cept.ac.in    rawalnet at cept.ac.in
| 41.
| 41.
| National University of San Juan
| Programa de Gestión de Información y Gestión de Datos -IRPHa [http://www.unsj.edu.ar/ Universidad Nacional de San Juan]
| San Juan
| San Juan
| Argentina
| Argentina
| South America
| South America
| -68.521408, -31.527273
| -68.57, -31.54
| 2012-06-15
| 2012-06-15
| in process of  being established
| Nodo de información territorial abierta a investigadores, instituciones y público. Aplicación de software libre para futura infraestructura de datos espaciales, interoperabilidad y webservices./ Node for Territorial information open to researchers, institutions and public. Free software application for future spatial data infrastructure, interoperability and webservices
| Agustin Arroqui
| Esp. Lic. María Valentina Soria
| aarroqui at unsj.edu.ar
| valentina@unsj.edu.ar; pgid.irpha@gmail.com
| 42.
| 42.
Line 540: Line 543:
| 2.173403, 41.385064
| 2.173403, 41.385064
| 2013-09-27
| 2013-09-27
| Reviewing our actual formation portfolio and research interests.
| From UOC, we give some geospatial courses integrated in more general curricula, like telecommunications or data science. From the research point of view, we apply the GIS techniques to logistics and indoor positioning.
| Dr. Antoni Pérez Navarro
| Dr. Antoni Pérez Navarro
| aperezn at uoc.edu
| aperezn at uoc.edu
Line 549: Line 552:
| The Netherlands
| The Netherlands
| Europe
| Europe
| 5.665662,51.9875
| 5.665662, 51.9875
|website in construction
| Jorge de Jesus
| Jorge de Jesus
| jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl
| jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl
Line 567: Line 570:
| 48.
| 48.
| Universiti Sains Malaysia
| Geoinformatic Unit,  Universiti Sains Malaysia
| Penang  
| Penang  
| Malaysia
| Malaysia
Line 573: Line 576:
| 100.484623, 5.263234
| 100.484623, 5.263234
| Use opensource GIS for basic GIS courses. Had done research on use opensource GIS for secondary schools. http://campusgis.usm.my/
|Teaching and conducting research on geographical information science using QGIS & various other OSGEO products. Had done research on use opensource GIS for secondary schools. http://campusgis.usm.my/
| Ruslan Rainis
| Ruslan Rainis
| rruslan at usm.my
| rruslan at usm.my
Line 588: Line 591:
| 50
| <strike>50</strike>
| [http://gis.cri.fmach.it/ GIS and Remote Sensing Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach ]
| <strike>[http://gis.cri.fmach.it/ GIS and Remote Sensing Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach ]</strike>
| San Michele all'Adige (Trento)
| <strike>San Michele all'Adige (Trento)</strike>
| Italy  
| <strike>Italy </strike>
| Europe
| <strike>Europe</strike>
| 11.133042,46.187865
| <strike>11.133042, 46.187865</strike>
| from 2013-10-16 to 2016-02-01
|Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, [http://grass.osgeo.org GRASS GIS] and [http://pymodis.fem-environment.eu/ pyMODIS] development
| <strike>Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, [http://grass.osgeo.org GRASS GIS] and [http://pymodis.fem-environment.eu/ pyMODIS] development</strike>
| Luca Delucchi  
| <strike>Luca Delucchi </strike>
| luca.delucchi at fmach.it
| <strike>luca.delucchi at fmach.it</strike>
| 51.
| 51.
Line 604: Line 607:
| United Kingdom
| United Kingdom
| Europe
| Europe
| -3.179090,51.481581
| -3.179090, 51.481581
|Spatial processing on the web using open standards and open source software
|Spatial processing on the web using open standards and open source software
Line 615: Line 618:
| North America
| North America
| -122.676207,45.523452
| -122.676207, 45.523452
| 2013-10-22
| 2013-10-22
| Warming up
| Warming up
Line 626: Line 629:
| Kenya
| Kenya
| Africa
| Africa
| 36.821946,-1.292066
| 36.821946, -1.292066
| 2013-10-29
| 2013-10-29
| In process of being established
| In process of being established
Line 638: Line 641:
| Brazil
| Brazil
| South America
| South America
| -38.543395,-3.718394
| -38.543395, -3.718394
| 2013-10-29
| 2013-10-29
| In process of being established
| Active - Website [http://www.labocart.ufc.br/ Laboratório de Geoprocessamento da UFC ]
| Prof. Dr. Adryane Gorayeb  
| Prof. Dr. Adryane Gorayeb  
| adryanegorayeb at yahoo dot com dot br
| adryanegorayeb@gmail.com  
| 55.
| 55.
Line 788: Line 791:
| 68.
| 68.
| Centre for Spatial Information Science(CSIS), University of Tokyo
| [http://www.csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/ Centre for Spatial Information Science(CSIS), University of Tokyo]
| Kashiwa-shi, Chiba
| Kashiwa-shi, Chiba
| Japan
| Japan
Line 794: Line 797:
| 139.938952, 35.902681
| 139.938952, 35.902681
| 2014-02-18
| 2014-02-18
| In process of being established
| VGI and Neocartography studies @ Divisions of Research Initiative for Global Geospatial Information, [http://urbandata-challenge.aigid.jp/ Urban Data Challenge]
| Dr. Toshikazu Seto
| taichi at csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp  
| tosseto at csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp  
| 69.
| 69.
Line 816: Line 819:
| 135.507556, 34.593067
| 135.507556, 34.593067
| 2014-02-23
| 2014-02-23
| In process of being established
| Active
| Venkatesh RAGHAVAN
| Venkatesh RAGHAVAN
| venka.osgeo at gmail.com
| venka.osgeo at gmail.com
Line 860: Line 863:
| 22.961498, 40.627516
| 22.961498, 40.627516
| 2014-04-05
| 2014-04-05
|http://www.digital-earth.edu.gr/ http://www.auth.gr/en/units/19861
| Nikos Lambrinos
| Nikos Lambrinos
| labrinos at eled.auth.gr
| labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Line 898: Line 901:
| 78.
| 78.
| [http://www.grf.bg.ac.rs/fakultet/ka/e?kid=5 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of geodesy and geoinformatics]
| [http://www.grf.bg.ac.rs/fakultet/la/e?lid=15 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of geodesy and geoinformatics]
| Belgrade
| Belgrade
| Serbia
| Serbia
Line 948: Line 951:
| -105.0019444, 39.0122222
| -105.0019444, 39.0122222
| 2014-08-17
| 2014-08-17
|http://geospatial.ucdenver.edu/foss4g/ PostGIS tutorials and spatial analysis with PostGIS
| Rafael Moreno
| Rafael Moreno
| Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
| Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
Line 964: Line 967:
| 84.
| 84.
| Direccion Nacional de Topografia - MTOP
| Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay
| Montevideo
| Montevideo
| Uruguay
| Uruguay
Line 970: Line 973:
| -56.203617, -34.905912
| -56.203617, -34.905912
| 2014-08-15
| 2014-08-15
| [https://gvsigbatovi.wordpress.com/ gvSIG educa/batovi]
| [http://www.gvsig.com/es/comunidad/grupos-comunidades/-/asset_publisher/4VwYcfopkoel/content/uruguay?_101_INSTANCE_4VwYcfopkoel_redirect=%2Fes%2Fcomunidad%2Fgrupos-comunidades Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay] [https://siglibreuruguay.wordpress.com/ Blog SIG Libre Uruguay] [http://valijas.ceibal.edu.uy/recurso/33 gvSIG Batoví] [https://gvsigbatovi.wordpress.com/ Blog gvSIG Batoví]
| Sergio Acosta Y Lara
| Sergio Acosta Y Lara; Ma. Victoria Álvarez; Alí Silva, Nadia Chaer; Diego Cabrera
| sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy
| sergio.acostaylara@mtop.gub.uy; victoria.alvarez@imm.gub.uy; alis@correo.com.uy; nchaer@farq.edu.uy; dcabrera@mides.gub.uy
| 85.
| 85.
| [http://www.agt.bme.hu/index_e.html Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Budapest University of Technology and Economics]
| [ Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Budapest University of Technology and Economics]
| Budapest
| Budapest
| Hungary
| Hungary
Line 981: Line 984:
| 19.054403, 47.481916
| 19.054403, 47.481916
| 2014-08-19
| 2014-08-19
| in/outdoor positioning, sensor integration, QGIS plugins, MapServer, GRASS GIS, PostGIS, OSGeo Live, ... [http://www.agt.bme.hu/osgeolab/?lang=en http://www.agt.bme.hu/osgeolab/?lang=en]
| in/outdoor positioning, [http://www.geod.bme.hu/ulyxes sensor integration], QGIS plugins, MapServer, GRASS GIS, PostGIS, OSGeo Live, ... [http://osgeo.hu Tutorials], [http://foss4g.hu Conferences]
| [[User:Siki| Zoltan Siki]]
| [[User:Siki| Zoltan Siki]]
| siki at agt.bme.hu
| siki.zoltan at epito.bme.hu
| 86.
| 86.
Line 990: Line 993:
| North America
| North America
| -71.116913, 42.376398
| 2014-09-17
| 2014-09-17
| in process of being established, [http://worldmap.harvard.edu WorldMap]
| Active, [http://worldmap.harvard.edu WorldMap]
| Ben Lewis
| Ben Lewis
| blewis at cga.harvard.edu
| blewis at cga.harvard.edu
Line 1,019: Line 1,022:
| 89.
| 89.
| Birds Eye View GIS
| [http://www.birdseyeviewgis.com/ Birds Eye View GIS]
| Albuquerque, NM
| Albuquerque, NM
Line 1,025: Line 1,028:
| -106.60893, 35.068353
| -106.60893, 35.068353
| 2014-09-18
| 2014-09-18
| [http://foss4geo.org/ FOSS4G Academy development]
| FOSS4G Educator at Central New Mexico Community College, Del Mar College and the University of New Mexico. Co-author [https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/mastering-qgis Mastering QGIS ], [http://foss4geo.org/ GeoAcademy], and author [https://locatepress.com/dqw Discover QGIS]
| Kurt Menke
| Kurt Menke
| kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com
| kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com
Line 1,045: Line 1,048:
| Australia
| Australia
| Australia
| Australia
| 153.014556, -27.497340
| 2014-12-12
| 2014-12-12
| Website under construction
| Website under construction
Line 1,118: Line 1,121:
| 98.
| 98.
| [http://www.fmt.bme.hu/ Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics]
| Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
| Budapest
| Budapest
| Hungary
| Hungary
Line 1,124: Line 1,127:
| 19.054717, 47.481911
| 19.054717, 47.481911
| 2015-06-29
| 2015-06-29
| Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, Curriculum development on QGIS
| [http://www.geoscope.hu geoscope lab]: Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, Curriculum development on QGIS
| Dr. Gyorgy Szabo
| Dr. Gyorgy Szabo
| szabo.gyorgy at epito.bme.hu
| szabo.gyorgy at epito.bme.hu
| Geospatial Exploration Lab, Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University
| [http://www.etsu.edu/cas/geosciences/ Geospatial Exploration Lab, Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University]
