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Where has the LiveDVD been used? Please tell us. A history of wide use provides justification for future developers to include, and improve their application on OSGeo-Live.
#REDIRECT [[OSGeoLive_History]]
Where has OSGeoLive been used? Please tell us. A history of wide use provides justification for future developers to include, and improve their application on OSGeoLive.
See also [[Live GIS Testimonials]].
== Template Questions ==  
== Template Questions ==  
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* City, Country
* City, Country
* link to webside
* link to webside
* OSGeo-Live handed out to attendees? How many?
* OSGeoLive handed out to attendees? How many?
* USBs, DVDs, or VMs used? How many?
* USBs, DVDs, or VMs used? How many?
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presented? To how many people? Was it a plenary event? If not, what percentage of the attendees attended this talk? Did you get any feedback? What did you hear?
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presented? To how many people? Was it a plenary event? If not, what percentage of the attendees attended this talk? Did you get any feedback? What did you hear?
* OSGeo-Live used for workshops or training programs? What did the workshop/training cover. Was the USB/DVD or VM used? Were attendees computers used? If so, what operating systems were they running? How long did it take to set up? Were there any issues?
* OSGeoLive used for workshops or training programs? What did the workshop/training cover. Was the USB/DVD or VM used? Were attendees computers used? If so, what operating systems were they running? How long did it take to set up? Were there any issues?
* Any suggestions on what we can do to improve OSGeo-Live for future?
* Any suggestions on what we can do to improve OSGeoLive for future?
* Contact: person (usually coordinator) who can be contacted to ask further questions
* Contact: person (usually coordinator) who can be contacted to ask further questions
== 2018 ==
=== 23 - 24 May 2018 UMGeoCon Conference, USA ===
* La Crosse, WI, USA
* Contact: univcenters@uwlax.edu
* https://umgeocon.org/
* Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
* Lightning presentation by Bob Basques.
* Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)
=== 21. - 25. March 2018 FOSSGIS Bonn (Germany)===
* 21. - 25. March 2018
* Passau (Germany)
* http://fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/
* Videos will be published in TIB AV Portal https://av.tib.eu/
* Hand out OSGeoLive 400 postcards to all delegates
* > Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
** xx persons in xx workshops
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?
** OSGeoLive will be used with ....
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 05 - 06 March 2018 GITA Conference, USA ===
* Phoenix, AZ, USA
* Contact: events@gita.org
* https://gitasw.org/
* Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
* Lightning presentation by Bob Basques, with additional in-depth look at specific OSGeo projects.
* Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)
== 2017 ==
=== 26.- 28. September 2017 INTERGEO Berlin ===
* 26.-28.September 2017
* Berlin, Germany
* OSGeo Park at INTERGEO booth and presentation area. 6 computer were visitor could try out OSGeoLive 11.0
* https://www.fossgis.de/w/index.php?title=Intergeo_2017
* +- 100 OSGeoLive USB thumbs were handed out to visitor
* OSGeoLive postcards: +-500 PostCards
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 14 - 19 August 2017 FOSS4G Europe, Boston MA (USA) ===
* 14 - 19 August 2017
* Boston MA (USA)
* http://2017.foss4g.org/
* Over 1000 attendees expected
* OSGeoLive will be promoted
** Workshops will use OSGeoLive 11.0
* Hand out OSGeoLive 11.0 to all delegates, bootable USB
* Contact: [[User:Gsteinmon | Guido Stein]], conference chair
=== 18 - 22 July 2017 FOSS4G Europe, Paris ===
* 18 - 22 July 2017
* Paris (Marne-la-Vallée), France
* https://europe.foss4g.org/2017/
* 330 attendees, 100+ presentations
* 180 attendees to 15 workshops
* OSGeoLive was promoted
* Hand out OSGeoLive 10.5 to all delegates, bootable USB
* Workshops used OSGeoLive 10.5
* Great OSGeo Code Sprint worked on OSGeoLive 11.0 to get the version ready for FOSS4G 2017
* Contact: [[User:Djay|Gérald Fenoy]], conference chair
=== 5.- 7. July 2017 AGIT Salzburg ===
* 5.-7.July 2017
* Salzburg, Austria
* http://agit.at/
* OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive will be sold, information about OSGeo projects
* OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
* Workshops about '''QGIS''', '''Mapbender3''' and '''How to setup a GDI with Open Source Software''': will people work with OSGeoLive [https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/wiki/Live_GIS_Workshop_Install workshop page], +-100 participants will work with OSGeoLive
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 26th May 2017 OSGeo Ireland – 1st National Symposium 2017 ===
* 26th May 2017
* Limerick, Ireland
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Ireland/Symposium2017
* Distributed 50 OSGeo USB thumbs with OSGeoLive
* OSGeoLive postcards
* Contact: OSGeo Local Chapter in Ireland
=== 22. - 25. March 2017 FOSSGIS Passau (Germany)===
* 22. - 25. March 2017
* Passau (Germany)
* http://fossgis-konferenz.de/2017/
* Videos in TIB AV-Portal https://av.tib.eu/series/300/fossgis+konferenz+2017+passau+22+25+marz+2017
* Hand out OSGeoLive 300 postcards to all delegates
* > Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
** 152 persons in 17 workshops
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?
** OSGeoLive will be used with Virtual Machine with QEMO
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 22 - 24 February 2017 WLIA Conference, USA ===
* Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, USA
* Contact: abarrett@uniontel.net
* https://www.wlia.org/annual-conference/
* There may be a SharedGeo Booth with some USBs to hand out. 
* Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
* Presented by Bob Basques.
* Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)
=== 6 - 11 February 2017 FOSS4G IT, Italy ===
* 6 - 11 February 2017
* Genova, Italy
* http://www.dicca.unige.it/geomatica/foss4git_2017/index.html
* OSGeoLive used for workshop using virtual machine
* Contact: [[User:Lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]]
== 2016 ==
=== 24. - 26. August 2016 FOSS4G Bonn 2016 ===
* Bonn, Germany
* Contact: info@foss4g2016.org
* http://2016.foss4g.org/home.html
* get information at [[FOSS4G_2016_OSGeo_Booth]]
* 250 + 50 OSGeoLive USBs handed out to delegates and students,
* OSGeoLive 10.0 was used in most of the workshops with great success. OSGeoLive was installed on the workshop notebooks
* Notebooks with OSGeoLive installed were used as presentation notebooks
* many OSGeoLive postcards were given to the delegates
* a group of people worked at the FOSS4G OSGeo Code Sprint on OSGeoLive [[FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint]]
=== 6.- 8. July 2016 AGIT Salzburg ===
* 6.-8.July 2016
* Salzburg, Austria
* http://agit.at/
* OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive were sold, information about OSGeo projects
* OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
* Workshops about '''PostGIS''', '''Mapbender3''' and '''How to setup a GDI with Open Source Software''': people work with OSGeoLive nUSB thumb [https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/wiki/Live_GIS_Workshop_Install workshop page], +-100 participants working with OSGeoLive
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 04. - 06. July 2016 FOSSGIS Salzburg===
* 04. - 06. July 2016
* Salzburg, Austria
* http://fossgis-konferenz.de/2016/
* Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis
** http://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2016/socialevents/
* Hand out OSGeoLive 250 postcards to all delegates
* > Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
** +-130 persons in the workshops
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?
** OSGeoLive was used with Virtual Box in the Workshops
** USB Sticks were given to the participants if interested
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 24. May 2016 Geospatial World Forum ===
* OSGeo celebrating 10th anniversary http://geospatialworldforum.org/OSGeo-programme.html
* 23.-26. May 2016
* Rotterdam, Netherlands
* http://geospatialworldforum.org/
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geospatial_World_Forum_2016
* Talk: OSGeo Live - a practical view on OSGeo - Johan Van de Wauw - President OSGeo.be
* Contact: Johan Van de Wauw , Dirk Frigne
== 2015 ==
== 2015 ==
=== November 27th 2015 FOSS4G.HU ===
* Budapest, Hungary
* http://www.geod.bme.hu/gis/workshop4
* During OpenLayers 3 and Python Geospatial Programming workshop OSGeoLive (installed on desktop and laptop machines) was used
* Contact: Zoltan Siki
=== October 3 2015 24dev-demo for OSGeo Live DVD ===
* A set of customizable Addon prototyping scripts for the OSGeo Live DVD.
* Users can install 24dev applications to a live OSGeo DVD via running one script.
* Users can rename the base directory and re-run the install script to update profiles.
* The install script creates a backup tar file.
* The scripts can display custom license/release files for each application.
* OSD users are encouraged to fork new release via github renamed as: 24dev-.
* The program documentation/files are located at: https://github.com/pmcgover/24dev-demo
=== October 5th-9th 2015 Digital Earth 2015 ===
* Halifax, Nova Scotia · Canada
* OSGeoLive workshop?
* Contact: Dirk Werle (conference chair), Brian Hamlin and Jeff McKenna (OSGeoLive presenters)
=== 28/29 September 2015: GFOSS DAY 2015 ===
* Lecco, Italy
* OSGeoLive used for workshop using virtual machine
* USB Sticks were given to the participants
* Contact: Luca Delucchi
=== 23-24 September 2015: GiS in the Rockies ===
* Denver, USA
* OSGeoLive referenced in FOSS4G track at GIS in the Rockies conference
* Contact: Rafael Moreno-sanchez
=== 14-19 September 2015: FOSS4G 2015 ===
* Seoul, South Korea
* Contact: Sanghee Shin
* OSGeoLive USBs handed out, OSGeoLive used in a number of the workshops
=== 15-17 September 2015, INTERGEO 2015 Stuttgart (Germany)===
* Stuttgart, Germany
* http://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Intergeo_2015
* http://intergeo.de
* OSGeoLive Postcards
* presentation area with OSGeoLive 9.0 to try out.
* presentations about OSGeoLive in the Open Source Park http://live.osgeo.org/de/presentation/index.html
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 11-13 August 2015, Geomatics Indaba 2015===
* Ekurhuleni, South Africa
* http://geomatics.org.za/
* distribution of 800 OSGeoLive 8.5 DVDs in delegate bags
* Contact: [[User:Gfleming|Gavin Fleming]]
=== 27-31 July, 2015: GIS Training at IAEA===
* Vienna, Austria
* Workshop on GIS for agricultural pest control
* OSGeo Live was install as virtual machine on participants computers
* Training focused on QGIS and Spatialite
* Contact: [[User:micha|Micha Silver]]
=== 13-18  July 14, 2015: FOSS4G Europe ===
* Como, Italy
* Workshops, Conference, Codesprint
* Contact: Maria Antonia Brovelli
=== 8.-10. July 2015 AGIT Salzburg (Austria) ===
* 8.-10.July 2015
* Salzburg, Austria
* http://agit.at/
* OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive were sold, information about OSGeo projects
* OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
* OSGeoLive presentation by Astrid Emde (german) [https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/blob/master/en/presentation/index.html presentation]
* Workshops about PostGIS (> 30 attendees) and Mapbender3 (>30 attendees): people worked with OSGeoLive 8.5 USB thumb [https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/wiki/Live_GIS_Workshop_Install workshop page]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 8-10. June 2015 FOSS4G India 2015, IIRS Dehradun, India ===
OSGeo-India tweaked the Live DVD to also contain the Digital Proceedings of the Conference (full papers and abstracts) and it was made available to all the Participants. My humble self mentioned in my inaugural presentation that the essence of all OSGeo and OS-GIS software are tucked into the live DVD. It was also emphasised that the Live-DVD is a way of seeing all the software run on one's computer / Laptop without soiling it by booting with it. Use of Virtual Machine on certain operating systems, which are not boot-friendly to the Live-DVD was also mentioned. As usual the conference acknowledges the untiring effort by live.osgeo.org (http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html) who keep the DVD afresh with all latest OS-GIS. https://plus.google.com/114935751871526846208/posts/iXhdxwaePux
