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Welcome to the Portland, OR Chapter of OSGEO - serving Oregon and SW Washington!


Upcoming Events

PDX-OSGeo members are encouraged to participate.



The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2012.

Past Meeting Notes

How to plan a meeting

Past Events we participated in

More past events

About the PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter


PDX-OSGeo is a Local Chapter of OSGeo. PDX-OSGeo has a catchment area equal to the PDX airport, Oregon and SW Washington (Vancouver, WA / Clark County, WA). Monthly meetings are held in Portland.


PDX-OSGeo has been around and meeting in one form or another since before February 2009 under various names. Since September 2010, we have been recognized as an Oregon-URISA Special Interest Group (SIG). Since 2010, the local chapter has coordinated an open source unconference with ORURISA and GIS In Action. There are also deep roots with our sister OSGeo Local Chapter, CUGOS. In August, 2012, we became an official OSGeo local chapter.

Annual Reports


The PDX-OSGeo Chapter strives to promote the local use of Open Source Geospatial software, particularly new users in the Oregon/SW Washington area. The group hosts monthly meetings providing presentation, discussion, and educational opportunities and focuses on materializing an annual Open Source GIS unconference.


Monthly Meetings, usually totaling 10/year:

  • Presentations (Application and Technical)
  • Chapter business
  • Social gathering

Regional Events:

  • Open Source GIS unconference
  • Conference participation


  • Mailing List
  • Wiki Development
  • Monthly meetings

Legal Status:

  • No real independent legal structure.
  • No real capacity to independently hold funds in other than ad hoc informal manner.
  • Affiliations with OSGeo and ORURISA help us with some of the tasks that require legal recognition as an independent entity.
  • There are currently no plans to seek any independent legal structure in the future.

Getting Involved

The PDX-OSGeo Local Chapter is a flexible organization, join us and help steer.

Mailing List

Please join our mailing list to make sure that you know what's going on. Sign up and participate (or just lurk for a while). We have two main lists:


We can be found on irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeo-pdx when there is something to discuss.


Anyone who wants to help support our mission is free to become a member. List yourself on the PDX-OSGEO Member Page and you're in!


To the extent that we think that we need leadership, it is Percy. Mostly we expect everyone to step up and help on most tasks resulting in a light load for all.


How To Write WIKI

Check out WikiPedia, where else. This is a great resource for many wiki writing tips

Recommended Further Reading

The following websites were mentioned as further reading at the Unconference:

Event Set Up

Event set up notes.



SPRING is a state-of-the-art GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. SPRING is a product of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE/DPI (Image Processing Division)...

  • This documentation was translated and written by USFWS. At one point it was downloadable from the internet although I can't find it now.
  • Some seems excellent. Some still has areas that could use polish. It is listed as a draft.
  1. File:0 0 Using SPRING.odt
  2. File:0 1 Main Steps to operate the SPRING.odt
  3. File:1 1 Using Spring for the first time.odt
  4. File:1 1 1 How to Begin Step 1 Activating a databank.odt
  5. File:1 1 2 How to Begin Step 2 Activing a Project.odt
  6. File:1 1 3 How to Begin Step 3 Visualizing an Image.odt
  7. File:1 1 4 How to Begin Step 4 Enhancing a Colored Composition.odt
  8. File:1 1 10 How to Begin Step 6 Visualizing other Categories.odt
  9. File:1 1 13 How to Begin Step 7 Visualize Cadastral Data.odt
  10. File:1 1 14 How to Begin Step 8 Closing SPRING.odt
  11. File:1 2 (part2) Manipulating the Data Bank.odt
  12. File:1 2 Manipulating Data Bank in SPRING.odt
  13. File:1 3 Manipulating a Project.odt
  14. File:1 4 Manipulating a InfoLayer.odt
  15. File:1 5 Defining the Data Model.odt
  16. File:2 3 Conceptual model of SPRING.odt
  17. File:2 4 basic cartographic concept for the use of SPRING.odt
  18. File:2 6 Vectorial data manipulation in the SPRING.odt
  19. File:AllChaptersEnglish.odt
  20. File:SPRINGManual032106p1.odt
  21. File:SPRINGManual032106p2.odt
  22. File:SPRINGManual032106p3.odt
  23. File:SPRINGManual032106p4.odt
  24. File:SPRINGManual032106p5.odt

USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL

An example of how to get SURGO soils data into a PostgreSQL database on a GNU/Linux-based OS.

File:SSURGO to PostgreSQL.odt|USDA - NRCS SSURGO Soil Database Migration to PostgreSQL

The top seven alternatives to the Google Maps API

Wm Leler of the PDX-OSGeo presented this topic and Net Magazine requested that he write it up at http://www.netmagazine.com/features/top-seven-alternatives-google-maps-api Article date: 2012-06-18.


Thanks to various OSGeo local chapters and other wiki contributors whose work we borrowed and particularly CUGOS.