Benchmarking 2011

From OSGeo
Revision as of 10:49, 13 June 2011 by Jmckenna (talk | contribs)
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Basic Premise

Following up on last year's exercise, the performance shoot-out presentation at FOSS4G2011 will test how long each Web mapping server takes to generate a map image, from a common set of spatial data, on a common platform. The data will be served by each Web mapping server through the WMS standard, which will serve exactly the same set of LAYERS. A JMeter load will be run on the testing box to measure various aspects of those layers.


Coordination/communication is primarily via the Benchmarking mailing list:

Weekly meetings will occur through IRC chat in the #foss4g channel on (you can use webchat to connect in browser)

Next IRC Meeting

  • Wed April 20th, 2011 @ 14:00:00 UTC
    • Provisional Agenda:
      • Create plan for vector (OSM) and raster (DEM) data processing
      • Discuss testing methodology

Previous IRC Meetings


Mapping Server Development Team Leader Confirmed
Cadcorp GeognoSIS Martin Daly Yes
Constellation-SDI Adrian Custer, Cédric Briançon Yes
GeoServer Andrea Aime, Gabriel Roldan Yes
Mapnik Dane Springmeyer Yes
MapServer Jeff McKenna, Michael Smith Yes
Oracle MapViewer LJ Qian Yes
QGIS Server Pirmin Kalberer, Marco Hugentobler Yes

Other Teams' Status

Mapping Server Development Team Leader Comment
Erdas Apollo Dimitri Monie
ESRI ArcServer Satish Sankaran discussing internally
MapGuide Open Source TBD (contacted mapguide-internals) Response from Jason Birch: Unable to participate
SPOT imagery Jean-Francois (Jeff) Faudi


January 1st, 2011 begin contacting all mapping servers
March 1st, 2011 commitment due by all interested mapping servers
March 2nd, 2011 exercise begins (and weekly meetings)
June 1st, 2011 final testing begins (no more changes to data/styles/hardware, but changes to software is allowed)
September 1st, 2011 no further testing
September 2nd, 2011 final results due from all teams
September 12-16, 2011 present results at FOSS4G2011

Rules of Engagement (DRAFT)

  1. All parties must contribute any changes that they make to their software for this exercise, back to their community. Note that the changes don't have to be contributed before the conference, just in a reasonable period of time.
  2. Comparisons will be made of the best available version of the software, be it a formal release or a development version.
  3. One test will be run: a 'baseline' test with the data in any format desired, but teams cannot generalize or change the data's resolution from its raw values.
  4. Teams must document all steps they did to manipulate the data/server (such as spatial indexes created etc.). If a team does not document the steps on this wiki then that team's test results will not be used.
  5. WMS output formats to be used will be png8 and png24 where possible

Documenting Server Details and Differences

It is the responsibility of each team to document their setup with regard to data.

Please keep your notes either on a wiki subpage or in svn (or both).

Generally teams keep notes on setup on the wiki while they put stylesheets and scripts in svn.

A good organization for wiki pages is to create a subpage like:

And create a directory in svn named {servername}/{year} like:



The project files (minus data) are stored in Subversion (


windows_wms_bm (windows server)

  • System Type: Dell PowerEdge R410
  • Ship Date: 7/7/2010
  • Processor: Intel® Xeon® E5630 2.53Ghz, 12M Cache,Turbo, HT, 1066MHz Max Mem
  • 8GB Memory (4x2GB), 1333MHz Dual Ranked RDIMMs for 1Processor, Optimized
  • 2TB 7.2K RPM SATA
  • OS: Windows Server 64bit

linux_wms_bm (linux server)

  • System Type: Dell PowerEdge R410
  • Ship Date: 7/7/2010
  • Processor: Intel® Xeon® E5630 2.53Ghz, 12M Cache,Turbo, HT, 1066MHz Max Mem
  • 8GB Memory (4x2GB), 1333MHz Dual Ranked RDIMMs for 1Processor, Optimized
  • 2TB 7.2K RPM SATA
  • OS: Centos 5.5 x86-64

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