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OSGeo.US was started in 2018 with the mission to support and develops OSGeo Local Chapters, Projects, and Events in the United States.

The initial funding for the groups activities were written into the FOSS4G Boston 2017 proposal, the goal was to start and support a local chapter in Boston once the conference was over. This goal was expanded once it became clear to Guido Stein, on of the founders, that there was a larger need across the nation to support these efforts.

Currently, OSGeo.US is run as a program as a part of an existing Non-Profit organization called Technocation. Technocation, who's mission is to provide education for IT Professional, is the legal entity that has a bank account and board of directors. The board of directors for Technocation act as the board for OSGeo.US, but OSGeo.US is it's own community. As this chapter moves forward a more formal relationship and governance will be created.

Day to day operations and matters will be handled by the President of Technocation with the direction and advice of the community and the board.

Organization website: http://osgeo.us OSGeo.US
Discussion list: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/OSGeo-US-Local-Chapter-f5363954.html

How to request support

OSGeo.US has financial and technical capacity to support Local Chapter formations and operations within the US through mini-grants and consultation. Please submit all requests for support through the community discussion list. Requests will be discussed openly on the discussion list and if brought to a vote will be openly voted on by the Technocation board using Loomio. If their is any issue around getting a quorum, then the Executive Board (President, Secretary, and Treasurer) will have a separate vote to resolve the quorum issue.

2018 Goals

Establish group and build awareness

  • [X] Get recognition of OSGeo
  • [1 of 3] Hold 3 community meetings
  • [X] Build an application process for grants and support
    • email discussion list to support the initial events that are requesting support prior to a formal process
  • [X] Meet with 5 communities in the US that wish to participate
    • Northern MI (Interest in participating, will report back on interest from regional esri meeting)
    • MN (may want support for event in 2019)
    • TN (wants support for regional event)
    • San Diego, CA (FOSS4GNA)
    • PA
    • DC
  • [X] Create a membership list section of wiki and get 20 people to add themselves to the list
  • [X] Create a discussion list and get 20 people to sign up
  • [ ] Create an announcement list and get 50 people to sign up

Support US OSGeo community with education and outreach events and program

  • [X] Support US community in participating in FOSS4G 2018
  • [01] Support 3 Community Events in the US
    • OSGeo.US supported the FOSS4GNA_Code_Sprint_2018 by paying for a venue for sprint participants, making this event possible for the national OSGeo community that was able to participate.
    • FOSS4Gx Hunstville
    • FOSS4Gx Knoxville
  • [00] Support 3 Local Chapters in the US through the recognition process


Past Meetings


2025 Community Events
2025-11-17 Auckland, New Zealand FOSS4G Aukland 2025
Example Example Example
Example Example Example

Past Events

Discussion List



Randal Hale

Kurt Menke

Michele Tobias

Keith Jenkins

Guido Stein

Josh Rosenthal

Kayla Patel

Chris Marx

Erik Friesen

Carl Anderson

Helena Mitasova

Nathan Saylor

David Bitner

Rachel Stevenson

Michael Terner

Bill Dollins

Doug Newcomb

Vaclav Petras

Tom Mueller

Anna Petrasova

Justyna Jeziorska

Will Reckling

Kellyn Montgomery

Garrett Millar

Kerrie Bushway