Board Member Profiles

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OSGeo Member
Name: Anne Ghisla Aghisla-profile-pic.jpg
Job Title:
City: Berlin
State: Berlin
Country: Germany
Local Chapter: FOSSGIS
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): Italian; French; English; German
Personal Description : Anne is a natural scientist who got interested in GIS and open source programming during university. She started with GRASS GIS and QGIS, first met the OSGeo community by helping on documentation. Then she started programming in 2008 thanks to Google Summer of Code, and became mentor and administrator for OSGeo in following years. She doesn't code much anymore, as she is now focused on connecting people and communities of different software projects. She helped Jorge Rocha with CRO duties for OSGeo elections in 2019 and 2020.
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OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Committee.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  

Anne Ghisla

Anne Ghisla

Anne is a natural scientist who got interested in GIS and open source programming during university. She started with GRASS GIS and QGIS, first met the OSGeo community by helping on documentation. Then she started programming in 2008 thanks to Google Summer of Code, and became mentor and administrator for OSGeo in following years. She doesn't code much anymore, as she is now focused in connecting people and communities of different software projects. She helped Jorge Rocha with CRO duties for OSGeo elections in 2019 and 2020.

OSGeo Experience OSGeo charter.png OSGeo user.png OSGeo exboard.png
  • OSGeo Google Summer of Code administrator in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
  • Member of Italian chapter from September 2007 to November 2014
  • OSGeo Board member from 2012 to 2015
  • Currently dormant GRASS GIS core developer
  • Co-founder of OSGeo Women Chapter
  • CRO helper in 2019 and 2020
Email: a DOT ghisla AT gmail DOT com
IRC: aghisla on freenode (#osgeo)
Spoken Language(s)
Italian and French (mother tongues), English (fluent), German (improving :) )
Profile last updated
OSGeo Member
Name: Bart van den Eijnden
Job Title: Front-end software engineer
Company: OSGIS/OpenGeo
City: Utrecht
Country: The Netherlands
Local Chapter: OSGeo.NL
Email: bartvde AT osgis DOT nl
Phone: +31 6 42233115
Instant Messaging: Skype: bartvde
Language(s): Dutch; English; German
Personal Description : Bart is passionate about open source and open standards. He is a contributor to several front-end libraries such as OpenLayers and GeoExt. He is also a power user of server packages such as MapServer and GeoServer. In 2005 Bart started his own consultancy focussing on open source geospatial in The Netherlands, working mainly as a contractor to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In 2011 Bart joined OpenGeo. See also [1].
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URIs of the form "bartvde AT osgis DOT nl" are not allowed. [[Info::Bart is passionate about open source and open standards. He is a contributor to several front-end libraries such as OpenLayers and GeoExt. He is also a power user of server packages such as MapServer and GeoServer.

In 2005 Bart started his own consultancy focussing on open source geospatial in The Netherlands, working mainly as a contractor to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In 2011 Bart joined OpenGeo. See also [2].| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo PSC.png  OSGeo Charter.png  

Bart van den Eijnden

Front-end software engineer, OSGIS/OpenGeo

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Bart is passionate about open source and open standards. He is a contributor to several front-end libraries such as OpenLayers and GeoExt. He is also a power user of server packages such as MapServer and GeoServer. In 2005 Bart started his own consultancy focussing on open source geospatial in The Netherlands, working mainly as a contractor to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In 2011 Bart joined OpenGeo. See also [3].

OSGeo Experience OSGeo charter.png OSGeo psc.png OSGeo coder.png OSGeo user.png

  • OSGeo Board member (as of September 7th 2013)
  • Member of the GeoExt PSC
  • Contributor to OpenLayers
  • Charter member since 2006
  • Technical reviewer of Web Mapping Illustrated by Tyler Mitchell


Email: bartvde AT osgis DOT nl
Phone +31 6 42233115
Skype: bartvde

Spoken Language(s): Dutch, English, German

Profile last updated: 7 September 2013

OSGeo Member
Name: Cameron Shorter Camerons444x535.jpg
Job Title: Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
Company: Government (NSW, Australia)
City: Sydney
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Local Chapter: Aust-NZ
Email: cameron shorter AT gmail DOT com
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): English
Personal Description : Cameron has a breadth of practical experience with the numerous facets of Geospatial Open Source and OGC Standards. He has chaired a FOSS4G conference; served on the OSGeo Board, co-founded and co-coordinates the OSGeoLive project; co-authored OSGeo Software Incubation criteria; and consults to governments and industry on Open Source, Open Standards and Spatial Data Systems.
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URIs of the form "cameron shorter AT gmail DOT com" are not allowed.

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo Committee.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo PSC.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  OSGeo Chair.png  OSGeo Committer.png   More at

OSGeo Member
Name: Daniel Morissette
Job Title:
Address: Chicoutimi, QC, Canada
Country: [[|{{{Country}}}]]
Local Chapter: [[|{{{LocalChapter}}}]]
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description :
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Gérald Fenoy

Gérald Fenoy.jpg

Founder and CEO of GeoLabs SARL.

Location: Lattes, France.

OSGeo Experience OSGeo exboard.png OSGeo coder.pngOSGeo psc.pngOSGeo user.png OSGeo charter.png OSGeo translate.png
  • OSGeo Board member from 2013-2015
  • ZOO-Project Developper and PSC Chair,
  • Creator of the original french web site for PostGIS,
  • Provide training, use and develop (WEB-)GIS applications based on OSGeo Libraries / Applications,
  • Active in the OSGeo Senegal Local chapter,
  • Provide Gentoo packaging and patches for proj, geos, postgis, pgRouting, mapserver and gpsbabel,
  • Active at all FOSS4G international events since 2006.
Phone: +33670082539
Skype: gfenoy
Mail: gerald DOT fenoy AT geolabs DOT fr
IRC: djay
OSGeo Member
Name: Gérald Fenoy
Job Title: CEO
Company: GeoLabs
Address: 1280 Avenue des platanes, 34970 Lattes, France
City: Lattes
Country: France
Local Chapter: [[|{{{LocalChapter}}}]]
Phone: +33670082539
Instant Messaging: Skype: gfenoy / IRC: djay
Personal Description :
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OSGeo Member
Name: Jáchym Čepický
Job Title:
Company: MapTiler ,
Address: Liban, Czechia
City: Liban
State: Královéhradecký kraj
Country: Czechia
Local Chapter: Czechia
Email: jachym cepicky ch
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): cz; en; de
Personal Description : Data and Geocoding teams at, Founder of and
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URIs of the form "jachym cepicky ch" are not allowed.

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Committee.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo Translate.png  OSGeo PSC.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  OSGeo Chair.png  OSGeo Committer.png  

creator of the FOSS4G ribbon logo, used in all FOSS4G events of all sizes around the world since 2004, a symbol of the flow of ideas and innovation, and sharing within the Open Source geospatial community
Reunion of the 3 original founders of the global FOSS4G event (from left to right: Markus Neteler, Jeff McKenna, Venka Raghavan); photo taken at FOSS4G Europe, July 2017, in Paris
With the OSGeo family at FOSS4G Europe, July 2017, in Paris
Receiving the 2016 Sol Katz Award, at FOSS4G Bonn, on 2016-08-26.
With Venka at FOSS4G Seoul, Sept 2015. Two of the founders of FOSS4G.
With the ZOO family at FOSS4G Europe, July 2014
Having a sushi lunch at FOSS4G Tokyo 2008
Memories of meeting the "boy genius" at FOSS4G 2006 (pic is from OpenLayers sprint 2007)

Jeff McKenna is one of the 3 original founders of the global FOSS4G event, which has spread all across the globe, and he has traveled to over 500+ FOSS4G events of all sizes (which means he has almost 1,000 FOSS4G t-shirts). He is the President Emeritus of OSGeo, and has his own consulting company based around FOSS4G, GatewayGeo. He has been actively contributing to OSGeo since its formation.

  • one of the 3 original founders of the global FOSS4G event
    • creator of the FOSS4G branding logo, a symbol of the flow of ideas and innovation, and sharing within the Open Source geospatial community
  • Winner of the 2016 Sol Katz Award, for longtime leadership in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities
  • named as the President of OSGeo, Dec '12, retired in Dec '15
  • named to the OSGeo Board of Directors, Sept '09 (served until Feb '12), re-elected Aug '12, re-elected Aug '14, re-elected Oct '17
  • Founder of the Sol Katz Award, and managed that from 2005-2015, 2017+
  • Founding and Charter member of OSGeo
  • Founding chair of the UN committee for OSGeo
  • Founder of the UN GGIM working group for OSGeo
  • Member of the Geo for All Advisory Board
  • Member of OSGeo's Google Summer of Code 2017 & 2018 Administrative teams
  • Founding member of OSGeo's Google Code-in 2017 Administrative team, and also part of 2018 admin team
  • involved in the creation of the Code of Conduct committee for OSGeo
  • Founding member of the Open GeoScience committee for OSGeo
  • FOSS4G conference committee chair (2006-2012)
  • FOSS4G Workshop committee member (2004-2011)
  • Developer of MS4W
  • One of the founding developers of OSGeo4W
  • MapServer Project Steering Committee (PSC) member
  • MapServer documentation lead
  • founding co-chair of the Ottawa Chapter of OSGeo
  • ZOO-Project Project Steering Committee (PSC) member
  • ZOO-Project documentation contributor
  • mentor for the pycsw Project for the OSGeo Incubation process
  • mentor for the istSOS Project for the OSGeo Incubation process
  • founding member of the Atlantic Canada Chapter of OSGeo
  • 2011-2012 vice president of the Nova Scotia Geomatics Association
  • member of the Open Geospatial Consortium from 2010-present
  • member of the QGIS Community