* http://foss4gindia.in
=== 11. - 13. May 2015 Symposium Königslutter - Angewandte Kartographie - Geovisualisierung ===
* Königslutter (Germany)
* Workshop on OSGeoLive:
** Workshop with OSGeoLive from USB
** 10 attendees
* PostCards postcards to all delegates - about 50 postcards
* used presentation: http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/de/presentation/index.html
* http://angewandte-kartographie.de/
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 1-3 June 2015: CalGIS ===
* Sacramento, California, United States
* http://www.calgis.org
* Contact: Alex Mandel / Christina Boggs
=== 11. - 13. March 2015 FOSSGIS ===
=== 11. - 13. March 2015 FOSSGIS ===
* 11. - 13. March 2015
* 11. - 13. March 2015
* Münster, Germany
* Münster, Germany
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2015/
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2015/
* Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis
* Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis  
* Hand out OSGeo-Live xx postcards to all delegates - about xx postcards
** see also http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2015/programm/events/904.de.html
* > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeo-Live
* Hand out OSGeoLive 500 postcards to all delegates
** xx persons in the workshops
* > 21 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
* What format of OSGeo-Live was used?  
** 239 persons in the workshops
** xx
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?  
** USB Sticks
** USB Sticks were given to the participants
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== March 2015 Leeds MSc course ===
* Training course at Leeds, UK
* https://github.com/MassAtLeeds/webGIS
* 20 people attended, encouraged to use VMs
* Only 1 seen successfully running it in a VM!
* Contact: Robin Lovelace
=== 9-11 March 2015 FOSS4G-NA ===
*  Burlingame, California, USA
* Contact Andrew Ross
=== 31 January 2015 FOSDEM ===
* Location: Brussels, Belgium
* 31 January & 1 February 2015
* Presentation: From Debian-GIS to OSGeo live and back
* Description: Debian GIS is a project with the goal of making Debian the best distribution for Geographical Information System applications.
OSGeo live (live.osgeo.org) is a self-contained bootable dvd, usb thumb drive or virtual machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It also contains a set of uniform documentation (description and quickstarts) to guide people around the different projects.
Even though OSGeo live is based on the packages in Debian, both projects diverted and where OSGeo live managed to get a large (100+) community of contributors, progress in Debian GIS was stalling. Recently however, a new wind is blowing in Debian GIS (among others with the Debian pure blends initiative) and many changes from OSGeo live are being incorporated back into Debian.
Apart from presenting both projects I will highlight some problems people encounter when they would like to add their package to Debian GIS, and how Debian pure blends try to solve this.
* Speaker: Johan Van de Wauw
* https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/from_debian_gis_to_osgeo_live_and_back/
== 2014 ==
== 2014 ==
=== 2-5 December 2014, FOSS4G Asia ===
* Bankok, Thailand
* OSGeoLive lightning talk presented.
* planning to use OSGeoLive at the workshop.
* Planning to distribute OSGeoLive DVDs in the conference kit.
* Contact: Venkatesh Raghavan, Heegu Park
=== 28 November 2014, Illinois State GIS Association Annual Conference ===
* Chicago, Illinois, US
* OSGeoLive presentation given, which was well attended, with a number of people coming and asking questions afterwards.
* Handed out 23 OSGeoLive USBs
* Contact: Bob Basques
=== 21 November 2014, FOSS4G Hungary Conference ===
* Budapest, Hungary
* Approximately 110 OSGeo Live 8 DVDs were distributed
* during the PostGIS in a Nutshell workshop OSGeoLive 8 was used http://www.agt.bme.hu/gis/workshop3/eloadasok/postgis_mini.pdf
* Contact: [[User:Siki|Zoltan Siki]]
* Photos: http://www.agt.bme.hu/keptar/phpslideshow.php?directory=workshop3&currentPic=0
=== 6 November 2014, beOpenGISfr ===
* Brussels, Belgium
* http://be-opengis.ulb.ac.be/
* OSGeoLive VM was used during workshops. Approx 90 USB sticks with OSGeoLive were distributed
* Contact: [[User:mlennert|Moritz Lennert]]
* Photos: http://be-opengis.ulb.ac.be/photos.html
=== 7-9 October 2014, INTERGEO 2014 ===
* Berlin, Germany
* http://intergeo.de
* OSGeoLive Postcards
* presentation about OSGeoLive in the Open Source Park http://www.intergeo.de/intergeo/besucher/messe/opensource-park.php
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
=== 8-13 September 2014, International FOSS4G===
* Portland, Oregon, USA
* https://2014.foss4g.org/
* Contact: ?
* 300 8Gig OSGeoLive USBs handed out from the OSGeo Booth.
* OSGeoLive VM used for many of the workshops.
=== 2-3 September 2014, OSGIS 2014===
=== 2-3 September 2014, OSGIS 2014===
* University of Nottingham, UK
* University of Nottingham, UK
* http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/home.aspx  
* http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/home.aspx  
* Contact: Suchith Anand
* Contact: Suchith Anand
=== 27-28 August 2014 FOSS4G Korea ===
* COEX, Seoul, Korea
* Handed out OSGeoLive DVDs
* Contact: Sanghee Shin
=== 21-25 July, 2014. Urban Informatics Postgraduate Elective===
* University of Melbourne, Australia
* USB stick with OSGeoLive 7.9 was handed out to 25 enrolled students
* Students had a choice of USB or VM
* Contact: A/Prof Chris Pettit, Dr Jack Barton
=== 15.-17. July 2014 FOSS4G-Euope===
=== 15.-17. July 2014 FOSS4G-Euope===
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* about 160 attendents
* about 160 attendents
* OSGeo table together with FOSSGIS e.V.
* OSGeo table together with FOSSGIS e.V.
* USB stick with OSGeo-Live 7.9 was handed out to every participant
* USB stick with OSGeoLive 7.9 was handed out to every participant
* Presentation on OSGeo-Live http://kalxas.github.io/OSGeoLive-presentation/#/
* Presentation on OSGeoLive http://kalxas.github.io/OSGeoLive-presentation/#/
* Code Sprint for version 8.0 at friday 18th july 2014
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
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* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2014/   
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2014/   
* The Summer School is focused on the development and creation of Open Web Services and Web Applications, especially on the publication of data on the web. With this goal, the programme will cover topics related to the acquisition and importation of OpenStreetMap data into a spatial database, creation of geospatial web services and development of internet viewers for publishing geospatial data.
* The Summer School is focused on the development and creation of Open Web Services and Web Applications, especially on the publication of data on the web. With this goal, the programme will cover topics related to the acquisition and importation of OpenStreetMap data into a spatial database, creation of geospatial web services and development of internet viewers for publishing geospatial data.
The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeo-Live DVD
The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeoLive DVD
* http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html   
* http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html   
* Contact: Lluis Vicens
* Contact: Lluis Vicens
Line 53: Line 377:
* Cape Town, South Africa
* Cape Town, South Africa
* http://www.africageo.org/
* http://www.africageo.org/
* presentation and paper based on OSGeo-Live (and distribution of ~550 OSGeo-Live DVDs in delegate bags)
* presentation and paper based on OSGeoLive (and distribution of ~550 OSGeoLive DVDs in delegate bags)
* Contact: [[User:Gfleming|Gavin Fleming]], Tim Sutton
* Contact: [[User:Gfleming|Gavin Fleming]], Tim Sutton
Line 69: Line 393:
* http://training.fws.gov/nctcweb/catalog/CourseDetail.aspx?CourseCodeLong=FWS-CSP7304
* http://training.fws.gov/nctcweb/catalog/CourseDetail.aspx?CourseCodeLong=FWS-CSP7304
* Contact: Doug Newcomb
* Contact: Doug Newcomb
* Presented OSGeo-Live presentation, handed out OSGeo-Live DVDs
* Presented OSGeoLive presentation, handed out OSGeoLive DVDs
=== 10-13 June 2014, OGRS 2014 ===
=== 10-13 June 2014, OGRS 2014 ===
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* http://2014.ogrs-community.org/
* http://2014.ogrs-community.org/
* Contact: [[User:Ajolma|Ari Jolma]]
* Contact: [[User:Ajolma|Ari Jolma]]
=== 2-4 July 2014, AGIT26 ===
* Salzburg, Austria
* http://www.agit.at
* OSGeo Day http://www.agit.at/index.php/programmagit/themen-schwerpunkte/osgeo-day-osgeo-park-2014
* OSGeo Booth, OSGeoLive Postcards, OSGeo flyer, OSGeo Day and workshops
* Contact: Astrid Emde
=== 20-22 May 2014 FOSS4G-FR ===
=== 20-22 May 2014 FOSS4G-FR ===
Line 83: Line 414:
* Brisbane, Australia
* Brisbane, Australia
* http://www.sssi.org.au/Events/QLD-Open-Source-Spatial-Workshop/eid/988.html
* http://www.sssi.org.au/Events/QLD-Open-Source-Spatial-Workshop/eid/988.html
* OSGeo-Live DVD handed out to all participants and used in hands on workshops
* OSGeoLive DVD handed out to all participants and used in hands on workshops
* Contact: Shaun Kolomeitz
* Contact: Shaun Kolomeitz
Line 89: Line 420:
* Vienna, Austria
* Vienna, Austria
* http://www.egu2014.eu/
* http://www.egu2014.eu/
* 100 OSGeo-Live DVDs handed out to participants
* 100 OSGeoLive DVDs handed out to participants
* Contact Peter Löwe
* Contact Peter Löwe
* Detailed report and lessons learned: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/EGU_Townhall_2014#OSGeoLive_DVDs
=== 26-28 March 2014, 8as Jornadas de SIG Libre (Spanish FOSS4G) ===
=== 26-28 March 2014, 8as Jornadas de SIG Libre (Spanish FOSS4G) ===
* 26 - 28 March 2014 in Girona
* 26 - 28 March 2014 in Girona
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre
* 6 Workshops will take place, using OSGeo-Live
* 6 Workshops will take place, using OSGeoLive
** Introduction to QGIS
** Introduction to QGIS
** Integration of Free Geospatial Technologies
** Integration of Free Geospatial Technologies
Line 102: Line 434:
** Developing mobile applications with Glob3 mobile SDK
** Developing mobile applications with Glob3 mobile SDK
** Creating Web Applications with AngularJS AND LeafletJS  
** Creating Web Applications with AngularJS AND LeafletJS  
* What format of OSGeo-Live was used?  
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?  
** VirtualMachine
** VirtualMachine
* Contact: [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]]
* Contact: [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]]
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* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2014/
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2014/
* Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis
* Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis
* Hand out OSGeo-Live 7.9 postcards to all delegates - about 550 postcards
* Hand out OSGeoLive 7.9 postcards to all delegates - about 550 postcards
* Presenatation about OSGeo-Live '''OSGeo-Live rocks!''' '''maybe'''
* Presenatation about OSGeoLive '''OSGeoLive rocks!''' '''maybe'''
* > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeo-Live
* > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
** 204 persons in the workshops
** 204 persons in the workshops
* What format of OSGeo-Live was used?  
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?  
** VirtualMachine
** VirtualMachine
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
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=== 23 February 2014 FOSS4G Sri Lanka ===
=== 23 February 2014 FOSS4G Sri Lanka ===
* Malabe, Sri Lanka
* Malabe, Sri Lanka
* OSGeo-Live Presentation including demo of OSGeo-Live
* OSGeoLive Presentation including demo of OSGeoLive
* Handed out OSGeo Live 7.0 DVDs
* Handed out OSGeo Live 7.0 DVDs
* Contact: Nimalika Fernando
* Contact: Nimalika Fernando
Line 134: Line 466:
* Rajahmundry, India
* Rajahmundry, India
* OSGeo India had a 3 day Societal GIS training workshop.
* OSGeo India had a 3 day Societal GIS training workshop.
* Used OSGeo Live-7, both DVD and USB driven. Wish to use Virtual Box as Windows-8 has serious booting issues and OSGeo-Live works fine with Virtual Box (Sun Microsystems).
* Used OSGeo Live-7, both DVD and USB driven. Wish to use Virtual Box as Windows-8 has serious booting issues and OSGeoLive works fine with Virtual Box (Sun Microsystems).
* http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User_talk:Ravivundavalli#OSGeo_India_and_Adi_Kavi_Nannaya_University_Training_workshop_23_-_25_January_2014
