OSGeo Code Sprint 2018

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Annual Code Sprint comes to Bonn (Germany) in 2018!

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Sponsoring Find out about Sponsoring the Event.

Gold Sponsors



Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors



EOX IT Services GmbH



Bohannan Huston, Inc.

In 2018 we once again want to invite you to Bonn to meet for codesprint at Basecamp! ....

FOSS4G 2016 OSGeo Code Sprint indoor hacking overview.jpg
FOSS4G OSGeo Code Sprint in Action1.jpg

FOSS4G 2016 OSGeo Code Sprint sponsors.jpg


Bring together project members to make decisions and tackle larger geospatial problems as in previous years:

Dates and Times


  • Sprint: Sunday-Sunday, March 18 to 25, 2018 (8 days - Arrival/Departure Sundays)

Other Events from January to March 2018


Coding Venue


How to get there

By train

By Car

  • Coming from the highway A59 Basecamp is located at the end of the highway A562. For navigation systems it is best to type Basecamp's address: "In der Raste 3, 53129 Bonn")


  • lunch every day at 12:30
  • only sunday march 19th at 19:00

OSGeo Member Meeting

  • OSGeo Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018 is scheduled for Monday 19 March 2018 18:00 UTC in Bonn
  • you are all welcome to join
  • We would like to have a discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours. And OSGeo will provide food and drinks.

Social Events

BaseCamp ist great. But you should also see the outside of BaseCamp and we want to bring you in contact with Bonn and the FOSSGIS e.V. Community (german language Local Chapter of OSGeo)

Wednesday 21th March: FOSSGIS Conference Social Event

all evenings Pub race - find out about pubs in Bonn

OSGeo Exhibition Pack

Project Plans

(i.e what do you wish/want/plan to work on during the sprint ?)


Please add your name and the projects you are planning to sprint and note the likeliness of your attendance.

No Name Country Email Organisation Projects sun mon tue wed thu fri sat sun Accommodation vegetarian food social event
1 Jeff McKenna <libravatar email="jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com"/> CA jmckenna(at)osgeo.org OSGeo MapServer, MS4W, ZOO-Project x x x x x x AirBNB x
2 Howard Butler US howard@hobu.co Hobu, