Query Text
{{ #ask: [[Category:OSGeo Member]] [[Category:OSGeo Advocate]] | ?Name | ?Address | ?City | ?State | ?Country | ?LocalChapter | ?Website | ?Email | ?Phone | ?Photo | ?Languages | ?Coordinate | ?Info | ?Board | ?Chair | ?Coder | ?PSC | ?Committe | ?Charter | ?ExBoard | ?User | ?Committer | ?SolKatz | ?InstantMessaging | ?SocialMedia | ?JobTitle | ?Company | format=template | template=AdvocateListTemplate | sort=Name | order=desc }}
Query Result
[[ Siki | Zoltan Siki ]]
Name: Zoltan Siki Experience: |
[[ Yoichi | Yoichi Kayama ]]
Name: Yoichi Kayama |
Yoichi Kayama is a software engineer and researcher who has conducted research and program development related to geographic information for more than 20 years. Since OSGeo.JP was formed, he has been supporting the Japanese FOSS4G event held annually in Tokyo and Osaka. He co-authored a FOSS4G handbook, he was engaged in the Japanese localization of QGIS, and he has taught how to use QGIS in a number of workshops. |
[[ Macho | Werner Macho ]]
Name: Werner Macho |
Werner is coming from water management, hydrology and hydraulics and has been involved in the QGIS project since 2008. Using mainly opensource software since the early 1990 and since about 2004 solving his geospatial problems with opensource GIS software, he tries to help and propagate free software wherever he can. Beside maintaining a few QGIS plugins he is also the translation team leader for QGIS Desktop software and trying to be a helping hand wherever problems arise. |
[[ Vdeparday | Vivien Deparday ]]
Name: Vivien Deparday |
[[ Vidhan13j07 | Vidhan Jain ]]
Name: Vidhan Jain |
[[ Victoria Rautenbach | Victoria Rautenbach ]]
Name: Victoria Rautenbach |
Victoria Rautenbach is a senior lecturer in the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Victoria’s research focuses on spatial data visualization to support decision making. Her research spans two disciplines: Geographic Information Science (GISc) and Computer Science; multi-dimensional geovisualization, spatial data infrastructure, open source for geospatial software and geoinformation standards. Victoria is interested in web mapping development and the use of mapping to improve less fortunate communities, and has also been involved in various open data events in South Africa. |
[[ Volaya | Victor Olaya ]]
Name: Victor Olaya |
Victor is the creator and main developer of the SEXTANTE library, a spatial data analysis library currently used by several open source GIS such as gvSIG or QGIS. He is also the main author of the Spanish Free GIS Book, a free (CC BY) book on the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. |
[[ Veroandreo | Veronica Andreo ]]
Name: Veronica Andreo |
Vero holds a PhD in Biology and a MSc degree in GIS and Remote Sensing. She is mostly interested in GIS and remote sensing uses and applications for public health, environmental monitoring and disaster management. She is a GRASS GIS and FOSS4G enthusiast and a very active promoter of Osgeo/FOSS4G philosophy everywhere: in conferences, courses, workshops and so on. She is mainly involved in GRASS GIS community contributing tutorials, examples, general documentation, user support, translations, etc. |
[[ Vasile | Vasile Crăciunescu ]]
Name: Vasile Crăciunescu |
[[ Vasil Yordanov | Vasil Yordanov ]]
Name: Vasil Yordanov |
[[ Wenzeslaus | Vaclav Petras ]]
Name: Vaclav Petras |
[[ Tkardi | Tõnis Kärdi ]]
Name: Tõnis Kärdi |
[[ Tosseto | Toshikazu Seto ]]
Name: Toshikazu Seto |
Toshikazu Seto is a researcher who has conducted research and analysis related to "GIS and Society". Since OSGeo.JP was formed, he has been supporting the Japanese FOSS4G event held annually in Tokyo and Osaka. He is also interested in community-building for FOSS4G and attends a wide range of activities related to Volunteered Geographic Information and OpenGeoData. |
[[ Tbarsballe | Torben Barsballe ]]
Name: Torben Barsballe |
Committer on the GeoTools, GeoWebCache, and GeoServer projects. |
[[ Toozeer | Tommy Oozeer ]]
Name: Tommy Oozeer |
[[ Tomchadwin | Tom Chadwin ]]
Name: Tom Chadwin |
Author and maintainer of qgis2web, a QGIS plugin to create webmaps, I have worked for Northumberland National Park Authority for over twelve years, also spending time on secondment managing GIS and web joint working between all the UK National Parks. I have spoken at FOSS4GUK and regional QGIS user groups, and have made several (non-code) contributions to QGIS. I oversaw the migration of Northumberland National Park Authority from proprietary GIS to open source, and advocate its use whenever possible. I co-chaired FOSS4GUK 2018. |
[[ Tina Cormier | Tina Cormier ]]
Name: Tina Cormier |
Tina is a remote sensing scientist who uses satellite imagery to gain insights into critical challenges facing society, and open source software is central to the work that she does. She actively promotes open source through talks, community events (e.g., maptime), and social media, and she is now working with the OSGeo-Live project on R quickstarts as well as with the author of the lidR package to improve user friendliness. Sharing her open source experience has always been a part of her work as well; she has taught workshops in countries all over the world, from Peru to Nepal, as well as in her home country, the USA. Workshop topics have ranged from programming in R and using QGIS, to processing lidar with open source tools. |
