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| == Introduction == | | == Introduction == |
− | A local region based chapter of OSGeo on the west coast of the United States. California is home to Silicon Valley, some of the top Public Research/Teaching Universities and some very large industries.
| + | The California Chapter is a regional chapter of OSGeo on the west coast of the United States. California is home to Silicon Valley, some of the top public research/teaching universities and some very large industries. You can learn more about the [[California Chapter Mission and Objectives]]. |
− | | |
− | === Mission ===
| |
− | (Proposed)
| |
− | To promote the use and development of open source geospatial software in California.
| |
− | | |
− | === Objectives & Goals ===
| |
− | * Influence Professional Groups
| |
− | ** Give Presentations to groups with an interest in Open Geospatial and/or [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata] (see list of [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California_Chapter:_Outreach_Speakers available speakers])
| |
− | ** Demonstrate diplomacy and interoperability of the OSGeo stack with other solutions(Free or Not) through our activities.
| |
− | ** Represent OSGeo via booths, literature and presentations at academic and professional conferences in the Western US
| |
− | | |
− | * Development of OSGeo
| |
− | ** Maintain of list of local groups and events throughout California
| |
− | | |
− | *Promote Access to California Geodata
| |
− | ** Annual Award to the agency or institution in California that best exemplifies OSGeo's stance on [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata]
| |
− | ** Work with the [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata Project] to Generate a catalog of catalogs, search tools, and metadata harvesters to better enable public access to Geodata.http://www.osgeo.org/geodata
| |
− | ** Promote use of [http://www.osgeo.org/geodata| Public Geodata] Catalogs
| |
| | | |
| == Events == | | == Events == |
− | We have an [[California/Exhibition Pack|California Chapter Exhibition Pack]], see the page for details if you want to use it.
| + | The California Chapter maintains a presence at geospatial conferences and events around the West Coast of the United States. It also organizes its own events, including an annual meeting. |
− | | |
− | === Budget ===
| |
− | Based on our fund raising efforts we will determine what our [[California/Budget| Budget]] will allow use to do.
| |
− | The goal for '''2009''' is '''$1500'''..
| |
− | For 2010 the new focus is on getting several new sponsors for OSGeo in general which would create additional funds for support of chapter activities.
| |
− | | |
− | === Future/Confirmed ===
| |
− | * [[AAG 2011]] April 12-16 Seattle
| |
− | * [[CGS 2011]] April 29-May 1st, Bishop, CA
| |
− | * UCSB Vendor Fair, May ?, Santa Barbara
| |
− |
| |
− | === Proposed ===
| |
− | * [[OSGeo California Chapter Hack-A-Thon 2011]] - June? similar to CUGOS "Spring Fling"?
| |
− | * [[Where 2.0 2011]] April 19-21, 2011, Santa Clara Hyatt
| |
− | * [[Cartography Sprint]] -TBD
| |
− | | |
− | === Past ===
| |
− | (Reverse Date Order, Most recent 1st)
| |
− | * California Invasive Plant Society annual meeting Jul11 - LiveDVD
| |
− | * FLUXNET and Remote Sensing Open-Workshop June11 - provided LiveDVD to interested participants
| |
− | * San Francisco GeoMeetup - 2011 monthly/recurrent
| |
− | * Missed -[[ACM SIGSPATIAL 2010]] - Nov 2-5, San Jose ([http://acmgis2010.cs.ucsb.edu Conference Website])
| |
− | * Missed -[[AGU 2010]] Dec, SF - It's always in California
| |
− | * Missed -[[GTC WEST 2010]] Cal chapter involvement proposed. May 11-12, Sacramento
| |
− | * [[CGS 2010]] May 1, Fullerton
| |
− | * [[AAG 2010]] April 2010, Washington, D.C.
| |
− | * [[Where_20_2010 | Where 2.0]]
| |
− | * [[SCALE 2010]] Feb 19-21, Los Angeles
| |
− | * [[AGU 2009]] December 14-18 - SF - It's always in California
| |
− | * [[GIS Day 2009]] November - Worldwide Local events (Berkeley, Davis, ?)
| |
− | * [[NACIS 2009]] October 7- 10 - Sacramento : We gave a 50 minute team demo on 4 OSGeo applications.
| |
− | | |
− | * [[OSCON 2009]] July 20-24, San Jose, CA - State of OSGeo "Lightening Talk" was a hit!
| |
− | * [[Where 2.0 2009]] May 20-21 - San Jose, CA- Paul Ramsey will join us.
| |
− | * [[USGS Open House 2009]] May 16-17 - Menlo Park, we we're invited at [[CalGIS]]
| |
− | * [[CGS 2009]] May 2 - Santa Ynez - Always in California, small cheap, outreach to grade schools and non-profits.
| |
− | * [[CalGIS 2009]] April 7-9 Sacramento - Booth was too expensive($800 for booth), Berkeley GIF Lab talked about QGIS
| |
− | * [[AAG 2009]] (Mar) - Las Vegas
| |
− | * [[California/InauguralMeeting|Inaugural Meeting]] (Feb) of California Chapter
| |
− | | |
− | * [[AGU 2008]] - Open Source Session at American Geophysical Union; San Francisco, CA
| |
− | * GIS Day 2008 - UC Berkeley GIF Lab, US EPA Region IX
| |
− | * [[OSBootCamp OSBootCamp 2008]] - Open Source day at UC Berkeley
| |
− | * [[CGS 2008]] - Booth at the Calfornia Geographical Society meeting in Chico.
| |
− | * [[4H Workshop]] - [[User:bwoodall|Bill]] will be running a workshop at UC Davis for 4H high schoolers on GPS/GIS
| |
| | | |
− | === Missed Opportunities that might reoccur===
| + | You can learn more on the [[California Chapter Events Page]]. |
− | * [[OSCON 2010]] - Cal chapter involvement proposed. July?, Portland
| |
− | * [[OpenSourceWorld 2009]] August, SF
| |
− | * [[APCG 2009]] Sept 30 - Oct 3 - San Diego
| |
− | * [[ACM GIS 2009]] November 4-6 - Seattle (pass it to [[cugos]], speaking opportunities)
| |
| | | |
| == Membership == | | == Membership == |
− | To be a member of the Chapter you simply need to state that by adding yourself to the list below. | + | To be a member of the Chapter you simply need to state that by adding yourself to our [[California Chapter Membership Page]]. You should also subscribe to our [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california mailing list]. |
− | | |
− | === Meetings ===
| |
− | Meetings will be held annually at minimum and as needed in between.
| |
− | | |
− | == 2010: ==
| |
− | | |
− | === March meeting ===
| |
− | | |
− | *What:
| |
− | | |
− | OSGeo informal social. Anyone interested in geo is invited! Let's get together and:
| |
− | | |
− | #Meet face to face and do some geo talk
| |
− | #exchange ideas about geo projects you are using / working on / would like to learn about
| |
− | #present some topic of interest
| |
− | #BBQ, beers.<br>
| |
− | #Whatever else you feel like.
| |
− | | |
− | *Where:
| |
− | | |
− | 680 Mission st Apt 34T San Francisco, CA 94105 [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=680+mission+st,+San+Francisco,+CA&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=&hnear=680+Mission+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94105&z=16 GMaps]
| |
− | | |
− | *When:
| |
− | | |
− | Saturday March 20th, 2010 11:30AM until 2:00pm (or more?)
| |
− | | |
− | *Phone number in case you get lost:
| |
− | | |
− | (951) 906-1765 (leave msg if nobody answers)
| |
− | | |
− | *Instructions:
| |
− | | |
− | An easy walk from the Montgomery BART. Put your name down below so I can leave it by the door and you have no trouble getting in.
| |
− | | |
− | *Attending: (write your name down to get a sense of the headcount)
| |
− | | |
− | #Ragi Burhum
| |
− | #Landon Blake
| |
− | #Brian Hamlin
| |
− | #Josh Livni
| |
− | #Silas Toms
| |
− | #Amit Kharb
| |
− | #Alex Mandel
| |
− | #Michele Tobias
| |
− | #Lokesh Bali
| |
− | #Tim Caro-Bruce
| |
− | | |
− | <br>
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− | | |
− | <br>
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− | | |
− | ----
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| | | |
− | === Members === | + | == Marketing and Outreach == |
| + | You can learn more about the California Chapter [[California Chapter Marketing]] marketing and outreach efforts, which include our Open Geospatial Data Award and our list of Outreach Speakers. |
| | | |
− | Name(IRC/Chat Handle) - Short Description
| + | == Links == |
| | | |
− | *[[User:Cwhitney|Chris Whitney (Cwhitney)]] - UC San Diego / NASA ISS EarthKAM
| + | Please visit our [[California Chapter Links Page]] for a list of California links related to GIS and open source software. |
− | *[[User:SunburnedSurveyor|Landon Blake(Sunburned Surveyor)]]
| |
− | *[[User:Hollander|Allan Hollander ]]
| |
− | *[[User:Cgs bob|Bob Moskovitz (cgs_bob)]]
| |
− | *[[User:Wildintellect|Alex Mandel (Wildintellect)]] - UC Davis
| |
− | *[[User:Dmbianco|David Bianco]] - US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles
| |
− | *[[User:Mdhancher|Matt Hancher]] - NASA Ames Research Center - interested in Bay Area local activities
| |
− | *[[User:Jlivni|Josh Livni (jlivni)]] Umbrella Consulting (San Francisco)
| |
− | *[[User:Bwoodall|Bill Woodall(bwoodall)]] San Diego
| |
− | *[[User:StaceyEllis|Stacey Ellis]] - UC Davis
| |
− | *[[User:MicheleTobias|Michele Tobias]] - UC Davis
| |
− | *[[User:Mtreichler|Mike Treichler]] - UC Davis
| |
− | *[[User:TaraAthan|Tara Athan]]
| |
− | *[[User:Glennon|Alan Glennon]] - spatial@ucsb
| |
− | *[[User:Darkblue b|Brian Hamlin (darkblue_b)]] - Berkeley
| |
− | *[[User:J03lar50n|Joe Larson (j03lar50n)]] | CAL FIRE / San Luis Obispo County Fire | Cal Poly - SLO Alumni
| |
− | *[[User:TheSteve0|Steve Citron (TheSteve0)]] - Pousty - ICF/Jones&Stokes, San Jose
| |
− | *[[User:Osospdb|Paul Bartsch (osospdb)]] | UC Santa Barbara | Cal Poly - SLO Alumni
| |
− | *[[User:Rburhum|Ragi Yaser Burhum(rburhum)]] | Self
| |
− | *[[User:DylanBeaudette|Dylan Beaudette]] | CA Soil Resource Lab - UC Davis
| |
− | *[[User:MPfister|Marc Pfister (drwelby)]] | ENPLAN (Redding)
| |
− | *[[User:Lbali|Lokesh Bali]] | Richmond Police
| |
− | *[[User:PacificGeodata|Matt Lamborn]] | Pacific Geodata - Napa, CA
| |
| | | |
| == Fund Raising and Accounts == | | == Fund Raising and Accounts == |
| See the [[California Chapter Fundraising]] page for more information on fundraising, donations, and the financial accounts for the California Chapter. | | See the [[California Chapter Fundraising]] page for more information on fundraising, donations, and the financial accounts for the California Chapter. |
| | | |
− | == Geodata Access Award ==
| + | == Mailing List == |
− | See the [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California/Geodata_Access_Award Geodata Access Award] page for more information on the annual award the California Chapter gives to a California organization in recognition of efforts to promote the free and open access to California GeoData.
| |
− | | |
− | == Chapter Outreach Speakers ==
| |
− | You can find information about California Chapter members that are willing to serve as volunteer speakers at local events on the [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California/Outreach_Speakers Outreach Speakers] page. This page includes a short biography for each speaker and a list of topics they would be willing to present.
| |
− | | |
− | == Meeting Minutes ==
| |
− | Visit [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California/Meeting_Minutes this wiki page] for more information about California Chapter meeting minutes.
| |
− | | |
− | == Community ==
| |
− | === Mailing List ===
| |
| The main arena for discuss events and ideas in California is the email list, please join. | | The main arena for discuss events and ideas in California is the email list, please join. |
| [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california Mailing List Info Page] (You subscribe to the mailing list at this page.) | | [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/california Mailing List Info Page] (You subscribe to the mailing list at this page.) |
| | | |
− | === Related Groups === | + | == Documentation == |
− | For a list of local group contact information and events see [[California/Local]]
| + | *[[2010 California Chapter Annual Report]] |
− | | + | *[[2012 California Chapter Annual Report]] |
− | * Bay Area User Group (Social) [http://baugos.com] | + | *[[2014 Fall Chapter Activity Report]] |
− | | |
− | == California GIS Links ==
| |
− | Moved to [[California/GIS]]
| |
− | | |
− | == California Open Source Links ==
| |
− | | |
− | [http://opensource.ca.gov/ California Open Source Working Group]
| |
− | | |
− | = Documentation =
| |
− | [[2010 California Chapter Annual Report]] | |
| | | |
| [[Category: Local Chapters]] | | [[Category: Local Chapters]] |
| [[Category: California]] | | [[Category: California]] |
| + | [[Category: United States]] |