Difference between revisions of "FOSS4G 2013 BirdsOfAFeather"

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(add my self and pdf documentation)
(101 intermediate revisions by 40 users not shown)
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==Timeslots Available==
==Timeslots Available==
We'll update this page soon with details of the sessions slots available.  
''Please check this page regularly before your session since some times/locations may change.''
= Birds of a feather organization =
= Birds of a feather organization =
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= BOF sessions =
= BOF sessions =
== Early Birds ==
*  When - Sunday 15th September, 21:00 in '''Orchard Hotel Bar'''
A chance to meet up preconference for those of us who are arriving extra early.
Who is coming:
* [[User:ian|Ian Edwards]]
* [[Jorge Sanz]]
== Education and ICA-OSGeo Labs meeting ==
== Education and ICA-OSGeo Labs meeting ==
Line 38: Line 48:
Specific topics:  
Specific topics:  
* Current updates -Suchith
* Welcome and overview -Suchith
* Updates on bid opportunities focusing on H2020(All)
* ICC 2013 update- Suchith
* Updates on relevant training opportunities (All)
* "Open Geospatial Science & Applications Webinar Series" plans - All
* GeoMOOC ideas - Phillip Davis   
* GeoMOOC ideas - Phillip Davis   
* Webinar series plans - (All)
* Curriculum discussion - All
* Curriculum discussion - (All)
* ELOGeo update - Suchith, Jeremy
* ELOGeo update - Suchith, Jeremy
* Setting up an Advisory Board - All
* Website update - All
* NASA Europa Challenge - Maria
* Responsibilities (moving forward (subcommittee chairs))
* Responsibilities (moving forward (subcommittee chairs))
* COST Action - Maria  
* COST Action - Maria  
* Updates on bid opportunities focusing on H2020 -All
* Updates on relevant training opportunities -All
* Next telemeeting date
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Line 53: Line 69:
* [[User:Jds|Jason Sadler]], GeoData Institute, University of Southampton
* [[User:Jds|Jason Sadler]], GeoData Institute, University of Southampton
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano
* [[BarendKobben|Barend Köbben]], ITC University of Twente
* [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]], SIGTE - Universitat de Girona
* [[User:Lu_delazari|Luciene Delazari]], UFPR/Brazil
* [[User:fjbehr|Franz-Josef Behr]], Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
* [[User:Maxi71|Massimiliano Cannata]], University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
* [[Arnulf Christl]], metaspatial Institute
* [[Phil James]], Newcastle University
* [[User:Jgrocha|Jorge Rocha]], Universidade do Minho
* [[User:nmtoken|James Passmore]], British Geological Survey
* [[User:BarendKobben|Barend Köbben]] - Sorry, chairing a session...
== COST Action meeting ==
The aim is to discuss about next COST Action proposal "Smart environmental applications using free and open data and technologies"
*  When - Friday 20th September at 10:00 -11:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee
Who is coming:
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano
* Marco Minghini, Politecnico di Milano
* Peter Baumann, Jacobs University
* [[User:BarendKobben|Barend Köbben]], ITC - University Twente (when not busy on LOC duties...)
* [[User:Maxi71|Massimiliano Cannata]], University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
* [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]], SIGTE - University of Girona
* [[User:philjames|Phil James]], Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, UK
== OSGeo Local Chapter meetup ==
== OSGeo Local Chapter meetup ==
*  When - Saturday 21st September, 08:00 -09:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee
*  When - Saturday 21st September, '''Breakfast meeting''': 08:00 - 09:00 in '''Restaurant of Rutland Hall'''
* We'll have a table / space for each local chapter
* We'll have a table / space for each local chapter
* Existing members can hang out, and new people can find out about their local chapter
* Existing members can hang out, and new people can find out about their local chapter, while having breakfast...
* Consider bringing something local to decorate your space - a small table-top flag, cloth or just leaflets describing your chapter
* Consider bringing something local to decorate your space - a small table-top flag, cloth or just leaflets describing your chapter
