Google Summer of Code 2023 Ideas

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OSGeo Google Summer of Code 2023

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation would like to extend a welcome to the interested SoC contributors. On this page, you will find links to a host of ideas organized by project. You will find ideas ranging from the depths of computer science graph theory to the heights of visualization. One thing all these ideas have in common is lots and lots of spatial data.

These ideas are *only* to motivate you and serve as an example of the kind of hills we want to charge up. Your own ideas are more than welcome - they are encouraged. We view you as the next wave of open-source leaders and the future of the geospatial industry; show us what you've got!

  • Ok, OSGeo is involved in working with maps and things, but what kind of projects does it really do? Have a look at the live blog feed to see what people are working on right now.

New Modifications with GSoC 2022 and continuing ahead (Must Read)

  • Since 2022, the program will be open to all newcomers of open source that are 18 years and older, no longer focusing solely on university students. With folks around the world changing careers, returning to the workforce, and learning on their own (outside of academic programs) we see an opportunity to reach a plethora of excited individuals who want to learn more about open source and be a part of our amazing GSoC communities. Check Eligibility here.
  • GSoC Contributors will also be able to choose from multiple-size projects ~175 hours (medium) and 350 hours (large). We understand not everyone can spend 30 hours a week on a coding project for 12 weeks but they would like to be a part of these communities with the help of mentors.
  • We are building increased flexibility around the timing of projects - there is an option to extend the standard 12-week coding time frame to a maximum of 22 weeks. This is to allow folks who may realize that spreading the work over say, 16 weeks, is a more realistic goal with their current life situation. Or for contributors who have life happen in the middle of the program and they can’t work on their projects for a few weeks, but they can come back to it after a month to finish it. Hopefully, this makes it easier for GSoC Contributors and mentors to be able to navigate together when obstacles occur and the GSoC Contributor can successfully complete their project.

The ideas pages

To add your page, please contact the GSoC admin team to let them know of your ideas page, by sending an email to

OSGeo Foundation graduated project

  • GRASS GIS SoC Ideas: GRASS GIS is an open source GIS focusing on analysis, modeling and visualization. It is a collection of modules written in C and Python and has a GUI written in wxPython. If you know Python, or want to implement algorithms in C, take a look!

  • pgRouting Ideas: pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality and more.

OSGeo Foundation Incubation project

  • ZOO-Project Ideas: The ZOO-Project is a WPS open source project released under a MIT/X-11 style license. It provides support for WPS 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 versions and is able to handle services implemented in various programming languages.
  • istSOS Ideas: The istSOS project is sensor data management tool that allows collection, maintenance and publishing of monitoring observations using the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard.

OSGeo Foundation Guest Project

The Re3gistry software is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing 'reference codes' through the use of persistent URIs, ensuring concepts are correctly referenced in any domain. Licensed under the EUPL, it has been developed in a context-neutral way as an open-source project to be deployed or further developed by anyone in any domain.

I want to apply as a student

Before applying as a student, check out the Google Summer of Code Recommendations for Students page.

Which project do I choose?

Most of the software projects are available pre-built on our OSGeoLive { DVD | USB stick | VirtualMachine } with project overviews and short tutorials where you can try everything out.

View the documents and download the ISO from
Osgeolive wordle.png

Important dates

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