SAC Meeting 2018-05-27
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Where and When
- in IRC on Freenode, channel: osgeo-sac Sunday May 27th 2018 7 UTC
- Web IRC client:
- Talk about hardware plans
- Check status of hardware, Order was placed/paid 4/30/2018
- hopefully we would have received, No shipping info yet
- osgeo6 mysterious malware looking coin mining process under geotools. Next steps. [1]
- TODO: All people with shell access should change their passwords and only log in with ssh key.
- What to do about, fact we are always low on disk and have an NFS mount, which martin feels is dangerous. Allex says new server osgeo7 will have lots of disk space.
- FunToo container ( -Nextcloud
- TODO: Setup an LDAP group for nextcloud use and add people (e.g. all board members), alternatively use existing groups we have (couldn't find board ldap group)
- Nextcloud, what do we need to test, before we can deploy to meet Board's request for sync+share storage replacement of Dropbox
- TODO: board members should start testing. Note we'll eventually move this to OSGeo7 once OSGeo7 server arrives
- Wiki LDAP integration (how do we move forward) wrt to approaches what are we willing to put up with 165
- TODO: Martin Spott to provide backup of database, or give me (robe) sudo access to so I (robe) can pull the postgres backup myself and inspect difficulty of doing the legacy_<username> -> ldap we discussed.
- TODO: Martin Spott and TemptorSent explore logistics of setting up a sandbox we can test.
- OSGeo Website topics
- new Friends page
- Website glitches (sponsors page, local chapters)
- GeoForAll meeting document: 2144 redirect to osgeo from geoforall Before much can be done DNS needs to be transfered so we can start redirecting
- Discuss what to do once we have new hardware in place
- TODO: TemptorSent and wildintellect to setup wiki page detailing how OSGeo7 will be set up once it comes in (expected arrival another week or 2)
Next Meeting
Proposed Time: Sunday Jun 7th 2018 20 UTC