Google Code In 2017 Tasks

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Interested Mentors

Please first fill out the Google form mentioned at the top of: Google Code In 2017 Mentors

Effort for a Task

  • Each task is expected to take 3-5 hours of work to complete
  • Students have at least 3 days to complete the task

Types of Tasks

There are 5 types of Code-in Tasks in general:

Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketing, or studying problems and recommending solutions
Quality Assurance
Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
User Interface
Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

Beginner Tasks

  • A student can only complete a total of 2 beginner tasks
  • Each OSGeo project should specify that a task is a beginner task by including "[BEGINNER]" at the end of the task name

Example Tasks

Project Tasks

Choose tasks from any of the OSGeo projects below (these are official OSGeo projects, projects in OSGeo incubation, and OSGeo community projects):

Content Management Systems


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A



official website:

mentors: Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi

more info:

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Create a screenshot for the next 74 release announcement ADVANCED For this task... documentation Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
2 Design the t-shirt for the next code-sprint BEGINNER For this task... marketing Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
3 Add examples to manual pages INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
4 Make new tutorial videos for GRASS GIS INTERMEDIATE For this task... marketing Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
5 Write a short blog entry about GRASS GIS (or a certain module) INTERMEDIATE For this task... marketing Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
6 Enhance the visual index ADVANCED For this task... coding,C Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
7 Make screenshots to populate the visual change log in new features pages (e.g., for New Features GRASS 7.4) INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
8 Create icons/phrases to include in sticker sheets BEGINNER For this task... marketing Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
9 Give a talk about GRASS GIS to classmates BEGINNER For this task... marketing Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
8 Submit a patch for a certain bug or enhancement ticket ADVANCED For this task... coding,C Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi
9 Contribute tests for modules ADVANCED For this task... coding,C Veronica Andreo, Luca Delucchi


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

Virtual Terrain Project

official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: User:Sfkeller, Victoria Rautenbach


# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Enhance map style of "Vector Tiles Reader" plugin INTERMEDIATE Update the built-in base map QGIS styles (QML) for OpenMapTiles. (See also Issue #89). cartography/graphic designing (aka 'coding') User:Sfkeller
2 Make a new tutorial video for a popular QGIS plugin INTERMEDIATE QGIS has numerous plugins that provide additional functionalities, however, a number of these plugins do not have a website or tutorials available. For this task, use any open data (e.g. from your cities open data portal or the World Bank portal) to create a video tutorial to demonstrate how the plugin works. marketing Victoria Rautenbach
3 Write a basic tutorial for creating a map that can be used to train school learners INTERMEDIATE For this task, you need to write a tutorial that can be used by school learners to get started with QGIS to design their first map. You use any open data (e.g. from your cities open data portal or the World Bank portal) for this tutorial. Add a bit of a story to the tutorial to capture the attention of the user. documentation Victoria Rautenbach
4 tbd. tbd. tbd. tbd. pending

Geospatial Libraries


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: Regina Obe


# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Design a logo INTERMEDIATE something simple, and squarish art pending
2 create a comic strip of the set operations on geometries: union, intersection, difference BEGINNER use your imagination art pending


official website:

mentor: Jody Garnett

tasks: N/A

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Function Parameter INTERMEDIATE For this task compare generated function list to the reference page.
  1. Fork geotools in github, clone to you machine (see user guide )
  2. Find a function that is incomplete in the function list
  3. Fill in description from reference page reference page
  4. Submit as pull request
programming Jody Garnett


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

Orfeo ToolBox (OTB)

official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: Vicky Vergara

more info:

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 create a page for the pgRouting workshop using the Wikipedia example INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Vicky Vergara
2 add the results and a brief explanation of the results to the page created on Task 1 INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Vicky Vergara
3 create a page for the pgRouting workshop using the Hanoslav example INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Vicky Vergara
4 add the results and a brief explanation of the results to the page created on Task 3 INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Vicky Vergara


official website:

mentor: Regina Obe


# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Design a laptop sticker with a PostGIS elephant BEGINNER Use your imagination art Regina Obe
2 create a page of 5 commonly used PostGIS queries and what they solve INTERMEDIATE For this task look over our docs for ideas of some queries and pick 5 you think are most useful documentation Regina Obe
3 create a screen cast of how to install PostGIS (pick any OS you want) INTERMEDIATE documentation Regina Obe
4 create a comic strip of the core postgis types: geometry, geography, raster, and topology talking to each other BEGINNER For this task imagine there are 4 friends geomie, geoggie, rasterfa, and topolo what kind of conversation would they have? Each has a different perspective on things, geomie sees the world as a flat simple plane you can fall off of if you walk too far, geoggie sees the world as round where you can walk in any direction forever, rasterfa sees the world as a flat colorful place and believes a picture is worth a 1000 words, and topolo believes in the interconnectivity of all shapes where one object starts another begins but shares the flat view with geomie art Regina Obe

Postal Address Geo-Coder

official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

Metadata Catalogs


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

Web Mapping


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: Victoria Rautenbach


# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Create two new SLD stylesheets for the example layers in GeoServer INTERMEDIATE When you install GeoServer for the first time, there is a couple of example layers and styles avaiable to get new user started. For this task, you will create new styles that demonstrate different cartographic techniques possible with SLD. Also make sure to use colour slesctions that would complement OpenStreetMap as a basemap. user interface/coding Victoria Rautenbach
2 Create an illustration or video to explain what GeoServer is and why you would use it BEGINNER For this task, you can use any visual medium to illustrate or explain why it is important to use map server and what GeoServer is. marketing Victoria Rautenbach


