Difference between revisions of "SAC Service Status"
Line 113: | Line 113: | ||
=== NGINX proxy === | === NGINX proxy === | ||
− | * nginx - proxy that routes all http/https traffick for the other containers (can only be accessed via osgeo7 host) | + | * nginx - proxy that routes all http/https traffick for the other containers (can only be accessed via osgeo7 host), |
+ | The nginx holds the letsencrypt https ssl certs for all the containers | ||
=== Dronie Server dronie.osgeo.org === | === Dronie Server dronie.osgeo.org === |
Revision as of 14:49, 12 December 2019
Infrastructure of OSGeo System Administration Committee (SAC)
For emergency plans see: SAC:Admin and Troubleshooting
Servers at OSL
Open Source Labs - 4 physical machines containing x virtual machines.
Logging into VMS
Note this does not apply to osgeo4 and osgeo7 lxd hosts. Refer to those sections for instructions on logging in. If VM hanging, see OSL for how to open a ticket with OSUOSL's support.
All SAC administrators have LDAP auth to the OSL Virtual Machines.
To ssh into a server using your LDAP account, you can do the following replacing your_osgeo_login with your OSGeo login and vmname with the vm name of the server at OSL.
ssh your_osgeo_login@vmname.osgeo.osuosl.org
When prompted for password, use your OSGeo Login password.
SAC:Primary Administrators also have ssh key access in case LDAP is down and that will also apply to the physical machines. Worst case scenario use the information on Open Source Labs to file a ticket (SAC members only). Direct connection to virtual machines is by appending it's vm alias to .osgeo.osuosl.org.
- Live Status via Munin
osgeo 7
Server added June 2018. Intended to replace osgeo3 and old osgeo4 (before reformat). Configuration Details
Running LXD 3 snap based container management -- LXD version 3.17 as of 2019-09-15
Accessing osgeo7 containers via ssh
Only the download.osgeo.org is directly exposed ssh via port 22. To access the other containers, you can tunnel thru download.osgeo.org -- You will need an ssh key on download already to do so. If you do not already have a key installed, put in a SAC Ticket Request
A convenient block to add to your own `.ssh/config` file follows:
Host osgeo7-* ProxyCommand ssh your_osgeo_id@download.osgeo.org -W $(sed -e "s/^osgeo7-//;s/$/.lxd/" <<< "%h"):%p IdentityFile "path/to/your/private/key"
With the above in place, you can connect to any container using:
ssh your_id@osgeo7-<container_name>
Services currently on:
Container Name: download
Houses: https://download.osgeo.org, https://bottle.download.osgeo.org download sites Moved 5/5/2019 from osgeo3 https://download.osgeo.org Setup detailed in OSGeo7 Download container
This is new home of download.osgeo.org, it's a debian 9 container (now locked down to only allow ssh key access / ldap auth) for ssh. It is running nginx instead of apache that the old ran. It has webdav with single local htaccess account geotools for geotools bot use.
In order to be able to log in or sftp
- You must be a member of the OSGeo shell group which can be granted from another person in shell group - Shell
- Your ssh public key must be installed in your home drive, which can currently only be done by member of SAC.
You can put in a ticket to request such access.
Container Name: wordpress
Houses: https://www.osgeo.org, https://2018.foss4g.org, https://2020.europe.foss4g.org websites
Moved 2019-09-03 from web18a.osgeo.osuosl.org to osgeo7 wordpress container
Note this is a replica of web18a VM server provided by OSUOSL
Setup details of wordpress container
Secure (LDAP ) ldap.osgeo.org
Container Name: secure secure -- ldap.osgeo.org SAC:LDAP used for ldap service (a rebuild of old secure.osgeo.osuosl.org) now on Debian 9
TracSVN (trac, svn, git)
This used to be housed on osgeo3 in VM TracSVN VM, and was moved 2019-10-12 to osgeo7 as tracsvn container.
- See TracsvnVM for full details, and some notes on services running here
Container Name: tracsvn
This houses the following:
https://git.osgeo.org/gitea https://trac.osgeo.org https://svn.osgeo.org
old-wiki wiki.osgeo.org
This used to be housed on osgeo3, and was moved 2019-09-14 to osgeo7 as old-wiki container.
Container Name: old-wiki
old wiki container -- used for wiki service (it is an lxd2pc created image of wiki.osgeo.osuosl.org VM that was on osgeo3)
See OSGeo Wiki
Nextcloud nextcloud.osgeo.org
Container Name: nextcloud-ubuntu, collabora (for document/view/editing)
Nextcloud - Ubuntu 18.04 LXD/nginx/postgresql 11 container for document sharing similar to dropbox/google drive - nextcloud-ubuntu.lxd - https://nextcloud.osgeo.org Nextcloud Setup
Collabora - Ubuntu 18.04 LXD container for LibreOffice/MS Office online document editor currently used exclusively by nextcloud.osgeo.org. Setup detailed in Nextcloud setup.
