Revision as of 08:47, 10 February 2007 by Warmerdam (talk | contribs) (→Communication / Task Tracking)
The OSGeo System Administration Committee (SAC) manages all non-CollabNet computer systems operated by OSGeo. Responsibilities include:
- Develop published policies and procedures for managing systems, and system services.
- Solicit input from stakeholders on requred system services, and to prioritize which to offer and when.
- Assign appropriate security and other responsibilities to administrators and users for access to systems.
- Ensure core OSGeo system services are well maintained, highly available and recoverable in case of system failure.
- Recommend system expenditures to the Board.
- Norman Vine
- Howard Butler (Chair)
- John Graham
- Frank Warmerdam
- Arnulf Christl
- Daniel Morissette
Communication / Task Tracking
- Mailing list: Subscribe and Archive
- Open SAC Issues
- Old SAC TODO List (need to migrate any remaining issues to Trac).
Policy Documents
- SAC:Security Groups Policy (approved)
- SAC:Admin and Troubleshooting
- SAC:Create New User
- SAC:Setup LDAP Authentication
- SAC:Standard System Setup
- SAC:ISO Mirroring
- SAC:Mailing Lists
- SAC Service Status indicates what services are setup, where and known issues.
- BuildBot Configuration
- Download Server
- Trac Instances
- Community Mapbuilder Continuum Builds
- Drupal Portal - transition notes for www project, talks about issues transitioning to new web site portal.
- Migration Documentation - assorted services on
- SAC DNS Registry lists DNS entries within the domain.
- Proposed LDAP Layout
Projects with SAC involved
- Geodata processing at - by Geodata Packaging Working Group
- The Infrastructure Working Group has some thoughts on services required from SAC and may provide additional input in the future.
- The Software Stack page talks about the Reference Stack of software we would like to setup for demonstration and testing purposes.
- Teleconferencing
Migration to new Infrastructure
- The Project Infrastructure Migration page talks about migration issues of the projects in incubation and provides hints to some services we should be trying to provide.
- Migration Tasks and Milestones
- Migration Documentation