Jorge Sanz

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Jorge Sanz

OSGeo Member
Name: Jorge Sanz Jsanz.jpg
Job Title: Data Engineer
Company: Elastic
City: València
State: Valencia
Country: Spain
Local Chapter: OSGeo-es
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): Catalan; Spanish; English
Personal Description : Jorge is Charter Member of OSGeo since 2008 and member of the Spanish Language Local Chapter (OSGeo-ES) since its foundation., has been member of the OSGeo Board of Directors in the 2013-2015 term and been part of the gvSIG Technical Steering Committee. He helps on some systems, participates actively on OSGeo-ES initiatives and Geoinquietos Valencia (a little local group part of a broader network of microchapters). Further details at his OSGeo wiki complete profile page or at linkedin.

[[Info::Jorge is Charter Member of OSGeo since 2008 and member of the Spanish Language Local Chapter (OSGeo-ES) since its foundation., has been member of the OSGeo Board of Directors in the 2013-2015 term and been part of the gvSIG Technical Steering Committee. He helps on some systems, participates actively on OSGeo-ES initiatives and Geoinquietos Valencia (a little local group part of a broader network of microchapters). Further details at his OSGeo wiki complete profile page or at linkedin.| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Translate.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  

Past experience
  • Co-admin of the Nabble archives and mailing lists
  • Coordinator of Spanish translation of the OSGeo Live documentation (2010-2015)
  • Member of the Board of Directors (2013-2015)
  • OSGeo-es Board of Directors Member (2008-2012)
  • Packager of gvSIG Desktop at the OSGeo Live project (2010-2014)
  • gvSIG TSC member (2009-2015)
  • Incubation Committee member (as gvSIG contact) (2008-2012)
  • Translator of website into Spanish (2007-2008)
Profile last updated
May 2020
UTC (GMT) offset
Standard time zone: UTC +1 hour (details)
Daylight saving time: +1 hour (northern hemisphere summer time)

Additional background

He studied surveying and later Cartography and Geodesy but end up developing Geopraphical Information Systems for web and desktop environments. He started to work at the gvSIG Project in 2006 and was part of the Board of Directors of the Technical Steering Committee of the gvSIG Project since 2012. Since 2008 he is Charter Member of the OSGeo Foundation and from 2008 until 2012 he was the contact for the gvSIG Project. He nowadays helps on the administration of the OSGeo Planet and the Nabble archive and mailing list server of OSGeo. He is Charter Member of the OSGeo Spanish Local Chapter and has been part of the Board of Directors of the LC from its inception in 2008 until 2012. Jorge is also one of the promoters of the Geoinquietos Valencia microchapter, a local group devoted to advocate about free geospatial technologies and data. He has presented OSGeo and OSGeo-es in national and international conferences, promoting Free Software for Geospatial, always trying to seed local communities with enthusiasm and hard work. You can find more information about Jorge at his personal site.