SAC Meeting 2019-02
Where and When
- in IRC on Freenode, channel: osgeo-sac
- Web IRC client: Thursday Feb 14th 2019 20 UTC
Meetings Happened
Talk about hardware plans
- 2205 Regina completed install of Ubuntu 18.04.1 on OSGeo7 on Samsung drive and also installed zfsutils-linux and lxd.
Regina completed install of nginx lxd container, and (which proxies thru the nginx container), started setting up a debian10 lxd container for ssh access (not completed) , docker template container completed and used to build dronie server / agent
* Discovered nginx the way currently set up can't see external ip - need to do differently than just proxying port which means we'll need a dedicated IP for nginx Can we ask OSUOSL for an extra ip
NEXT STEPS: For robe - setup container (for testing first with no data) and with nginx will require LDAP ssh (requires figuring out theldap/ ssh issue on lxd)
- Details of what's done so far on SAC_Service_Status#osgeo_7.
- FTP mirror on OSUOSL hardware, do we want an to push or pull with rsync or other method. TODO: make sure there's a ticket.
- We need to make a 2019 Budget to submit to the board. 2019 Proposal
- 2018 - How much did we actually spend?
- Only 1 contract partly used
- OSUOSL donation never happened because board wanted to add more $ but never voted on it?
System Contracts
- Regina has a draft contract would like to go over
- New contract for Vicky for supporting Wordpress, I for supporting new lxd system and setting up new apps on it
Open tickets needing attention
- needs oauth with github - 22228
- (Vicky has in progress, needs feedback) [DONE still need feedback? ]
- maybe we could also setup a domain like too
- important that only CRO has access to elections stuff
- #2199 Upload FOSS4G PDF Waiting for feedback from Studio 17
- [ Blog account for Astride - this should be on Asked for clarification
- Domain Renewals (needs ticket)
Other topics
- are we feeling ok now with the cracked geotools account on osgeo6?
- We need to change the passwords, and move to key only login
- the question is how to deploy the keys
- One or all 4 keys? (4??)
- Add support for registering public user SSH keys in LDAP:
- confirmed password auth is now off
- we should clean the keys and deploy new ones
- geotools should create new keys and supply the public key.