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== OSGeo Foundation Board of Directors ==
== OSGeo Foundation Board of Directors ==
The board is elected by the [http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members Charter members] as outlined in the [[Board Election Procedure]].
The board is elected by the [https://www.osgeo.org/about/charter-members Charter Members] as outlined in the [[Board Election Procedure]].
Period: December 2023 - November 2025
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/jeroen-ticheler/ Jeroen Ticheler] - Netherlands (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/bernasocchi/ Marco Bernasocchi] - Switzerland  (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/codrina-maria-ilie/  Codrina Maria Ilie] - Bucharest, Romania (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/shinde/ Rajat Shinde] - India/Huntsville, AL, USA (currently) (Central Time UTC -5h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/vicky-vergara/ Vicky Vergara] - Naucalpan, Mexico (Central Standard Time UTC -6h)
Period: December 2022 - November 2024
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/angelos-tzotsos Angelos Tzotsos] - Athens, Greece (Central European Time UTC +2h) [[Executive_Positions|President]]
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/michael-smith/ Michael Smith] -  Hanover, New Hampshire, USA (Eastern Time UTC -5h) [[Treasurer]]
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/tom-kralidis Tom Kralidis] - Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Eastern Time UTC -5h)
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Aanthieni Ariel Anthieni] - Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina Time UTC -3h)
Period: December 2021 - November 2023
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/steer/ Adam Steer] - Norway (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/bernasocchi/ Marco Bernasocchi] - Switzerland  (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/codrina-maria-ilie/  Codrina Maria Ilie] - Bucharest, Romania (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/shinde/ Rajat Shinde] - India/Huntsville, AL, USA (currently) (Central Time UTC -5h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/vicky-vergara/ Vicky Vergara] - Naucalpan, Mexico (Central Standard Time UTC -6h)
Period: December 2020 - November 2022
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/angelos-tzotsos Angelos Tzotsos] - Athens, Greece (Central European Time UTC +2h) [[Executive_Positions|President]]
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/michael-smith/ Michael Smith] -  Hanover, New Hampshire, USA (Eastern Time UTC -5h) [[Treasurer]]
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Micheletobias Michele Tobias] - Sacramento, California, USA (Pacific Time UTC -8h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/tom-kralidis Tom Kralidis] - Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Eastern Time UTC -5h)
Period: November 2019 - October 2021
Period: November 2019 - October 2021
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* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/till-adams/ Till Adams] - Bonn, Germany (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/till-adams/ Till Adams] - Bonn, Germany (Central European Time Zone UTC +1h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/vicky-vergara/ Vicky Vergara] - Naucalpan, Mexico (Central Standard Time UTC -6h)
* [https://www.osgeo.org/member/vicky-vergara/ Vicky Vergara] - Naucalpan, Mexico (Central Standard Time UTC -6h)
Period: November 2018 - October 2020
Period: November 2018 - October 2020
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* [[Angelos Tzotsos]] - Athens, Greece (Central European Time UTC +2h) [[Executive_Positions|Vice-President]]
* [[Angelos Tzotsos]] - Athens, Greece (Central European Time UTC +2h) [[Executive_Positions|Vice-President]]
* [[Tom Kralidis]] - Toronto, Canada (Eastern Time UTC -5h)
* [[Tom Kralidis]] - Toronto, Canada (Eastern Time UTC -5h)
Period: November 2017 - October 2019
Period: November 2017 - October 2019
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== Board Meetings ==
== Board Meetings ==
In general the OSGeo board meets on IRC the last Monday of the month from [http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=49&p3=1234&p4=286&p5=157&p6=671&p7=207&p8=1091&p9=259 16.00 UTC]
In general the OSGeo board meets on [https://meet.jit.si/OsgeoBoard Jitsi] or [[IRC|IRC]] the last Monday of the month from [http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=49&p3=1234&p4=286&p5=157&p6=671&p7=207&p8=1091&p9=259 15.00 UTC]
Upcoming board meetings:
Upcoming board meetings:
; IRC Meeting: [[IRC|Internet Rely Chat]] meetings are held on FreeNode [irc://irc.freenode.net/osgeo OSGeo channel]], please note that due to spam you are now required to register with the FreeNode "NickServ" bot to verify your identity prior to posting messages on IRC. The FreeNode OSGeo channel is [http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo logged] providing a great record of IRC meetings.
; Video call: board will get together for a video call and work through discussions and tasks in 1 hour [https://meet.jit.si/OsgeoBoard Jitsi] meeting. May also consist of an informal "work party" of board members and officers to work on tasks and collaboration not easily handled in IRC / email.
* [[[Board_Meeting_2022-10-31]] [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=10&day=31&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=286&p3=49&p4=269&p5=250&p6=37 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-08-31]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=08&day=31&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=286&p3=49&p4=269&p5=250&p6=37 16:00 UTC]
; Face to Face Meeting: board will get together in person and work through discussions and tasks that are not easily handled in a 1 hour IRC meeting or via e-mail. For face to face meetings travel costs will be covered by the foundation.
; IRC Meeting: [[IRC|Internet Rely Chat]] meetings are held on Libera.Chat [irc://irc.libera.chat/#osgeo OSGeo channel], please note that due to spam you are now required to register with the "NickServ" bot to verify your identity prior to posting messages on IRC. Before 2021, the board was using the FreeNode OSGeo channel that was [http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo logged] providing a great record of IRC meetings.