| Johnson City, Tennessee
| Johnson City, Tennessee
| North America
| North America
| -82.3700950, 36.3000590
| 2015-06-18
| 2015-06-18
| Research and Applied Geospatial Projects; Research includes Hydrological Modeling, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GRP), Hazard/Disaster Modeling and Mapping, Climatological Modeling and Mapping, and Species Distribution Modeling; Applied Geospatial Projects include server- and app-based solutions for campus, local cities and counties, micro UAV (drone) videography and photo imaging, and community GIS support; Website: http://etsugeos.weebly.com/gel.html (Partially constructed)
| Dr. Andrew Joyner
| Dr. Andrew Joyner
| joynert@mail.etsu.edu
| joynert@mail.etsu.edu
Line 1,144: Line 1,147:
| Czech Republic
| Czech Republic
| Europe
| Europe
| 49.593812,17.26551
| 17.26551, 49.593812
| 2015-06-29
| 2015-06-29
| Courses with open source products
| Courses with open source products
| Dr. Rostislav Nétek
| Dr. Rostislav Nétek
| rostislav.netek@upol.cz
| rostislav.netek@upol.cz
| [https://www.ucl.ac.uk/gis/OSGeo/osgeolablaunch University College London]
| London
| United Kingdom
| Europe
| -0.133427, 51.524773
| 2015-07-07
| Courses and research making extensive use of open source products and open data, run across UCL including Geomatic Engineering, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Geography and Archaeology.
| Dr. Claire Ellul
| c.ellul@ucl.ac.uk
| [http://aworldbridge.com/ A World Bridge]
| Middletown, New York
| North America
| -74.438534, 41.451795
| 2015-07-07
| Building advanced curriculum through the design and implementation of real-time, real-world, project-based learning environments.
| Ron Fortunato
| ron@trilliumlearning.com
| [http://www.irea.cnr.it/en/ IREA-CNR]
| Via Edoardo Bassini, Milano
| Italy
| Europe
| 9.23434, 45.48046
| 2015-10-05
|  Activities of IREA in FOSS are mainly related to research in the management of geo-based data and information, and in the development of free and open software to enable storage, management, view and access to geodata.
| Alessandro Oggioni
| oggioni.a@irea.cnr.it
| [http://g2c.heig-vd.ch/en/presentation/labs/geoinformatics-and-gis HEIG-VD GIS-Lab] University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland at Yverdon
| Route de Cheseaux 1, 1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
| Switzerland
| Europe
| 6.65950, 46.77938
| 2015-10-08
| Key competences: spatial databases, modeling, data infrastructures, interoperability, webmapping, spatial webservices, spatial analysis, GIS project management, geovisualization, human-computer interaction and interface design
| Prof. Dr. Jens Ingensand
| jens.ingensand@heig-vd.ch
| [http://www.gsc.aoyama.ac.jp/ Global Studies and Collaboration(GSC)], Aoyama Gakuin University
| Fuchinobe 5-10-1, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa
| Japan
| Asia
| 139.4030, 35.5664
| 2015-11-05
| Courses with open source products and open data. In addition, There is OpenStreetMap basecamp/CrisisMappers Japan base.
| Prof. Taichi FURUHASHI
| taichi at gsc.aoyama.ac.jp
| [http://rsgis.ait.ac.th/ Remote Sensing & GIS], Asian Institute of
| 58 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120
| Thailand
| Asia
| 100.612086, 14.079753
| 2015-11-24
| Open-source Web mapping, LBS, crowd sourcing, Sensor Web, OGC Web
Services and QGIS plugins; research, teaching, and consulting using OGS
Web Services,QGIS and other OSGeo software
| Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat
| sarawutn at ait.ac.th
| [http://www.aun.edu.ng/ Geographic Information Science and Systems Research Group], School of Information Technology and Computing, American University of Nigeria
| 98 Lamido Zubairu Way, Yola By-Pass, P.M.B. 2250,Yola, Adamawa State
| Nigeria
| Africa
| 12.4996909, 9.1911318
| 2015-11-25
| Open-source Web mapping, participatory Geoweb, and spatial multi-criteria decision analysis tools; research, teaching, and consulting using QGIS and other OSGeo software
| Prof. Kalum Priyanath Udagepola
| kalum.udagepola at aun.edu.ng
|[http://geographydept.um.ac.ir/ Department of Geography]
| Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashad
| Iran
| Asia
| 59.534125, 36.306903
|  2016-02-01
| Dr. Masoud Minaei
| m.minaei at um.ac.ir, minaei.masoud at gmail.com
| [http://ladestlab.it Laboratorio Dati Economici Storici Territoriali] University of Siena
| Via Pier Andrea Mattioli 10 - 53100 Siena
| Italy
| Europe
| 11.332129, 43.312688
| 2016-04-23
| Key competences: GIS; data collection; spatial analysis; territorial data mapping; agent-based spatial modelling; volunteered geographic information; social media analysis
| Prof. Cristina Capineri; Stefano Picascia
| {cristina,stefano}@ladestlab.it
| [http://sarg.gisc.gr/en/ Spatial Analysis Research Group] Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens
| El. Venizelou 70, Kallithea 17671, Athens
| Greece
| Europe
| 23.70755, 37.96124
| 2016-06-19
| Key competences: spatial analysis; GIS; vizualisation; open data creation; QGIS, statistical programming with R; R package lctools; spatial inequalities; python; spatial interaction modelling
| Ass. Prof. Stamatis Kalogirou
| skalo@hua.gr
| [http://www.pec.ac.in/  Geoinformatics Lab, Department of Civil Engineering] PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India
| Sector 12, Chandigarh, 160012
| India
| Asia
| 76.780893, 30.766247
| 2016-09-12
| Ass. Prof. Har Amrit Singh Sandhu
| haramritsingh.pec@gmail.com
| DePaul University, Department of Geography
| Chicago
| North America
| -87.6269709, 41.8775909
| 2016-10-28
| Cassandra Follett
| CFOLLETT@depaul.edu
| University of Wisconsin, Cartography Lab
| Madison
| North America
| -89.4011849, 43.075844
| 2016-12-01
| Carl Sack
| Center for Agricultural Networking and Information Sharing (CANIS)
| Nairobi
| Kenya
| Africa
| 36.816531, -1.279007
| 2016-12-14
| Kiringai Kamau
| kiringai@gmail.com
| [http://www.cs.siue.edu/~marmcke/geoforall/ Spatiotemporal Data Research and Education Laboratory] Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Computer Science Department
| Edwardsville, IL
| North America
| -90.0009, 38.7917
| 2017-02-03
| Mark McKenney
| marmcke@siue.edu
| Lakeland Community College, Geography and Geospatial Technology
| Kirtland, OH
| North America
| 41.6333, -81.3666
| 2017-04-17
| Geospatial education, spatial data management, geospatial intelligence, watershed modeling and analysis.
| Bobby Oliver
| boliver@lakelandcc.edu
| [http://my.ewha.ac.kr/ewhagiseng/ GIS Lab of Ewha Womans University] Dept of Social Studies (Geography), Ewha Womans University
| 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
| South Korea
| Asia
| 126.946214, 37.5650726
| 2017-06-26
| Key competences: GIS; Spatial Analysis; Vizualisation; Open Source GIS Software, Education with Geospatial Technology
| Prof. Youngok Kang
| ykang@ewha.ac.kr
| [http://www.unifiji.ac.fj/geoforalllab/ School of Science & Technology GeoForAll Lab of The University of Fiji]
| Saweni, Lautoka
| Fiji Islands
| South Pacific
|177.4079991, -17.6686835
| 2017-07-06
| Key competences: GIS, Spatial Analysis, Vizualisation, Education with Geospatial Technology, Systems Development, Data Collection, Database Management, Systems Integration, Network Modelling/Simulation/Analysis, Web Mapping, Application Development, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GeoServer, MapServer, OpenLayers, GeoEXT, GeoExplorer, GDAL, QGIS Server, QGIS Desktop, QGIS Web Client, Lizmap Web Client, Python and GRASS + R.
| Professor A B M Shawkat Ali, Edwin Liava'a and Anish Maharaj
| shawkata@unifiji.ac.fj; edwinl@unifiji.ac.fj; anishm@unifiji.ac.fj
| [http://www.cienciasagrarias.bogota.unal.edu.co/maestr%C3%ADa-en-geom%C3%A1tica Laboratorio de Geomática de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá]
| Bogotá
| Colombia
| South America
| -74.08731, 4.63600
| 2017-08-09
| Apoyo de cursos de Geomática con software libre en la Maestría en Geomática: SIG con QGIS Desktop, Geoservicio con QGIS Server; Apoyo en los cursos de Geomática y Sistemas de Información Geográfica con software libre de QGIS Desktop, GRASS GIS y SAGA GIS en IngenieriaCivil; Apoyo con documentación y material libre a través de GeoTux: http://geotux.tuxfamily.org; Divulgación de scripts de R para análisis geoespacial a través de http://rpubs.com/ials2un, Investigación en el uso de tecnologías geomáticas que apoyen el desarrollo sostenible
| Dr. Ivan Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias); MSc. Samuel Mesa (Facutad de Ingeniería)
| ializarazos@unal.edu.co; femesagi@unal.edu.co
| [http://www.cirenys.cl/ Centro de Investigación en Recursos Naturales y Sustentabilidad (CIRENYS), Universidad Bernardo O Higgins]
| Santiago
| Chile
| South America
| -70.656918, -33.467547
| 2017-08-09
| Dr. Carlos Lara Peña
| carlos.lara@ubo.cl
| [http://www.spatial-ecology.net/ Spatial-Ecology] and [https://research.computing.yale.edu/training/hands-geo-computation-bootcamps GeoComputation at Yale] 
| New Haven, CT
| North America
| -72.920816, 41.320066
| 2017-25-11
| Teaching Open Source Software for GeoComputation under Linux environment through workshops, intensive trainings and summer schools. Info at [http://wwww.spatial-ecology.net/ www.spatial-ecology.net] and [https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/spatial-ecology Spatial-Ecology mailing list] 
| [https://research.computing.yale.edu/about/staff/giuseppe-amatulli Giuseppe Amatulli]
| giuseppe.amatulli at gmail.com
| University of Mauritius
| Reduit Moca
| Mauritius
| Africa
| 57.497599, -20.233947
| 2017-11-15
| in process to be established
| Nikesh Heerowa
| genevamis@govmu.org
|  [http://aworldbridge.com/ A World Bridge]
| Barrow
| North America
| -156.779008, 71.289655
| 2018-4-5
| delivering  data including climate change studies for USGS, NOAA and NASA
| Ron Fortunato
| ron@trilliumlearning.com
| [https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/geography/research/fisher-geographical-information-and-data-laboratory Pete Fisher Unit, University of Leicester]
| Leicester
| United Kingdom
| Europe
| -1.139759, 52.636878
| 2018-4-5
| The Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation
| Dr Stefano De Sabbata
| s.desabbata@le.ac.uk
| [https://geoforall-lsu.github.io/ LSU GeoForAll Lab], Louisiana State University
| Baton Rouge, LA
| North America
| -91.180909, 30.411775
| 2018-5-10
| Geospatial modeling, digital fabrication, and [https://baharmon.github.io/ course development]
| [https://baharmon.github.io/ Brendan Harmon]
| baharmon@lsu.edu
|  [https://flkr.utb.cz/en/ Tomas Bata University]
| Zlin
| Czech Republic
| Europe
| 17.666866, 49.222782
| 2018-11-11
| Environmental modeling, citizen science
| Jakub Trojan
| trojan@utb.cz
|  [https://gvc.gu.se/english/gis Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg]
| Göteborg
| Sweden
| Europe
| 57.688529, 11.966565
| We are developers of UMEP, a GIS-based climate service tool for practitioners and researchers as well as conducting teaching at all levels in higher education.
| Fredrik Lindberg
| fredrikl@gvc.gu.se
|  [https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/ Department of Geography and Earth Science, Aberystwyth University]
| Aberystwyth
| United Kingdom
| Europe
| 52.416686, -4.066497
| The Earth Observation and Ecosystem Dynamics Lab at Aberystwyth University are world leads in the application of spatial data for environmental modelling. Work is primarily undertaken through open source software and we produce the following software tools RSGISLib, ARCSI and SPDLib while contribute to many more including GDAL, KEALib and pylidar. We run an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS with a focus on open source tools, scripting and analysis of large datasets.
| Dr Pete Bunting
| pfb@aber.ac.uk
|  [https://indikatrix.org Indikatrix.org]
| Budapest
| Hungary
| Europe
| 19.1172618, 47.4691018
| Dr Ervin Wirth
| wirth.ervin@mailbox.org
|  [http://www.geoalternativa.com/ GeoAlternativa]
| We have free technology expertise, social participation methodology and environmental solutions aimed at sustainable development.
| Alonso Morilla Meneses
| amorilla@gvsig.com
| [http://maps.unomaha.edu Laboratory for Cartography and GIS, University of Nebraska]
| Omaha
| North America
| -96.0116352, 41.2580265
| Three different computer laboratories are used for geospatial instruction at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Cartography and GIS Laboratory pictured here is used for instruction in open-source technologies.
| Michael P. Peterson
| mpeterson@unomaha.edu
| [http://www.ideconurbano.ungs.edu.ar LabSIG UNGS]
| Buenos Aires
| Argentina
| South America
| 50.4849078, 3.3370012
| MG. Nicolás Caloni
| ncaloni@ungs.edu.ar
| [https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie Maynooth University]
| Kildare
| Ireland
| Europe
| 53.385066, -6.601791
| In Maynooth University we have two important locations for GeoForAll. The Department of Computer Science carries out a wide range of research into VGI, Citizen Science, Geo Data Quality while the National Center for Geocomputation carries out research into geostatistics, survey, LiDar, population studies, etc.
| Dr Peter Mooney
| peter.mooney@mu.ie
| [http://geonode.filo.uba.ar/ Nodo IDE del Instituto de Geografía]
| Buenos Aires
| Argentina
| South America
| -34.6036844, -58.3815591
| Nora Claudia Lucioni
| noralu@filo.uba.ar
| [https://www.gyanvihar.org Suresh Gyan Vihar University]
| Jaipur
| India
| Asia
| 75.8613, 26.8090
| These courses aim to develop both a solid theoretical understanding and a comprehensive practical introduction to the use of Geoinformatics in the day-today life as well as in the sustainable development of the society and the environment.
| Dr Shruti Kanga
| shruti.kanga@mygyanvihar.com
| [http://uniquemappers.checkam.info/index.php UniqueMappersTeam(UMT) Port Harcourt]
| Nigeria
| Africa
| We are a team of map enthusiasts using OpenStreetMap to provide free and accessible geographic data for academic research,economic and sustainable development.
| Victor N.Sunday
| uniquemappersteam@gmail.com
| [https://www.geografia.fcs.ucr.ac.cr Universidad de Costa Rica – Escuela de Geografía]
| Costa Rica
| Central America
| -84.042538, 9.937310
| Since 2014 we have implemented the development of courses in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing with free and open source software, in order to educate professionals with better opportunities of development without relying on proprietary software licenses. We are involved in several research projects using free open source GIS software.
| Melvin Lizano Araya
| melvin.lizanoaraya@ucr.ac.cr
| [http://www.frm.utn.edu.ar/index.php Universidad Tecnológica Nacional]
| Mendoza
| Argentina
| South America
| -68.853329, -32.897047
| Ing. Victor Burgos
| vhburgos@yahoo.com.ar
| [http://geospatialscience.org USP Geospatial Science Laboratories]
| Suva
| Fiji
| South Pacific
| 178.447779, -18.148794
| USP School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment have been offering GIS courses since 1994.
| Prof Nick Rollings
| rollings_n@usp.ac.fj
| [http://geospatial.utu.fi UTU Geospatial]
| Finland
| Europe
| 22.285146, 60.456165
| UTU Geospatial consists of geospatial research, education and cooperation resources and activities at the University of Turku (UTU), Finland.
| Niina Käyhkö
| niina.kayhko@utu.fi
| [https://spatial.unimelb.edu.au Spatial@Melbourne]
| Melbourne
| Australia
| 144.961258, -37.799853
| Spatial@Melbourne is a cross-faculty network of researchers at the University of Melbourne working on or with geospatial information.
| Stephan Winter
| winter@unimelb.edu.au
| Oxford University
| Oxford
| UK
| Tkachenko, Nataliya
Line 1,171: Line 1,667:
| Switzerland
| Switzerland
| Europe
| Europe
| 8.528522,47.370273
| 8.528522, 47.370273
| 2015-07-03
| 2015-07-03
| Partnership with [http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/osgl/ ETH Zurich]
| Partnership with [http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/osgl/ ETH Zurich]
| Pirmin Kalberer
| Pirmin Kalberer
| info at sourcepole dot com
| info at sourcepole dot com
| [http://www.attivarti.org Attivarti.org]
| Torniella
| Italy
| Europe
| 11.15382, 43.07390
| 2015-07-12
| incubation phase (various links to OSGEO Community and to other geospatial players in Italy and internationally). Focus on VGI and participatory methods.
| Andrea Giacomelli
| mappare at attivarti dot org
| [http://www.hunagi.hu HUNAGI]
| Budapest
| Hungary
| Europe
| 19.05561, 46.48147
| 2015-08-12
| Free data, geodatabases, resource analysis, geospatial modelling.
| György Szabó
| szabo dot gyorgy at hunagi dot hu
| [http://www.wat-tube.it Wat-TUBE (spin-off University of Basilicata)]
| Potenza
| Italy
| Europe
| 15.807793, 40.645470
| 2015-09-07
| Open-source and free (FOSS) software development in the field of flood and landslide risk, flood prediction and analysis, water resources management, hydrology.
| [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Raffalba Raffaele Albano]
| raffaele dot albano85 at gmail dot com
== Interested in joining the "Geo for All" initiative? ==
== Interested in joining or supporting  the "Geo for All" initiative? ==
Line 1,186: Line 1,715:
# North America - Helena Mitasova (USA), Charles Schweik (USA), Phillip Davis (USA)  
# North America - Helena Mitasova (USA), Charles Schweik (USA), Phillip Davis (USA)  
# South America - Sergio Acosta y Lara (Uruguay) and Silvana Camboim (Brazil)  
# South America - Sergio Acosta y Lara (Uruguay) and Silvana Camboim (Brazil)  
# Europe -  Maria Brovelli (Italy) and Anne Ghilsa (Germany)  
# Europe -  Maria Brovelli (Italy) and Peter Mooney (Ireland)  
# Asia (including Australia)- Tuong Thuy Vu (Malaysia/Vietnam) and Venkatesh Raghavan (Japan/India)  
# Asia (including Australia)- Tuong Thuy Vu (Malaysia/Vietnam) and Venkatesh Raghavan (Japan/India)  
# Africa -  Rania Elsayed Ibrahim (Egypt), Serena Coetzee (South Africa) and Bridget Fleming (South Africa)  
# Africa -  Rania Elsayed Ibrahim (Egypt), Serena Coetzee (South Africa) and Bridget Fleming (South Africa)  
Line 1,192: Line 1,721:
Email the regonial mailing lists and contact the region chairs to start the conversation and they will be happy to discuss details and guide you through the process. The full criteria at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoforall_criteria
Email the regonial mailing lists and contact the region chairs to start the conversation and they will be happy to discuss details and guide you through the process. The full criteria at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoforall_criteria
=== Key requirements for  joining the "ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Labs" initiative ===
=== Key requirements for  joining the "Geo for All Labs" initiative ===
(A) Your local organisation MUST BE COMMITTED TO CONTRIBUTE to the vision outlined in the ICA-OSGeo MoU [1]http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the benefit and betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals [2] http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.
(A) Your local organisation MUST BE COMMITTED TO CONTRIBUTE to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU [1]http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the benefit and betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals [2] http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.
(B) At least one person at your institution or organization should have strong knowledge in geospatial information science and vision to lead this activity and to build a team of people, locally. This person should act as a liaison officer to the initiative.
(B) At least one person at your institution or organization should have strong knowledge in geospatial information science and vision to lead this activity and to build a team of people, locally. This person should act as a liaison officer to the initiative.
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; Past Meetings:
; Past Meetings:
* [[FOSS4G EU Como 2015 Preconference meeting]]
* [[ICA OSGeo Lab Network 2013-09-05]] 18.00 UTC
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== ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Lab Network Research and Teaching Areas ==
== Geo for All Lab Network Research and Teaching Areas ==