[[ Tinacormier | Tina Cormier ]]
Name: Tina Cormier |
Tina is a remote sensing scientist who uses satellite imagery to gain insights into critical challenges facing society, and open source software is central to the work that she does. She actively promotes open source through talks, community events (e.g., maptime), and social media, and she is now working with the OSGeo-Live project on R quickstarts as well as with the author of the lidR package to improve user friendliness. Sharing her open source experience has always been a part of her work as well; she has taught workshops in countries all over the world, from Peru to Nepal, as well as in her home country, the USA. Workshop topics have ranged from programming in R and using QGIS, to processing lidar with open source tools. |
[[ Timlinux | Tim Sutton ]]
Name: Tim Sutton |
[[ Thomas G | Thomas Gratier ]]
Name: Thomas Gratier |
[[ Thomas Baschetti | Thomas Baschetti ]]
Name: Thomas Baschetti |
Thomas is a freelancer doing all kind of GIS and database stuff, especially helping people to migrate from proprietary to free software, connecting different systems and getting things to work. |
[[ Sanand | Suchith Anand ]]
Name: Suchith Anand |
Suchith Anand is a Charter Member of OSGeo and actively involved in OSGeo Education initiatives. He volunteers for GeoForAll with a vision to make geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all and to enable a better future for everyone. He served as the founding chair of the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies and Geospatial IG of Research Data Alliance. He serves in the Program Board of Group on Earth Observations (GEO). He is reviewer for European and international research council applications, and many leading GIS journals . He serves on the Editorial Board of Journal on Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards , GIS Professional . Suchith is from India and now lives in Nottingham with his wife Sajini and their son Sanjay . They all are cricket fans and love travelling. |
[[ Steven Ottens | Steven Ottens ]]
Name: Steven Ottens |
[[ Stevenfeldman | Steven Feldman ]]
Name: Steven Feldman |
[[ Sdlime | Steve Lime ]]
Name: Steve Lime |
Steve is one of the principle developers for MapServer and does a fair amount of web application development using MapServer/MapScript, PostGIS, GDAL, GEOS and OpenLayers. |
[[ Woodbri | Stephen Woodbridge ]]
Name: Stephen Woodbridge |
[[ Stephen Mather | Stephen Vincent Mather ]]
Name: Stephen Vincent Mather |
Stephen has been working in GIS, Planning, and related fields since 1998, working for the last 9 years as the GIS Manager for Cleveland Metroparks. He has been interested in the application of computer vision to geospatial analyses since 2004, and has recently initiated the OpenDroneMap project (http://opendronemap.org), a project to bring together and extend a suite of open source computer vision software for use with UAS (drone) and street level images. In addition to managing Cleveland Metroparks GIS program and leading OpenDroneMap, Stephen works with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and Karisoke Research Center (Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International) to research mountain gorillas in Rwanda. Most of that work uses OSGeo tools. Stephen is also coauthor of the PostGIS Cookbook and blogs all his geospatial and ecological whims at https://smathermather.com. |
[[ Stefan A. Tzeggai | Stefan Tzeggai ]]
Name: Stefan Tzeggai |
[[ Perriger | Stefan Steiniger ]]
Name: Stefan Steiniger |
[[ Simonmercier | Simon Mercier ]]
Name: Simon Mercier |
[[ Metasim | Simeon H.K. Fitch ]]
Name: Simeon H.K. Fitch |
Project History:
My current focus is in building the next-generation methodologies and technologies for distributed processing of geospatial data "at scale" using resource-efficient, environmentally-conscious tooling. I'm a co-founder and VP of R&D and Engineering at Astrea, Inc., where lead a team of software engineers delivering modern geospatial applications to multiple commercial verticals. |
[[ Seleneyang | Selene Yang ]]
Name: Selene Yang |
[[ ScottC | Scott Clark ]]
Name: Scott Clark |
I'm a program manager with a background in geospatial analysis and I advocate for the maximum use of open source software in all of the projects I'm responsible for. I've participated in open source projects for a few years now and have an interest in GeoNode, QGIS, GeoWave and GeoGig. One of the projects I worked on is GeoSHAPE (http://geoshape.org). I attend FOSS4G whenever I can for the great community and to keep up on the latest with open source geospatial software. |
[[ Sarasafavi | Sara Safavi ]]
Name: Sara Safavi |