* http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User_talk:Ravivundavalli#OSGeo_India_and_Adi_Kavi_Nannaya_University_Training_workshop_23_-_25_January_2014
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* http://intergeo.de
* http://intergeo.de
* it is planned to hand out 500 OSGeo 7.0 DVDs
* it is planned to hand out 500 OSGeo 7.0 DVDs
* slides about OSGeo-Live in FOSSGIS e.V. presentation
* slides about OSGeoLive in FOSSGIS e.V. presentation
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
Line 165: Line 497:
* Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* http://www.asiageospatialforum.org
* http://www.asiageospatialforum.org
* OSGEO-Live and ICA-OSGEO lab network [http://prezi.com/hv18xf8_wolq/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy presentation]
* OSGeoLive and ICA-OSGEO lab network [http://prezi.com/hv18xf8_wolq/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy presentation]
* Contact: [[TuongThuy Vu|Thuy Vu]]
* Contact: [[TuongThuy Vu|Thuy Vu]]
Line 177: Line 509:
* Nottingham, United Kingdom  
* Nottingham, United Kingdom  
* http://2013.foss4g.org
* http://2013.foss4g.org
* 800 Live DVDs were created, available at the main reception desk and used in workshops
* Contact: Steven Feldman
* Contact: Steven Feldman
Line 186: Line 519:
=== 8-12 July 2013, Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School ===
=== 8-12 July 2013, Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School ===
* Girona, Catalonia, Spain
* Girona, Catalonia, Spain
* About 25 students running OSGeo-Live in a Virtual Machine (Virtual Box).
* About 25 students running OSGeoLive in a Virtual Machine (Virtual Box).
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2013/
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2013/
* Contact: [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]]
* Contact: [[User:Lluís|Lluís Vicens]]
Line 194: Line 527:
* http://www.agit.at  
* http://www.agit.at  
* OSGeo Day http://www.agit.at/index.php/programm-2013/themen/osgeo
* OSGeo Day http://www.agit.at/index.php/programm-2013/themen/osgeo
* Hand out OSGeo-Live 6.5 DVDs at FOSSGIS/OSGeo Booth - about 200 DVDs
* Hand out OSGeoLive 6.5 DVDs at FOSSGIS/OSGeo Booth - about 200 DVDs
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
Line 207: Line 540:
* Rapperswil, Switzerland
* Rapperswil, Switzerland
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2013/
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2013/
* Hand out OSGeo-Live 6.5 DVDs to all delegates - about 350 DVDs
* Hand out OSGeoLive 6.5 DVDs to all delegates - about 350 DVDs
* Presenatation about OSGeo-Live '''OSGeo-Live rocks!''' by [[User:Astrid Emde | Astrid Emde]] http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2013/programm/events/576.de.html
* Presenatation about OSGeoLive '''OSGeoLive rocks!''' by [[User:Astrid Emde | Astrid Emde]] http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2013/programm/events/576.de.html
* > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeo-Live 6.5
* > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive 6.5
** 5 - 20 persons in the workshops
** 5 - 20 persons in the workshops
* What format of OSGeo-Live was used?  
* What format of OSGeoLive was used?  
** VirtualMachine
** VirtualMachine
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
Line 217: Line 550:
=== 17-19 June 2013, FOSS4G-CEE 2013 ===
=== 17-19 June 2013, FOSS4G-CEE 2013 ===
* Bucharest, Romania
* Bucharest, Romania
* OSGeo-Live 6.5 (or higher) DVDs will be handed out to all participants (conference target: 300)
* OSGeoLive 6.5 (or higher) DVDs will be handed out to all participants (conference target: 300)
* Some workshops are expected to make use of OSGeo-Live (call for workshops opens June 13th)
* Some workshops are expected to make use of OSGeoLive (call for workshops opens June 13th)
* A OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation is welcome (call for presentations opens June 13th)
* A OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation is welcome (call for presentations opens June 13th)
* http://2013.foss4g-cee.org
* http://2013.foss4g-cee.org
* Contact: [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Vasile Vasile Crăciunescu]
* Contact: [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Vasile Vasile Crăciunescu]
Line 225: Line 558:
=== 21 May 2013, Location Intelligence Conference ===
=== 21 May 2013, Location Intelligence Conference ===
* Washington DC, United States
* Washington DC, United States
* OSGeo-Live presentation by [[User:Amyonthemap|Amy Gao]]
* OSGeoLive presentation by [[User:Amyonthemap|Amy Gao]]
=== 29-30 April, 2013 GIS In Action ===
=== 29-30 April, 2013 GIS In Action ===
Line 240: Line 573:
* http://www.foss4g.org.ar/
* http://www.foss4g.org.ar/
* Unfortunately there was a problem with the DVD distributor and the participants didn't receive a copy.
* Unfortunately there was a problem with the DVD distributor and the participants didn't receive a copy.
* [http://jsanz.github.io/slides-201304-foss4gba/osgeo-live/#/title OSGeo Live presentation] by [[Jorge Sanz]]
* [http://jsanz.github.io/slides-201304-foss4gba/OSGeoLive/#/title OSGeo Live presentation] by [[Jorge Sanz]]
* OSGeo Live was used on the MapProxy workshop by the lecturer and some attendants that were able to run it on Virtual Box
* OSGeo Live was used on the MapProxy workshop by the lecturer and some attendants that were able to run it on Virtual Box
* Contact: [[Mauricio Miranda]]
* Contact: [[Mauricio Miranda]]
Line 248: Line 581:
* http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/session/13223
* http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/session/13223
* DVD-distribution to journalists
* DVD-distribution to journalists
* splinter meeting with short presentation and screenshots of OSGeo-Live
* splinter meeting with short presentation and screenshots of OSGeoLive
* Contact: Peter Löwe
* Contact: Peter Löwe
Line 259: Line 592:
* Rome, Italy
* Rome, Italy
* http://wherecamp.eu/
* http://wherecamp.eu/
* OSGeo-Live presentation by [[User:Lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]]
* OSGeoLive presentation by [[User:Lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]]
== 2012 ==
== 2012 ==
Line 266: Line 599:
* Sydney, Australia
* Sydney, Australia
* http://www.osdc.com.au/
* http://www.osdc.com.au/
* OSGeo-Live presentation by Cameron Shorter
* OSGeoLive presentation by Cameron Shorter
* Contact: Cameron Shorter
* Contact: Cameron Shorter
Line 274: Line 607:
* Over 60 participants joined 8 workshops and 3 lightning talks. The OSGeo Live project was also presented in one of the parallel technical sessions in the main conference. Likewise, an exhibit booth was installed during the PhilGEOS conference for OSGeo and OpenStreetMap. Over ~50 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.
* Over 60 participants joined 8 workshops and 3 lightning talks. The OSGeo Live project was also presented in one of the parallel technical sessions in the main conference. Likewise, an exhibit booth was installed during the PhilGEOS conference for OSGeo and OpenStreetMap. Over ~50 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.
* Contact: Maning Sambale
* Contact: Maning Sambale
=== 19-23 November 2012, LatinOSGIS ===
* Guayaquil, Ecuador
* http://www.fiec.espol.edu.ec/LatinOSGIS
* OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs to be handed out
* lightning presentation by Mauricio Miranda
* OSGeoLive used in four workshops by Marco Minghini (QGIS, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, OpenLayers)
* about 30 VMs set up on the room computers
* Contact: Indira Yadira Nolivos Alvarez
=== 17-18 November 2012, OpenGIS ===
=== 17-18 November 2012, OpenGIS ===
* Moscow, Russia
* Moscow, Russia
* conference on everything  related  to  free  and  opensource  GIS:  data,  software, methodology, organized by members of Russian GIS-Lab and OpenStreetMap communities.
* conference on everything  related  to  free  and  opensource  GIS:  data,  software, methodology, organized by members of Russian GIS-Lab and OpenStreetMap communities.
* Over 200 participants; OSGeo-Live DVD was used in GRASS GIS workshop; ~10 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.   
* Over 200 participants; OSGeoLive DVD was used in GRASS GIS workshop; ~10 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.   
* http://gisconf.ru/en/
* http://gisconf.ru/en/
* Contact: Maxim Dubinin, Alexander Mury
* Contact: Maxim Dubinin, Alexander Mury
Line 285: Line 627:
* Turin, Italy
* Turin, Italy
* http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/gfossday2012
* http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/gfossday2012
* OSGeo-Live software directly used from VMs within five workshops
* OSGeoLive software directly used from VMs within five workshops
* OSGeo-Live overview in keynote presentation
* OSGeoLive overview in keynote presentation
* Title: OSGeo-Live: il più semplice strumento per provare le applicazioni GFOSS / OSGeo-Live: the simplest way to test FOSS4G software
* Title: OSGeoLive: il più semplice strumento per provare le applicazioni GFOSS / OSGeoLive: the simplest way to test FOSS4G software
* Contact: [[User:Lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]]
* Contact: [[User:Lucadelu|Luca Delucchi]]
Line 295: Line 637:
* Poster presentation in Session: Population
* Poster presentation in Session: Population
* Notes: Poster Presentations consist in a quick (1-Slide) oral overview during the sessions and in the attendance by the poster stand between the sessions.
* Notes: Poster Presentations consist in a quick (1-Slide) oral overview during the sessions and in the attendance by the poster stand between the sessions.
* Title: A complete review of the breadth of quality Geospatial Open Source Software available to Hydrologists, using OSGeo-Live
* Title: A complete review of the breadth of quality Geospatial Open Source Software available to Hydrologists, using OSGeoLive
* Contact: [[User:Madi|Margherita Di Leo]]
* Contact: [[User:Madi|Margherita Di Leo]]
Line 302: Line 644:
* https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5tKYbjsGOrxWkVwWWZsM2NHNlk/edit
* https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5tKYbjsGOrxWkVwWWZsM2NHNlk/edit
* Sensor Web Enablement workshop held by 52°North
* Sensor Web Enablement workshop held by 52°North
* 21 OSGeo-Live handed to the participants and used for the exercises
* 21 OSGeoLive handed to the participants and used for the exercises
* The DVD was used for a training workshop on OGC Sensor Web Enablement. Participants worked with the 52°North SOS and the 52°North WPS. The DVD was mostly used, in some cases the VM was used.During the training, the participants used their own laptop computers (a full mix of all operating systems).There was no dedicated time needed for setting up the DVD. No issues occured.
* The DVD was used for a training workshop on OGC Sensor Web Enablement. Participants worked with the 52°North SOS and the 52°North WPS. The DVD was mostly used, in some cases the VM was used.During the training, the participants used their own laptop computers (a full mix of all operating systems).There was no dedicated time needed for setting up the DVD. No issues occured.
* Contact: [[User:esllolo|Estela Llorente López]], Simon Jirka (52°North)
* Contact: [[User:esllolo|Estela Llorente López]], Simon Jirka (52°North)
Line 313: Line 655:
* Hyderabad, India
* Hyderabad, India
* http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/foss4gindia
* http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/foss4gindia
* OSGeo-Live DVDs to be handed out to all participants
* OSGeoLive DVDs to be handed out to all participants
* OSGeo-Live to be used in workshops
* OSGeoLive to be used in workshops
* OSGeo-Live Presentation to be given by K S Rajan
* OSGeoLive Presentation to be given by K S Rajan
* Contact: K S Rajan
* Contact: K S Rajan
=== October 2012, LatinOSGIS ===
* Guayaquil, Ecuador
* OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs to be handed out
* lightning presentation by Mauricio Miranda
* http://www.fiec.espol.edu.ec/LatinOSGIS
* Contact: Indira Yadira Nolivos Alvarez
===17,18 October 2012, GeoINT 2012 ===
===17,18 October 2012, GeoINT 2012 ===
* Orlando Florida
* Orlando Florida
* OSGeo-Live link handed out
* OSGeoLive link handed out
* mentioned in various panels and forums
* mentioned in various panels and forums
* geoint2012.com
* geoint2012.com
Line 334: Line 669:
=== 17-19 October 2012, Geospace Europe Summit 2012 ===
=== 17-19 October 2012, Geospace Europe Summit 2012 ===
* Brussels Belgium
* Brussels Belgium
* OSGeo-Live link handed out  
