FOSS4G 2009 Organising Committee Meetings

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Actions from meetings are being managed in this google docs spreadsheet:

The FOSS4G 2009 Organising Committee is responsible for the organization of the conference. More information can be found on the FOSS4G_2009_Governance page.

All wiki pages for FOSS4G 2009 meetings are listed under the Meetings category


Next Meeting

Prior Organising Committee Meetings

2009/03/25 Marketing into Asia/Pacific

Agenda: Our aim today is:

  • To engage organisations currently marketing into Asia/Pacific to advise and help with FOSS4G marketing FOSS4G.
  • open lines of communication
  • identify ideas from the group - to be followed up via email
00 Introductions, including listing your contacts and ideas for connecting into Asia
10 Open for questions and discussion
40 Meeting close



  • Arnold Wong, Director of Landgate International, selling Landgate's SDI into Asia and Middle East.
  • Venka Raghavan, prominent, well respected and well connectd OSGeo evangelist in Asia, based in Japan.
  • Mike Ridout, Coorporative Research Center for Spatial Information (CRCSI). The CRCSI has been building relationships in Asia, notably in China.
  • Geoff Zeiss, Autodesk evangelist. Regular presenter, networker and blogger at International Geospatial conferences.
  • Harley Prowse, Director of GeoBiz in New Zealand, connected in New Zealand, and on the FOSS4G Organising Committee
  • Andrew Bashfield, has years of Geospatial Experience and contacts in Australia.
  • Julia Vernon, Tour Hosts, our conference organisor
  • Melbourne University School of Geomatics, working with Global SDI and Asia Pacific SDI, including email lists for these communities:
    • Abbas Rajabifard, (sends his apologies)
  • OGC: Leading the "Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest" at FOSS4G and networking at an international level.
    • Greg Buehler (confirmed)
  • OSGeo
    • Jeff McKenna (OSGeo conference committee chair)
    • Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo head)

2009/03/18 Tour Hosts / Organising Committee

  • Attendees, skypeid:
    • Cameron Shorter, cameronshorter
    • Simon Hope, sihope
    • Volker Mische, volkermische
    • Mark Leslie, mark.s.leslie
    • Andrew Bashfield
    • Bruce Bannermann (temporarily)
    • Stephen Lead
    • Tour Hosts
  • Agenda:
    • Sponsorship and Exhibition
      • Update (TH)
    • Program - Current Program:
      • Workshop & tutorial submissions update (ML)
      • Number of abstract submissions received so far (SH)
      • Poster Submissions (SH) - online submission?
      • Logistics Schedule (SH)
      • Ignite Spatial (OC)
    • Speakers
      • Speakers from Asia (JM)
      • Invited Speakers (TH/OC)
    • Marketing
      • Postcards (TH/OC)
      • Expressions of Interest (TH)
      • Satchel Insert (HP)
    • Other Business
      • Venue (TH)
      • Code Sprint Venue (TH)
      • Name Badge Requirements (TH/OC)
      • Delegate List (TH/OC)
    • Next Meeting
      • Wednesday 15th April 2009, 1300 – 1400

2009/02/18 Tour Hosts / Organising Committee

  • Attendees (skypeid)
    • Cameron Shorter (cameronshorter)
    • Simon Hope (dial in only)
    • Tyler Mitchell (spatialguru) likely only available for 30-45 minutes
    • Harley Prowse (dial in ideally)
    • Jeff McKenna (jeff_mckenna) available for 1 hour
    • Tour Hosts (tour.hosts)
    • Mark Leslie (mark.s.leslie)
    • Bruce Bannerman (no skype access, STD call) available for 45 minutes only.
  • Agenda:
    • Sponsorship and Exhibition
      • Update (TH)
    • Program (SH) Current Program, Camerons Suggestions
      • Call for Workshops (SH) - communicate the deadline!
      • Call for Abstract Preparation (SH) - open 9th March
      • Workshop\Abstract Review - decision required
      • Outstanding Program Items - SH to complete amendments from CS
      • Schedule Publication on website - looking for assistance on this
      • Speakers - Spare slot needs filling & blurb for website
      • Welcome Reception (TH)
    • Marketing
      • eBlast (CS/TH). Volunteer needed: Need to build community leaders list as per 2007 and contact GIS calendars and related activities, asking to add FOSS4G links.
      • Marketing into Asia strategy (CS). Volunteer needed here.
      • Postcards (TH)
      • Spatial Sciences Institute of Australia update (CS)
    • Other Business
      • Online Registration Form (TH)
      • Interpreting (TH)
    • Next meeting: Wednesday 18th March 2009, 1300 - 1400