* Contact [[User:ian|Ian Edwards]] or update your chapter details below to take part
* Contact [[User:ian|Ian Edwards]] or update your chapter details below to take part
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
* [http://www.osgeo.org/uk OSGeo:UK]. (chapter contact: [[User:ian|Ian Edwards]]) [''We'll be holding our Annual General Meeting - join us'']
* <s>[http://www.osgeo.org/uk OSGeo:UK]. (chapter contact: [[User:ian|Ian Edwards]]) ''note: UK AGM is Fri eve during main OSGeo AGM''</s> please contact via uk@osgeo.org and we will arrange to meet
* Dutch Language Chapter [http://osgeo.nl OSGEO.nl]. (chapter contact: [[BarendKobben|Barend Köbben]], [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]])
* Dutch Language Chapter [http://osgeo.nl OSGEO.nl]. (chapter contact: [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]], [[BarendKobben|Barend Köbben]])
* German Language Chapter [http://www.fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.]. (chapter contact: [[User:Mlechner|Marco Lechner]])
* German Language Chapter [http://www.fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.]. (chapter contact: [[User:Mlechner|Marco Lechner]])
* Korean Language Chapter [http://www.osgeo.kr OSGeo Korean Chapter]. (chapter contact:[[User:endofcap|Sanghee Shin]])
* Korean Language Chapter [http://www.osgeo.kr OSGeo Korean Chapter]. (chapter contact:[[User:endofcap|Sanghee Shin]])
* [[Español|Spanish Language Chapter]] (chapter contact: [[User:Delawen|María Arias]], [[OSGeo-es en el FOSS4G2013|coordination]])
* [[Español|Spanish Language Chapter]] (chapter contact: [[User:Delawen|María Arias]], [[OSGeo-es en el FOSS4G2013|coordination]])
* [http://www.osgeopt.pt/ Chapter of Portugal]. Contact: [[User:Jgrocha|Jorge Rocha]]
* Add your chapter details here...
* Add your chapter details here...
* [[User:pcreso|Brent Wood]] Australia/NZ (depends on timing)
Note: The '''OSGeo AGM''' is taking place on Friday evening from 6pm-7pm, see: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2013
== Sensor Web BOF ==
== Sensor Web BOF ==
Line 86: Line 129:
* Simon Jirka (52°North)
* Simon Jirka (52°North)
* Paul van Genuchten (Geocat)
* Paul van Genuchten (Geocat)
* Peter Baumann (rasdaman), if ever possible
* Brent Wood (NIWA) depending when
* Massimiliano Cannata (SUPSI) depending when
== Maps and Metadata BOF ==
== Maps and Metadata BOF ==
Line 92: Line 138:
* improving interoperability between the open source metadata servers and clients
* improving interoperability between the open source metadata servers (pycsw, ckan, hs, geonetwork, gicat, 52north, deegree, ...) and clients (catmdedit, hs, geonode, qgis, esri, mapwindow, openlayers, geoext/gxp/heron, ...)
** CSW OSGeo profile?
** CSW OSGeo profile?
** metadata101.org?
* Faceted search extensions
* Faceted search extensions
* metadata links articulation
* metadata links articulation
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* [[User:ortelius|Jeffrey Johnson]] (GeoNode maintainer)
* [[User:ortelius|Jeffrey Johnson]] (GeoNode maintainer)
* [[User:Genuchten|Paul van Genuchten]] (GeoCat/Geonetwork)
* [[User:Genuchten|Paul van Genuchten]] (GeoCat/Geonetwork)
* [[User:juanluisrp|Juan Luis Rodríguez]] (GeoCat/Geonetwork)
* [[User:kalxas|Angelos Tzotsos]] (pycsw)
* [[User:kalxas|Angelos Tzotsos]] (pycsw)
* [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]]
* [[User:bartvde|Bart van den Eijnden]]
* [[User:capooti|Paolo Corti]] (GeoNode)
* [[Arnulf Christl]] (metaspatial)
* [[User:Amercader|Adrià Mercader]] (CKAN)
* [[User:pcreso|Brent Wood]] (NIWA)
* [[User:Thomas_G|Thomas Gratier]]
== Join a Software Foundation - OSGeo and LocationTech BOF ==
== LocationTech BOF ==
You owe it to your project, your users and yourself. Discussion and Q & A with OSGeo Incubation (and LocationTech?).
Come share a pint with some folks from LocationTech.
*  When - TBC
*  When - 7:30pm at The Round House Royal Standard Place, Nottingham, NG1 6FS
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Line 117: Line 170:
* [[User:aross|Andrew Ross]]
* [[User:aross|Andrew Ross]]
* [[User:Fgdrf|Frank Gasdorf]]
* [[User:Fgdrf|Frank Gasdorf]]
* Robert Cheetham
* [[User:rcheetham|Robert Cheetham]]
* Richard Burcher
* Eddie Pickle
* Denise McKenzie
* Daniel Morissette (might be a bit late)
* Thanh Ha
== OSGeo INSPIRE/SDI activities ==
