Sylvainp | |
latitude | -20.180972208540528 |
longitude | 57.51686096191407 |
user | Yes |
Users with location info | 0x48piraj, 13scoter, 29riyasaxena, 42islife, A Pushpendra, Aanthieni, Abhinav Raj, Abhinj, Aculver1405, Adamhusain12, Adamsteer, Adesinausman, Adiez, Adik, Aditi Sawant, Aditya Chondke, Adityabhinge, Afabiani, Afabiani, Aggarwalmehak, Aghisla, Ajolma, Akotsev, Akotsev, Akshara, Albertovavassori, Aleda Freeman, Alex Mandel, Alex-mathew, Alexanno, Alexbruy, Algci2017, Alina Gerlée, Allixender, Aman, Ameyad22, Amidacoder, Amyonthemap, AnaLeticiaGIS, AndersHjalmarson, Andy Anderson, AneeshM, Angelos Tzotsos, Aniket167, AniketGiri, Anitagraser, Anna Petrasova, Ant Scott, Anurag, Anushkachaudhari... further results"User:Sylvainp" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value. |
With 10 years experience in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), I founded GISCAN in 2015 - a start up specialised in GIS, remote sensing , artificial intelligence and deep learning.
As a graduated geographer specialised in GIS and computer science at the University of Bordeaux, France, I am also an opensource enthusiast. I strongly believe that open source offers huge opportunities in terms of information sharing management and processing of data.
I am able to provide reliable spacial design and provide reliable expertise in spacial and temporal anaysis
Passionate by new technology and photography, i have developed my own GIS tools and design to offer tailor- made experience to my client.