Election 2018

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The 2018 OSGeo the Charter Members election will take place in September/October 2018, followed by the Board nominations and elections in October/November.

Charter Member Election

As every year we are electing new Charter Members into the Foundation.

Membership process

  • To be elected a charter member need a nomination by a current charter member and at least one other charter member seconding the nomination. Only veto can be raised by sending a private e-mail to the CRO that has to inform the board for an anonymous review. If the veto is accepted by the board, then the CRO shall make it public and the charter member is not elected.

For more details see the Membership Process.

Nominate new Charter Members: 2018-09-24 to 2018-10-07

  • Please confirm with the nominated person first!
  • Please email cro@osgeo.org (not to discuss@osgeo.org) with their name, contact email (if possible, use a personal email address not the work one that can change in the future) and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member (please include details about the positive attributes of the nominee)
  • As per Membership_Process#Nominations, the CRO will contact the nominated person and confirm they are willing to participate and compile the 2018 member nominations list.

Community Review and OSGeo Board approval: 2018-10-08 - 2018-10-28

  • Community review of nominations
  • CRO to present candidate list to the board for approval

Final Status

  • CRO to update the charter member list

Board Election

CRO for the Board of Directors 2018 elections feedback on this page.

Nominate new Board Members - 2018-10-29 - 2018-11-11 (2 weeks)

  • Please confirm with the person that they would like to stand for election as a Board member.
  • Email a nomination, consisting of name, current country of residence and a paragraph describing why you think this person would make a good Board member, to cro@osgeo.org by 23:59 GMT on Sunday 11 November 2018
  • Remember that only the Charter Members are eligible for a seat on the Board and voting but that anybody can nominate a board member.
  • The final list will be collected at Board Member Nominations 2018

Campaign period - 2018-11-02 - 2018-11-18 (1 week)

Candidates are encouraged to put their vision and ideas for their term at Election 2018 Candidate Manifestos and sending them to Discuss mailing list for further conversation.

Vote for new Board Members - 2018-11-19 - 2018-11-25 (1 week)