* OSGeoLive link handed out  
* Presentation pointing to live.ogeo.org efforts
* Presentation pointing to live.ogeo.org efforts
* http://defence.flemingeurope.com/geospatial-intelligence-europe
* http://defence.flemingeurope.com/geospatial-intelligence-europe
Line 347: Line 682:
* Hannover Germany, 9.-11.10.2012
* Hannover Germany, 9.-11.10.2012
* ~600 OSGeo 6.0 (and some of Version 5.5.) DVDs were distributed
* ~600 OSGeo 6.0 (and some of Version 5.5.) DVDs were distributed
* slide about OSGeo-Live in [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] presentation
* slide about OSGeoLive in [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] presentation
* very good feedback to the DVD. Lot of people already know OSGeo-Live
* very good feedback to the DVD. Lot of people already know OSGeoLive
* http://intergeo.de
* http://intergeo.de
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
* Contact: [[User:Astrid Emde|Astrid Emde]]
Line 354: Line 689:
=== October 2012, Smart Korea 2012 in conjunction with OGC TC/PC Meeting ===
=== October 2012, Smart Korea 2012 in conjunction with OGC TC/PC Meeting ===
* Seoul, Korea
* Seoul, Korea
* Around 50 OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs were handed out at OSGeo booth there
* Around 50 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs were handed out at OSGeo booth there
* http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1210tc
* http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1210tc
* Contact: Sanghee Shin
* Contact: Sanghee Shin
Line 361: Line 696:
* Dehradun, India
* Dehradun, India
* http://www.incaindia.org/32INCA/
* http://www.incaindia.org/32INCA/
* Nearly 80 OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs handed out at OSGeo/IIRS Booth. Posters with screenshots of some applications with local data were put up.
* Nearly 80 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs handed out at OSGeo/IIRS Booth. Posters with screenshots of some applications with local data were put up.
* Explained delegates about OpenSource GIS. Demonstrated QGIS to anyone with a question. Demoed OpenCPN to some of the folks from National Hydrographic Office.
* Explained delegates about OpenSource GIS. Demonstrated QGIS to anyone with a question. Demoed OpenCPN to some of the folks from National Hydrographic Office.
* Contact: Chaitanya Kumar CH
* Contact: Chaitanya Kumar CH
Line 367: Line 702:
=== October 12,  2012, FOSS4G Korea 2012 ===
=== October 12,  2012, FOSS4G Korea 2012 ===
* COEX, Seoul, Korea
* COEX, Seoul, Korea
* Nearly 70~80 OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs were handed out during the event and brief explanation of OSGeo-Live project was given to participants
* Nearly 70~80 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs were handed out during the event and brief explanation of OSGeoLive project was given to participants
* FOSS4G Korea will be held in conjunction with Smart Korea 2012  
* FOSS4G Korea will be held in conjunction with Smart Korea 2012  
* http://www.osgeo.kr
* http://www.osgeo.kr
Line 374: Line 709:
=== October 3-5,  2012, Minnesota GIS/LIS 2012 ===
=== October 3-5,  2012, Minnesota GIS/LIS 2012 ===
* Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
* Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
* OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs handed out at OSGeo/FOSS4GNA Booth.
* OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs handed out at OSGeo/FOSS4GNA Booth.
* OSGeo-Live ODP file set to loop on digital display in booth, augmented with local OSGeo project screenshots.
* OSGeoLive ODP file set to loop on digital display in booth, augmented with local OSGeo project screenshots.
* Annual Conference and Workshops.
* Annual Conference and Workshops.
* http://www.mngislis.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=718
* http://www.mngislis.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=718
Line 397: Line 732:
=== September 2012, Asia GeoSpatial Forum ===
=== September 2012, Asia GeoSpatial Forum ===
* Hanoi, Vietnam. 17~19th, September  
* Hanoi, Vietnam. 17~19th, September  
* Around 50 OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs were handed out to the participants.
* Around 50 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs were handed out to the participants.
* A presentation on OSGeo overview and OSGeo-Live was given in oral presentation session
* A presentation on OSGeo overview and OSGeoLive was given in oral presentation session
* Open Source GIS Session  
* Open Source GIS Session  
* http://www.asiageospatialforum.org/
* http://www.asiageospatialforum.org/
Line 406: Line 741:
* Nottingham, United Kingdom
* Nottingham, United Kingdom
* All day session:  "Educational use of OSGeo Live" presented by Ari Jolma
* All day session:  "Educational use of OSGeo Live" presented by Ari Jolma
* 100 OSGeo-Live DVDs handed out
* 100 OSGeoLive DVDs handed out
* OSGeo-Live lightning presentation by Barry Rowlingson
* OSGeoLive lightning presentation by Barry Rowlingson
* http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/
* http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/
* Contact: Suchith Anand
* Contact: Suchith Anand
Line 413: Line 748:
=== August 2012, 34th International Geological Conference ===
=== August 2012, 34th International Geological Conference ===
* Brisbane, Australia
* Brisbane, Australia
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation by Peter Baunmann, conference convener  
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation by Peter Baunmann, conference convener  
* http://www.34igc.org/
* http://www.34igc.org/
* Contact: Peter Baunmann
* Contact: Peter Baunmann
Line 419: Line 754:
=== 18-19 July 2012, FOSS4G Southeast Asia ===
=== 18-19 July 2012, FOSS4G Southeast Asia ===
* Johor Bahru, Malaysia
* Johor Bahru, Malaysia
* OSGEO-live DVD used at the plenary session. Several slides from OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation used plus some demonstration.
* OSGeoLive DVD used at the plenary session. Several slides from OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation used plus some demonstration.
* OSGeo-Live handed out to all delegates.
* OSGeoLive handed out to all delegates.
* Contact: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr
* Contact: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr
=== July 2012, Third Open Source GIS Summer School ===
=== July 2012, Third Open Source GIS Summer School ===
* Girona, Spain
* Girona, Spain
* School program focused on the development and creation of Open Web Mapping Services and Web applications. Jeremy Morley (Lecturer and a theme leader at the NGI) will be contributing the Nottingham components for the Summer School. The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeo-Live DVD.
* School program focused on the development and creation of Open Web Mapping Services and Web applications. Jeremy Morley (Lecturer and a theme leader at the NGI) will be contributing the Nottingham components for the Summer School. The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeoLive DVD.
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2012/
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2012/
* Contact: Lluís Vicens
* Contact: Lluís Vicens
Line 431: Line 766:
=== July 2012, International Environmental Modeling and Software Society Conference (IEMSS) ===
=== July 2012, International Environmental Modeling and Software Society Conference (IEMSS) ===
* Leipzig, Germany
* Leipzig, Germany
* ~ 100 OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to be handed out
* ~ 100 OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to be handed out
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
* http://www.iemss.org/sites/iemss2012/sessions_D.html
* http://www.iemss.org/sites/iemss2012/sessions_D.html
* Contact: Daniel P. Ames
* Contact: Daniel P. Ames
Line 444: Line 779:
===June 30 - July 1, 2012, FOSS4G Hokkaido 2012 ===
===June 30 - July 1, 2012, FOSS4G Hokkaido 2012 ===
*Sapporo, Hokkaido JAPAN
*Sapporo, Hokkaido JAPAN
*50 OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs handed out to delegates
*50 OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs handed out to delegates
*OSGeo.JP and  OSGeo-Live overview in keynote presentation
*OSGeo.JP and  OSGeoLive overview in keynote presentation
*[https://sites.google.com/site/foss4ghokkaido/ Website (in Japanese)]
*[https://sites.google.com/site/foss4ghokkaido/ Website (in Japanese)]
*[https://www.facebook.com/FOSS4G.Hokkaido Facebook (in Japanese)]
*[https://www.facebook.com/FOSS4G.Hokkaido Facebook (in Japanese)]
Line 454: Line 789:
* http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/UseR-2012
* http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/UseR-2012
* Workshop Presentation on Geospatial Data in R, 33 attendees
* Workshop Presentation on Geospatial Data in R, 33 attendees
* Five or six OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs taken
* Five or six OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs taken
* Boot and demo at end of workshop.
* Boot and demo at end of workshop.
=== June 28, 2012, OSGeo.nl Day (FOSS4G Regional) within MapWindow Conference - The Netherlands ===
=== June 28, 2012, OSGeo.nl Day (FOSS4G Regional) within MapWindow Conference - The Netherlands ===
* Velp, The Netherlands
* Velp, The Netherlands
* OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs handed out to all delegates (about 120). This included a large contingent of OSGeo-NL people who I heard were very appreciative of the DVD.  
* OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs handed out to all delegates (about 120). This included a large contingent of OSGeo-NL people who I heard were very appreciative of the DVD.  
* OSGeo-Live + OSGeo overview in keynote presentation
* OSGeoLive + OSGeo overview in keynote presentation
* OSGeo-Live software directly used from VMs within the two workshops
* OSGeoLive software directly used from VMs within the two workshops
* http://osgeo.nl/osgeonl_dag_2012.html (OSGeo.nl Day Program + Pres. Slides)
* http://osgeo.nl/osgeonl_dag_2012.html (OSGeo.nl Day Program + Pres. Slides)
* http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2012 (general MapWindow conf)
* http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2012 (general MapWindow conf)
Line 468: Line 803:
=== May 2012, FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012 ===
=== May 2012, FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012 ===
* Prague, Czech Republic
* Prague, Czech Republic
* OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to be used in workshops
* OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to be used in workshops
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
* http://foss4g-cee.org/
* http://foss4g-cee.org/
* Contact: Jachym Cepicky
* Contact: Jachym Cepicky
Line 475: Line 810:
=== May 2012, FOSSCOMM 2012 ===
=== May 2012, FOSSCOMM 2012 ===
* Serres, Greece
* Serres, Greece
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
* 1 undergraduate thesis presentation using OSGeo-Live
* 1 undergraduate thesis presentation using OSGeoLive
* http://serres.fosscomm.gr/?page_id=582
* http://serres.fosscomm.gr/?page_id=582
=== May 2012, HellasGI 2012 ===
=== May 2012, HellasGI 2012 ===
* Athens, Greece
* Athens, Greece
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
* Local chapter meeting
* Local chapter meeting
Line 487: Line 822:
* April 16th, a course dedicated on geospatialized e-Content for Media Engineering bachelor students (http://www.comem.ch) at School of Engineering and Business Vaud (http://www.heig-vd.ch), Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains  
* April 16th, a course dedicated on geospatialized e-Content for Media Engineering bachelor students (http://www.comem.ch) at School of Engineering and Business Vaud (http://www.heig-vd.ch), Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains  
* Topic : learning webmapping and OGC standards with OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS (http://ogo.heig-vd.ch)
* Topic : learning webmapping and OGC standards with OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS (http://ogo.heig-vd.ch)
* A customized OSGeo-Live 5.5 VM has been used through VirtualBox by 15 students to execute several exercices and to build a five days project (http://carto.iict.ch)
* A customized OSGeoLive 5.5 VM has been used through VirtualBox by 15 students to execute several exercices and to build a five days project (http://carto.iict.ch)
* Delivering a complete and ready to use geo-enabled VM is interessant for students to work in a kind of sandbox and to bring something easely back at home for later reuse.
