SAC Meeting 2019-02

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Where and When

Meetings Happened


Talk about hardware plans

  • 2205 Regina completed install of Ubuntu 18.04.1 on OSGeo7 on Samsung drive and also installed zfsutils-linux and lxd.
   Regina completed install of nginx lxd container, and (which proxies thru the nginx container), started setting up a debian10 lxd container for ssh access (not completed), docker container completed but tried to load a huge docker container (for collabora which didn't work out so ended up doing a collabora container.  In theory docker should work fine with lxd)
  • Discovered nginx the way currently set up can't see external ip - need to do differently than just proxying port which means we'll need a dedicated IP for nginx

NEXT STEPS: For robe - setup container (for testing first with no data) and with nginx will require LDAP ssh (requires figuring out theldap/ ssh issue on lxd)

  • FTP mirror on OSUOSL hardware, do we want an to push or pull with rsync or other method. TODO: make sure there's a ticket.


  • We need to make a 2019 Budget to submit to the board. 2019 Proposal
  • 2018 - How much did we actually spend?
    • Only 1 contract partly used
    • OSUOSL donation never happened because board wanted to add more $ but never voted on it?

System Contracts

  • Regina has a draft contract would like to go over
  • New contract for Vicky for supporting Wordpress, I for supporting new lxd system and setting up new apps on it

Open tickets needing attention

Other topics

  • are we feeling ok now with the cracked geotools account on osgeo6?
  • We need to change the passwords, and move to key only login
  • confirmed password auth is now off
  • we should clean the keys and deploy new ones
  • geotools should create new keys and supply the public key.

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