Geodata Discovery Working Group
Revision as of 12:47, 10 September 2006 by Wiki-Sfkeller (talk | contribs)
This is a Working Group started by the Public Geospatial Data Committee.
There are two BOFs on this topic on see FOSS4G2006 on Geodata and about Geodata Discovery and Metadata Models.
While OSGeo can consider hosting sets of public geodata, (and for the purposes of offering maintained packages of high-quality data for education and demonstration, it probably will), we can compile a set of best practises and references to good prior art for building and maintaining collections of data and metadata.
- Metadata for collections of geographic information.
- Providing best practise and prototypes for geodata search facilities
- Help with providing input into the OSGeo repository/services at
- Providing 'catalog'/discovery/search services as part of OSGeo activities in promoting access to public domain and open licensed bodies of data.
- Jo Walsh
- Schuyler Erle
- David Bitner
- Perry Nacionales
- Markus Neteler
- Arnulf Christl
- Bob Wang
- Oscar Cantán
- Stefan Keller
- please add yourself
Existing (Meta) Search Projects and Related Efforts
Search Services:
- (Meta) Data Catalogues / Data Repositories
- Mapdex is "a global Index of 2,018 servers, serving 37,168 map services, containing over 400,000 GIS Layers, covering more than 4,000,000 columns!"
- GeoTorrent hosts BitTorrents of shapefile/TIFF format data.
- GeoNetwork "Find Interactive Maps, GIS datasets, Satellite Imagery and Related Applications"
- DLESE Collection System offers a metadata repository and editor and supports OAI-PMH as data provider and harvester
- Geo Meta Data Base (GMDB) - Metadata repository and editor based on ISO 19115/119 Metadata and Dublin Core with XML export and OAI-PMH data provider support (german only)
- GDI Portals (country specific): US, UK, D, A, CH, LI, F, ...
- (Meta) Search Engines:
- - search engine for geospatial services, data and documents combining structured and unstructured data (currently german only)
- Google search using 'allinurl' parameter
- Web Services lists:
- simple WMS service URL list
- Automated OGC Survey on the Web (WMF, WFS, ...)
- WMS search engine
- Orthophotography Annotated list of Orthophotography WMS Services
- US data servers:
Public Datasets for Possible Mirroring or Distribution
Gazetteer Data
... basically placenames with coordinates ...
- gazetteer (includes NGA GNS Gazetteer)
- WorldWind Placenames (markusN can provide PERL to read this)
Vector data
- VMAP0 - 1:1Mio, very generalised vector data for many features, around 70 layers (already at telascience)
- World map for APRS, 1:1.1mio
- GSHHS - world coastlines, different scales available
- TIGER/Line (USA) - street and addressing data for the US
- RNF (Canada) - street and addressing data for Canada
- OpenStreetMap - data available through a HTTP based XML interface. They've also been getting requests for shapefile and GML output of their data.
Raster data
- Satellite Data
- Landsat (OnEarth mirror already at telascience)
- Blue Marble / Blue Marble Next Generation (mirror already at telascience)
- ASTER (from GLCF)
- USGS Urban Orthos (URL?)
- Maps derived from Satellite Data
- Nested Imagery Layer (Best of -- resolution -- with seamless zoom through multiple levels)
- AVHRR Landuse Map from GLCF
- natural earth
- City lights
- HydroSHEDS - Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales
Wishlist for Public Datasets
- Orthophotos
- Possible sources:
Search Protocols
- GIS specific:
- OGC's CSW 2.0 (work in progress...) (ISO/OGC's "ISO19115/ISO19119 Application Profile for CSW 2.0"). See a comparison between CSW and OAI-PMH
- OGC's WFS (profile) serving (profiled) ISO 19115/19119 metadata format...?
- 'Lean and mean' proposals on project level...
- Related search protocols - possibly to be profiled or specialized by geoinformation requirements:
- Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting 2.0 (OAI-PMH)
- Search/Retrieve via URL (SRU/SRW)
- OpenSearch proposal from A9
- Z39.50 ANSI/NISO standard protocol
- ebXML/ebRIM Messaging Service 2.0
Hosting Plan
(placeholder for an initial hosting plan sketch)