* Delivering a complete and ready to use geo-enabled VM is interessant for students to work in a kind of sandbox and to bring something easely back at home for later reuse.
Line 493: Line 828:
* The RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* The RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* 4-hour [http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/b/bf/GeospatialWorldForum_2012_OpenSource_Seminar_Program.pdf "Open Source Seminar"] organized by OSGeo/[http://OSgeo.nl OSGeo Dutch Chapter] with 11 speakers
* 4-hour [http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/b/bf/GeospatialWorldForum_2012_OpenSource_Seminar_Program.pdf "Open Source Seminar"] organized by OSGeo/[http://OSgeo.nl OSGeo Dutch Chapter] with 11 speakers
* OSGeo-Live lightning presentation (15mins)   
* OSGeoLive lightning presentation (15mins)   
* http://www.geospatialworldforum.org/2012/open.htm
* http://www.geospatialworldforum.org/2012/open.htm
=== April 2012, FOSS4G North America 2012 ===
=== April 2012, FOSS4G North America 2012 ===
* Washington, United States
* Washington, United States
* Hand out OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to all delegates
* Hand out OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to all delegates
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation?
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation?
* http://foss4g-na.org/
* http://foss4g-na.org/
Line 512: Line 847:
* http://agile2012.imag.fr/index.php/workshops/hands-on-qopen-source-gis-a-webmappingq
* http://agile2012.imag.fr/index.php/workshops/hands-on-qopen-source-gis-a-webmappingq
* Open Source GIS & WebCartography workshop
* Open Source GIS & WebCartography workshop
* OSGeo-Live USBs handed to all workshop attendees
* OSGeoLive USBs handed to all workshop attendees
=== March 2012, Association for Geographic Information Welsh Group Open Source Seminar ===
=== March 2012, Association for Geographic Information Welsh Group Open Source Seminar ===
Line 526: Line 861:
=== March 2012, FOSSGIS 2012 ===
=== March 2012, FOSSGIS 2012 ===
* Dessau, Germany
* Dessau, Germany
* Hand out OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to all delegates - more than 400 DVDs
* Hand out OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to all delegates - more than 400 DVDs
* OSGeo-Live was mentioned in the opening speech
* OSGeoLive was mentioned in the opening speech
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/
* OSGeo-Live was mentioned a lot on the conference. Some presenter mentioned in their presentation, to test the new stuff with OSGeo-Live
* OSGeoLive was mentioned a lot on the conference. Some presenter mentioned in their presentation, to test the new stuff with OSGeoLive
* How many people were in the workshop?
* How many people were in the workshop?
** 21 Wokshops took place in total, 15 Workshop used OSGeo-Live 5.5, some of the workshops used a modified OSGeo-Live version
** 21 Wokshops took place in total, 15 Workshop used OSGeoLive 5.5, some of the workshops used a modified OSGeoLive version
** 5 - 20 persons were in the workshops
** 5 - 20 persons were in the workshops
* What format of OSGeo-Live was used? DVD? USB? VM?
* What format of OSGeoLive was used? DVD? USB? VM?
** Used with VirtualBox
** Used with VirtualBox
* Did students bring their own computers? What types of computers and operating systems were brought in?
* Did students bring their own computers? What types of computers and operating systems were brought in?
** No own computers. We used the computers with windows and VirtualBox from the GIS pool of the university
** No own computers. We used the computers with windows and VirtualBox from the GIS pool of the university
* How much time was spent setting up the class with setting up OSGeo-Live?
* How much time was spent setting up the class with setting up OSGeoLive?
** This was done before the workshop
** This was done before the workshop
=== March 2012, Spanish FOSS4G 2012 ===
=== March 2012, Spanish FOSS4G 2012 ===
* Girona, Spain
* Girona, Spain
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation.
* OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation.
* Possibly also handing out osgeo-live 5.5 DVDs?
* Possibly also handing out OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs?
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/
* http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/
Line 549: Line 884:
* Malaka, Malaysia
* Malaka, Malaysia
* http://www.malaysiageospatialforum.org
* http://www.malaysiageospatialforum.org
* The OSGEO-Live lightning overview was presented to around 50 attendees (of approximately 300 attendees of the whole event). Positive feedbacks, the common question was which package should be used to their work.
* The OSGeoLive lightning overview was presented to around 50 attendees (of approximately 300 attendees of the whole event). Positive feedbacks, the common question was which package should be used to their work.
=== February 2012, AAG 2012 ===
=== February 2012, AAG 2012 ===
* New York, New York
* New York, New York
* 25 OSGeo-Live 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
* 25 OSGeoLive 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
* FOSS4G Workshop for Educators
* FOSS4G Workshop for Educators
* http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting
* http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting
Line 566: Line 901:
=== January 2012, Pleiades Days 2012 ===
=== January 2012, Pleiades Days 2012 ===
* Toulouse, France
* Toulouse, France
* 50 OSGeo-Live 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
* 50 OSGeoLive 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
* [http://www.pleiades2012.com/ Website]
* [http://www.pleiades2012.com/ Website]
Line 580: Line 915:
=== November 2011, FOSS4G Tokyo/Osaka 2011 ===
=== November 2011, FOSS4G Tokyo/Osaka 2011 ===
*Tokyo and Osaka, JAPAN
*Tokyo and Osaka, JAPAN
*each 50+ OSGeo-Live 5.0 DVDs handed to delegates
*each 50+ OSGeoLive 5.0 DVDs handed to delegates
*[http://www.osgeo.jp/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88/foss4g-2011-tokyo/ Website (in Japanese)]
*[http://www.osgeo.jp/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88/foss4g-2011-tokyo/ Website (in Japanese)]
*[http://www.osgeo.jp/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88/foss4g-2011-osaka/ Website (in Japanese)]
*[http://www.osgeo.jp/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88/foss4g-2011-osaka/ Website (in Japanese)]
Line 594: Line 929:
* Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
* Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
* [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an the OSGeo Park at Intergeo every year presenting OSGeo software. There also is a [http://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Intergeo_2011/Vortragsprogramm presentation area] where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
* [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an the OSGeo Park at Intergeo every year presenting OSGeo software. There also is a [http://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Intergeo_2011/Vortragsprogramm presentation area] where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
* Rest of the OSGeo-Live 4.5 handed out (aprox 100 DVDs)
* Rest of the OSGeoLive 4.5 handed out (aprox 100 DVDs)
* http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
* http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
Line 601: Line 936:
* OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 5.0)
* OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 5.0)
* 300 USBs printed, 600 DVDs
* 300 USBs printed, 600 DVDs
* OSGeo-Live was used within many of the workshops
* OSGeoLive was used within many of the workshops
=== June/July 2011, Open Source GIS Summer School ===
=== June/July 2011, Open Source GIS Summer School ===
Line 610: Line 945:
=== August 2011, [http://irdal.ird.fr/spip.php?page=ecole_ete_spatial_bresil11_sommaire&id_rubrique=1022|Ecole d'été - Observation spatiale de l'environnement] ===
=== August 2011, [http://irdal.ird.fr/spip.php?page=ecole_ete_spatial_bresil11_sommaire&id_rubrique=1022|Ecole d'été - Observation spatiale de l'environnement] ===
* Macapa, Brazil
* Macapa, Brazil
* OSGeo-Live 5.0RC1 on a USB was used in a workshop for 12 students learning OTB and Monteverdi.
* OSGeoLive 5.0RC1 on a USB was used in a workshop for 12 students learning OTB and Monteverdi.
=== June 2011, FLUXNET & RS Open-Workshop ===
=== June 2011, FLUXNET & RS Open-Workshop ===
Line 620: Line 955:
Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
* http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis11/os_home.html
* http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis11/os_home.html
* Provided OSGeo-Live lightning presentation, abstract: [[Live_GIS_Disk_OSGIS_2011]]
* Provided OSGeoLive lightning presentation, abstract: [[Live_GIS_Disk_OSGIS_2011]]
* handed out OSGeo-Live DVDs to all delegates
* handed out OSGeoLive DVDs to all delegates
=== May 2011, CGS 2011 ===
=== May 2011, CGS 2011 ===
Line 640: Line 975:
* Heidelberg, Germany   
* Heidelberg, Germany   
* [http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/ FOSSGIS] is an annual conference in german language with ~ 400 attendants
* [http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/ FOSSGIS] is an annual conference in german language with ~ 400 attendants
* we printed OSGeo-Live 4.5 and handed out about 450 DVDs
* we printed OSGeoLive 4.5 and handed out about 450 DVDs
* OSGeoLive 4.5 was used sucessfully in ~ 12 workshops
* OSGeoLive 4.5 was used sucessfully in ~ 12 workshops
* [http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/programm/events/248.de.html Astrid Emde presented OSGeo-Live] in a 20 min talk with focus on the background of the project and the possibilities the project offers
* [http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/programm/events/248.de.html Astrid Emde presented OSGeoLive] in a 20 min talk with focus on the background of the project and the possibilities the project offers
** about 40 attendants
** about 40 attendants
Line 648: Line 983:
=== November 2010, GeoData Camp ===
=== November 2010, GeoData Camp ===
* Athens, Greece
* Athens, Greece
* Presented OSGeo-Live lightning presentation in Greek to more than 300 attendants. This included two 1-hour presentations in technical sessions and a 15 minute presentation in the main event.
* Presented OSGeoLive lightning presentation in Greek to more than 300 attendants. This included two 1-hour presentations in technical sessions and a 15 minute presentation in the main event.
=== October 2010, Intergeo 2010 ===
=== October 2010, Intergeo 2010 ===
Line 654: Line 989:
* Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
* Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
* [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an Open Source Park on Intergeo every year where OSGeo Software is presented. There also is a [http://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Intergeo_2010/Vortragsprogramm presentation area] where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
* [http://fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V.] (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an Open Source Park on Intergeo every year where OSGeo Software is presented. There also is a [http://www.fossgis.de/wiki/Intergeo_2010/Vortragsprogramm presentation area] where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
* we printed OSGeo-Live 4.0 and handed out about 450 DVDs
* we printed OSGeoLive 4.0 and handed out about 450 DVDs
* Lars Lingner presented the DVD with Cameron Shorters presentation
* Lars Lingner presented the DVD with Cameron Shorters presentation
* http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
* http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
* Feedback
* Feedback
** good feedback: OSGeo-Live offers the possibility to get to know OSGeo Software without an installation
** good feedback: OSGeoLive offers the possibility to get to know OSGeo Software without an installation
=== September 2010, [[Live_GIS_Disk_FOSS4G_2010|FOSS4G 2010]] ===
=== September 2010, [[Live_GIS_Disk_FOSS4G_2010|FOSS4G 2010]] ===
Line 685: Line 1,020:
=== November 2008, Australian Cooperative Research Center for Spatial Information Conference ===
=== November 2008, Australian Cooperative Research Center for Spatial Information Conference ===
* Brisbane, Australia
* Brisbane, Australia
* Distributed ~ 250 OSGeo-Live DVDs to delegates (Release 1.0)
* Distributed ~ 250 OSGeoLive DVDs to delegates (Release 1.0)
===September 2008, [http://2008.foss4g.org FOSS4G 2008]===
===September 2008, [http://2008.foss4g.org FOSS4G 2008]===

Latest revision as of 05:55, 16 May 2018

Redirect to:

Where has OSGeoLive been used? Please tell us. A history of wide use provides justification for future developers to include, and improve their application on OSGeoLive.

See also Live GIS Testimonials.

Template Questions

  • date of the event or training course, or program
  • City, Country
  • link to webside
  • OSGeoLive handed out to attendees? How many?
  • USBs, DVDs, or VMs used? How many?
  • OSGeoLive lightning overview presented? To how many people? Was it a plenary event? If not, what percentage of the attendees attended this talk? Did you get any feedback? What did you hear?
  • OSGeoLive used for workshops or training programs? What did the workshop/training cover. Was the USB/DVD or VM used? Were attendees computers used? If so, what operating systems were they running? How long did it take to set up? Were there any issues?
  • Any suggestions on what we can do to improve OSGeoLive for future?
  • Contact: person (usually coordinator) who can be contacted to ask further questions


23 - 24 May 2018 UMGeoCon Conference, USA

  • La Crosse, WI, USA
  • Contact: univcenters@uwlax.edu
  • https://umgeocon.org/
  • Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
  • Lightning presentation by Bob Basques.
  • Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)

21. - 25. March 2018 FOSSGIS Bonn (Germany)

  • 21. - 25. March 2018
  • Passau (Germany)
  • http://fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/
  • Videos will be published in TIB AV Portal https://av.tib.eu/
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 400 postcards to all delegates
  • > Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
    • xx persons in xx workshops
  • What format of OSGeoLive was used?
    • OSGeoLive will be used with ....
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

05 - 06 March 2018 GITA Conference, USA

  • Phoenix, AZ, USA
  • Contact: events@gita.org
  • https://gitasw.org/
  • Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
  • Lightning presentation by Bob Basques, with additional in-depth look at specific OSGeo projects.
  • Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)


26.- 28. September 2017 INTERGEO Berlin

14 - 19 August 2017 FOSS4G Europe, Boston MA (USA)

  • 14 - 19 August 2017
  • Boston MA (USA)
  • http://2017.foss4g.org/
  • Over 1000 attendees expected
  • OSGeoLive will be promoted
    • Workshops will use OSGeoLive 11.0
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 11.0 to all delegates, bootable USB
  • Contact: Guido Stein, conference chair

18 - 22 July 2017 FOSS4G Europe, Paris

  • 18 - 22 July 2017
  • Paris (Marne-la-Vallée), France
  • https://europe.foss4g.org/2017/
  • 330 attendees, 100+ presentations
  • 180 attendees to 15 workshops
  • OSGeoLive was promoted
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 10.5 to all delegates, bootable USB
  • Workshops used OSGeoLive 10.5
  • Great OSGeo Code Sprint worked on OSGeoLive 11.0 to get the version ready for FOSS4G 2017
  • Contact: Gérald Fenoy, conference chair

5.- 7. July 2017 AGIT Salzburg

  • 5.-7.July 2017
  • Salzburg, Austria
  • http://agit.at/
  • OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive will be sold, information about OSGeo projects
  • OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
  • Workshops about QGIS, Mapbender3 and How to setup a GDI with Open Source Software: will people work with OSGeoLive workshop page, +-100 participants will work with OSGeoLive
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

26th May 2017 OSGeo Ireland – 1st National Symposium 2017

22. - 25. March 2017 FOSSGIS Passau (Germany)

22 - 24 February 2017 WLIA Conference, USA

  • Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, USA
  • Contact: abarrett@uniontel.net
  • https://www.wlia.org/annual-conference/
  • There may be a SharedGeo Booth with some USBs to hand out.
  • Presentation attendees will receive a Live USB.
  • Presented by Bob Basques.
  • Presentation Sponsored by SharedGeo (www.sharedgeo.org)

6 - 11 February 2017 FOSS4G IT, Italy


24. - 26. August 2016 FOSS4G Bonn 2016

  • Bonn, Germany
  • Contact: info@foss4g2016.org
  • http://2016.foss4g.org/home.html
  • get information at FOSS4G_2016_OSGeo_Booth
  • 250 + 50 OSGeoLive USBs handed out to delegates and students,
  • OSGeoLive 10.0 was used in most of the workshops with great success. OSGeoLive was installed on the workshop notebooks
  • Notebooks with OSGeoLive installed were used as presentation notebooks
  • many OSGeoLive postcards were given to the delegates
  • a group of people worked at the FOSS4G OSGeo Code Sprint on OSGeoLive FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint

6.- 8. July 2016 AGIT Salzburg

  • 6.-8.July 2016
  • Salzburg, Austria
  • http://agit.at/
  • OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive were sold, information about OSGeo projects
  • OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
  • Workshops about PostGIS, Mapbender3 and How to setup a GDI with Open Source Software: people work with OSGeoLive nUSB thumb workshop page, +-100 participants working with OSGeoLive
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

04. - 06. July 2016 FOSSGIS Salzburg

24. May 2016 Geospatial World Forum


November 27th 2015 FOSS4G.HU

  • Budapest, Hungary
  • http://www.geod.bme.hu/gis/workshop4
  • During OpenLayers 3 and Python Geospatial Programming workshop OSGeoLive (installed on desktop and laptop machines) was used
  • Contact: Zoltan Siki

October 3 2015 24dev-demo for OSGeo Live DVD

  • A set of customizable Addon prototyping scripts for the OSGeo Live DVD.
  • Users can install 24dev applications to a live OSGeo DVD via running one script.
  • Users can rename the base directory and re-run the install script to update profiles.
  • The install script creates a backup tar file.
  • The scripts can display custom license/release files for each application.
  • OSD users are encouraged to fork new release via github renamed as: 24dev-.
  • The program documentation/files are located at: https://github.com/pmcgover/24dev-demo

October 5th-9th 2015 Digital Earth 2015

  • Halifax, Nova Scotia · Canada
  • OSGeoLive workshop?
  • Contact: Dirk Werle (conference chair), Brian Hamlin and Jeff McKenna (OSGeoLive presenters)

28/29 September 2015: GFOSS DAY 2015

  • Lecco, Italy
  • OSGeoLive used for workshop using virtual machine
  • USB Sticks were given to the participants
  • Contact: Luca Delucchi

23-24 September 2015: GiS in the Rockies

  • Denver, USA
  • OSGeoLive referenced in FOSS4G track at GIS in the Rockies conference
  • Contact: Rafael Moreno-sanchez

14-19 September 2015: FOSS4G 2015

  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Contact: Sanghee Shin
  • OSGeoLive USBs handed out, OSGeoLive used in a number of the workshops

15-17 September 2015, INTERGEO 2015 Stuttgart (Germany)

11-13 August 2015, Geomatics Indaba 2015

27-31 July, 2015: GIS Training at IAEA

  • Vienna, Austria
  • Workshop on GIS for agricultural pest control
  • OSGeo Live was install as virtual machine on participants computers
  • Training focused on QGIS and Spatialite
  • Contact: Micha Silver

13-18 July 14, 2015: FOSS4G Europe

  • Como, Italy
  • Workshops, Conference, Codesprint
  • Contact: Maria Antonia Brovelli

8.-10. July 2015 AGIT Salzburg (Austria)

  • 8.-10.July 2015
  • Salzburg, Austria
  • http://agit.at/
  • OSGeo Park USB thumbs with OSGeoLive were sold, information about OSGeo projects
  • OSGeoLive postcards: 500 PostCards
  • OSGeoLive presentation by Astrid Emde (german) presentation
  • Workshops about PostGIS (> 30 attendees) and Mapbender3 (>30 attendees): people worked with OSGeoLive 8.5 USB thumb workshop page
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

8-10. June 2015 FOSS4G India 2015, IIRS Dehradun, India

OSGeo-India tweaked the Live DVD to also contain the Digital Proceedings of the Conference (full papers and abstracts) and it was made available to all the Participants. My humble self mentioned in my inaugural presentation that the essence of all OSGeo and OS-GIS software are tucked into the live DVD. It was also emphasised that the Live-DVD is a way of seeing all the software run on one's computer / Laptop without soiling it by booting with it. Use of Virtual Machine on certain operating systems, which are not boot-friendly to the Live-DVD was also mentioned. As usual the conference acknowledges the untiring effort by live.osgeo.org (http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html) who keep the DVD afresh with all latest OS-GIS. https://plus.google.com/114935751871526846208/posts/iXhdxwaePux

11. - 13. May 2015 Symposium Königslutter - Angewandte Kartographie - Geovisualisierung

1-3 June 2015: CalGIS

11. - 13. March 2015 FOSSGIS

March 2015 Leeds MSc course

9-11 March 2015 FOSS4G-NA

  • Burlingame, California, USA
  • Contact Andrew Ross

31 January 2015 FOSDEM

  • Location: Brussels, Belgium
  • 31 January & 1 February 2015
  • Presentation: From Debian-GIS to OSGeo live and back
  • Description: Debian GIS is a project with the goal of making Debian the best distribution for Geographical Information System applications.

OSGeo live (live.osgeo.org) is a self-contained bootable dvd, usb thumb drive or virtual machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It also contains a set of uniform documentation (description and quickstarts) to guide people around the different projects. Even though OSGeo live is based on the packages in Debian, both projects diverted and where OSGeo live managed to get a large (100+) community of contributors, progress in Debian GIS was stalling. Recently however, a new wind is blowing in Debian GIS (among others with the Debian pure blends initiative) and many changes from OSGeo live are being incorporated back into Debian. Apart from presenting both projects I will highlight some problems people encounter when they would like to add their package to Debian GIS, and how Debian pure blends try to solve this.