email: jmckenna(at)osgeo(dot)org
Twitter: @mapserving
IRC username - jmckenna on Libera.​Chat

OSGeo Member
Name: Jeff McKenna
Job Title:
Address: Lunenburg, Canada
Country: [[|{{{Country}}}]]
Local Chapter: [[|{{{LocalChapter}}}]]
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description :
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Map of OSGeo Members

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Jorge Sanz

OSGeo Member
Name: Jorge Sanz Jsanz.jpg
Job Title: Data Engineer
Company: Elastic
City: València
State: Valencia
Country: Spain
Local Chapter: OSGeo-es
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): Catalan; Spanish; English
Personal Description : Jorge is Charter Member of OSGeo since 2008 and member of the Spanish Language Local Chapter (OSGeo-ES) since its foundation., has been member of the OSGeo Board of Directors in the 2013-2015 term and been part of the gvSIG Technical Steering Committee. He helps on some systems, participates actively on OSGeo-ES initiatives and Geoinquietos Valencia (a little local group part of a broader network of microchapters). Further details at his OSGeo wiki complete profile page or at linkedin.
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[[Info::Jorge is Charter Member of OSGeo since 2008 and member of the Spanish Language Local Chapter (OSGeo-ES) since its foundation., has been member of the OSGeo Board of Directors in the 2013-2015 term and been part of the gvSIG Technical Steering Committee. He helps on some systems, participates actively on OSGeo-ES initiatives and Geoinquietos Valencia (a little local group part of a broader network of microchapters). Further details at his OSGeo wiki complete profile page or at linkedin.| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Translate.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  

Past experience
  • Co-admin of the Nabble archives and mailing lists
  • Coordinator of Spanish translation of the OSGeo Live documentation (2010-2015)
  • Member of the Board of Directors (2013-2015)
  • OSGeo-es Board of Directors Member (2008-2012)
  • Packager of gvSIG Desktop at the OSGeo Live project (2010-2014)
  • gvSIG TSC member (2009-2015)
  • Incubation Committee member (as gvSIG contact) (2008-2012)
  • Translator of website into Spanish (2007-2008)
Profile last updated
May 2020
OSGeo Member
Name: Frank Warmerdam Warmerda.jpg
Job Title:
Company: Planet
City: Eganville
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Local Chapter: California Chapter
Phone: +1 (650) 701-7823
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description : Frank Warmerdam is a C++, Java and Python geospatial software developer, primarily known for founding the GDAL/OGR multi format geospatial data access and translation project. He is also active on the PROJ.4, libtiff, and libgeotiff projects, was a founding director of OSGeo, and is a Primary Administrator on the OSGeo System Administration Committee.
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URIs of the form "+1 (650) 701-7823" are not allowed. [[Info::Frank Warmerdam is a C++, Java and Python geospatial software developer, primarily known for founding the GDAL/OGR multi format geospatial data access and translation project. He is also active on the PROJ.4, libtiff, and libgeotiff projects, was a founding director of OSGeo, and is a Primary Administrator on the OSGeo System Administration Committee.| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Committee.png  OSGeo PSC.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  OSGeo SolKatz.png  

Frank Warmerdam

Frank Warmerdam

Employment: Google

Location: Mountain View, California, USA

Frank Warmerdam is a C++, Java and Python geospatial software developer, primarily known for founding the GDAL/OGR multi format geospatial data access and translation project. He is also active on the PROJ.4, libtiff, and libgeotiff projects, was a founding director of OSGeo, and is a Primary Administrator on the OSGeo System Administration Committee.

OSGeo Experience OSGeo exboard.pngOSGeo user.png OSGeo committee.png OSGeo charter.png SolKatz.png
Phone: +1 (650) 701-7823
Spoken Language(s)
Profile last updated
17 August 2012