SAC Meeting 2018-07-12
Revision as of 13:33, 5 July 2018 by Jive (talk | contribs) (→cannot reach
Started 2018-07-05 will continue 2018-07-12
Where and When
- in IRC on Freenode, channel: osgeo-sac Thursday Jul 12th 2018 20 UTC
- Web IRC client:
Postgres Security
Trac is currently running under super user and with local trust - plan create new trac_admin, GRANT ALL to existing objects, ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES GRANT ALL to trac_admin. Change trac authentication to user passwords and new trac_admin account.
Talk about hardware plans
- Our new hardware has landed. Need to fill in Wiki page and get started doing something with it SAC_Service_Status#osgeo_7.
- We need to flesh out the setup details and start setting it up Osgeo7.
FunToo container ( -Nextcloud
- DONE? Setup an LDAP group for nextcloud use and add people (e.g. all board members), alternatively use existing groups we have (couldn't find board ldap group)
- Board's request for sync+share storage replacement of Dropbox
- TODO: board members should start testing. Note we'll eventually move this to OSGeo7 once OSGeo7 server is set up
Wiki LDAP integration
- (how do we move forward) wrt to approaches what are we willing to put up with 165
- TODO: Martin Spott and TemptorSent explore logistics of setting up a sandbox we can test.
OSGeo Website topics
- anything outstanding SAC needs to be involved in?
- from last week:
- TODO (sponsors): close the related issues with Jive.
- Never saw Jive on the IRC
- TODO (sponsors): close the related issues with Jive.
- Gravatar is now used in following pages: members page, board page
- TODO: on the members list page, I could not find where is the code that generates the list
GeoForAll meeting document
- 2144 redirect to osgeo from geoforall
- Before much can be done DNS needs to be transfered so we can start redirecting- In progress, it's pending in PAIR now 2061
jul 5
- cvvergara
- robe2
- jmckenna
- MartinSpott
- strk
- jodygarnett
- wildintellect
Minutes jul5
Talk about hardware plans
- Osgeo7
- Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04 ?
- robe2 opinion: I tend to prefer Debian than Ubuntu just because well I think Debian folks tend to have their act together more than Ubuntu, but there is the ZFS support is better on Ubuntu and the whole licensing thing as I recall is a thorn in Debian which is why it's not built in
- stop ASAP trac from connecting to database as a superuser
- Trac#Creating_a_trac_instance
cannot reach geotools maven repo
One of these works:
- (works)
- (broken)
Seems to be a regression?
Next Meeting
Proposed Time: Sunday Jul 22nd 2018 7 UTC