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Training Specialist focusing on QGIS at Boundless. Formerly GIS analyst at a tiny oil and gas company.  +
He realized his Phd in Geography about modelisation of landscape dynamics and prospective for steep slope vineyard. He've developed a research methodology based on field work and companion modeling, combined with the formalization of the observed processes and agents based models. This approach offer the possiblity to understand : spatials, social, cultural and / or economic conditions than take place on territorial scale to provide prospective scenarios.  +
In 2013 graduated Master's degree of Geoinformatics at Palacký University, Olomouc. Since school years using FOSS GIS software. Advanced user of MapServer, MapCache, QGIS Desktop + Server, PostGIS, pycsw, etc.  +
Hello there! I am a sophomore in Texas and I’m thrilled to be working with OSGeo and support open source. I’ve always been an extremely avid learner of geography and cartography. Ever since I was young, I would map out locations for fun, be it of my house, in my neighborhood, or of expansive video game worlds. My interest in maps lies in their raw power and how they are able to communicate mountains of information in a streamlined, visual medium. Their applications are infinite, and I love their functionality for the improvement of lives around the world (e.g. with resource distribution and sustainable development). I have very basic knowledge of Java, Javascript, and html, and I participated in GitHub’s Hacktoberfest 2017 for open source projects. I play the cello and piano, fluently speak 2 languages, and partake in math and world affairs competitions. My passion is volunteering to help youth, as I spend time as a general volunteer at a nature and science museum and with multiple youth-run organizations that work for the betterment of education and wellbeing of children.  +
Henry Addo is an open source software developer. He is an active contributor to the open source community and develops core features for the Ushahidi platform, a free and open source software for crowdsourcing information through multiple channels including SMS, the web, email and twitter and visualizing the information on a map.  +
Farheen is a strong engineering professional with a B.Tech focused in Computer Science Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India. Currently she is pursuing M.Tech in Geo-informatics Engineering under Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.  +
Second-year student at SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) who is currently working on implementing the SensorThings API standard in istSOS.  +
I am a very keen advocate of everything Free, Open Source and Geo, especially PostGIS, which I have been working with for over ten years. I helped organise the FOSS4GUK 2019 conference, and I'm looking forward to the opportunity of helping out with other OSGeo related events.  +
Florin Iosub is Team Lead and GIS Solutions Architect at Essensys Software, member of board, the Romanian Local Chapter of OSGeo and OSGeo charter member. With over 10 years of professional experience in the GIS field gained as a result of participating in the implementation of numerous projects, he is very well acquainted with the best practice and state-of-the-art of GIS technologies in all related fields. At the same time, he is very determined in spreading the FOSS4G values and principles and involved in various volunteering initiatives.  +
Civil Engineer, student of Geoinformatics and Google Summer of Code participant working on the QGIS ont-the-fly-raster calculator, find more about me on  +
Francesco Frassinelli has been active in free software communities since 2004, and in OpenStreetMap since 2008; he has been one of the founders and officers of the student association PoliMappers in Politecnico di Milano, where he obtained an MSc degree in Geoinformatics Engineering with a thesis on OpenStreetMap temporal accuracy and up-to-dateness. He works as coordinator for environmental data at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. He has 10+ year of experience as a software developer, and more recently he became a member of both GeoNode and CKAN development teams, as well as a contributor to the Geopaparazzi project. He is active on GitHub, where it contributes to the OSM Italy and HOT tasking manager repositories as well, among others. He is mostly focused on Python projects, containerization, and continuous integration.  +
Gabriele Prestifilippo obtained a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering at Università degli Studi di Catania in 2014. In 2016 he obtained a M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), creating a web application to visualize and analyze multidimensional datasets in more than three dimensions. He is a contributor to FOSS community. He is interested in full-stack web development and he is researching about web technologies involved in the GIS field.  +
Gavin is passionate about Open Source Software, Open Data and other Open philosophies that lead to interoperability, empowerment of people and helping maximise returns on government spending. He started his GIS career in 1996 after completing an MSc in genetics. His GIS experience includes thirteen years with the full suite of ESRI software but he started the FOSS GIS habit around 2002. He is a registered GISc Professional Practitioner. He worked at GIMS (now ESRI South Africa), CSIR, Mintek and SAEON before starting Afrispatial in 2010 and then Kartoza in 2014, the latter a merger between Afrispatial and Linfiniti (Tim Sutton).  +
Chris is involved in the development of several OpenSource Projects. He is one of the co-founders of the GeoExt Mobile (GXM) and SHOGun projects and a committer for GeoExt, GeoExt 2 and GeoExt 3. Furthermore he blogs about tech and is a frequent speaker at international and German conferences (where he shares his love for OpenSource).  +
Gildas is a lecturer and researcher at Université d'Abomey-Calavi, more precisely in the Department of Geography and Spatial planning in Benin. His main courses are related to GIS, mapping and spatial analysis mostly using free GIS software. He previously worked at African Regional Institute for Geospatial Science and Technology (AFRIGIST) for two years. During his time there, he helped introduce free GIS software in the students' curricula. He took part to different scientific events focused on GIS and was speaker at first edition of BeOpenGIS in 2014. Most of his work are achieved using free GIS software (GRASS QGIS, SAGA GIS and Orfeo). He is also visiting lecturer at Université Libre de Bruxelles where he gives lectures in spatial analysis using GRASS GIS.  +
Luigi Pirelli is a Computer Science Designer and Developer with several years of experience in Earth Observation Systems and Ground Station segment. He worked with ESA main contractors as Telespazio and Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), covering technical roles in system design, software engineering, software development, systems integration and test. During last years started to contribute to the Italian Geographic Free Software community adding code to the the GRASS and QGIS project and resulting founder of the GFOSS Italian Local Chapter. Latest experience cover activities in Spanish local chapter where he lives and active contributions to QGIS code and to the international community. Actually he works only developing for QGIS platform for Boundless Spatial Inc. mainly focused on PKI infrastructure and Continue Integration.  +
I am now a member of OSGeo Map  +
Greg is an open source and open data advocate. Though he started as a statistical consultant and developer (using FOSS like Debian, R, etc), he ended up in the geo business. Now he consults clients on several areas regarding geodata - mostly within the use of geodata and GIS at public admin clients. He has a strong belief in Open Data, and co-founded the company Septima in January 2013 to utilize the newly released national data. Greg is an avid speaker on the subject of Open Data.  +
Gresa is an architect and urban planner from Prishtina, deeply involved in the promotion and development of open-source geospatial technologies. As the co-chair of FOSS4G 2023, she has played a key role in fostering collaboration and innovation within the global geospatial community. Gresa also leads efforts to engage and empower the next generation of mappers in Kosovo, working closely with the local community of young mappers to develop their skills and contributions to OpenStreetMap and other open data initiatives.  +
Manuel works at CNES (French Space Agency) and is involved in the Open Source library for remote sensing image processing Orfeo ToolBox.  +