Latest revision as of 09:31, 3 July 2021

OSGeo Education and Curriculum Current Initiatives

The official website is online at http://www.geoforall.org - locations: Geo for All Map

1) Continue to build up our educational material federated content databases

2) Continue to expand the "Geo for All" initiative

This initiative is led by Suchith Anand.

In September 2011, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of developing on a global basis collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organizations in open source GIS software and data. The MoU aims to provide expertise and support for the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Laboratories across the world for supporting development of open-source geospatial software, open data, open standards training and expertise. ISPRS joined this initiative in 2014. The motto of Geo for All Lab initiative is "Geo For All".Central to "Geo for All" mission is the belief that knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great opportunities for everyone. Details at MOU_ICA.

All interested organisations must be committed to contribute to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.

Current members of the Geo for All Labs Network

Feel free to join the mailing list http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall to follow the discussions among the participants of this initiative.

There are two tables, the first one for university/education/schools members ; second table for Industry ,Government and NGO partners of "Geo for All" mission, please select one accordingly.All interested organisations joining as "labs" or "partners"must be committed to contribute to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.

To add a new member copy an existing table entry (uses Mediawiki syntax) and input your information. The coordinates are WGS84 decimal coordinates in format longitude, latitude; if you don't add the coordinates following this rule your institution will not show on the Geo for All Map. The script to generate the map is available here http://www.geoforall.org/locations/update_geojson.py