2009/02/18 Action Notes from OC Meeting with Tour Hosts

1. Sponsorship and Exhibition

ACTION – TM to locate the 2007 sponsor contact details list and send to TH.

ACTION – TH to contact Greg Buehler/Raj Singh from OGC directly to access potential sponsors contact list.

ACTION – BB recently added new potential contacts to the online list. TH to send the sponsorship prospectus then BB to follow up with these contacts to make sure they have received the prospectus and to provide any further information.

2. Programme

ACTION – OC to canvas the OSGeo discussion list to gather interest in Workshops as proposal submissions are low.

ACTION – SH to put together the abstract submission information/guidelines and create a standard abstract submission form for the website.

ACTION – All OC members are to subscribe to OCS and become a member (SH to provide instructions on becoming a member via email). Once everyone is a member, SH will set everyone up as reviewers. OCS software to be used for review of abstracts.

ACTION – SH to update the programme on google docs to include Cameron’s suggested programme changes.

ACTION – OSGeo to organise/manage Conference Close session including handing out any awards and announcing of the next Conference. OC confirmed that the Conference Close should be kept as 30mins in the programme.

3. Installfest

ACTION – TH to discuss with suppliers the option of using volunteers to pack down workshop computers within a 30 minute time frame. TH notes that if the supplier does not want volunteers packing down the computers there may be higher labour costs incurred as the supplier will bring in more staff to pack down within the 30 minutes.

- OC confirmed approximately 100 pax will attend the Installfest and they will require wireless or wired internet, power, tables and chairs.

4. Speakers

ACTION – Keynote speakers to have a half hour time slot in the programme. SH to adjust timings.

ACTION – BB to investigate how well Ilberto Kamaro from Brazil speaks English and advise if he would be a suitable keynote speaker.

ACTION – HP and BB to research David Hocking from ASIBA and confirm whether or not he would be a suitable speaker.

ACTION – JM to suggest and research appropriate speakers from Asia.

5. Other Business

ACTION – TH To draft a brief outline of the welcome reception for the website.

ACTION – TH to discuss with SCEC how long the session rooms can be used for each day as there is the possibility that the BOF sessions will run overtime. Additionally the delegates may want access to the wireless internet after hours.

ACTION – TH to extend the room booking on the last Conference day to 6pm for the AGM.

- JM confirmed that interpreting will not be required at this conference.

ACTION – TH to add the following to the registration form:

  • Delegates longitude and latitude information that can then be plotted on google maps.
  • Questions that ask for the profile of delegates/position in organisation/purchasing power.

6. Marketing

ACTION – HP to collate list of community leaders and their email addresses. TM to mentor HP on how to research this based on 2007 existing list.

ACTION – TH to advise OC of the current number of expressions of interest received so far.

ACTION – TM to set up an OSGeo email subscription list for future announcements.

ACTION – HP to investigate cost of a single page satchel insert at the upcoming not for profit Conference in New Zealand. TH/CS to then review if budget is available.

ACTION – BB to follow up with the SSI via different channels for a contra deal. CS notes that from his attempts they are still looking for a 5% registration discount for SSI members.