* none scheduled
* none scheduled
; Video call: board will get together for a video call and work through discussions and tasks that are not easily handled in 1 hour IRC meeting or via e-mail. May also consist of an informal "work party" of board members and officers to work on tasks and collaboration not easily handled in IRC meeting / email.
; Face to Face Meeting: board will get together in person and work through discussions and tasks that are not easily handled in a 1 hour IRC meeting or via e-mail. For face to face meetings travel costs will be covered by the foundation.
* Focus on FOSS4G 2020 and COVID-19 impacts [[Board_Meeting_2020-04-13]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=04&day=13&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=286&p3=49&p4=269&p5=250&p6=37 16:00 UTC]
* none scheduled
* none scheduled
; Member meeting: board meeting with OSGeo members at OSGeo events providing a chance to listen and discuss our community. May also consist of informal "party" to celebrate our community, members, and what we accomplish together
; Member meeting: board meeting with OSGeo members at OSGeo events providing a chance to listen and discuss our community. May also consist of informal "party" to celebrate our community, members, and what we accomplish together
* none scheduled
* none scheduled
=== Previous meetings ===
=== Previous meetings ===
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-06-29]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-05-25]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-04-27]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-04-14]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-03-30]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-02-24]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-01-27]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-01-13]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-12-30]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-12-09]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-11-25]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20191125T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-11-04]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20191104T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-10-28]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20191028T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-09-30]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190930T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-09-09]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190909T1600 16:00 UTC] breakout meeting to appoint CRO for 2019 elections
* [[Board Meeting_2019-08-24]] 24.-25.8.2019  two days face to face meeting, prior to foss4g conference.
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-07-29]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190729T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board_Meeting_2019-06-24]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190624T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board Meeting_2019-05-27]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190527T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board Meeting_2019-04-29]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190429T1600 16:00 UTC]
* [[Board Meeting_2019-03-25]] [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2019&month=3&day=25&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=286&p3=141&p4=269 14:00 UTC] (4 hour video f2v session scheduled)
* [[Board Meeting_2019-02-26]] [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2019&month=2&day=26&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=286&p3=141&p4=269 16:00 UTC]
* Budget Meeting 2019-02-01 at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190201T1500 15:00 - 16:00 UTC]  budget breakout meeting on [https://meet.jit.si/osgeo meet.jit.si/osgeo] chat.
* [[Board Meeting_2019-01-21]] at [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190121T1600 16:00 UTC]
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2019|2019]] -  
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2025|2025]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2018|2018]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2017|2017]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2016|2016]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2015|2015]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2014|2014]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2013|2013]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2012|2012]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2011|2011]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2010|2010]] - [[:Category:Board_Meetings_2009|2009]] - [[Board Meetings 2008|2008]] - [[Board Meetings 2007|2007]] - [[Board Meetings 2006|2006]] - [http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/meetings/board/board_meetings.html Earlier].
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2024|2024]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2023|2023]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2022|2022]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2021|2021]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2020|2020]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2019|2019]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2018|2018]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2017|2017]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2016|2016]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2015|2015]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2014|2014]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2013|2013]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2012|2012]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2011|2011]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2010|2010]] -
[[:Category:Board_Meetings_2009|2009]] -
[[Board Meetings 2008|2008]] -
[[Board Meetings 2007|2007]] -
[[Board Meetings 2006|2006]] -
[http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/meetings/board/board_meetings.html Earlier].
= Initiatives =