== OSGeo INSPIRE/SDI activities ==
Based on the discussion in OSGeo-Discuss list [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2013-May/011709.html], the INPIRE/SDI BoF shall be a starting point for OSGeo being more active in SDIs. In particular [http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ europes INSPIRE directive] has a big impact in all days work with geodata and national SDIs.
Based on the discussion in OSGeo-Discuss list [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2013-May/011709.html], the INPIRE/SDI BoF shall be a starting point for OSGeo being more active in SDIs. In particular [http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ europes INSPIRE directive] has a big impact in all days work with geodata and national SDIs.
Time Slot: Currently planned for Friday 20th September during luchtime (13:30-14:00/14:15)
Where: because this BOF is during lunchtime GeoCamp will be very crowded. Therefore this BOF will take place in '''Gallery 1''' one of the rooms just upstairs the welcome desk
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Line 129: Line 191:
* [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]]
* [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]]
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano
* [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]]
* [[User:Maxi71|Massimiliano Cannata]], University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
* [[User:MarkusSchneider|Markus Schneider]]
* ...
* ...
Line 136: Line 202:
This BoF is intended as an informal meet up to hear people's thoughts and suggestions.
This BoF is intended as an informal meet up to hear people's thoughts and suggestions.
*  When - Friday 20th September, 08:00 - 09:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee
*  When - Friday 20th September, 08:00 - 09:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee.
'''since this page has always said that the OSGeo/OGC BoF will be in the marquee we will go ahead and meet there. Please ignore the confusion of the suggestion to meet in student halls'''
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Line 146: Line 214:
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano, OSGeo member, OGC member
* [[User:maria|Maria Antonia Brovelli]], Politecnico di Milano, OSGeo member, OGC member
* [[User:jachym|Jachym Cepicky]]
* [[User:jachym|Jachym Cepicky]]
* [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]]
* Peter Baumann (rasdaman)
* [[User:pcreso|Brent Wood]] (NIWA, OGC member)
See also: http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/Ideas4OGC
== OSGeo-Live ==
== OSGeo-Live ==
Line 152: Line 225:
* Work out a strategy for printing and distributing DVDs / USBs, and paying for them. The hard part is working out how to process 50+ requests for DVDs per year.
* Work out a strategy for printing and distributing DVDs / USBs, and paying for them. The hard part is working out how to process 50+ requests for DVDs per year.
* Many of the quickstarts need review/tweaks. A day of people running quickstarts, reporting issues, capturing screen shots, would greatly benefit the project. It would be a great introduction for someone to both OSGeo software, and the Open Source development process, as well as being a very valuable contribution to the community.
* Many of the quickstarts need review/tweaks. A day of people running quickstarts, reporting issues, capturing screen shots, would greatly benefit the project. It would be a great introduction for someone to both OSGeo software, and the Open Source development process, as well as being a very valuable contribution to the community.
* How to create PDF documentation.
Time Slot: ??
* '''(please add or change the topics if the definition is not clear defined or in pigeon english)'''
* How to create PDF documentation?
* i18n
* Work on a vargant solution http://www.vagrantup.com/
* Online use of OSGeo-Live (upload the iso and then test it in the cloud)
* get involved in the EDU team
* What about using Transiflex? https://www.transifex.com/
* Shall we move to github or Gitorious ..? Does OSGeo provides a git server?
* Does OSGeo provide a server to make builds like Jenkins?
* proxy - Solution to ony set the proxy one time
* Quickstart - use data from all the programms. Do not use your own data: Goal: work on a common dataset
* Did you know about the installation link on the desktop, to refer to other packages?