University/Higher Education/Schools members

Laboratory name and institution City Country Continent Coordinates (longitude, latitude) Application received / Announced Notes (projects, collaborations, etc) Contact names Contact emails
1. University of Nottingham Nottingham UK Europe -1.250296, 52.831497 Stuart Marsh Stuart dot Marsh at nottingham.ac.uk
2. University of Girona Girona Spain Europe 2.837305, 41.967426 2012-09-10 Lluís Vicens lluis at sigte.udg.edu
3. University of Southampton Southampton UK Europe -1.396873, 50.936974 2013-04-30 Jason Sadler osgl at geodata.soton.ac.uk
4. Czech Technical University in Prague Prague Czech Republic Europe 14.390363, 50.10183 2012-11-23 Geospatial analysis, modeling and visualization, remote sensing, GRASS GIS and QGIS development Martin Landa martin.landa at fsv.cvut.cz
5. Open Source Geospatial Lab Newcastle University Newcastle UK Europe -1.611536, 54.980656 2013-01-17 Dr David Fairbairn david.fairbairn@newcastle.ac.uk
6. Politecnico di Milano - Polo Territoriale di Como Como Italy Europe 9.095939, 45.803516 2013-02-25 Geospatial analysis and geovisualization, Geo Big Data, VGI and citizen science Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli@polimi.it
7. University of Warwick Warwick UK Europe -1.56273, 52.380531 2013-03-23 Nataliya Tkachenko geolab at warwick.ac.uk
8. UNEP/GRID Warsaw Centre Warsaw Poland Europe 21.039473, 52.198849 2013-03-18 Ela Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska ela at gridw.pl
9. University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) Lugano Switzerland Europe 8.961098, 46.028362 2013-09-03 Institute of Earth Sciences Massimiliano Cannata geomatica at supsi.ch
10. Open Source Geospatial Laboratory at ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland Europe 8.5481, 47.3764 2013-09-20 Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich Raimund Schnürer schnuerer at ethz.ch
11. University of Molise Molise Italy Europe 14.493651, 41.630815 Teaching Geospatial Analysis and Modeling using QGIS and other OSGeo software Rossella Nocera rossella.nocera at unimol.it
12. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK) Warsaw Poland Europe 21.013407, 52.178478 Prof. Dr. Marek Baranowski Marek.Baranowski@igik.edu.pl
13. Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest Bucharest Romania Europe 26.103889, 44.432500 new website under development Andreea Marin andreea dot marin09 at yahoo dot com
14. University Alba Regia Technical Faculty Institute of Geoinformatics OSGeo Lab Székesfehérvár Hungary Europe 18.418833, 47.188778 Andrea Podör podor.andrea@amk.uni-obuda.hu
15. Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart Germany Europe 9.17370, 48.77996 2013-10-14 FOSS@HFT: Open Source Group at University of Applied Sciences; Open Source based geospatial education; OSGEo Certification framework Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
16. Laboratorio Geoespacial Livre, Federal University of Paraná Paraná Brazil South America -49.23329, -25.45304 2012-05-23 Active - Website Laboratório Geoespacial Livre Research on: Academic and Collaborative SDI; Geo Big Data, Geovisualization, Indoor Mapping, Data Quality, Use and User Issues, VGI. Silvana Camboim silvanacamboim at gmail.com
17. Institute of Geography, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Kosice Slovakia Europe 21.2460432, 48.7288883 2016-04-25 Open source GIS course, development and applications of GRASS GIS; R; MapServer; LAStools; MeshLab; CloudCompare; Blender Jaroslav Hofierka jaroslav.hofierka@upjs.sk
18. OSGeoLabUD, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Bogotá Colombia South America -74.06564, 4.62799 2017-02-22 OSGeoLabUD, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Paulo Cesar Coronado Sanchez paulo_cesar@udistrital.edu.co
19. Universidad de la República Montevideo Uruguay South America -56.176441, -34.902405 2013-03-01 Laboratorio de Técnicas Aplicadas al Análisis del Territorio Virginia Fernandez vivi@fcien.edu.uy
20. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica, University of Trento Trento Italy Europe 11.139053, 46.064827 Tutorials in the Italian and English languages Clara Tattoni clara.tattoni at unitn.it
21. University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany Europe 8.67024, 49.41739 2016-02-08 Heidelberg GIScience Alexander Zipf and Bernhard Hofle
22. North Carolina State University OSGeoREL Raleigh, NC USA North America -78.6764, 35.7818 2012-10-18 Geospatial analysis, modeling and visualization, GRASS GIS development, course development Helena Mitasova hmitaso at ncsu.edu
23. University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst USA North America -72.524696, 42.393578 2012-10-18 Developed and supports a web-based academic paper review system for use at FOSS4G global and regional conferences (http://scholarworks.umass.edu/foss4g/); collaboration on open educational; and grant efforts to support GeoForAll's activities. Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol dot umass dot edu
24. University of Kansas Lawrence, KS USA North America -95.251311, 38.958578 2013-08-23 Xingong Li lixi at ku.edu
25. Center for Spatial Sciences, University of California, Davis Davis USA North America -121.766945, 38.548801 2013-02-04 R-Spatial.org,OSGeo-Live Alex Mandel aimandel at ucdavis.edu
26. Laboratorio de Software Libre Zacatecas Mexico North America -102.5791, 22.7608 2013-04-05 in process of being established Manual Haro manuel.haro at zacatecas.gob.mx
27. Kent State University Kent, Ohio USA North America -81.357886, 41.153667 2013-08-30 Xinyue Ye xye5 at kent.edu
28. Center for Applied GIScience, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Charlotte, NC USA North America -80.730000, 35.306944 2013-09-05 Wenwu Tang WenwuTang at uncc.edu
29. University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus Semenyih Malaysia Asia 101.721298, 3.172932 2012-01-09 OSGEO research lab Tuong Thuy Vu Tuongthuy.Vu at nottingham.edu.my
30. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru Malaysia Asia 101.874222, 2.943748 Website under construction. Teaching GIS software using QGIS and other OSGEO products. Introduce web based mapping tools using MapGuide Open Source and QGIS. Nurul Hawani Idris hawani at utm.my
31. National College of Public Administration and Governance(NCPAG), University of the Philippines Manila Philippines Asia 121.059875, 14.656005 in process of being established Noriel Christopher Tiglao nctiglao at gmail.com
32. Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC) Quezon City Philippines Asia 121.062241, 14.64372 in process of being established Maning Sambale
33. Lab for Spatial Informatics, IIIT Hyderabad Hyderabad India Asia 78.3503, 17.4454 2011-08-22 LSI, a unique center in India that promotes Open Source GeoSpatial Research and System building efforts at multiple levels since 2006. Also, an active proponent for use of Open Source and Open Technology in Educational initiatives and eGovernance Projects. Dr K S Rajan rajan@iiit.ac.in
34. Geospatial Research and Education Lab(GREL), Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad Pakistan Asia 73.175045, 33.520060 Waqas Qazi waqas(dot)qazi(at)grel(dot)ist(dot)edu(dot)pk
35. Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa Africa 28.22847, -25.75429 2012-05-15 Serena Coetzee serena dot coetzee at up dot ac dot za
36. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) Nairobi Kenya Africa 36.858574, -1.249038 Hussein Farah farah at rcmrd.org
37. University of Ghana Accra Ghana Africa -0.191617, 5.650366 Foster Mensah
38. The University of Melbourne Melbourne Australia Australia 144.962006, -37.797932 2013-07-22 Jack Barton jack.barton at unimelb.edu.au
39. Spatial {Query} Lab at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Corpus Christi USA North America -97.328799, 27.714506 2013-09-09 FOSS4G curriculum development focusing on QGIS and GRASS. Curriculum available on our website. Rick Smith Richard.Smith at tamucc.edu
40. Center for Applied Geomatics, CEPT University[1] Ahmedabad India Asia 72.566004, 23.039568 2012-07-18 Training & Development Prof. Anjana Vyas & Ms. Darshana Rawal anjanavyas at cept.ac.in rawalnet at cept.ac.in