NGINX proxy
- nginx - proxy that routes all http/https traffick for the other containers (can only be accessed via osgeo7 host),
The nginx holds the letsencrypt https ssl certs for all the containers
Dronie Server dronie.osgeo.org
Container Name: dronie-server
- 1.0 server of drone.io runs in an LXD container details Dronie https://dronie.osgeo.org
Old Projects
Container Name: old-projects
-- this is the old projects.osgeo.osuosl.org migrated from osgeo4 as an lxd container, so more or less the same as it was before, with the exception that all the websites are now proxied thru the nginx container. Websites like on it are community-review.foss4g.org and spatialreference.org
To access you need to go thru download.osgeo.org -> old-projects
Container Name: old-adhoc
old-adhoc -- this is the old adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org migrated 2019-05-08 from osgeo4 as an lxd container. Used by osgeo-live for there test docs and by grass for earthquake, and mapserver for demo
To access via ssh you should go thru download.osgeo.org -> old-adhoc.lxd It is accessible via https://adhoc.osgeo.org and http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org
- VM used for projects for various adhoc purposes. Risks to system stability that would be unacceptable on the Projects VM may be ok here.
- See AdhocVM for full details, and some notes on services running here.
- eg http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/quickstart/
Old Web
Container Name: old-web --- the old web.osgeo.osuosl.org (was on osgeo3) currently housing https://id.osgeo.org/ for LDAP management.
- old.www.osgeo.org, osgeo.org
Old WebExtra
Container Name: old-webextra This is a replica of webextra.osgeo.osuosl.org that was hosted on osgeo3
Started move on November 29th 2019 and completed December 8th, 2019
- foss4g.org, europe.foss4g.org, planet.osgeo.org various old foss4g.org years, live.osgeo.org, journal.osgeo.org (not sure what this is for should be retired?)
See Osgeo6 for full details
Backup (osgeo5)
- Backup now runs on dedicated hardware
- Provides Rsync backups of download.osgeo.org
- Provides Bacula backups of various VMs.
- See SAC:Backups for details.
osgeo4 is a real server managed by OSUOSL - can be access via ssh tech_dev@osgeo4.osgeo.osuosl.org -p 2222 (only people with their access keys installed can log in and doesn't allow password access) - password for tech_dev is in the secure container (on osgeo7) / access folder.
In August 2019 the server had new power supply put in and replacement disks. It was reformatted with Ubuntu 18.04.3 to serve as secondary LXD host to osgeo7 zfsutils-linux was installed so lxd can use zfs for storage.
sshing into osgeo4 containers
Note that all the containers are closed off from direct ssh access except for the hop.osgeo4.osgeo.org. To access the other containers, you need to hop through hop. hop container has port 22 open but requires ssh access so users who’ve been granted rights can hop thru it to other containers using hop.osgeo4.osgeo.org as name.
A convenient block to add to your own .ssh/config file follows
Host osgeo4-* ProxyCommand ssh your_osgeo_id@hop.osgeo4.osgeo.org -W $(sed -e "s/^osgeo4-//;s/$/.lxd/" <<< "%h"):%p IdentityFile "path/to/your/private/key"
Then to access say the wordpress-dev container, you'd do the below where your_id could be your osgeo id or a local account on that container
ssh your_id@osgeo4-wordpress-dev
osgeo4 baremetal features
It's makeup is as follows:
Item | Settings |
Disks | 6 1.8 TB drives |
Memory | 48 GB |
CPUs | 8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5540 @ 2.53GHz (8192kb cache) |
lsblk -i NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk |-sda1 8:1 0 953M 0 part | `-md0 9:0 0 952M 0 raid1 /boot `-sda2 8:2 0 46.6G 0 part `-md1 9:1 0 46.5G 0 raid1 |-lvm-root 253:0 0 37.3G 0 lvm / `-lvm-swap 253:1 0 7.5G 0 lvm [SWAP] sdb 8:16 0 1.8T 0 disk |-sdb1 8:17 0 953M 0 part | `-md0 9:0 0 952M 0 raid1 /boot `-sdb2 8:18 0 46.6G 0 part `-md1 9:1 0 46.5G 0 raid1 |-lvm-root 253:0 0 37.3G 0 lvm / `-lvm-swap 253:1 0 7.5G 0 lvm [SWAP] sdc 8:32 0 1.8T 0 disk sdd 8:48 0 1.8T 0 disk sde 8:64 0 1.8T 0 disk sdf 8:80 0 1.8T 0 disk
sdc,sdd,sde,sdf form a zfs osgeo4_lxd partition (sdc,sdd) mirrors sde,sdf for total lxd capacity of 3.62 TB
Nightly backups of osgeo7 containers (secure, nextcloud) will be here and named <container>-backup and be kept in a stopped state.
