Election 2011

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The 2011 OSGeo annual Charter Members election followed by board election will be held this summer, so the new board can meet face-to-face at FOSS4G.


This page is still just a draft. The final election schedule has not been adopted yet

Charter Member Election

In 2011 we are adding up to __TBD__ new Charter Members to the Foundation.

Nominate new Charter Members: 2011-07-15 - 2010-07-24

  • Please confirm with the nominated person first.
  • Please email cro@osgeo.org with their name, contact email and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member
  • New Member Nominations 2011

Vote for new Charter Members: 2011-07-25 - 2011-08-01

  • Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
  • Please email cro@osgeo.org with a list of names 10 lines long (one vote per new member slot)
  • You can vote for 10 different people, or the same person 10 times, or any balance in between.

Final Status: 2011-08-02

Board Election

Nominate new Board Members - 2011-08-03 - 2010-08-14

  • Please confirm with the person that they would like to stand for election as a Board member
  • Email a nomination, consisting of name and a paragraph describing why you think this person would make a good Board member, to cro@osgeo.org by the end of Sunday 14th August 2010
  • Please also cc: the nomination to the OSGeo discussion list - discuss@lists.osgeo.org - so the community can be nudged along and have a sense of what is going on.
  • Remember that only Charter Members of OSGeo are eligible for a seat on the Board
  • The final list will be collected at Board Member Nominations 2011

Vote for new Board Members - 2010-08-15 - 2010-08-22

  • Only Charter Members are eligible to vote
  • Choose from Board Member Nominations 2011 list
  • Email cro@osgeo.org with a list of names up to 5 lines long (one vote per board slot)
  • You can cast up to 5 votes, for 5 different people. Multiple votes for one person will be counted as one vote.
  • Voting closes midnight (your timezone) 22-August-2011
  • Results will be posted at Board Election 2011 Results
  • Contact cro@osgeo.org with questions