2-5 December 2014, FOSS4G Asia

  • Bankok, Thailand
  • OSGeoLive lightning talk presented.
  • planning to use OSGeoLive at the workshop.
  • Planning to distribute OSGeoLive DVDs in the conference kit.
  • Contact: Venkatesh Raghavan, Heegu Park

28 November 2014, Illinois State GIS Association Annual Conference

  • Chicago, Illinois, US
  • OSGeoLive presentation given, which was well attended, with a number of people coming and asking questions afterwards.
  • Handed out 23 OSGeoLive USBs
  • Contact: Bob Basques

21 November 2014, FOSS4G Hungary Conference

6 November 2014, beOpenGISfr

7-9 October 2014, INTERGEO 2014

8-13 September 2014, International FOSS4G

  • Portland, Oregon, USA
  • https://2014.foss4g.org/
  • Contact: ?
  • 300 8Gig OSGeoLive USBs handed out from the OSGeo Booth.
  • OSGeoLive VM used for many of the workshops.

2-3 September 2014, OSGIS 2014

27-28 August 2014 FOSS4G Korea

  • COEX, Seoul, Korea
  • Handed out OSGeoLive DVDs
  • Contact: Sanghee Shin

21-25 July, 2014. Urban Informatics Postgraduate Elective

  • University of Melbourne, Australia
  • USB stick with OSGeoLive 7.9 was handed out to 25 enrolled students
  • Students had a choice of USB or VM
  • Contact: A/Prof Chris Pettit, Dr Jack Barton

15.-17. July 2014 FOSS4G-Euope

7-11 July 2014, Fifth Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School

  • Girona, Spain
  • http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2014/
  • The Summer School is focused on the development and creation of Open Web Services and Web Applications, especially on the publication of data on the web. With this goal, the programme will cover topics related to the acquisition and importation of OpenStreetMap data into a spatial database, creation of geospatial web services and development of internet viewers for publishing geospatial data.

The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeoLive DVD

1-3 July 2014, AfricaGeo

ANLiegen Natur (journal: article - print and online)

  • journal focused on applied nature conservation (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
  • June 2015
  • journal: ANLiegen Natur 36(1)
  • Open Data und freie und offene Geographische Informationssysteme (FOSSGIS) – ein Werkzeug für den (ehrenamtlichen) Naturschutz?
  • Open Data and free and open source software for geographic information systems (FOSSGIS) – a tool for (voluntary) nature conservation?
  • article
  • Contact: Helmut Kudrnovsky

17-20 June 2014, USFWS National GIS Workshop

10-13 June 2014, OGRS 2014

2-4 July 2014, AGIT26

20-22 May 2014 FOSS4G-FR

  • Paris, France
  • Contact: Vicent Picavet

21 May 2014 QLD Open Source Spatial Workshop

27 April – 2 May, 2014 European Geosciences Union General Assembly

26-28 March 2014, 8as Jornadas de SIG Libre (Spanish FOSS4G)

  • 26 - 28 March 2014 in Girona
  • http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre
  • 6 Workshops will take place, using OSGeoLive
    • Introduction to QGIS
    • Integration of Free Geospatial Technologies
    • Introduction to python for geospatial applications
    • Introduction to MapProxy
    • Developing mobile applications with Glob3 mobile SDK
    • Creating Web Applications with AngularJS AND LeafletJS
  • What format of OSGeoLive was used?
    • VirtualMachine
  • Contact: Lluís Vicens

19. - 21. March 2014 FOSSGIS

  • 19. - 21. March 2014
  • Berlin, Germany
  • http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2014/
  • Videos on youtube: http://youtube.com/fossgis
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 7.9 postcards to all delegates - about 550 postcards
  • Presenatation about OSGeoLive OSGeoLive rocks! maybe
  • > 10 Workshops will take place, most of them will use OSGeoLive
    • 204 persons in the workshops
  • What format of OSGeoLive was used?
    • VirtualMachine
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

23 February 2014 FOSS4G Sri Lanka

  • Malabe, Sri Lanka
  • OSGeoLive Presentation including demo of OSGeoLive
  • Handed out OSGeo Live 7.0 DVDs
  • Contact: Nimalika Fernando

1-2 February 2014 FOSDEM

  • Brussels, Belgium
  • http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSDEM2014
  • Presentation of OSGeo Live Overview on a screen, event was attended by ~5000 people, OSGeo stand got visit of at least 500 (all marketing material was given away)
  • Contact: Anne Ghisla

23-25 January 2014 Societal GIS training workshop


4-6 December 2013, National Seminar on 'Remote Sensing and GIS for Environment', India

14-15 November 2013, FOSS4G Korea 2013

4-8 November 2013, AfricaGIS 2013 / GSDI 14

8-10 October 2013, INTERGEO 2013

  • Essen, Germany
  • http://intergeo.de
  • it is planned to hand out 500 OSGeo 7.0 DVDs
  • slides about OSGeoLive in FOSSGIS e.V. presentation
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

24 - 26 Sept 2013, Asian Geospatial Forum 2013

19 - 21 Sept 2013, INCA-33 International Congress India

17-21 September 2013, FOSS4G

  • Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • http://2013.foss4g.org
  • 800 Live DVDs were created, available at the main reception desk and used in workshops
  • Contact: Steven Feldman

25-30 August 2013, International Cartographic Conference

8-12 July 2013, Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School

3-5 July 2013, AGIT25

10 June 2013, FROG (FRancophone Opensource Geomatique)

12.-14. June 2013 FOSSGIS

17-19 June 2013, FOSS4G-CEE 2013

  • Bucharest, Romania
  • OSGeoLive 6.5 (or higher) DVDs will be handed out to all participants (conference target: 300)
  • Some workshops are expected to make use of OSGeoLive (call for workshops opens June 13th)
  • A OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation is welcome (call for presentations opens June 13th)
  • http://2013.foss4g-cee.org
  • Contact: Vasile Crăciunescu

21 May 2013, Location Intelligence Conference

  • Washington DC, United States
  • OSGeoLive presentation by Amy Gao

29-30 April, 2013 GIS In Action

  • April 29 to May 1, 2013,
  • Portland, Oregon
  • http://www.orurisa.org/GIS_In_Action (website is reused every year, Archive.org site)
  • The DVD was used to run demos at the booth. A limited number of copies were available to hand out to people who seemed very interested.
  • The PDX-OSGeo chapter also helps organize an Open Source Track at GIS In Action which was very popular. This year, there was not a specific talk about the LiveDVD although it is often mentioned as a great way to try out software that people ask about.
  • On May 2, there was an unconference where the LiveDVD was frequently referenced.
  • Contact: EliL

24 April, 2013 FOSS4G Buenos Aires 2013

10 April, 2013 EGU 2013

6-8 March 2013, Jornadas de SIG Libre (Spanish FOSS4G2013)

17-18 January 2013, WhereCampEU


4-7 December 2012, Open Source Developers Conference

22-24 November 2012, PhilGEOS 2012

  • Quezon City, Philippines
  • http://philgeos2012.wordpress.com/
  • Over 60 participants joined 8 workshops and 3 lightning talks. The OSGeo Live project was also presented in one of the parallel technical sessions in the main conference. Likewise, an exhibit booth was installed during the PhilGEOS conference for OSGeo and OpenStreetMap. Over ~50 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.
  • Contact: Maning Sambale

19-23 November 2012, LatinOSGIS

  • Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • http://www.fiec.espol.edu.ec/LatinOSGIS
  • OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs to be handed out
  • lightning presentation by Mauricio Miranda
  • OSGeoLive used in four workshops by Marco Minghini (QGIS, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, OpenLayers)
  • about 30 VMs set up on the room computers
  • Contact: Indira Yadira Nolivos Alvarez

17-18 November 2012, OpenGIS

  • Moscow, Russia
  • conference on everything related to free and opensource GIS: data, software, methodology, organized by members of Russian GIS-Lab and OpenStreetMap communities.
  • Over 200 participants; OSGeoLive DVD was used in GRASS GIS workshop; ~10 OSGeo Live DVDs were handed out to conference participants.
  • http://gisconf.ru/en/
  • Contact: Maxim Dubinin, Alexander Mury

14-17 November 2012, GFOSSDAY 2012 - OSMit 2012

  • Turin, Italy
  • http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/gfossday2012
  • OSGeoLive software directly used from VMs within five workshops
  • OSGeoLive overview in keynote presentation
  • Title: OSGeoLive: il più semplice strumento per provare le applicazioni GFOSS / OSGeoLive: the simplest way to test FOSS4G software
  • Contact: Luca Delucchi

14-16 November 2012, EGU Leonardo Conference

  • Turin, Italy
  • http://www.eguleonardo2012.polito.it/
  • Poster presentation in Session: Population
  • Notes: Poster Presentations consist in a quick (1-Slide) oral overview during the sessions and in the attendance by the poster stand between the sessions.
  • Title: A complete review of the breadth of quality Geospatial Open Source Software available to Hydrologists, using OSGeoLive
  • Contact: Margherita Di Leo

12-13 November 2012, SWE-SmartCities Workshop

  • Barcelona, Spain
  • https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5tKYbjsGOrxWkVwWWZsM2NHNlk/edit
  • Sensor Web Enablement workshop held by 52°North
  • 21 OSGeoLive handed to the participants and used for the exercises
  • The DVD was used for a training workshop on OGC Sensor Web Enablement. Participants worked with the 52°North SOS and the 52°North WPS. The DVD was mostly used, in some cases the VM was used.During the training, the participants used their own laptop computers (a full mix of all operating systems).There was no dedicated time needed for setting up the DVD. No issues occured.
  • Contact: Estela Llorente López, Simon Jirka (52°North)

November 2012, Open Source GIS and Webmapping Workshop

  • Vienna (Austria)
  • Waiting on Barend Köbben to provide website url once details are finalised

25-26 October 2012, FOSS4G-India

  • Hyderabad, India
  • http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/foss4gindia
  • OSGeoLive DVDs to be handed out to all participants
  • OSGeoLive to be used in workshops
  • OSGeoLive Presentation to be given by K S Rajan
  • Contact: K S Rajan

17,18 October 2012, GeoINT 2012

  • Orlando Florida
  • OSGeoLive link handed out
  • mentioned in various panels and forums
  • geoint2012.com
  • Contact: Mark Lucas and John Scott

17-19 October 2012, Geospace Europe Summit 2012

17-19 October 2012, Latinoware

October 2012, INTERGEO 2012

  • Hannover Germany, 9.-11.10.2012
  • ~600 OSGeo 6.0 (and some of Version 5.5.) DVDs were distributed
  • slide about OSGeoLive in FOSSGIS e.V. presentation
  • very good feedback to the DVD. Lot of people already know OSGeoLive
  • http://intergeo.de
  • Contact: Astrid Emde

October 2012, Smart Korea 2012 in conjunction with OGC TC/PC Meeting

11-13 October 2012, XXXII INCA International Conference 2012

  • Dehradun, India
  • http://www.incaindia.org/32INCA/
  • Nearly 80 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs handed out at OSGeo/IIRS Booth. Posters with screenshots of some applications with local data were put up.
  • Explained delegates about OpenSource GIS. Demonstrated QGIS to anyone with a question. Demoed OpenCPN to some of the folks from National Hydrographic Office.
  • Contact: Chaitanya Kumar CH

October 12, 2012, FOSS4G Korea 2012

  • COEX, Seoul, Korea
  • Nearly 70~80 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs were handed out during the event and brief explanation of OSGeoLive project was given to participants
  • FOSS4G Korea will be held in conjunction with Smart Korea 2012
  • http://www.osgeo.kr
  • Contact: Sanghee Shin

October 3-5, 2012, Minnesota GIS/LIS 2012

October 2012, GISSA Ukubuzana conference

  • 1-3 October, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • ~450 OSGeo 6.0 DVDs were distributed
  • Lightning overview wwas also presented
  • It was also used in two workshops ('Intro to PostGIS and QGIS' and 'Enterprise GIS with FOSS')
  • http://gissa.org.za/activities/conferences/gissa-ukubuzana-2012
  • More were distributed and used in workshops at the launch of the University of Pretoria ICA/OSGeo Lab on 4 Oct
  • Gavin Fleming

September 2012, Geocamp

  • September 22nd, Campo Maior, Portugal
  • http://geocampers.com
  • OSGeo project presentation: how the project is managed, how translations work, how a project is involved
  • Contact: Jorge Sanz, Hugo Santos info (at) geocampers (dot) com

September 2012, Asia GeoSpatial Forum

  • Hanoi, Vietnam. 17~19th, September
  • Around 50 OSGeoLive 6.0 DVDs were handed out to the participants.
  • A presentation on OSGeo overview and OSGeoLive was given in oral presentation session
  • Open Source GIS Session
  • http://www.asiageospatialforum.org/
  • Contact: Sanghee Shin

5 September 2012 Open Source GIS Conference (OSGIS)

  • Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • All day session: "Educational use of OSGeo Live" presented by Ari Jolma
  • 100 OSGeoLive DVDs handed out
  • OSGeoLive lightning presentation by Barry Rowlingson
  • http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/
  • Contact: Suchith Anand

August 2012, 34th International Geological Conference

  • Brisbane, Australia
  • OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation by Peter Baunmann, conference convener
  • http://www.34igc.org/
  • Contact: Peter Baunmann

18-19 July 2012, FOSS4G Southeast Asia

  • Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • OSGeoLive DVD used at the plenary session. Several slides from OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation used plus some demonstration.
  • OSGeoLive handed out to all delegates.
  • Contact: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr

July 2012, Third Open Source GIS Summer School

  • Girona, Spain
  • School program focused on the development and creation of Open Web Mapping Services and Web applications. Jeremy Morley (Lecturer and a theme leader at the NGI) will be contributing the Nottingham components for the Summer School. The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeoLive DVD.
  • http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2012/
  • Contact: Lluís Vicens

July 2012, International Environmental Modeling and Software Society Conference (IEMSS)

July 2012, AGIT

  • Salzburg (Austria) Annual Conference
  • http://www.agit.at/
  • AGIT, Friday is OSGeo day, free booth together with OSM throughtout the week (Arnulf)
  • we want to hand out +- 500 OSGeoLive DVDs

June 30 - July 1, 2012, FOSS4G Hokkaido 2012

June 2012, useR! The International R User Conference

June 28, 2012, OSGeo.nl Day (FOSS4G Regional) within MapWindow Conference - The Netherlands

  • Velp, The Netherlands
  • OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs handed out to all delegates (about 120). This included a large contingent of OSGeo-NL people who I heard were very appreciative of the DVD.
  • OSGeoLive + OSGeo overview in keynote presentation
  • OSGeoLive software directly used from VMs within the two workshops
  • http://osgeo.nl/osgeonl_dag_2012.html (OSGeo.nl Day Program + Pres. Slides)
  • http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2012 (general MapWindow conf)
  • Contact: Daniel P. Ames

May 2012, FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012

  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to be used in workshops
  • OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
  • http://foss4g-cee.org/
  • Contact: Jachym Cepicky

May 2012, FOSSCOMM 2012

May 2012, HellasGI 2012

  • Athens, Greece
  • OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation
  • Local chapter meeting

April 2012, COMEM OGO course :: Webmapping with OGC standards

  • April 16th, a course dedicated on geospatialized e-Content for Media Engineering bachelor students (http://www.comem.ch) at School of Engineering and Business Vaud (http://www.heig-vd.ch), Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains
  • Topic : learning webmapping and OGC standards with OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS (http://ogo.heig-vd.ch)
  • A customized OSGeoLive 5.5 VM has been used through VirtualBox by 15 students to execute several exercices and to build a five days project (http://carto.iict.ch)
  • Delivering a complete and ready to use geo-enabled VM is interessant for students to work in a kind of sandbox and to bring something easely back at home for later reuse.

April 2012, Geospatial World Forum 2012

April 2012, FOSS4G North America 2012

  • Washington, United States
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to all delegates
  • OSGeoLive lightning overview presentation?
  • http://foss4g-na.org/

April 2012, GISRUK 2012

  • Lancaster University, UK
  • (probably) To be used for pre-conference workshop from Lutra Consulting
  • Around 200 DVDs to be handed out at the OSGeo-UK desk
  • http://www.lancs.ac.uk/gisruk2012/

April 2012, AGILE 2012

March 2012, Association for Geographic Information Welsh Group Open Source Seminar

March 2012, AWRA GIS and Water Resources Conference

March 2012, FOSSGIS 2012

  • Dessau, Germany
  • Hand out OSGeoLive 5.5 DVDs to all delegates - more than 400 DVDs
  • OSGeoLive was mentioned in the opening speech
  • http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/
  • OSGeoLive was mentioned a lot on the conference. Some presenter mentioned in their presentation, to test the new stuff with OSGeoLive
  • How many people were in the workshop?
    • 21 Wokshops took place in total, 15 Workshop used OSGeoLive 5.5, some of the workshops used a modified OSGeoLive version
    • 5 - 20 persons were in the workshops
  • What format of OSGeoLive was used? DVD? USB? VM?
    • Used with VirtualBox
  • Did students bring their own computers? What types of computers and operating systems were brought in?
    • No own computers. We used the computers with windows and VirtualBox from the GIS pool of the university
  • How much time was spent setting up the class with setting up OSGeoLive?
    • This was done before the workshop

March 2012, Spanish FOSS4G 2012

6-7 March 2012, Malaysian Geospatial Forum

  • Malaka, Malaysia
  • http://www.malaysiageospatialforum.org
  • The OSGeoLive lightning overview was presented to around 50 attendees (of approximately 300 attendees of the whole event). Positive feedbacks, the common question was which package should be used to their work.

February 2012, AAG 2012

February 2012, GIS courses

  • 6-10 Feb, Enterprise GIS course at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 13-17 Feb , Introduction to QGIS and PostGIS course, Muizenberg, South Africa
  • OSGeo 5.0 DVDs handed out to course attendees (~15 each)
  • Ran in first session of workshops as LiveDVD to browse through the ecosystem and get a feel for Linux and FOSS GIS.
  • Gavin Fleming

January 2012, Pleiades Days 2012

  • Toulouse, France
  • 50 OSGeoLive 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
  • Website


December 2011, Enterprise GIS course at the Council for Geoscience

  • 12-14 Dec, Cape Town, South Africa
  • OSGeo 5.0 DVDs handed out to course attendees
  • We set up the VM on Windows for part of the workshop. Demo'd QGIS server and browsed through the system for an overview of other tools.
  • It would be nice to have OpenGeo Suite Community Edition installed. It could provide PostGIS and GeoServer to the rest of the DVD. Also GeoNode.
  • Gavin Fleming

November 2011, FOSS4G Tokyo/Osaka 2011

October 2011, IAEA/FAO Coordinated Research Program

  • Burkina Faso
  • This conference was the third in a series of semi-annual meetings reviewing research programs regarding two agricultural pests: Tsetse and Old/New World Screw-worm. The meetings focus on merging population genetics and GIS techniques to better understand the spread of these pests.
  • A customized version of the OSGeoLive 5.0 was prepared with data specific to Burkina Faso, and each of the 15 participants received a USB flash drive for the practice session. Some basic exercises were conducted demonstrating QGIS, Spatialite, and R.
  • Responses were overwhelmingly positive.

September 2011, Intergeo 2011

  • Nuremberg, Germany
  • Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
  • FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an the OSGeo Park at Intergeo every year presenting OSGeo software. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
  • Rest of the OSGeoLive 4.5 handed out (aprox 100 DVDs)
  • http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php

September 2011, FOSS4G 2011

Denver, United States

  • OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 5.0)
  • 300 USBs printed, 600 DVDs
  • OSGeoLive was used within many of the workshops

June/July 2011, Open Source GIS Summer School

August 2011, d'été - Observation spatiale de l'environnement

  • Macapa, Brazil
  • OSGeoLive 5.0RC1 on a USB was used in a workshop for 12 students learning OTB and Monteverdi.

June 2011, FLUXNET & RS Open-Workshop

June 2011, OSGIS 2011

Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

May 2011, CGS 2011

  • Bishop CA, USA
  • ~10 discs

April 2011, GITA 2011

  • Dallas Tx, USA
  • 100 discs sent to OSGeo booth

April 2011, AAG 2011

  • Seattle, WA USA
  • Annual Geography conference 8-10,000 attendants
  • ~30-50 discs given away at OSGeo booth
  • Remaining ~150 divided between CUGOS and Portland? chapters.

April 2011, FOSSGIS 2011

  • Heidelberg, Germany
  • FOSSGIS is an annual conference in german language with ~ 400 attendants
  • we printed OSGeoLive 4.5 and handed out about 450 DVDs
  • OSGeoLive 4.5 was used sucessfully in ~ 12 workshops
  • Astrid Emde presented OSGeoLive in a 20 min talk with focus on the background of the project and the possibilities the project offers
    • about 40 attendants


November 2010, GeoData Camp

  • Athens, Greece
  • Presented OSGeoLive lightning presentation in Greek to more than 300 attendants. This included two 1-hour presentations in technical sessions and a 15 minute presentation in the main event.

October 2010, Intergeo 2010

  • Cologne, Germany
  • Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
  • FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an Open Source Park on Intergeo every year where OSGeo Software is presented. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
  • we printed OSGeoLive 4.0 and handed out about 450 DVDs
  • Lars Lingner presented the DVD with Cameron Shorters presentation
  • http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
  • Feedback
    • good feedback: OSGeoLive offers the possibility to get to know OSGeo Software without an installation

September 2010, FOSS4G 2010

Barcelona, Spain

  • Provided a 90 minute tutorial of OSGeo Live
  • OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 4.0)

April 2010, FIG 2010 - International Surveyors conference

Sydney, Australia

  • Handed out Live DVDs from OSGeo stand. (Release 3.0)
  • Provided 15 minute lightning talk about the OSGeo stack, promoting the LiveDVD. [Report], [presentation video]


October 2009, FOSS4G 2009

Sydney, Australia

  • Handed out 500 Live DVDs in every delegate's show bag. (Release: 2.0.3)

June 2009, Spatial@Gov

  • Canberra, Australia
  • Handed out Live DVDs from an OSGeo stand. (Release 1.0)
  • Cameron Shorter provided a 30 minute presentation on the Open Source GeoSpatial Stack.


November 2008, Australian Cooperative Research Center for Spatial Information Conference

  • Brisbane, Australia
  • Distributed ~ 250 OSGeoLive DVDs to delegates (Release 1.0)

September 2008, FOSS4G 2008

  • Handed out ~ 150 Live DVDs from the OSGeo stand. (Release: foss4g2008)