2009/01/21 Tour Hosts / Organising Committee

  • Agenda:
    • Sponsorship and Exhibition
      • Update (TH)
    • Program
      • Call for Workshops and Abstracts (OC/TH)
      • Program at a Glance (OC)
      • Code Sprint (CO/TH)
    • Marketing
      • Mailing Lists (TH/OC)
    • Other Business
      • Tour Proposal (TH)
      • Conference Dinner Proposal (TH)
      • Accommodation (TH)
      • Spatial Science Institute
    • Vote to accept our [Profit Sharing Policy].
    • Review [actions] (Tour Hosts)
    • Review schedule (Tour Hosts)
    • Functions and Tours report (Tour Hosts)
    • Engaging SSI (Dennis Puniard, Cameron)
      • Dennis, SSI, expects to be able to draw ~ 100 delegates. SSI represent our target market.
      • SSI are holding a conference in Adelaide before ours. Advertising opportunity.
      • SSI interested to know how FOSS4G can be of benefit to SSI. Eg: 5% discount to SSI members.
    • Marketing (Kirsty, Tour Hosts)
      • Marketing into Asia/Pacific
    • Review Workshops (Mark)
    • Review CCIP (Graham de Hoedt, Cameron)
      • Press release pending
      • Need to source data
    • Keynote Speakers (Cameron)
    • Review Website (Simon)
    • Next meeting: Wednesday 18th February 2009, 1300 - 1400

Meeting Notes

  • Sponsorship Propectus will be released 28 Jan
    • Looking for leads local leads
    • Tour Hosts wants the database so that they can track who has opened the emails etc.
    • Suggest that we contact ASIBA, SSI and GITA
  • Call for workshops looking good (Mark)
  • OC should be putting themes into the program
  • Code Sprint: Confirmed as 2 days.
  • Marketing email:
    • Suggest sending email to project leaders who forward onto contacts
  • Press Release
    • Should be plain text, linked back to the website
  • Conference dinner:
    • Optional function
    • (OC preferred option) Captain Cook Harbour Cruise $135/person, 3 course dinner + drinks. Can take up to 300 guests.
    • Darling Harbour $135 - $165/person.
    • ACTION: Cameron to call SSI and offer booth space in return for an OSGeo booth at SSI conference.
    • Discussed keynote speakers. Looking like:
      • Scott Power, BOM, compelling speaker to demystify Climate Change
      • Raj Singh, OGC, to introduce CCIP
      • A Google Maps speaker
      • We are still looking for a drawcard speaker, probably non-spatial, likely from Open Source community. (Mark Shuttleworth head of Ubuntu can't make it).
    • ACTION: Cameron to start up "Marketing into Asia" thread.

2009/01/21 Action Notes from OC Meeting with Tour Hosts

1. Sponsorship and Exhibition

ACTION - OC to send TH all mailing lists so the Sponsorship Selling Document can be distributed to these contacts.

ACTION - CS to send the OC an email advising what was discussed in the meeting with Google.

2. Program – Code Sprint

ACTION – TH to present venue options to OC for 2 day code sprint (80 -100 pax). OC notes no registration fee and open to anyone (ie: not just conference attendees).

3. Marketing

ACTION - TH to draft a plain text email advertising the Conference, call for workshops and sponsorship opportunities. Links to the Conference website are to be included in this email. OC to then distribute to community leaders for re distribution to potential delegates.

ACTION - All press releases are to be stored in the wiki and sent through to community leaders for distribution.

ACTION - Simon to draft a call for workshops announcement.

ACTION - CS to invite all key players to form a marketing group and work out a strategy on how to target Asia.

4. Other Business


ACTION - OC confirmed that the TH suggested tours are appropriate and these should be added to website. TH to provide Simon with information. OC notes that tours are not to take delegates away from the workshops or code sprint.

Conference Dinner

ACTION - TH to confirm the dinner harbour cruise with the proposed three course dinner and 3 hour beverage package at $135.00 per person for a minimum of 150 guests.


ACTION - TH to confirm what the maximum capacity is for YHA Railway Square.

Spatial Science Institute

ACTION - CS to advise Dennis that a discount cannot be offered to SSI members, however, the OC is interested in swapping booth space on a contra deal arrangement. CS to confirm this arrangement as soon as possible so a booth can be allocated to SSI before they are all sold.

