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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
The California Chapter is a regional chapter of OSGeo on the west coast of the United States. California is home to Silicon Valley, some of the top public research/teaching universities and some very large industries. You can learn more about the [[California Chapter Mission and Objectives]].
== Mission ==
To promote the use and development of open source geospatial software in California.
== Objectives & Goals ==
* Influence Professional Groups
** Give Presentations to groups with an interest in Open Geospatial and/or [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata] (see list of [[California/speakers| available speakers]])
** Demonstrate diplomacy and interoperability of the OSGeo stack with other solutions(Free or Not) through our activities.
** Represent OSGeo via booths, literature and presentations at academic and professional conferences in the Western US
* Development of OSGeo
** Maintain of list of local groups and events throughout California
*Promote Access to California Geodata
** Annual Award to the agency or institution in California that best exemplifies OSGeo's stance on [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata]
** Work with the [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata Project] to Generate a catalog of catalogs, search tools, and metadata harvesters to better enable public access to Geodata.http://www.osgeo.org/geodata
** Promote use of [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata] Catalogs
== Proposed Chapter Goals For 2008 ==
* Simple cross-platform and open source metadata editor similar to Metavist or Corpsmet.
* SVG export support in open source GIS programs that would allow cartographic map production in Inkscape.
* Catalog of Public GIS Data Sources For California
* Set up OSGeo liason/ambassador with California Land Surveyors Asssociation.
* Prepare documentation/videos on cartographic map production using open source tools like the GIMP, Scribus, and Inkscape.
* Prepare flood control GIS data model.
* Create relationship with/encourage involvement from local colleges and universities.
== Events ==
== Events ==
The California Chapter maintains a presence at geospatial conferences and events around the West Coast of the United States. It also organizes its own events, including an annual meeting.
=== Future ===
You can learn more on the [[California Chapter Events Page]].
(In Date Order)
* [[California/InauguralMeeting|Inaugural Meeting]] of California Chapter
* [[AAG 2009]] - Las Vegas -
* [[CGS 2009]] - Santa Ynez - Always in California, small cheap, outreach to grade schools and non-profits.
* [[Where 2.0 2009]] - San Jose, CA- Paul Ramsey will join us.
* [[AGU 2009]] - SF - It's always in California
=== Proposed ===
* [[AGM 2008]] - What event is this, the acronym is way too common?
* [[CalGIS 2009]] - Sacramento - Might be too expensive
* [[California Central Valley Chapter Incubation Meeting]] - We need to fix a date and place.
=== Past ===
* GIS Day 2008 - UC Berkeley GIF Lab, US EPA Region IX
* [[OSBootCamp OSBootCamp 2008]] - Open Source day at UC Berkeley
* [[CGS 2008]] - Booth at the Calfornia Geographical Society meeting in Chico.
* [[4H Workshop]] - [[User:bwoodall|Bill]] will be running a workshop at UC Davis for 4H high schoolers on GPS/GIS
* [[AGU 2008]] - Open Source Session at American Geophysical Union; San Francisco, CA
== Membership ==
== Membership ==
To be a member of the Chapter you simply need to state that by adding yourself to our [[California Chapter Membership Page]]. You should also subscribe to our [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california mailing list].
[[User:Cwhitney|Cwhitney]] (Chris Whitney) - UC San Diego / NASA ISS EarthKAM
== Marketing and Outreach ==
You can learn more about the California Chapter [[California Chapter Marketing]] marketing and outreach efforts, which include our Open Geospatial Data Award and our list of Outreach Speakers.
[[User:SunburnedSurveyor]] (Landon Blake) [A.K.A. - The Sunburned Surveyor]
[[User:Hollander]] (Allan Hollander)
[[User:cgs_bob|cgs_bob]] (Bob Moskovitz)
[[User:Wildintellect|Wildintellect]] (Alex Mandel) - UC Davis
[[User:dmbianco|David Bianco]] - US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles
[[User:mdhancher|Matt Hancher]] - NASA Ames Research Center - interested in Bay Area local activities
== Links ==
[[User:jlivni| Josh Livni]] Umbrella Consulting (San Francisco)
Please visit our [[California Chapter Links Page]] for a list of California links related to GIS and open source software.
[[User:bwoodall|bwoodall]] (Bill Woodall) San Diego
== Fund Raising and Accounts ==
See the [[California Chapter Fundraising]] page for more information on fundraising, donations, and the financial accounts for the California Chapter.
[[User:StaceyEllis|Stacey Ellis]] - UC Davis
== Mailing List ==
Michele Tobias - UC Davis
[[User:Mtreichler|Mtreichler]] (Mike Treichler) - UC Davis
[[User:TaraAthan|Tara Athan]]
[[User:darkblue_b|darkblue_b]] (Brian Hamlin) Berkeley
[[User:j03lar50n|j03lar50n]] Joe Larson - Lompoc/Santa Barbara, Cal Poly-SLO Alumni
[[User:TheSteve0|TheSteve0]] Steve Citron-Pousty - ICF/Jones&Stokes, San Jose
== Community ==
=== Mailing List ===
The main arena for discuss events and ideas in California is the email list, please join.
The main arena for discuss events and ideas in California is the email list, please join.
[http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california Mailing List Info Page] (You subscribe to the mailing list at this page.)
[http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california Mailing List Info Page] (You subscribe to the mailing list at this page.)
=== Related Groups ===
== Documentation ==
Bay Area User Group (Social) [http://baugos.com]
*[[2010 California Chapter Annual Report]]
*[[2012 California Chapter Annual Report]]
== California GIS Links ==
*[[2014 Fall Chapter Activity Report]]
Moved to [[California/GIS]]
== California Open Source Links ==
[http://opensource.ca.gov/ California Open Source Working Group]
[[Category: Local Chapters]]
[[Category: Local Chapters]]
[[Category: California]]
[[Category: California]]

Revision as of 16:25, 24 October 2014


The California Chapter is a regional chapter of OSGeo on the west coast of the United States. California is home to Silicon Valley, some of the top public research/teaching universities and some very large industries. You can learn more about the California Chapter Mission and Objectives.


The California Chapter maintains a presence at geospatial conferences and events around the West Coast of the United States. It also organizes its own events, including an annual meeting.

You can learn more on the California Chapter Events Page.


To be a member of the Chapter you simply need to state that by adding yourself to our California Chapter Membership Page. You should also subscribe to our mailing list.

Marketing and Outreach

You can learn more about the California Chapter California Chapter Marketing marketing and outreach efforts, which include our Open Geospatial Data Award and our list of Outreach Speakers.


Please visit our California Chapter Links Page for a list of California links related to GIS and open source software.

Fund Raising and Accounts

See the California Chapter Fundraising page for more information on fundraising, donations, and the financial accounts for the California Chapter.

Mailing List

The main arena for discuss events and ideas in California is the email list, please join. Mailing List Info Page (You subscribe to the mailing list at this page.)
