Face to Face Meeting Lausanne 2006

From OSGeo
Revision as of 01:15, 5 September 2006 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (time shift to 8:30; open attendance to 15:00)
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The board has proposed getting people together for a second face-to-face meeting at FOSS4G2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.

When and Where

September 11th, 2006 at Lausanne, Switzerland. A room is reserved on the Campus (conference site), just preceeding FOSS4G.

The meeting is in the conference room "A" (possibly room BP 1122) in building BP, findable on this Map. Send email to finance at foss4g2006.org with "F2F Parking Pass" in the subject for a PDF file for a free parking pass, or just pay at the site.


Board members and committee members of VisCom, WebCom and the Fundraising committees are encouraged to attend.

  1. Frank Warmerdam (Board, FunCom)
  2. Venkatesh Raghavan (Board)
  3. Jo Walsh (Geodata, WebCom, Board)
  4. Dave McIlhagga (Board, FunCom, VisCom)
  5. Mark Lucas (Board) Staying at Hotel du port 10 Sep - 16 Sep
  6. Chris Holmes (Board, VisCom)
  7. Arnulf Christl (Board, VisCom)
  8. Markus Neteler (Board, Geodata, Edu)
  9. Gary Lang (Board, FunCom)
  10. Tyler Mitchell (VisCom, WebCom, Edu)


Morning Board-only Meeting starts at 08:30

08:30 - 08:45 - 15 min - Introduction, Agenda Review

08:45 - 09:00 - 15 min - Define Logo usage (protection vs. promotion/branding)

09:00 - 09:45 - 45 min - Define how Executive Director role will work.

09:45 - 10:00 - 15 min - Break

10:00 - 10:45 - 45 min - Discuss approaches investigated, and establish a timeline for infrastructure move and which services will be established.

10:45 - 11:15 - 30 min - Review and discuss goal implementation for 2006: Discuss the stated priorities and how we meet them. Assign driver and define next steps.

  1. To promote the use of open source software in the geospatial industry (not just foundation software) - PR, training, outreach, ... Promotion and Visibility Committee
  2. To provide resources for foundation projects - infrastructure, funding (Fundraising), legal, ...
  3. To encourage the implementation of open standards and standards-based interoperability in foundation projects.
  4. To make foundation and related software more accessible to end users - binary ""stack"" builds, cross package documentation, etc.
  5. To promote freely available geodata - free software is useless without data (Public Geospatial Data Project)
  6. To ensure a high degree of quality in foundation projects in order to build and preserve the foundation ""brand"".
  7. To encourage communication and cooperation between OSGeo communities on different language (ie Java/C/Python) and operating system (Win32, Unix, MacOS) platforms.
  8. To support use and contribution to foundation projects from the worldwide community through internationalization of software and community outreach.
  9. To operate an annual OSGeo Conference, possibly in cooperation with related efforts (ie. EOGEO).
  10. To provide support for the use of OSGeo software in education via curriculum development, outreach, and support (Core Curriculum Project).
  11. To award the Sol Katz award for service to the OSGeo community.

11:15 - 11:45 - 30 min - Membership

  • We should really figure out what the title and requirements of membership are. At FOSS4G2006 many people will want to know how to become a member

11:45 - 12:30 - 45min - Review what are we doing for the projects

  • In particular we want to make sure that the VisCom is as focused on promoting OSGeo projects as it is OSGeo itself, (if not more?)
  • Projects:
  1. MapServer
  2. Mapbender
  3. MapBuilder
  4. MapGuide Open Source (Gary: "Working infrastructure for MapGuide, good affinity groups")
  5. GRASS
  6. OSSIM
  8. GeoTools

Afternoon: Open attendance (15:00pm)

See Open F2F Meeting Lausanne 2006, the open meeting page.

Meeting Minutes

Click here for the meeting minutes Meeting Minutes Lausanne 2006.

See also Face To Face Action Items.

See also Proposed Membership Rules#Specifics.