Board Meeting 2022-05-30
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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 30 May 2022 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- OGC / OSGeo MOU update
- FOSS4G 2022
- Bolsena 2022 Funding Request
- CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members
- Presiding: Michele Tobias
- Scribing: Adam Steer
- Attending: Michele Tobias, Adam Steer, Vicky Vergara, Angelos Tzotsos, Codrina Ilie, Tom Kralidis, Rajat Shinde, Marco Bernasocchi
- Guests: Anne Ghisla, Brian Hamlin
Review and approve past minutes
- Board_Meeting_2022-04-25
- Motion passed on Loomio:
- The board needs to review the press release. OSGeo and OGC to deliver joint keynote at FOSS4G, so there is some pressure.
- Two sections in particular need review / adding: "About OSGeo", and a quote from OSGeo.
- Tom asked the board to consider the message OSGeo wants to give in the MoU press release.
- MoU release time - both end of June and at FOSS4G discussed, end of June seems to be the consensus
- Comments on the draft press release will be accepted until 3 June, at which point the press release will be returned to OGC for final edits and release.
FOSS4G 2022
- Discussion of board travel plans for FOSS4G Firenze.
- A decision was reached to hold a face to face meeting on Saturday 27 August at the same time as the code sprint
- Codrina will ask the Firenze LOC if we can use a room at the code sprint venue.
Bolsena 2022 Funding Request
- EU2000 is requested from OSGeo to assist a code sprint in Bolsena:
- Motion open on Loomio:
CRO: voting statistics for past elections, retiring process of charter members
- Discussion about how to retire inactive charter members, meaning everyone who has not voted for 2-3 elections
- We propose to contact all inactive charter members to initialise discussion about what they want to do.
- Discussion about putting a page on the OSGeo wiki about voluntary retirement - and automatic/silent retirement (as exceptional procedure of 2022, and clarified for subsequent years)
- Anne as CRO will then write on discuss list asking to contact CRO either to update the email, or to retire as per the procedure on the wiki
NASA discussion / open science meeting
- Condrina reported on an informal meeting with ESA and NASA about open source communities at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, attended by Codrina and Adam.
- This sparked a discussion to follow up on meeting with the NASA TOPS program.
- Board to review OGC/OSGeo MoU press release and make any comments by 3 June
- Codrina will ask Luca (FOSS4G Firenze LOC chair) if we can use the code sprint venue for a board meeting
- Anne Ghisla to prepare a page on voluntary retirement for the OSGeo wiki, board to approve before publication on wiki
- Angelos to e-mail NASA about open science meeting
- no log, a jitsi meeting