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Revision as of 06:40, 16 March 2016

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This is the central page for OSGeo administrative information in Google Summer of Code 2016.

GSoC general information


  • Margherita Di Leo acts as Administrative contact, with support from Anne Ghisla. Feel free to email us with any questions, we're here to help mentor the mentors as much as anything else!
  • Would-be mentors and students: you are invited to sign up to the OSGeo SoC mailing list right away. The list is the central communication channel for mentors, students and administrators. It is used for general GSoC announcements, specific OSGeo announcements, and for clarification about the program. As soon as you subscribe it, you are encouraged to introduce yourself and your role. We look forward to hear from you!


If you're interested in mentoring / supervising a student for one of the software participating this year under OSGeo's umbrella, please add your name, email, OSGeo/guest software and the projects you're interested in mentoring here:

Number Name Surname Nickname (IRC) email Software community Idea(s) you are available to mentor
1 Margherita Di Leo madi diregola AT gmail DOT com admin at OSGeo Idea I would like to mentor
2 Alexander Bruy alexbruy alexander.bruy AT gmail.com QGIS
3 Victor Olaya volaya volayaf AT gmail DOT com QGIS
4 Daniel Kastl dkastl daniel AT georepublic DOT de pgRouting
5 Massimiliano Cannata maxi massimiliano.cannata AT gmail DOT com istSOS
6 Milan Antonovic milan milan.antonovic AT gmail DOT com istSOS
7 Jachym Cepicky jachym jachym.cepicky AT gmail PyWPS
8 Andrea Antonello moovida andrea.antonello AT gmail DOT com JGrasstools, gvSIG, Geopaparazzi
9 Rashad Kanavath rashadkm rashadkm AT gmail DOT com GRASS GIS, OSSIM, GDAL
10 Cameron Shorter CameronShorter cameronDOTs h o r ter AT gmail com OSGeo-Live
11 Stephen Woodbridge woodbri woodbri AT swoodbridge DOT com pgRouting
12 Vicky Vergara cvvergara vicky AT georepublic DOT de pgRouting
13 Dmitry Baryshnikov bishop bishop.dev AT gmail.com GDAL
14 Luca Delucchi lucadelu lucadeluge AT gmail.com GRASS GIS
15 Anna Petrasova kratochanna AT gmail.com GRASS GIS
16 Stefan Steiniger sstein AT geo.uzh.ch OneBusAway, OpenTripPlanner, OpenJUMP for OneBusAway see here
17 Sean Barbeau barbeau AT cutr.usf.edu OneBusAway, OpenTripPlanner for OneBusAway see here, also there are ideas around for OpenTripPlanner Android App, and the GTFS-RT Validator
18 Riccardo Rigon abouthydrology rccrd.rgn AT gmail DOT com JGrasstools, gvSIG, Geopaparazzi
19 Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus AT gmail.com GRASS GIS
20 Oliver May oliver AT dfc DOT be Geomajas, leaflet, openlayers, geoserver, geotools
21 Even Rouault even dot rouault AT spatialys dot com GDAL
22 Alexandre Dubé adube AT mapgears dot com OL3-Google-Maps
23 Moritz Lennert mlennert AT club dot worldonline dot be GRASS GIS
24 Roberto Marzocchi roberto dot marzocchi AT gmail dot com dot GRASS GIS
25 Brian M Hamlin darkblue_b maplabs AT light42 DOT com SciPy geospatial stack, PostGIS, gdal 2.0
22 Jessica Lapointe jlapointe AT mapgears dot com OL3-Google-Maps
23 Gérald Fenoy djay gerald.fenoy AT geolabs.fr ZOO-Project

A Mentor's Responsibilities

Being a mentor can take anywhere from 2-10 hours a week of your time depending on the student (it really is in your best interest to take on the strongest students you can find :). You must have the time to be responsive and an advocate for the student. No matter how cool the project is and how much your team needs the job done, if you can't commit to supporting it, experience shows that the best thing to do is not start it, i.e. even with the best of intentions don't set a student up to fail. Long story short, student projects simply can't go ahead without proper mentoring support.

Every student project will also have a backup mentor, this person should come from your programming team and should at minimum keep up to date with the student's weekly developments. The best way is if the student is well integrated into your development team from the start, it lessens the workload on you and betters the buy-in from the rest of the community once you're ready for the final code merge.

You must be available at some time during the midterm and final evaluation period. If you will be away during these time periods please arrange with the OSGeo org admins and your backup mentor so that one of us can fill in your answers for you. These are hard cutoffs -- evaluations must be filed within these dates.

Guides for mentors

Tips for mentors

This section is for collecting suggestions on best practices, from mentors to other mentors. If you have good / bad experiences in mentoring, please share here! Remember that this is a public page, respect the privacy of the people.

Good ideas

  • Test students before selection. Challenge them with small programming tasks or bug fixes. This will help them getting familiar with the dev environment well before GSoC starts, and helps mentors understand if they are capable.
  • Be patient.

Bad ideas

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