Difference between revisions of "Geodata Committee Meeting 20060322"

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   Chair: Jo Walsh
   Chair: Jo Walsh
   Minutes: Need volunteer
   Minutes: Schuyler Erle
   IRC: [irc://irc.freenode.net/osgeo #osgeo channel on irc.freenode.org]
   IRC: [irc://irc.freenode.net/osgeo #osgeo channel on irc.freenode.org]
   Date: 2006-Mar-22 (at least in the Americas and Europe)
   Date: 2006-Mar-22 (at least in the Americas and Europe)
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* Schedule next committee meeting
* Schedule next committee meeting
* ''Please Add Agenda Items''
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
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*** http://www.refractions.net/white_papers/ogcsurvey/
*** http://www.refractions.net/white_papers/ogcsurvey/
*** http://gcmd.nasa.gov/index.html
*** http://gcmd.nasa.gov/index.html
*** http://www.geotorrent.org/
*** http://metrogis.org/
*** http://metrogis.org/
*** http://nationalatlas.gov/
*** http://nationalatlas.gov/
*** Canadian CGDI
*** Canadian CGDI
*** ...
*** ...
* Tools for creating and editing data
** Agreed to be within the group's focus
** Deferring making plans to act on this for now
=== Taking Stock of Existing Data ===
* Catalog existing data? and/or host a repository? no consensus yet.
* Process data into more usable formats?
** TIGER/Line, VMap0, GSHHS
** Packaging data also means fixing metadata
* Provide a forum/[http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=market&titlesearch=Titles| marketplace] for data wanted / data offered?
* Daniel Brookshier notes that OSGeo.org can host some data
* Proposed we break this into two work groups
** Catalog / Discovery Portal (+ Outreach)
** Packaging / Quality Control / Metadata Augmentation / Documentation (focus on education, e.g. GRASS Spearfish)
* Outreach
** Geodata Committee's efforts should coordinate closely with [[Core_Curriculum_Project|Education Committee]]
** External outreach can proceed informally for now (as the committee gets bootstrapped)
=== Geodata Licensing ===
* Lots of discussion around [http://www.openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap] and the ShareAlike provision of its Creative Commons license, and around creating an LGPL-like license specifically for geodata
** The core issue is what constitutes a "derived work" from geodata
** OSGeo can help add clarity to the discussion
* [http://cemml.carleton.ca:8080/OGUG/pgl Public Geodata License]... can we envision/propose an LPGL?
* http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/geo-discuss/2006-March/000132.html contains an overview of existing discussion
* Proposed we start a working group to research and enumerate geodata licensing possibilities
* Goal state is to list a set of licenses that OSGeo software packages can offer as configuration defaults for people publishing their own data
=== New Working Groups ===
# Data Discovery / Access - [[Geodata Discovery Working Group]]
# Packaging / Reuse / QA / Maintenance [[Geodata Packaging Working Group]]
# Data Licensing [[Geodata Licensing Working Group]]
Log of this meeting is at [http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2006-03-22.log http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2006-03-22.log].
== Next Meeting ==
[[Geodata_Committee_Meeting_20060329|Next meeting]] in exactly one week, Wed 29th March 2006, 1500 UTC on [irc://irc.freenode.net/#osgeo irc.freenode.net #osgeo].
[[Public_Geospatial_Data_Committee | Back to the Main Geodata Committee Page]]
[[Category:Public Geospatial Data Committee]]

Latest revision as of 07:32, 23 August 2007

Public Geospatial Data Committee Meeting 2006-Mar-22

Meeting Info

 Chair: Jo Walsh
 Minutes: Schuyler Erle
 IRC: #osgeo channel on irc.freenode.org
 Date: 2006-Mar-22 (at least in the Americas and Europe)
 Time: Wednesday March 22, 15:00 UTC

Agenda Items

  • Introductions
    • Who are in the Committee?
  • Discuss focus of group - accessing data versus enabling tools for creating data or something in between?
  • How to take stock of what is available? Are we aiming to have a repository of data or pointers to external data?
    • Outreach - if people are working on repository efforts already, how can we connect with them?
  • Geodata licensing is a pressing issue. The Public Geodata license has invoked calls for an LPGL model without a ShareAlike constraint. Can we start a working group on this?
  • Schedule next committee meeting


  • Attendance: Jo Walsh, Frank Warmerdam, David Bitner, Jeff McKenna, Alan Doyle, Schuyler Erle, Markus Neteler, Perry Nacionales, Florian Kindl, Daniel Brookshier

Group Focus

  • Accessing data? enabling tools for creating data? or something in between? -- consensus is we want both a portal for accessing existing geodata *and* tools for creating new data.

Taking Stock of Existing Data

  • Catalog existing data? and/or host a repository? no consensus yet.
  • Process data into more usable formats?
    • TIGER/Line, VMap0, GSHHS
    • Packaging data also means fixing metadata
  • Provide a forum/marketplace for data wanted / data offered?
  • Daniel Brookshier notes that OSGeo.org can host some data
  • Proposed we break this into two work groups
    • Catalog / Discovery Portal (+ Outreach)
    • Packaging / Quality Control / Metadata Augmentation / Documentation (focus on education, e.g. GRASS Spearfish)
  • Outreach
    • Geodata Committee's efforts should coordinate closely with Education Committee
    • External outreach can proceed informally for now (as the committee gets bootstrapped)

Geodata Licensing

  • Lots of discussion around OpenStreetMap and the ShareAlike provision of its Creative Commons license, and around creating an LGPL-like license specifically for geodata
    • The core issue is what constitutes a "derived work" from geodata
    • OSGeo can help add clarity to the discussion
  • Public Geodata License... can we envision/propose an LPGL?
  • http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/geo-discuss/2006-March/000132.html contains an overview of existing discussion
  • Proposed we start a working group to research and enumerate geodata licensing possibilities
  • Goal state is to list a set of licenses that OSGeo software packages can offer as configuration defaults for people publishing their own data

New Working Groups

  1. Data Discovery / Access - Geodata Discovery Working Group
  2. Packaging / Reuse / QA / Maintenance Geodata Packaging Working Group
  3. Data Licensing Geodata Licensing Working Group

Log of this meeting is at http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2006-03-22.log.

Next Meeting

Next meeting in exactly one week, Wed 29th March 2006, 1500 UTC on irc.freenode.net #osgeo.

Back to the Main Geodata Committee Page