Sara is a software developer with experience in web and geospatial development, and a frequent speaker in both the Python & geospatial tech communities. Sara is also an active community leader, and has been an organizer for PyLadiesATX, Austin Open Source GIS, and MaptimeATX. |
[[ Iamrohith94 | Sankepally Rohith Reddy ]]
Name: Sankepally Rohith Reddy |
Rohith Reddy is pursuing his Masters in Research in the Lab for Spatial Informatics at the IIIT Hyderabad, India. He is a developer, programmer and a researcher. |
[[ Sanghee | Sanghee Shin ]]
Name: Sanghee Shin |
[[ Endofcap | Sanghee Shin ]]
Name: Sanghee Shin |
[[ Remi.cresson | Remi Cresson ]]
Name: Remi Cresson |
Remi Cresson has received the M. Sc. in electrical engineering from the Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG), France, 2009. He is with IRSTEA (french National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture), for research and development in the field of remote sensing image processing, including (but not restricted to) High Performance Computing and geospatial data infrastructures. Involved in open source projects:
[[ Robe | Regina Obe ]]
Name: Regina Obe |
[[ Ravivundavalli | Ravi Kumar Vundavalli ]]
Name: Ravi Kumar Vundavalli |
Evangelist of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). FOSS GIS teacher. Trained more than a hundred Geologists of Geological Survey of India, as head of it's training division at Hyderabad, India. Currently developing FOSS GIS for transparent administration in India. 'mana-rajahmundry.org', is a website developed for society with various themes like roads, toilets, schools, drainage etc. A similar website is being prepared for the City of Mysuru, http://www.mana-rajahmundry.org/namma-mysuru/. Being a Geologist mapping the districts of Godavari, Andhra Pradesh for Free Geological Geospatial data. GeoheritageIndia.org, which will generate GIS related locations of Geological significance, is in the making. Present Interest: 'Crowd-sourcing', with Android smart phones, for various societal needs is present endeavour. Open Data Kit (ODK) and OSMAND are used for 'Mobile-GIS', with training workshops. Building specific forms/questionnaires for crowd-sourcing Geospatial data is also in progress. As A Geologist: Experience from mapping Western Himalayas, Sikkim Himalayas, Glacier Mapping and Water Budgeting of Zemu Glacier, North Sikkim started career in early seventies. Mapping eastern Ghats and the Bauxite contained there in Odisha State, is a favorite memory while Exploring Deep-Seas for Poly-Metalic nodules, and near shore Placer Minerals (Monazite, Ilmenite, Garnet)of Bay of Bengal, Off Andhra Pradesh and Odisha coasts is a more recent thrust. |
[[ Rjhale1971 | Randal Hale ]]
Name: Randal Hale |
Randal Hale is the owner of North River Geographic Systems, Inc. He's been active in the QGIS Community by participating in beta testing and answering questions on the QGIS mailing list. He's also developed QGIS classes that target people active in the GIS Community. |
[[ RajatShinde | Rajat Shinde ]]
Name: Rajat Shinde |
[[ Rafael Moreno | Rafael Moreno ]]
Name: Rafael Moreno |
Rafael Moreno received his B.S. in Forestry from the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico in 1982 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Natural Resources Management from Colorado State University in 1987 and1992 respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences at University of Colorado Denver (UCD). He teaches courses in GISscience and Technology, environmental science, land use planning and sustainability in natural resources management. He leads the FOSS4G lab at UCD. His current research concentrates on the analysis of fragmentation and anthropogenic pressure on forest areas, Decision Support Systems for forest management, and the use of FOSS/FOSS4G for creating local and Web-based spatial information systems. |
[[ Pirmin Kalberer | Pirmin Kalberer ]]
Name: Pirmin Kalberer |
Pirmin is an active Geospatial Open Source community member since 2002. He works for Sourcepole, a Swiss based commercial Open Source company. |
[[ Pieterdg | Pieter De Graef ]]
Name: Pieter De Graef |
[[ Peter Mooney | Peter Mooney ]]
Name: Peter Mooney |
[[ Peter Loewe | Peter Löwe ]]
Name: Peter Löwe |
[[ Pebau | Peter Baumann ]]
Name: Peter Baumann |
[[ Vehrka | Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses ]]
Name: Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses |
Pedro-Juan is a Cartographer and Project Manager that works in a Location Intelligence company. He has been collaborating with different NGOs in spreading the word of the Open Knowledge, Open data and FOSS (and FOSS4G) |
[[ Pedro-Juan Ferrer | Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses ]]
Name: Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses |
Pedro-Juan is a Cartographer and Project Manager that works in a Location Intelligence company. He has been collaborating with different NGOs in spreading the word of the Open Knowledge, Open data and FOSS (and FOSS4G) |