There are many people involved in OSGeo who are from Canada. This page is to try to gather interest in establishing a nation-wide OSGeo chapter. The Ottawa Chapter has focused on the nation's capital, and other cities are sure to have particular smaller groups of interest as well.
- Support development of local OSGEO chapters
- Support National Geomatics events to promote FOSS4G and OSGEO
- Organize National Geomatics events to promote FOSS4G and OSGEO
- Participate in National Geomatics events to promote FOSS4G and OSGEO
- Starting a local Chapter
- Local Chapter Guidelines
- Proposed Membership Rules
- Interest Groups
- Like Minded Regional Organizations
- One Organizational Model
- International Outreach
Representation (Prov/Terr)
A good goal would be for full representation across the country. Please change the list as we add missing representation. Either a group or single individual can be considered a representation. Next to the abbreviation we can list regional chapters that are also represented in this group. A regional chapter is not required for representation but can help network people to local activities.
- AB: Alberta Chapter - initial meeting was April 29, 2010
- BC: British Columbia Chapter,
- NB: Atlantic Canada Chapter - beginning formation June 2010
- NL: Atlantic Canada Chapter - beginning formation June 2010
- NS: Atlantic Canada Chapter - beginning formation June 2010
- ON: Ottawa Chapter,
- PE: Atlantic Canada Chapter - beginning formation June 2010
- QC: Chapitre québécois (Discussions started in Reflexions Quebec, with a meeting on June 4, 2008).
- MB
- NT
- NU
- SK
- YT
Interested Individuals
- Tom Kralidis, Charter Member, Toronto, ON
- Mike Adair, Ottawa Chapter, Charter member, MapBuilder project, DM Solutions Group
- Daniel Morissette, Mapgears, Chicoutimi, QC
- Mark Leslie, LISAsoft, Sydney, AU (but I'm still Canadian)
- Bob Bruce Province of Manitoba, HWPS, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Interests: MapServer, QGIS, uDig, Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI), Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI) Webmap, MLI WMS Server
- Thierry Badard, Conference Committee, Francophone and Quebec chapters, Laval University (Centre for Research in Geomatics) and Spatialytics inc., Quebec City, QC
- Ken Sanderson, Miistakis Institute, Hope River, PEI
- Alexandre Leroux, Canadian Meteorological Centre and Slashgeo, Montreal, Qc
- Shawn Wallbridge Hobbyist, SynAck Hosting, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Stefan Steiniger, Calgary, AB. OpenJUMP Volunteer, my UofC homepage
- Jeff McKenna, Gateway Geomatics, Lunenburg, NS
- Robert Weise, Integrated Informatics Inc., Calgary, AB
- Andrew Hunter, Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary
- Katelyn Loukes, Toronto, ONT