* solution were you only can install the packages you want
* apt-get install osgeolive osgeolive-doc
* Solution for documnetation that you can localy update
* What about making a book?
* PostCards
Time Slot: Thursday, 19th,  6-7pm (Room : 3 at EMCC)
Who is coming:
Who is coming:
Line 160: Line 251:
* [[Jorge Sanz]] - OSGeo Live gvSIG package maintainer and Spanish translator
* [[Jorge Sanz]] - OSGeo Live gvSIG package maintainer and Spanish translator
* [[User:lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]] - OSGeo Live Italian translator
* [[User:lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]] - OSGeo Live Italian translator
* [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]]
* [[User:Fgdrf|Frank Gasdorf]] - uDIG and GeoServer  maintainer & German translator
* [[User:johanvdw|Johan Van de Wauw]] - maintainer and dev
* [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]] - Mapbender maintainer & German translator
* [[User:Thomas_G|Thomas Gratier]] - Mapserver & Osgeo Live French translator
Please join also the [[FOSS4G_2013_BirdsOfAFeather#Education_and_ICA-OSGeo_Labs_meeting]] Fr 9-10 am
== InaSAFE BOF ==
Time Slot and location: Thursday 19th 5:30 - 6:30pm at GeoCamp Marquee;    Please fill the [http://doodle.com/6g2x2umpwwarazs9 Doodle]
Great opportunity for the distributed network of developers and users to meet each other and discuss InaSAFE [http://inasafe.org/] as well as for newcomers and workshop attendants [http://2013.foss4g.org/conf/programme/workshops/9/] to become involved in the community.
* use cases: past experiences, future plans
* documentation and training material
* road map
Who is coming:
* [[User:vdeparday| Vivien Deparday]] (GFDRR - World Bank)
* [[User:amaneiro| Andrés Maneiro]], developer @ [http://icarto.es iCarto]
* [[User:capooti|Paolo Corti]] (GeoNode)
* [[User:timlinux|Tim Sutton]] (Linfiniti)
* [[User:vanpuk|Kristy Van Putten]] (AIFDR-GA)
== ELOGeo - learning materials for FOSS-GIS ==
Time Slot and location: Friday, 1-1:30pm, GeoCamp (marquee)
The ELOGeo platform has been set up as a means for the community to share learning resources for FOSS GIS under a Creative Commons 3 licence. We at the University of Nottingham have some additional funding to work on functionality and design of the system, and we're interested in some community views on this. Please come along to say what you think!  (Not usually a problem in OSGeo...) We'll have some design ideas for you to think about, and questions about the content & access.
* how useful is the current collection of materials?
* organisation: what are good ways to tag or organise the collection?
* design: how could this be improved?
Who is coming:
* [[User:jmorley| Jeremy Morley]] (Nottingham Geospatial Institute)
* Adam Rousell (Nottingham Geospatial Institute)
== The Future of GeoExt BOF ==
Time Slot and location: Friday, 15:30-16:30pm, GeoCamp (marquee)
GeoExt brings together the geospatial know how of OpenLayers with the user interface savvy of Ext JS to help you build powerful desktop style GIS apps on the web with JavaScript. With the development of OpenLayers 3, does it make sense to create GeoExt 3 ?
* GeoExt 3 ?
* Possible alternatives ?
* is it possible to implement a front-end GeoServer client via REST?
Who is coming:
* [[User:cmoullet| Cédric Moullet]] (swisstopo)
* [[User:IanMayo|Ian Mayo]]
* [[User:Delawen|Maria Arias de Reyna]] (geocat/geonetwork) if I can make it
* [[User:Lads| Luís de Sousa (CRP Henri Tudor)]]
*  [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]]
== QGIS Training manual update ==
Time and location: Saturday, 13:30 - , GeoCamp
[http://manual.linfiniti.com/ QGIS Training manual] is now for version 1.8. How and when update training manual?
* New branch in Github?
* Update screen snapshots / images
* New exercises for 2.x features
* Localized data sets
* Translations
Who is coming:
* [[Tim Sutton]]
* [[Pekka Sarkola]]
* <add your name>
More information on other Birds of a Feather sessions will be added here before the event
More information on other Birds of a Feather sessions will be added here before the event
See [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_BirdsOfAFeather FOSS4G 2009 Birds of a Feather] for inspiration!
See [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_BirdsOfAFeather FOSS4G 2009 Birds of a Feather] for inspiration!