ACTION – At the upcoming Conference in February, Harley is to speak to ASIBA about swapping mailing lists and website links.

2009/01/15 Climate Change Integration Plugfest


  • Graham de Hoedt, BOM
  • Cameron Shorter, FOSS4G Organising Committee
  • Greg Buehler, OGC
  • Raj Singh, OGC


  • Funding will be coordinated by OGC and disassociated from FOSS4G. (This should encourage proprietary vendors to take part). Funds can be moved from CCIP to FOSS4G by hiring conference space.
  • Funding will be coordinated via cost sharing model (as per OGC testbeds) as this will encourage small vendors to participate. Cost sharing will not influence big vendors decision to participate.
  • Scenario needs to be simple in order to encourage maximum participation. 'Focus on WMS/WFS.


  • BOM: look into becoming OGC member
  • BOM: commit funding to CCIP. Done.
  • BOM: write 1 page sponsorship proposal
  • BOM: write up scenario based upon OWS4. Support from OGC
  • OGC: Propose funding and sponsorship model.
  • OGC: Set up a working committee for CCIP and private twiki pages
  • OGC: Engage future conferences to continue CCIP. Eg: GSDI 11. GEOS Summit 2010. Aim to get a participant from these conferences engaged in CCIP to facilitate migrating CCIP to these conferences.
  • 2009-01-19 OGC: Announce CCIP to OGC Planning Committee
  • 2009-01-21 OGC/FOSS4G: OGC/FOSS4G Press Release for CCIP
  • 2009-01-?? CCIP sponsors added to FOSS4G prospectus.
  • 2009-01-28 Tour Hosts: FOSS4G prospectus released

2008/12/12 Action Notes from OC Meeting with Tour Hosts

1. Sponsorship and Exhibition

ACTION - OC to update the sponsorship leads list with sponsor contact details (names and email addresses) by close of business Wednesday 17 December 2008.

ACTION - TH to then send out an eblast informing these companies about the launch of the sponsorship prospectus.

2. Program Timeline

ACTION - SH to speak with CS’s contact and discuss the website and submission forms. There is to be one form for Call for Workshops and one form for Call for Abstracts. ONGOING AS OF 21-01-09

ACTION - SH to email delegates informing them of the submission forms opening dates.

ACTION - TH to change the abstract deadline to the beginning of June in the program timeline - DONE

ACTION - TH to send SH excel versions of the program timeline and project plan - DONE

ACTION - SH to upload these documents onto Google docs (on a private page) and create the relevant links to the wiki. - DONE

3. Social Program

Welcome Reception

ACTION - ML to do a site inspection at the Shelbourne Hotel.

ACTION - ML to advise JD of a suitable day so she can confirm time with the event co-ordinator.

ACTION - TH to put the level that can accommodate 200 guests on hold

Conference Dinner

ACTION - TH to get quotes for the following:

• A boat that takes delegates from SCEC, under the Harbour Bridge and on to Luna Park for Dinner

• A dinner cruise

• Restaurant in Cockle Bay

4. Tours

ACTION - TH to put together a tour proposal and present to OC at next meeting

5. Marketing

ACTION - TH to contact Position Magazine to get written confirmation. TH to compare entitlements in monetary value to show comparison

ACTION - OC to continually add new upcoming conferences to the Google calendar as they find out about them. - ONGOING

ACTION - OC to use the Blogosphere more often.

ACTION - OC to send TH a list of conferences that OSGeo will exhibit at to ensure that FOSS4G postcards are there.

ACTION - TH to send Tim Bowden postcards for distribution at a Conference he is attending in January in China.

ACTION - TH to send each OC member (except Simon) 50 postcards to distribute to any Conferences they attend

ACTION - TH to create a Google doc in which the OC can enter their mailing addresses

ACTION - TH to make up a PowerPoint slide for Mark to include at the end of the presentation he is giving at a Conference in February. Mark to distribute postcards at this Conference.