Services currently on:
Container Name: hop - this is the only container with direct ssh access via ssh hop.osgeo4.osgeo.org. To get to other containers, you need to hop thru this one. Requires ssh key access
Container Name: osgeo4-nginx ->> all web traffick from other containers on osgeo4 get proxied thru here
Container Name: wordpress-dev - used primarily for osgeo.org main website development - https://staging.www.osgeo.org, https://dev.www.osgeo.org
Container Name: old-wiki-dev - used primarily for experimenting with changes to wiki.osgeo.org like testing out OS and softwere upgrade etc before appying to wiki.osgeo.org. - https://dev.wiki.osgeo.org
Container Name: tracsvn-dev - This is a 2019-09-05 lxd2pc image of tracsvn.osgeo.osuosl.org (now on osgeo7 as tracsvn) used primarily for experimenting like testing out OS, git and software upgrade etc before appying to production.
Container Name: dronie-client - This is a debian 10 machine, with OSGeo LDAP authentication and a drone-agent docker running. To be used with https://dronie.osgeo.org
Has the following sites: https://dev.trac.osgeo.org, https://dev.git.osgeo.org/gitea, https://dev.svn.osgeo.org
osgeo3 is a real server managed by OSUOSL and running a virtualization solution (ganeti+kvm) to provide Virtual Machines which are the ones SAC can access and manage. SAC can _not_ access osgeo3 directly, but has to contact OSUOSL for that.
Each of the sections below represent a Virtual Machine and describes which services are running on it, and by which name they are reachable.
- Moved to osgeo7 **
See TracsvnVM for full details, and some notes on services running here
- TURNED OFF 2019-11-01 and containerized on osgeo7***
* Drupal instances for the main OSGeo web site and projects like MapGuide and FDO are hosted here (??). DEFUNCT- moved to wordpress on osgeo7 wordpress container
- Virtual Hosts (on same server)
- LDAP Python Admin Scripts in /usr/lib/cgi-bin - accessed via https://id.osgeo.org (this current reside on osgeo7 lxd container called old-web)
See Infrastructure Transition Plan 2010#Final_Plan for full details.
* Infrastructure Transition Plan 2010#osgeo3_.26_osgeo4
* Lots of config information in the Migration Documentation.
- SAC:Backups describes backup strategy.
- Template VM used when creating new VMs.
- Not normally running - make a special request to OSL to start it up.
- Retired December 8th, 2019 -- and moved to osgeo7 as container old-webextra
- See WebExtraVM for full details (server: http://webextra.osgeo.osuosl.org)
- hosts http://planet.osgeo.org, http://mum03.mapserver.org, http://live.osgeo.org
- http://foss4g.org (main portal) and archive of old sites 2006-2014
- http://conference.osgeo.org - Conference System (also: SAC:Setup_OCS)
- http://journal.osgeo.org / osgeo.org/ojs - Journal System
- Redirects for many chapter and other urls handled via /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrite.conf
Cloud Hosted Servers and other external under SAC Control
OSGeo funtoo
For lxd experimentation it's an lxd container running other lxd containers and provided by funtoo.org.
OSGeo is paying funtoo via treasurer at osgeo.org.
- OSGeo Funtoo osgeo.host.funtoo.org
- funtoo LXDs currently running:
- LimeSurvey -this may be in future migrated to osgeo7 or osgeo4
- host.postgis.net -p 2222 is an LXD Debian 10 8GB RAM
- Currenlty running two lxd containers:
debbie: postgis.net, planet.postgis.net, debbie.postgis.net (jenkins build bot) debbie-docker.host.postgis.net - runs docker and serves as a 1.0 agent for dronie.osgeo.org
QGIS off OSGeo
Services on separated machines rented and managed by the QGIS project at hetzner
- website including documentation http://www.qgis.org
- website building, documentation building, debian/ubuntu nightlies, plugins.qgis.org
- issues.qgis.org: redmine
Historical servers (not more in use)
- Telascience Blades (Historical)
2019-09-03 Production services www.osgeo.org, 2018.foss4g.org moved to wordpress container on osgeo7 Staging services (staging.www.osgeo.org, dev.www.osgeo.org move to wordpress-dev container on osgeo4 Grass wordpress is disabled as grass decided to go with another solution, so have grass container on osgeo7 (Cloud hosted server on OSUOSL hardware (not ours) )
- Debian 9.3 4GB server, host name: web18a.osgeo.osuosl.org require ssh key to log in.
- Hosts wordpress sites staging.www.osgeo.org,www.osgeo.org, staging.grass.osgeo.org, foss4g2018.osgeo.org
- Setup details on Web18a setup