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

MapGuide Open Source

official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: Jeff McKenna

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Design a laptop sticker BEGINNER For this task... marketing Jeff McKenna
2 Make a video promoting MapServer, the fastest mapping engine BEGINNER For this task... marketing Jeff McKenna
3 Install MS4W on a Windows machine, and take screenshot INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
4 Find and fix mistakes/urls on the INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
5 Give a presentation to classmates about MapServer BEGINNER For this task... marketing Jeff McKenna
6 Fix any bug in the issue tracker ADVANCED For this task... coding,C Jeff McKenna


official website:

mentor: Victoria Rautenbach


# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Write a basic tutorial for creating a web map that can be used to train school learners ADVANCED For this task, you need to write a tutorial that can be used by school learners to get started to know OpenLayers to create their first web map. You use any open data (e.g. from your cities open data portal or the World Bank portal) for this tutorial. Add a bit of a story to the tutorial to capture the attention of the user. marketing Victoria Rautenbach


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A

Team Engine

official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A



official website:

mentor: Jeff McKenna

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Make a video about the FOSS4G conference BEGINNER For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
2 Present the history of the FOSS4G conference to classmates INTERMEDIATE For this task... marketing Jeff McKenna
3 Create a replacement page for listing all conferences INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
4 Create a new social media page for FOSS4G (facebook?) INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna


official website:

mentor: N/A

tasks: N/A


official website:

mentor: Vicky Vergara

more info:

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Download and install OSGeoLive INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
2 Make a video for downloading and installing OSGeo-Live INTERMEDIATE description marketing Vicky Vergara, Regina Obe
3 QGIS quick start video part 1 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
4 QGIS quick start video part 1 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
5 QGIS quick start video part 2 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description. documentation Vicky Vergara
6 QGIS quick start video part 2 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
7 QGIS quick start video part 3 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description. documentation Vicky Vergara
8 QGIS quick start video part 3 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
9 QGIS quick start video part 4 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
10 QGIS quick start video part 4 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
11 QGIS quick start video part 5 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
12 Grass quick start video part 5 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
13 Initialize GRASS_GIS and close GRASS_GIS INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
14 Video of Initialize GRASS_GIS and close GRASS_GIS INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
15 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 1 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
16 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 1 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
17 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 2 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
18 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 2 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
19 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 3 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
20 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 3 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
21 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 4 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
22 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 4 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
23 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 5 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
24 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 5 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
25 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 6 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
26 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 6 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
27 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 7 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
28 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 7 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
29 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 8 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
30 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 8 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
31 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 9 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
32 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 9 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
33 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 10 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
34 GRASS_GIS quick start video part 10 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
35 Start and close gvSIG INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
36 Video of Start and close gvSIG INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
37 gvSIG quick start video part 1 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
38 gvSIG quick start video part 1 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
39 gvSIG quick start video part 2 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
40 gvSIG quick start video part 2 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
41 gvSIG quick start video part 3 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
42 gvSIG quick start video part 3 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
43 gvSIG quick start video part 4 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
44 gvSIG quick start video part 4 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
45 gvSIG quick start video part 5 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
46 gvSIG quick start video part 5 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
47 gvSIG quick start video part 6 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
48 gvSIG quick start video part 6 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
49 gvSIG quick start video part 7 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
50 gvSIG quick start video part 7 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
51 gvSIG quick start video part 8 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
52 gvSIG quick start video part 8 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
53 gvSIG quick start video part 9 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
54 gvSIG quick start video part 9 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
55 gvSIG quick start video part 10 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
56 gvSIG quick start video part 10 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
57 gvSIG quick start video part 11 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
58 gvSIG quick start video part 11 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara

59 Video of Use Marble part 1 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
60 Video of Use Marble part 1 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
61 Video of Use Marble part 2 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
62 Video of Use Marble part 2 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
63 Video of Use Marble part 3 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
64 Video of Use Marble part 3 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
65 Video of Use Marble part 4 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
66 Video of Use Marble part 4 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
67 Video of Use Marble part 5 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
68 Video of Use Marble part 5 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
69 Video of Use Marble part 6 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
70 Video of Use Marble part 6 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
71 Video of Use Marble part 7 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
72 Video of Use Marble part 7 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
73 Video of Use Marble part 8 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
74 Video of Use Marble part 8 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
75 Video of Use Marble part 9 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
76 Video of Use Marble part 9 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
77 Video of Use Marble part 10 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
78 Video of Use Marble part 10 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
79 Video of Use Marble part 11 [1/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara
80 Video of Use Marble part 11 [2/2] INTERMEDIATE description documentation Vicky Vergara

OSGeo Foundation

official website:

mentor: Jeff McKenna

# Name Level Description Keywords Mentor Ticket
1 Make a short video about the OSGeo foundation BEGINNER For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
2 Present the history of the OSGeo foundation to classmates INTERMEDIATE For this task... marketing Jeff McKenna
3 Checkout part of locally, and create a screenshot INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
4 Create a page on the OSGeo wiki BEGINNER For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna
5 Style the page INTERMEDIATE For this task... documentation Jeff McKenna