While the board is focused on decision making occasionally there is a call for a long term activity in support of our goals and objectives. We are especially proud of joint initiatives undertaken with other parties as a tangible result of collaboration and community building.
[https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/ Initiatives]:
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/geo-for-all/ GeoForAll] - education and research outreach
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g/ FOSS4G (Events)] - managed by the conference committee
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g-travel-grant-program/ Travel Grant Program] -  facilitate accessibility and diversity at our global and regional FOSS4G events
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/open-geoscience/ Open GeoScience] - make scientific research, data and results transparent and accessible for science and society
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/un-initiative/ UN Initiatve] - support the UN migration to Open Source Geospatial software solutions
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/gsoc/ Google Summer of Code (GSoC)] - encourage university student participation in open source software development
* [https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/osgeo-live-initiative/ OSGeoLive Initiative]
* [[OSGeo Community Project Initiative]]: created foster innovation and collaboration resulting in a lower barrier of entry to join the OSGeo Family. Managed by the board with the assistance of the incubation committee to [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Incubation_Committee#Step_2:_Join_Community_Projects_Program review applicants].
* [[OSGeo Code Sprints Initiative]] - sponsorship program for projects and communities planning targeted software development.
* [[OSGeo Security Initiative]] - sponsorship program providing emergency funds for projects faced with an urgent security vulnerability.
* [https://www.osgeo.org/meta-crs-initiative/ Meta CRS Initiative] - gathers together interested parties from across several projections, and coordinate system related technologies
* [https://www.osgeo.org/opengis-harmonization/ OpenGIS Harmonization] - untangle the use of org.opengis java package between OSGeo GeoTools project and OGC GeoAPI Standard. This is a cross-project initiative as many projects in our Java family are affected by any change.
While the board is responsible for defining the scope and responsibilities of these activities, initiatives require participation for success. OSGeo projects and committees may have additional initiatives of interest beyond the ones listed here as overseen by the board.
Creating an initiative is a great way to setup for a recurring activity (such as GSoC) without the "overhead" of establishing a full OSGeo committee.
= Working Groups =
= Working Groups =
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While the board is focused on decision making occasionally there is a call for action. The following working groups are focused on accomplishing a specific 2-3 week objective and will report back to the board list when completed. This is in contrast to long term activities handled by committees.
While the board is focused on decision making occasionally there is a call for action. The following working groups are focused on accomplishing a specific 2-3 week objective and will report back to the board list when completed. This is in contrast to long term activities handled by committees.
== 2018 Working Groups ==
== 2021 Working Groups ==
* none at present
* none at present
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= Planning =
= Planning =
== 2022 Planning ==
=== Operational Budget for 2022 ===
The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!
* [[OSGeo Budget 2022]]
== 2021 Planning ==
=== Operational Budget for 2021 ===
The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!
* [[OSGeo Budget 2021]]
== 2020 Planning ==
=== Operational Budget for 2020 ===
The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!
* [[OSGeo Budget 2020]]
== 2019 Planning ==
== 2019 Planning ==
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* [[Executive Positions]] and [[Director Responsibilities]]
* [[Executive Positions]] and [[Director Responsibilities]]
* [[Board Election Procedure]]
* [[Board Election Procedure]]
* [[Election 2022]]
* [[Election 2021]]
* [[Election 2020]]
* [[Election 2019]]
* [[Election 2019]]
* Election 2018: [[Board_Election_2018_Results]] [[Election 2018 Candidate Manifestos]]
* Election 2018: [[Board_Election_2018_Results]] [[Election 2018 Candidate Manifestos]]
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* [[Foundation Sponsorship]] (adopted), [[Project Sponsorship]] (adopted), [[Local Chapter Sponsorship]] (idea)
* [[Foundation Sponsorship]] (adopted), [[Project Sponsorship]] (adopted), [[Local Chapter Sponsorship]] (idea)
* [[Conflict Of Interest Policy]]
* [[Conflict Of Interest Policy]]
* [[Board_of_Directors/OnboardingChecklist]]
== Mailing list ==
== Mailing list ==
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== History of OSGeo Foundation Boards of Directors ==
== History of OSGeo Foundation Boards of Directors ==
* [[Board_Election_2024_Results|Board of Directors 2024]]
* [[Board_Election_2023_Results|Board of Directors 2023]]
* [[Board_Election_2022_Results|Board of Directors 2022]]
* [[Board_Election_2021_Results|Board of Directors 2021]]
* [[Board_Election_2020_Results|Board of Directors 2020]]
* [[Board Election 2019 Results|Board of Directors 2019]]
* [[Board_Election_2018_Results|Board of Directors 2018]] (Nov. 2018 - Oct. 2019)
* [[Board_Election_2018_Results|Board of Directors 2018]] (Nov. 2018 - Oct. 2019)
* [[Board Election 2017 Results|Board of Directors 2017]] (Nov. 2017 - Oct. 2018)
* [[Board Election 2017 Results|Board of Directors 2017]] (Nov. 2017 - Oct. 2018)
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An interim Board of Directors with 5 members was elected on February 4th, 2006, by the initial members of the [http://www.osgeo.org Open Source Geospatial Foundation]. On March 18th, 2006, the board has been completed to now total nine members:
An interim Board of Directors with 5 members was elected on February 4th, 2006, by the initial members of the [http://www.osgeo.org Open Source Geospatial Foundation]. On March 18th, 2006, the board has been completed to now total nine members:

Latest revision as of 15:43, 29 January 2025

OSGeo Foundation Board of Directors

The board is elected by the Charter Members as outlined in the Board Election Procedure.

Period: December 2023 - November 2025

Period: December 2022 - November 2024

More detailed information is available in the Board Member Profiles.

Board Activities and Meetings

Board Activities


The board is using Loomio to track motions and facilitate voting (see Board Voting Procedure):


The board is an issue tracker for actions:

Board Meetings

In general the OSGeo board meets on Jitsi or IRC the last Monday of the month from 15.00 UTC

Upcoming board meetings:

Video call
board will get together for a video call and work through discussions and tasks in 1 hour Jitsi meeting. May also consist of an informal "work party" of board members and officers to work on tasks and collaboration not easily handled in IRC / email.

IRC Meeting
Internet Rely Chat meetings are held on Libera.Chat OSGeo channel, please note that due to spam you are now required to register with the "NickServ" bot to verify your identity prior to posting messages on IRC. Before 2021, the board was using the FreeNode OSGeo channel that was logged providing a great record of IRC meetings.
  • none scheduled

Face to Face Meeting
board will get together in person and work through discussions and tasks that are not easily handled in a 1 hour IRC meeting or via e-mail. For face to face meetings travel costs will be covered by the foundation.
  • none scheduled

Member meeting
board meeting with OSGeo members at OSGeo events providing a chance to listen and discuss our community. May also consist of informal "party" to celebrate our community, members, and what we accomplish together
  • none scheduled

Previous meetings

2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - Earlier.