41. Programa de Gestión de Información y Gestión de Datos -IRPHa Universidad Nacional de San Juan San Juan Argentina South America -68.57, -31.54 2012-06-15 Nodo de información territorial abierta a investigadores, instituciones y público. Aplicación de software libre para futura infraestructura de datos espaciales, interoperabilidad y webservices./ Node for Territorial information open to researchers, institutions and public. Free software application for future spatial data infrastructure, interoperability and webservices Esp. Lic. María Valentina Soria valentina@unsj.edu.ar; pgid.irpha@gmail.com
42. GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ USA North America -111.940005, 33.425510 2013-09-27 Spatial econometrics, geocomputation, spatial optimization - GeoDa, PySAL, GeoDaSpace Luc Anselin geodacenter at asu.edu
43. National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece Europe 23.729310, 37.983716 2013-09-26 in process of being established
44. IGN- France Paris France Europe 2.352222, 48.856614 2013-09-26 in process of being established Benedicte Bucher
45. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Barcelona Spain Europe 2.173403, 41.385064 2013-09-27 From UOC, we give some geospatial courses integrated in more general curricula, like telecommunications or data science. From the research point of view, we apply the GIS techniques to logistics and indoor positioning. Dr. Antoni Pérez Navarro aperezn at uoc.edu
46. ISRIC - World Soil Information foundation Wageningen The Netherlands Europe 5.665662, 51.9875 2013-10-02 Active Jorge de Jesus jorge.mendesdejesus at wur.nl
47. Universidade da Coruña A Coruña (España) Spain Europe -8.411540, 43.362344 2013-10-15 in process of being established Alberto Varela García
48. Geoinformatic Unit, Universiti Sains Malaysia Penang Malaysia Asia 100.484623, 5.263234 2013-10-16 Teaching and conducting research on geographical information science using QGIS & various other OSGEO products. Had done research on use opensource GIS for secondary schools. http://campusgis.usm.my/ Ruslan Rainis rruslan at usm.my
49. Kathmandu University Dhulikhel Nepal Asia 85.550000, 27.616667 2012-12-24 https://sites.google.com/a/ku.edu.np/opensourcegeospatial/ Shashish Maharjan
50 GIS and Remote Sensing Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach San Michele all'Adige (Trento) Italy Europe 11.133042, 46.187865 from 2013-10-16 to 2016-02-01 Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, GRASS GIS and pyMODIS development Luca Delucchi luca.delucchi at fmach.it
51. University of South Wales Cardiff United Kingdom Europe -3.179090, 51.481581 2013-10-31 Spatial processing on the web using open standards and open source software Dr Mark Ware mark.ware at southwales.ac.uk
52. Portland State University Portland, Oregon USA North America -122.676207, 45.523452 2013-10-22 Warming up David Percy percy at pdx.edu
53. IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center Nairobi Kenya Africa 36.821946, -1.292066 2013-10-29 In process of being established Muyambi Fortunate fbenda at icpac.net
54. Federal University of Ceará Ceará Brazil South America -38.543395, -3.718394 2013-10-29 Active - Website Laboratório de Geoprocessamento da UFC Prof. Dr. Adryane Gorayeb adryanegorayeb@gmail.com
55. University of Gloucestershire Gloucester and Cheltenham United Kingdom Europe -2.223409, 51.872215 2013-11-06 Active Dr Robert Berry osgeolab at glos.ac.uk
56. University of Moratuwa Moratuwa Sri Lanka Asia 79.9008, 6.7964 2013-11-11 OSGeoSL Aruna Wickramasinghe toaruna at gmail.com
57. Fudan University Shanghai China Asia 121.452, 31.198 2013-11-14 Open Source STATistics Zhijie Zhang epistat at gmail.com
58. Haskell Indian Nations University Lawrence, Kansas USA North America -95.230691, 38.938859 2013-11-22 Haskell Indian Nations University Dave McDermott dmcdermott at haskell.edu
59. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy Zagreb Croatia Europe 15.963888, 45.808500 2013-11-25 Dražen Tutic dtutic at geof.hr
60. GeoBolivia-Vice-presidency of the State La Paz Bolivia South America -68.1547, -16.4949 2013-11-24 Active Raul Fernando Molina Rodriguez rafemoro at gmail.com rmolina@geo.gob.bo
61. Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB Canada North America -66.641474, 45.950252 2013-12-10 Active Emmanuel Stefanakis emmanuel.stefanakis at gmail.com
62. Faculty of Geomatics, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Belihuloya, Sabaragamuwa Sri Lanka Asia 80.78995, 6.7102 2013-12-12 In process of being established Thilantha Dammalage thilantha9 at gmail.com
63. Dpt of IT, Faculty of Computing, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Malabe Sri Lanka Asia 79.973166667, 6.914866667 2013-12-13 OSGeoSLIIT Nimalika Fernando nimalikaf at gmail.com
64. University of Geneva - Institute for Environmental Sciences Geneva Switzerland Europe 6.1487, 46.2253 2013-12-19 (published 2014-07-24) Gregory Giuliani gregory.giuliani at unige.ch
65. Geometa Lab at HSR - University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil Rapperswil Switzerland Europe 8.81690, 47.22341 2014-01-26 (published 2014-02-05) Prof. Stefan Keller sfkeller at hsr.ch (and/or at gmail.ch)
66. National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Ecology Faculty Kyiv Ukraine Europe 30.515647, 50.456936 2014-02-16 In proess of being established Tetyana Kuchma tanyakuchma at yahoo.com
67. Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Hellenic Institute of Transport Thessaloniki Greece Europe 22.996707, 40.567811 2014-02-17 In process of being established Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis emit at certh.gr
68. Centre for Spatial Information Science(CSIS), University of Tokyo Kashiwa-shi, Chiba Japan Asia 139.938952, 35.902681 2014-02-18 VGI and Neocartography studies @ Divisions of Research Initiative for Global Geospatial Information, Urban Data Challenge Dr. Toshikazu Seto tosseto at csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
69. FOSS4Geo Academy @ Del Mar College National Open Geospatial Technology Consortium Corpus Christi, Republic of Texas USA North America -97.407096, 27.764053 2014-02-18 Active Dr. Phillip Davis pdavis at delmar.edu
70. Osaka City University(OCU) Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka Japan Asia 135.507556, 34.593067 2014-02-23 Active Venkatesh RAGHAVAN venka.osgeo at gmail.com
71. Università di Genova - Laboratorio di Geomatica Genova Italy Europe 8.962795, 44.400133 2014-03-21 Gter Innovation in Geomatics, Gnss and Gis (spin-off company) Tiziano Cosso - Bianca Federici - Roberto Marzocchi - Domenico Sguerso bianca.federici at unige.it
72. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles - Grado en Ingenieria Geomática y Topografía Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain Europe -15.456207, 28.069303 2014-03-23 Fernando Toscano Benítez sub_dgn at eiic.ulpgc.es
73. Center for Advanced Research on Spatial Information, Hunter College - CUNY New York US North America -73.964831, 40.768703 2014-04-04 Carson Farmer carson.farmer at hunter.cuny.edu
74. Hellenic digital earth Centre of Excellence, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTH Thessaloniki Greece Europe 22.961498, 40.627516 2014-04-05 http://www.digital-earth.edu.gr/ http://www.auth.gr/en/units/19861 Nikos Lambrinos labrinos at eled.auth.gr
75. Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, University of Salzburg Salzburg Austria Europe 13.039586, 47.823711 2014-04-14 The UNIGIS International Association is the distance education initiative offering masters and diploma programmes in Geographical Information Science and Systems Hermann Klug hermann.klug at sbg.ac.at
76. The GI Science Group @ the Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary Calgary Canada North America -114.132457, 51.079735 2014-04-22 in the process of being established Andrew Hunter ahunter at ucalgary.ca
77. Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) Sede Boqer and Beer Sheva Israel Europe 34.78346, 30.85332 2014-04-22 in the process of being established Yaakov GARB ygarb at bgu.ac.il
78. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of geodesy and geoinformatics Belgrade Serbia Europe 20.476321, 44.805499 2014-05-03 http://osgl.grf.bg.ac.rs/ Milan Kilibarda kili at grf.bg.ac.rs
79. Open Geospatial Laboratory of Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS Changchun, Jilin China Asia 125.400779, 43.99896 2014-05-26 http://lab.osgeo.cn/en Bu Kun See Profile page
80. Bay College Escanaba, Michigan USA North America -87.163050, 45.773875 2014-06-07 GIS degree in process of being established. Karl Linderoth linderok at baycollege.edu
81. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK) OSGeo Research and Education Lab, Faculty of Geography, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology Kyiv Ukraine Europe 30.4752782, 50.3825971 2014-07-11 Geospatial analysis and modeling for landscape-ecological studies, and spatial planning; QGIS, SAGA GIS, and PostGIS; QGIS Ukraine User Group; http://lab.osgeo.org.ua Daria Svidzinska d.svidzinska at gmail.com
82. University of Colorado Denver, Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences Denver, CO USA North America -105.0019444, 39.0122222 2014-08-17 http://geospatial.ucdenver.edu/foss4g/ PostGIS tutorials and spatial analysis with PostGIS Rafael Moreno Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
83. French Space Agency CNES Toulouse France Europe 1.481608, 43.561984 2014-07-17 in the process of being established Manuel Grizonnet manuel.grizonnet at cnes.fr
84. Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay Montevideo Uruguay South America -56.203617, -34.905912 2014-08-15 Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay Blog SIG Libre Uruguay gvSIG Batoví Blog gvSIG Batoví Sergio Acosta Y Lara; Ma. Victoria Álvarez; Alí Silva, Nadia Chaer; Diego Cabrera sergio.acostaylara@mtop.gub.uy; victoria.alvarez@imm.gub.uy; alis@correo.com.uy; nchaer@farq.edu.uy; dcabrera@mides.gub.uy
85. Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest Hungary Europe 19.054403, 47.481916 2014-08-19 in/outdoor positioning, sensor integration, QGIS plugins, MapServer, GRASS GIS, PostGIS, OSGeo Live, ... Tutorials, Conferences Zoltan Siki siki.zoltan at epito.bme.hu
86. Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University Cambridge MA USA North America -71.116913, 42.376398 2014-09-17 Active, WorldMap Ben Lewis blewis at cga.harvard.edu
87. Community Mapping Lab Green Mountain College Poultney, VT USA North America -73.240679, 43.515866 2014-09-17 in process of being established, http://gmcmaplab.blog.com/?page_id=50 John Van Hoesen vanhoesenj at greenmtn.edu
88. National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC), UNC Asheville Asheville, NC USA North America -82.55149, 35.59506 2014-09-18 in process of being established John Derek Morgan jdmorgan at unca.edu
89. Birds Eye View GIS Albuquerque, NM USA North America -106.60893, 35.068353 2014-09-18 FOSS4G Educator at Central New Mexico Community College, Del Mar College and the University of New Mexico. Co-author Mastering QGIS , GeoAcademy, and author Discover QGIS Kurt Menke kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com
90. Geographic Information Science and Systems Research Group, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ryerson University Toronto Canada North America -79.38097, 43.65910 2014-10-03 Open-source Web mapping, participatory Geoweb, and spatial multi-criteria decision analysis tools; research, teaching, and consulting using QGIS and other OSGeo software Claus Rinner crinner at ryerson dot ca
91. School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management , University of Queensland Brisbane Australia Australia 153.014556, -27.497340 2014-12-12 Website under construction David Pullar d.pullar at uq.edu.au
92. ETIS Lab ENSEA UCP CNRS UMR 8051 , University of Cergy Pontoise Cergy Pontoise France Europe 2.085741, 49.043274 2015-03-10 Website under construction Dimitris Kotzinos kotzino at gmail.com
93. Department of Global Studies, Warren Wilson College Asheville NC USA North America -82.4420794, 35.6115585 2015-04-19 Website under construction David Abernathy dabernathy@warren-wilson.edu
94. The Spatial Lab, Dept of Geography & Environmental Studies Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, ON Canada North America -80.529557, 43.474073 2015-05-01 Colin Robertson crobertson at wlu.ca
95. National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences Cairo Egypt Africa 30.0500, 31.2333 2015-05-01 Improving the quality of Education/Vocational Education using Geospatial Technology based on FOSS Rania Elsayed ranyaalsayed at gmail.com
96. Geomatics and Virtual Reality Research Group, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Novosibirsk Russian Federation Europe 82.863503, 54.986816 2015-05-18 In process of being established Alexey Kolesnikov, Pavel Kikin alekseykw at gmail.com, it-technologies at yandex.ru
97. SMART Open Source Geospatial Laboratory, University of Wollongong Wollongong Australia Australia 150.87889, -34.40596 2014-10-17 Dr Tomas Holderness tomas at uow.edu.au
98. Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest Hungary Europe 19.054717, 47.481911 2015-06-29 geoscope lab: Geospatial analysis, modeling and remote sensing, Curriculum development on QGIS Dr. Gyorgy Szabo szabo.gyorgy at epito.bme.hu
99. Geospatial Exploration Lab, Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee USA North America -82.3700950, 36.3000590 2015-06-18 Research and Applied Geospatial Projects; Research includes Hydrological Modeling, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GRP), Hazard/Disaster Modeling and Mapping, Climatological Modeling and Mapping, and Species Distribution Modeling; Applied Geospatial Projects include server- and app-based solutions for campus, local cities and counties, micro UAV (drone) videography and photo imaging, and community GIS support; Website: http://etsugeos.weebly.com/gel.html (Partially constructed) Dr. Andrew Joyner joynert@mail.etsu.edu
100. Dept. of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc Olomouc Czech Republic Europe 17.26551, 49.593812 2015-06-29 Courses with open source products Dr. Rostislav Nétek rostislav.netek@upol.cz
101. University College London London United Kingdom Europe -0.133427, 51.524773 2015-07-07 Courses and research making extensive use of open source products and open data, run across UCL including Geomatic Engineering, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Geography and Archaeology. Dr. Claire Ellul c.ellul@ucl.ac.uk
102. A World Bridge Middletown, New York USA North America -74.438534, 41.451795 2015-07-07 Building advanced curriculum through the design and implementation of real-time, real-world, project-based learning environments. Ron Fortunato ron@trilliumlearning.com
103. IREA-CNR Via Edoardo Bassini, Milano Italy Europe 9.23434, 45.48046 2015-10-05 Activities of IREA in FOSS are mainly related to research in the management of geo-based data and information, and in the development of free and open software to enable storage, management, view and access to geodata. Alessandro Oggioni oggioni.a@irea.cnr.it
104. HEIG-VD GIS-Lab University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland at Yverdon Route de Cheseaux 1, 1401 Yverdon-les-Bains Switzerland Europe 6.65950, 46.77938 2015-10-08 Key competences: spatial databases, modeling, data infrastructures, interoperability, webmapping, spatial webservices, spatial analysis, GIS project management, geovisualization, human-computer interaction and interface design Prof. Dr. Jens Ingensand jens.ingensand@heig-vd.ch
105. Global Studies and Collaboration(GSC), Aoyama Gakuin University Fuchinobe 5-10-1, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Japan Asia 139.4030, 35.5664 2015-11-05 Courses with open source products and open data. In addition, There is OpenStreetMap basecamp/CrisisMappers Japan base. Prof. Taichi FURUHASHI taichi at gsc.aoyama.ac.jp
106. Remote Sensing & GIS, Asian Institute of


58 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand Asia 100.612086, 14.079753 2015-11-24 Open-source Web mapping, LBS, crowd sourcing, Sensor Web, OGC Web

Services and QGIS plugins; research, teaching, and consulting using OGS Web Services,QGIS and other OSGeo software

Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat sarawutn at ait.ac.th
107. Geographic Information Science and Systems Research Group, School of Information Technology and Computing, American University of Nigeria 98 Lamido Zubairu Way, Yola By-Pass, P.M.B. 2250,Yola, Adamawa State Nigeria Africa 12.4996909, 9.1911318 2015-11-25 Open-source Web mapping, participatory Geoweb, and spatial multi-criteria decision analysis tools; research, teaching, and consulting using QGIS and other OSGeo software Prof. Kalum Priyanath Udagepola kalum.udagepola at aun.edu.ng
108. Department of Geography Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashad Iran Asia 59.534125, 36.306903 2016-02-01 Dr. Masoud Minaei m.minaei at um.ac.ir, minaei.masoud at gmail.com
109. Laboratorio Dati Economici Storici Territoriali University of Siena Via Pier Andrea Mattioli 10 - 53100 Siena Italy Europe 11.332129, 43.312688 2016-04-23 Key competences: GIS; data collection; spatial analysis; territorial data mapping; agent-based spatial modelling; volunteered geographic information; social media analysis Prof. Cristina Capineri; Stefano Picascia {cristina,stefano}@ladestlab.it
110. Spatial Analysis Research Group Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens El. Venizelou 70, Kallithea 17671, Athens Greece Europe 23.70755, 37.96124 2016-06-19 Key competences: spatial analysis; GIS; vizualisation; open data creation; QGIS, statistical programming with R; R package lctools; spatial inequalities; python; spatial interaction modelling Ass. Prof. Stamatis Kalogirou skalo@hua.gr
111. Geoinformatics Lab, Department of Civil Engineering PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India Sector 12, Chandigarh, 160012 India Asia 76.780893, 30.766247 2016-09-12 Ass. Prof. Har Amrit Singh Sandhu haramritsingh.pec@gmail.com
112. DePaul University, Department of Geography Chicago USA North America -87.6269709, 41.8775909 2016-10-28 Cassandra Follett CFOLLETT@depaul.edu
113. University of Wisconsin, Cartography Lab Madison USA North America -89.4011849, 43.075844 2016-12-01 Carl Sack cmsack@wisc.edu
114. Center for Agricultural Networking and Information Sharing (CANIS) Nairobi Kenya Africa 36.816531, -1.279007 2016-12-14 Kiringai Kamau kiringai@gmail.com
115. Spatiotemporal Data Research and Education Laboratory Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Computer Science Department Edwardsville, IL USA North America -90.0009, 38.7917 2017-02-03 Mark McKenney marmcke@siue.edu
116. Lakeland Community College, Geography and Geospatial Technology Kirtland, OH USA North America 41.6333, -81.3666 2017-04-17 Geospatial education, spatial data management, geospatial intelligence, watershed modeling and analysis. Bobby Oliver boliver@lakelandcc.edu
117. GIS Lab of Ewha Womans University Dept of Social Studies (Geography), Ewha Womans University 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul South Korea Asia 126.946214, 37.5650726 2017-06-26 Key competences: GIS; Spatial Analysis; Vizualisation; Open Source GIS Software, Education with Geospatial Technology Prof. Youngok Kang ykang@ewha.ac.kr
118. School of Science & Technology GeoForAll Lab of The University of Fiji Saweni, Lautoka Fiji Islands South Pacific 177.4079991, -17.6686835 2017-07-06 Key competences: GIS, Spatial Analysis, Vizualisation, Education with Geospatial Technology, Systems Development, Data Collection, Database Management, Systems Integration, Network Modelling/Simulation/Analysis, Web Mapping, Application Development, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GeoServer, MapServer, OpenLayers, GeoEXT, GeoExplorer, GDAL, QGIS Server, QGIS Desktop, QGIS Web Client, Lizmap Web Client, Python and GRASS + R. Professor A B M Shawkat Ali, Edwin Liava'a and Anish Maharaj shawkata@unifiji.ac.fj; edwinl@unifiji.ac.fj; anishm@unifiji.ac.fj
119. Laboratorio de Geomática de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá Bogotá Colombia South America -74.08731, 4.63600 2017-08-09 Apoyo de cursos de Geomática con software libre en la Maestría en Geomática: SIG con QGIS Desktop, Geoservicio con QGIS Server; Apoyo en los cursos de Geomática y Sistemas de Información Geográfica con software libre de QGIS Desktop, GRASS GIS y SAGA GIS en IngenieriaCivil; Apoyo con documentación y material libre a través de GeoTux: http://geotux.tuxfamily.org; Divulgación de scripts de R para análisis geoespacial a través de http://rpubs.com/ials2un, Investigación en el uso de tecnologías geomáticas que apoyen el desarrollo sostenible Dr. Ivan Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias); MSc. Samuel Mesa (Facutad de Ingeniería) ializarazos@unal.edu.co; femesagi@unal.edu.co
120. Centro de Investigación en Recursos Naturales y Sustentabilidad (CIRENYS), Universidad Bernardo O Higgins Santiago Chile South America -70.656918, -33.467547 2017-08-09 Dr. Carlos Lara Peña carlos.lara@ubo.cl
121. Spatial-Ecology and GeoComputation at Yale New Haven, CT USA North America -72.920816, 41.320066 2017-25-11 Teaching Open Source Software for GeoComputation under Linux environment through workshops, intensive trainings and summer schools. Info at www.spatial-ecology.net and Spatial-Ecology mailing list Giuseppe Amatulli giuseppe.amatulli at gmail.com
122. University of Mauritius Reduit Moca Mauritius Africa 57.497599, -20.233947 2017-11-15 in process to be established Nikesh Heerowa genevamis@govmu.org
123. A World Bridge Barrow Alaska North America -156.779008, 71.289655 2018-4-5 delivering data including climate change studies for USGS, NOAA and NASA Ron Fortunato ron@trilliumlearning.com
124. Pete Fisher Unit, University of Leicester Leicester United Kingdom Europe -1.139759, 52.636878 2018-4-5 The Pete Fisher Laboratory for Geocomputation Dr Stefano De Sabbata s.desabbata@le.ac.uk
125. LSU GeoForAll Lab, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA USA North America -91.180909, 30.411775 2018-5-10 Geospatial modeling, digital fabrication, and course development Brendan Harmon baharmon@lsu.edu
126. Tomas Bata University Zlin Czech Republic Europe 17.666866, 49.222782 2018-11-11 Environmental modeling, citizen science Jakub Trojan trojan@utb.cz
127. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg Göteborg Sweden Europe 57.688529, 11.966565 We are developers of UMEP, a GIS-based climate service tool for practitioners and researchers as well as conducting teaching at all levels in higher education. Fredrik Lindberg fredrikl@gvc.gu.se
128. Department of Geography and Earth Science, Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth United Kingdom Europe 52.416686, -4.066497 The Earth Observation and Ecosystem Dynamics Lab at Aberystwyth University are world leads in the application of spatial data for environmental modelling. Work is primarily undertaken through open source software and we produce the following software tools RSGISLib, ARCSI and SPDLib while contribute to many more including GDAL, KEALib and pylidar. We run an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS with a focus on open source tools, scripting and analysis of large datasets. Dr Pete Bunting pfb@aber.ac.uk
129. Indikatrix.org Budapest Hungary Europe 19.1172618, 47.4691018 Dr Ervin Wirth wirth.ervin@mailbox.org
130. GeoAlternativa We have free technology expertise, social participation methodology and environmental solutions aimed at sustainable development. Alonso Morilla Meneses amorilla@gvsig.com
131. Laboratory for Cartography and GIS, University of Nebraska Omaha USA North America -96.0116352, 41.2580265 Three different computer laboratories are used for geospatial instruction at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Cartography and GIS Laboratory pictured here is used for instruction in open-source technologies. Michael P. Peterson mpeterson@unomaha.edu
132. LabSIG UNGS Buenos Aires Argentina South America 50.4849078, 3.3370012 MG. Nicolás Caloni ncaloni@ungs.edu.ar
133. Maynooth University Kildare Ireland Europe 53.385066, -6.601791 In Maynooth University we have two important locations for GeoForAll. The Department of Computer Science carries out a wide range of research into VGI, Citizen Science, Geo Data Quality while the National Center for Geocomputation carries out research into geostatistics, survey, LiDar, population studies, etc. Dr Peter Mooney peter.mooney@mu.ie
134. Nodo IDE del Instituto de Geografía Buenos Aires Argentina South America -34.6036844, -58.3815591 Nora Claudia Lucioni noralu@filo.uba.ar
135. Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur India Asia 75.8613, 26.8090 These courses aim to develop both a solid theoretical understanding and a comprehensive practical introduction to the use of Geoinformatics in the day-today life as well as in the sustainable development of the society and the environment. Dr Shruti Kanga shruti.kanga@mygyanvihar.com
136. UniqueMappersTeam(UMT) Port Harcourt Nigeria Africa We are a team of map enthusiasts using OpenStreetMap to provide free and accessible geographic data for academic research,economic and sustainable development. Victor N.Sunday uniquemappersteam@gmail.com
137. Universidad de Costa Rica – Escuela de Geografía Costa Rica Central America -84.042538, 9.937310 Since 2014 we have implemented the development of courses in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing with free and open source software, in order to educate professionals with better opportunities of development without relying on proprietary software licenses. We are involved in several research projects using free open source GIS software. Melvin Lizano Araya melvin.lizanoaraya@ucr.ac.cr
138. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Mendoza Argentina South America -68.853329, -32.897047 Ing. Victor Burgos vhburgos@yahoo.com.ar
139. USP Geospatial Science Laboratories Suva Fiji South Pacific 178.447779, -18.148794 USP School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment have been offering GIS courses since 1994. Prof Nick Rollings rollings_n@usp.ac.fj
140. UTU Geospatial Finland Europe 22.285146, 60.456165 UTU Geospatial consists of geospatial research, education and cooperation resources and activities at the University of Turku (UTU), Finland. Niina Käyhkö niina.kayhko@utu.fi
141. Spatial@Melbourne Melbourne Australia 144.961258, -37.799853 Spatial@Melbourne is a cross-faculty network of researchers at the University of Melbourne working on or with geospatial information. Stephan Winter winter@unimelb.edu.au
142. Oxford University Oxford UK Tkachenko, Nataliya

"Geo for All" Government, Industry and NGO Partners

Organisation City Country Continent Coordinates (longitude, latitude) Application received / Announced Notes (specify category etc) Contact names Contact emails
1. Sourcepole Zurich Switzerland Europe 8.528522, 47.370273 2015-07-03 Partnership with ETH Zurich Pirmin Kalberer info at sourcepole dot com
2. Attivarti.org Torniella Italy Europe 11.15382, 43.07390 2015-07-12 incubation phase (various links to OSGEO Community and to other geospatial players in Italy and internationally). Focus on VGI and participatory methods. Andrea Giacomelli mappare at attivarti dot org
3. HUNAGI Budapest Hungary Europe 19.05561, 46.48147 2015-08-12 Free data, geodatabases, resource analysis, geospatial modelling. György Szabó szabo dot gyorgy at hunagi dot hu
4. Wat-TUBE (spin-off University of Basilicata) Potenza Italy Europe 15.807793, 40.645470 2015-09-07 Open-source and free (FOSS) software development in the field of flood and landslide risk, flood prediction and analysis, water resources management, hydrology. Raffaele Albano raffaele dot albano85 at gmail dot com

Interested in joining or supporting the "Geo for All" initiative?

As the lab network is expanding fast, we have also setup nodal contacts for each regions:

  1. North America - Helena Mitasova (USA), Charles Schweik (USA), Phillip Davis (USA)
  2. South America - Sergio Acosta y Lara (Uruguay) and Silvana Camboim (Brazil)
  3. Europe - Maria Brovelli (Italy) and Peter Mooney (Ireland)
  4. Asia (including Australia)- Tuong Thuy Vu (Malaysia/Vietnam) and Venkatesh Raghavan (Japan/India)
  5. Africa - Rania Elsayed Ibrahim (Egypt), Serena Coetzee (South Africa) and Bridget Fleming (South Africa)

Email the regonial mailing lists and contact the region chairs to start the conversation and they will be happy to discuss details and guide you through the process. The full criteria at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoforall_criteria

Key requirements for joining the "Geo for All Labs" initiative

(A) Your local organisation MUST BE COMMITTED TO CONTRIBUTE to the vision outlined in the Geo for All MoU [1]http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access (publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the benefit and betterment of humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN Millennium Development Goals [2] http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ for building a better world.

(B) At least one person at your institution or organization should have strong knowledge in geospatial information science and vision to lead this activity and to build a team of people, locally. This person should act as a liaison officer to the initiative.

(C) There should be a website established for your Open Source Geospatial Laboratory listing current research, people, and training information. This web presence will allow other nodes in the network and the general public to understand and promote your local efforts around research and teaching of open source geospatial technologies and approaches. The website should be established within a year of the lab announcement and has to be maintained at least annually.

(D) GEO4ALL MAKES A COMMITMENT TO promote the initiative widely through OSGeo, ICA and ISPRS channels to help build up collaboration opportunities for the future. We will also do a joint press release to announce the initiative and start building collaborations. A primary collaborative initiative continues to be the creation and maintenance of shared open access educational resources and/or active participation in the open source software and data development. We will also add the information of all labs in the Open Geospatial Lab network node site within OSGeo website so that all participating labs urls are added and linked.

Open Education is the simple and powerful idea that the world’s knowledge is a public good and that technology in general and the Worldwide Web in particular provide an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse knowledge. Open educational resources (OERs) are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching and learning. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. We especially welcome applications from universities, educational institutes, government organisations in developing countries to help develop capacity building in geospatial education by establishing Open Source Geo Labs and support Open Education initiatives worldwide.


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