6. Program/Venue

ACTION - TH to confirm G07 with SCEC - DONE

ACTION - CS to sign venue matrix so TH can contract rooms - DONE

ACTION - SH to review the program and find a suitable time for the Installfest to take place. DONE

7. Next Meeting Wednesday 21st January 2009, 1300 - 1400

2008/12/12 Cameron + Tour Hosts


  • Cameron Shorter
  • Daniel Branik
  • Julia Vernon
  • Denisa Admova

Key notes:

  • Tour Hosts agreed to exclude TH staff accommodation costs from the budget. Of note, hotels often give free rooms if there are sufficient people booking through them. It was agreed that Tour Hosts could make use of these free rooms, unless it has already been promised to FOSS4G in the proposal or contract. Action: Tour Hosts to check.
  • Tour Hosts intend to use in house resources to support Workshop setup. Cameron noted that FOSS4G need to verify that Tour Hosts are not over-charging. Action: Tour Hosts to provide cost estimates and break down of costs which OSGeo can compare to alternate suppliers. OSGeo will have the option to use alternate supplies TH prove to be too expensive.
  • Budget is being updated and should be put out today. Hopefully this one will be final sign off.
  • Agreed to use Google Docs for review of key documents like budget. Comments from the OC can be set to strikeout font by TH once actions are addressed.

2008/12/03 Organising Committee

Outstanding actions: ACTION: Cameron to arrange with TH re to-do list/communication

ACTION: Budget

  • Waiting on TH to accept budget review comments.

ACTION: TH: Does TH require more feedback from the OC?

ACTION - Cameron to follow up with TH re sponsorship.

  • Kirsty from TH is incorporating changes, will get Cameron to review Showcase sponsorship section.
  • Kirsty will circulate a sponsor/lead list for OC to fill in.

ACTION - simon to send preliminary program info to the list for discussion

  • Simon: I have a meeting arranged with TH (today) at 12pm to discuss the program in more detail. I will report to the OC after this meeting.

ACTION: Make decision on workshop venue by vote.

  • TH has done this and have all OC expressed preference? - Are we in position for the OC to take a decision on this - if not then what outstanding information is required - this seems a priority for tomorrow's meeting?

2008/11/19 Organising Committee, plus Tour Hosts

  • time: 1:00 PM Sydney time
  • location: meeting was done via Skype teleconference
  • Minutes: are available on this page's discussion page
  • Agenda:
    1. decide who will record Minutes of this meeting
    2. select chair for the meeting
    3. confirm date/time for next meeting(s):
      • OC meetings
      • meetings between OC and TH
    4. items for discussion:
      1. Timetable and To-Do list
      2. Budget: status, next steps, timetable
      3. Venues:
        1. SCEC: tour results, exhibition booth space
        2. Workshops venue: status
        3. Other venues: Code Sprint, Social
      4. Program:
        1. what items have to be confirmed, and by when, to 'move forward'(e.g. with Sponsorship Prospectus)
        2. Workshops/Labs
        3. Conference Program:
        4. Social event(s)
        5. Code Sprint
        6. Technical Visits/Tours
        7. Outreach Activities

2008/11/12 Geospatial Integration Showcase

2008/09/10 (Program And Venue)

2008/08/29 (Venue/Date selection )

  1. Venue and Conference Dates
    1. TH to table venue comparison – OC/TH to discuss
    2. Meeting dates to be confirmed - based on venue selection:
      • UNSW: 17 – 21 November
      • SCEC: 23 – 27 November
  2. Sponsorship and Exhibition
    1. Sponsorship hierarchy – OC to confirm
  3. Website
    1. TH/OC to discuss
  4. FOSS4G 2008 promotion
    1. TH/OC to discuss
  5. Budget
    1. TH to table budget to OC chair and Treasurer
  6. Next Meeting
    1. Discuss dates

2008/07/30 (Integrating free & proprietary conferencing software)

2008/07/02 (Sponsorship and Exhibition Meeting)

2008/06/06 (Tour Hosts / OSGeo Contract review)

2008/05/30 (Kickoff meeting between Tour Hosts and Conference Organisors)