While the board is focused on decision making occasionally there is a call for a long term activity in support of our goals and objectives. We are especially proud of joint initiatives undertaken with other parties as a tangible result of collaboration and community building.


  • Travel Grant Program - facilitate accessibility and diversity at our global and regional FOSS4G events
  • Open GeoScience - make scientific research, data and results transparent and accessible for science and society
  • UN Initiatve - support the UN migration to Open Source Geospatial software solutions
  • OSGeo Security Initiative - sponsorship program providing emergency funds for projects faced with an urgent security vulnerability.
  • Meta CRS Initiative - gathers together interested parties from across several projections, and coordinate system related technologies
  • OpenGIS Harmonization - untangle the use of org.opengis java package between OSGeo GeoTools project and OGC GeoAPI Standard. This is a cross-project initiative as many projects in our Java family are affected by any change.

While the board is responsible for defining the scope and responsibilities of these activities, initiatives require participation for success. OSGeo projects and committees may have additional initiatives of interest beyond the ones listed here as overseen by the board.

Creating an initiative is a great way to setup for a recurring activity (such as GSoC) without the "overhead" of establishing a full OSGeo committee.

Working Groups

While the board is focused on decision making occasionally there is a call for action. The following working groups are focused on accomplishing a specific 2-3 week objective and will report back to the board list when completed. This is in contrast to long term activities handled by committees.

2021 Working Groups

  • none at present

2015 Working Groups


2022 Planning

Operational Budget for 2022

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!

2021 Planning

Operational Budget for 2021

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!

2020 Planning

Operational Budget for 2020

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!

2019 Planning


Operational Budget for 2019

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!

2018 Planning

Operational Budget for 2018

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee, initiative and project!

Sponsorship Opportunities for 2018

OSGeo maintains a sponsorship program recognizing financial contributions to our projects, initiatives and events.

2017 Planning

Operational Budget for 2017

The board is dividing this years budget up by committee:

Sponsorship Opportunities for 2017

The foundation recognizes sponsors who financially support our events, initiatives and open source projects.

The following has been published as the following blog post and how to sponsor page.

2016 Planning

Operational Budget for 2016

Thanks to our sponsors, and a series of successful events, OSGeo does has an operational budget for 2016.

The Board has divided the above budget up according to our priority as an organization. Please keep in mind that prior boards have taken this approach - and spent nothing due to lack of volunteers willing to lead the charge. The following is budget and does not provide a commitment to spend money on the actives listed - to do that we need your commitment as a volunteer!

Strategic Plan 2016

From Anne: See the parallel Skate-Boarding of Fedora at http://fedoramagazine.org/lets-talk-about-fedora-project-objectives/ - I really like the idea of having 18 months goals, that are measurable, backed up by community agreement. Let's discuss this at the first Sprint. There are also some thoughts on Ubuntu governance that can inspire us, but I haven't gone through the whole discussion yet, and there are many differences between OSGeo and Ubuntu; so I'm not sure on how much we can learn from it.

This section outlines OSGeo strategic plan for 2016 - this is a result of the vision, mission and goals established at the 2016 face to face meeting.

Strategic objectives for 2016:

  • S01: showcasing excellence in our communities
  • S02: proactively engage with external partners
  • S03: Fostering our mission, vision and goals
  • S04: Empowering our communities and extending our reach

These objectives were taken to the community for concrete / measurable actions volunteers were interested in tackling over the course of 2016.

Update: We did not receive enough feedback to form a strategic plan.

2013 Planning



Mailing list

The http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/board mailing list is used for most public board discussions. There is also a private board mailing list used only for matters that are considered needful to be kept private.

History of OSGeo Foundation Boards of Directors

An interim Board of Directors with 5 members was elected on February 4th, 2006, by the initial members of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. On March 18th, 2006, the board has been completed to now total nine members: