Difference between revisions of "Public Geospatial Data Project"

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* [[User:fbiasi|Frank Biasi]]
* [[User:fbiasi|Frank Biasi]]
* [[User:Ticheler|Jeroen Ticheler]]
* [[User:Ticheler|Jeroen Ticheler]]
* [[User:pcreso|Brent Wood]]
* Stefan Keller
* Stefan Keller
* [[User:Dsampson|Dave Sampson]]
* [[User:Dsampson|Dave Sampson]]
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* [[User:vdb|François Van Der Biest]]
* [[User:vdb|François Van Der Biest]]
* [[User:Fsc7|Felipe Costa]]
* [[User:Fsc7|Felipe Costa]]
* Brent Wood
* ''Please add yourself''
* ''Please add yourself''

Revision as of 11:45, 27 April 2008

There is an official official foundation committee page which provides more detail on meetings and discussions.


Promote the use of open geospatial formats

Providing best-practise guidelines and examples for use of open and free standards for data (GML, WMS, WFS-T) and metadata (Dublin Core, RDF, ISO19115 through ISO19139).

Promote public access to state-collected geodata

Lead by example in demonstrating economic value and research activity generated by open access to public geographic information.

Run a repository of open geodata

A Geodata_Repository shall be hosted by the PGDP. Additionally, links to other open data repostories shall be collected.

Present and explain licenses for public geodata

The PGDP aims to collect licenses suitable for the publishing of public geodata. The license shall be presented along with a summary of its benefits and focus.


After a Definition phase this has become an official committee within OSGeo.

Working Groups

At the first meeting of the geodata committee we decided to focus interest through three Working Groups:

Mailing List

There is a public mailing list and archive for discussion of geodata activities within OSGeo at http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geodata.


This group is having regular meetings on IRC on the #osgeo channel on irc.freenode.net. At the moment this is happening on Thursdays at 16:00 UTC. fixed time

See the Geodata Committee page for more details on past meetings and upcoming agendas.

People interested in participating

Organizations to beneficially connect with


Events where we can either promote our positions or are likely to run into like-minded individuals.


Geo Data Repositories / Group Collection Projects

Geo Data Repository & Policy Research

On the Geodata Repository page, a draft outline for OSGeo's own repository project is being prepared.

Geo Data Policy Advocacy

Open Access

There are also more general open access movements, often aimed at scientific data, that could provide a venue for broadening awareness of the geo-specific issues.

Geodata formats

Further Reading