Board Meeting 2011-09-01

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Revision as of 08:47, 6 September 2011 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (minutes posted)
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 1st of September 2011 at 17:00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype.


  • Review past minutes: Board Meeting 2011-08-04
  • Welcome new directors, thank resigning directors
  • Review action summary from last meeting
    • ACTION: Tyler update media sponsorship program and circulate to board and marketing com for further discussion
      • Deferred to after FOSS4G
    • ACTION: Motion to adopt Membership Application management and task somebody to do it, discuss funding.
      • Tyler interested in working alongside someone else.
    • ACTION: Continue MOU development, pass SIGTE agreement past Edu committee, other ICA directly to board.
    • ACTION: Arnulf started new page with ideas how to move Forward
  • APPROVE MOU with ICA and SIGTE (Tyler)
  • FOSS4G 2011 update (Jeff)
    • AGM prep (was Chris - someone else now?)
      • Desired format, topics, speakers?
    • Board meeting prep (all)
  • Media Sponsorship - very draft outline of idea (Tyler)
  • Talk about the idea to backup Code Sprint funding (see mpg's mails).
  • Approve motion for MapFish to graduate from Incubation with Eric Lemoine as PSC Chair / VP MapFish at the recommendation of the Incubation committee (see IncCom Motion and vote).
  • Set next meeting time/date/place
  • please add your agenda item


Action Summary


To be confirmed by email vote or face to face vote

  1. MOTION: Arnulf moved to adopt past meeting minutes, seconded by Frank, all were favour.
  2. MOTION: Tim motioned to approve graduation of MapFish project from incubation, as recommended by incubation committee. All were in favour.
  3. MOTION: Arnulf motioned to guarantee up to $12,000 for the Island Code sprint organized by Michael Gerlek, several -0 votes and one -1 blocked the motion from passing. Motion not carried.


  1. ACTION: Tyler to add official start date for new directors to election planning template
  2. ACTION: Tyler contact outgoing directors to see what tasks/items they had on their plate and need to pass back to current board
  3. ACTION: Tyler to discuss membership management system with board to find a partner to work with on developing it, give update to list.
  4. ACTION: Arnulf to engage local chapters for speaking at AGM
  5. ACTION: Review and edit: and
  6. ACTION: Tyler to update year-to-date stats on 2011 budget, financial report for AGM

Detailed Minutes

  1. Reviewed past minutes: Board Meeting 2011-08-04.
    1. MOTION: Arnulf moved to adopt past meeting minutes, seconded by Frank, all were favour
  2. Welcome new directors, thank resigning directors
    1. New directors recognised: Jo Cook, Mark Lucas, Michael Gerlek, Peter Batty. Continuing directors include: Arnulf Christl, Daniel Morissette, Frank Warmerdam, Jeff McKenna, Tim Schaub
    2. Thanks to all outgoing directors for their time and effort
    3. ACTION: Tyler to add official start date for new directors to election planning template
    4. Reminder to new directors to share any questions, etc. with group.
    5. ACTION: Tyler contact outgoing directors to see what tasks/items they had on their plate and need to pass back to current board
  3. Review action summary from last meeting
    1. ACTION: Tyler to discuss membership management system with board to find a partner to work with on developing it, give update to list.
  4. APPROVE MOU with ICA and SIGTE ( Tyler )
    1. MOU no longer with just open source working group, but with top level of ICA
    2. Discussed history of MOU development, allocating resources, reviewed existing ones briefly (OGC, CGS)
    3. Alex Mandel mentioned that it would be helpful to have universities mirror OSGeo downloads, could possibly tie into existing MOUs
    4. Question of how much involvement spanish community may have in SIGTE MOU
  5. FOSS4G Update (Jeff)
    1. Registration over 700 mark. Net revenue projection ~$100k
    2. Various insurance lined up (Tyler). Lots of involvement at lower level coordination this year.
  6. AGM Planning
    1. Discussed what format to take. Consensus that local chapter reports are welcomed. Arnulf will moderate session.
  7. ACTION: Arnulf to engage local chapters for speaking at AGM
  8. Prep for board meeting in Denver
    1. ACTION: Review and edit: and
    2. ACTION: Tyler to update year-to-date stats on 2011 budget, financial report for AGM
      1. Tyler brief update on cash situation: we have ~$40k in bank.. plus ~$100k from foss4g potentially... which gives us enough for a year �of budget
  9. MOTION: Tim motioned to approve graduation of MapFish project from incubation, as recommended by incubation committee. All were in favour.
  10. Code Sprint backup funding support
    1. Some concern of precedent setting, timing, required funding amount, "size" of event compared to others, how it fits with budget
    2. Some enthusiasm for supporting code sprints, lots of discussion.
    3. MOTION: Arnulf motioned to guarantee up to $12,000 for the Island Code sprint organized by Michael Gerlek, several -0 votes and one -1 blocked the motion from passing. Motion not carried.
  11. Meeting adjorned after 1h20