Latest revision as of 02:05, 23 September 2013


During the FOSS4G2013 conference in Nottingham, UK, there will be a number of spaces for people to hold Birds of a Feather sessions.

Birds of a Feather sessions are unstructured timeslots where people can self organise themselves to discuss topics of interest.

Organising Contact

Timeslots Available

Please check this page regularly before your session since some times/locations may change.

Birds of a feather organization

If you would like to suggest a Birds of a Feather session, follow these guidelines:

  • create a section below for your 'BOF'
  • have people edit this page to indicate they will be attending
  • you must provide a contact person who can manage the meeting
  • also make your description as clear as possible, for many attendees it will be the only thing they read before choosing one


BOF sessions

Early Birds

  • When - Sunday 15th September, 21:00 in Orchard Hotel Bar

A chance to meet up preconference for those of us who are arriving extra early.

Who is coming:

Education and ICA-OSGeo Labs meeting

The aim is to update latest developments in the education efforts and progress update on the ICA-OSGeo Labs network and update members on future plans

  • When - Friday 20th September at 09:00 -10:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee

Specific topics:

  • Welcome and overview -Suchith
  • ICC 2013 update- Suchith
  • "Open Geospatial Science & Applications Webinar Series" plans - All
  • GeoMOOC ideas - Phillip Davis
  • Curriculum discussion - All
  • ELOGeo update - Suchith, Jeremy
  • Setting up an Advisory Board - All
  • Website update - All
  • NASA Europa Challenge - Maria
  • Responsibilities (moving forward (subcommittee chairs))
  • COST Action - Maria
  • Updates on bid opportunities focusing on H2020 -All
  • Updates on relevant training opportunities -All
  • AOB
  • Next telemeeting date

Who is coming:


COST Action meeting

The aim is to discuss about next COST Action proposal "Smart environmental applications using free and open data and technologies"

  • When - Friday 20th September at 10:00 -11:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee

Who is coming:

  • Maria Antonia Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano
  • Marco Minghini, Politecnico di Milano
  • Peter Baumann, Jacobs University
  • Barend Köbben, ITC - University Twente (when not busy on LOC duties...)
  • Massimiliano Cannata, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
  • Lluís Vicens, SIGTE - University of Girona
  • Phil James, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, UK

OSGeo Local Chapter meetup

  • When - Saturday 21st September, Breakfast meeting: 08:00 - 09:00 in Restaurant of Rutland Hall
  • We'll have a table / space for each local chapter
  • Existing members can hang out, and new people can find out about their local chapter, while having breakfast...
  • Consider bringing something local to decorate your space - a small table-top flag, cloth or just leaflets describing your chapter
  • Contact Ian Edwards or update your chapter details below to take part

Who is coming:

Note: The OSGeo AGM is taking place on Friday evening from 6pm-7pm, see: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2013

Sensor Web BOF

Time Slot: Sometime during Friday


  • Sensor Web is gaining more and more relevance in many SDI frameworks as well as in the INSPIRE context
  • Discuss on-going implementation activities
  • Exchange on practical experiences how to bring sensor and observation data into SDIs
  • What are new, upcoming challenges?

Who is coming:

  • Simon Jirka (52°North)
  • Paul van Genuchten (Geocat)
  • Peter Baumann (rasdaman), if ever possible
  • Brent Wood (NIWA) depending when
  • Massimiliano Cannata (SUPSI) depending when

Maps and Metadata BOF

Time Slot: Currently planned for Friday 20th September at 17:30 in the GeoCamp Marquee


  • improving interoperability between the open source metadata servers (pycsw, ckan, hs, geonetwork, gicat, 52north, deegree, ...) and clients (catmdedit, hs, geonode, qgis, esri, mapwindow, openlayers, geoext/gxp/heron, ...)
    • CSW OSGeo profile?
  • Faceted search extensions
  • metadata links articulation
  • spatial relevance algorithms
  • CSW 3, OpenSearch, Mass Market, Linked Data (rdf/sparql)
  • future CSW Shootout?

Who is coming:

LocationTech BOF

Come share a pint with some folks from LocationTech.

  • When - 7:30pm at The Round House Royal Standard Place, Nottingham, NG1 6FS

Who is coming:

OSGeo INSPIRE/SDI activities

Based on the discussion in OSGeo-Discuss list [1], the INPIRE/SDI BoF shall be a starting point for OSGeo being more active in SDIs. In particular europes INSPIRE directive has a big impact in all days work with geodata and national SDIs.

Time Slot: Currently planned for Friday 20th September during luchtime (13:30-14:00/14:15)

Where: because this BOF is during lunchtime GeoCamp will be very crowded. Therefore this BOF will take place in Gallery 1 one of the rooms just upstairs the welcome desk

Who is coming:

  • ...

OGC/OSGeo meet up

OGC and OSGeo have always been strongly linked, from our common roots in the early open source geospatial community, our 2008 MoU, and the ongoing benefits we continue to realize from each other's activities. As both organisations continue to lead at the top of their respective fields, are there ways that we can work more closely and provide greater support for each other's work?

This BoF is intended as an informal meet up to hear people's thoughts and suggestions.

  • When - Friday 20th September, 08:00 - 09:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee.

since this page has always said that the OSGeo/OGC BoF will be in the marquee we will go ahead and meet there. Please ignore the confusion of the suggestion to meet in student halls

Who is coming:

See also: http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/Ideas4OGC


Ideas for OSGeo-Live BOF (which might spill into a Code Sprint with sufficient interest):

  • Discuss strategy for improving translation process
  • Work out a strategy for printing and distributing DVDs / USBs, and paying for them. The hard part is working out how to process 50+ requests for DVDs per year.
  • Many of the quickstarts need review/tweaks. A day of people running quickstarts, reporting issues, capturing screen shots, would greatly benefit the project. It would be a great introduction for someone to both OSGeo software, and the Open Source development process, as well as being a very valuable contribution to the community.
  • (please add or change the topics if the definition is not clear defined or in pigeon english)
  • How to create PDF documentation?
  • i18n
  • Work on a vargant solution http://www.vagrantup.com/
  • Online use of OSGeo-Live (upload the iso and then test it in the cloud)
  • get involved in the EDU team
  • What about using Transiflex? https://www.transifex.com/
  • Shall we move to github or Gitorious ..? Does OSGeo provides a git server?
  • Does OSGeo provide a server to make builds like Jenkins?
  • proxy - Solution to ony set the proxy one time
  • Quickstart - use data from all the programms. Do not use your own data: Goal: work on a common dataset
  • Did you know about the installation link on the desktop, to refer to other packages?
  • solution were you only can install the packages you want
  • apt-get install osgeolive osgeolive-doc
  • Solution for documnetation that you can localy update
  • What about making a book?
  • PostCards

Time Slot: Thursday, 19th, 6-7pm (Room : 3 at EMCC)

Who is coming:

Please join also the FOSS4G_2013_BirdsOfAFeather#Education_and_ICA-OSGeo_Labs_meeting Fr 9-10 am


Time Slot and location: Thursday 19th 5:30 - 6:30pm at GeoCamp Marquee; Please fill the Doodle

Great opportunity for the distributed network of developers and users to meet each other and discuss InaSAFE [2] as well as for newcomers and workshop attendants [3] to become involved in the community.


  • use cases: past experiences, future plans
  • documentation and training material
  • road map

Who is coming:

ELOGeo - learning materials for FOSS-GIS

Time Slot and location: Friday, 1-1:30pm, GeoCamp (marquee)

The ELOGeo platform has been set up as a means for the community to share learning resources for FOSS GIS under a Creative Commons 3 licence. We at the University of Nottingham have some additional funding to work on functionality and design of the system, and we're interested in some community views on this. Please come along to say what you think! (Not usually a problem in OSGeo...) We'll have some design ideas for you to think about, and questions about the content & access.


  • how useful is the current collection of materials?
  • organisation: what are good ways to tag or organise the collection?
  • design: how could this be improved?

Who is coming:

  • Jeremy Morley (Nottingham Geospatial Institute)
  • Adam Rousell (Nottingham Geospatial Institute)

The Future of GeoExt BOF

Time Slot and location: Friday, 15:30-16:30pm, GeoCamp (marquee)

GeoExt brings together the geospatial know how of OpenLayers with the user interface savvy of Ext JS to help you build powerful desktop style GIS apps on the web with JavaScript. With the development of OpenLayers 3, does it make sense to create GeoExt 3 ?


  • GeoExt 3 ?
  • Possible alternatives ?
  • is it possible to implement a front-end GeoServer client via REST?

Who is coming:

QGIS Training manual update

Time and location: Saturday, 13:30 - , GeoCamp

QGIS Training manual is now for version 1.8. How and when update training manual?


  • New branch in Github?
  • Update screen snapshots / images
  • New exercises for 2.x features
  • Localized data sets
  • Translations

Who is coming:

More information on other Birds of a Feather sessions will be added here before the event See FOSS4G 2009 Birds of a Feather for inspiration!