Face to Face Meeting Barcelona 2010
Revision as of 04:57, 5 September 2010 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (→When and Where: add map and address)
The board is discussing the idea of getting the directors together for a face-to-face meeting to establish, and work on, priorities.
When and Where
- Post FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona, 11th Sept. 2010, full day.
- @Tyler's apartment (map) - calle de rocafort, 12-20 (says 20-12 on building).. see street view - entrance in centre of building on ground level. Tyler will meet you there. SMS/phone: +1-250-303-1831 if stuck.
Board members and committee members of XXX committees are encouraged to attend.
Board members:
- Christopher Schmidt
- Markus Neteler
- Jeff McKenna
- Arnulf Christl
- Frank Warmerdam
- Geoff Zeiss
- Ari Jolma (outgoing board member)
- Tyler Mitchell
- Tim Schaub
- Daniel Morissette
- add yourself
Committee members:
- ... (committee)
- add yourself
- 09:00 ...
- Set the number of Charter Members that will be added in September (from PRamsey)
- ...
- Develop strategy how to acquire new sponsors
- ...
- Develop a 2011 budget (see OSGeo Budget 2010)
- General strategy discussions.
- FOSS4G 2011 discussions (possible F2F with local committee rep)
- Discuss how to reactivate the Geodata committee
- Discuss the focus of OSGeo in terms of software and data
- should open data be a major focus of OSGeo
- how to work closely with OpenStreetMap
- what must change in our literature
- Discuss who gains access to SVN services
- Discuss the foundation of "OSGeo Press" label (via Lulu.com) to create textbooks
- Could consider having the FOSS4G-2010 workshop materials bundled with the live-DVD sold as book?
- New tie-ups with universities as with Nottingham and others (see MoU list)
- New mechanisms for internal revenue generation (membership fee, etc?)
- ...
Meeting Minutes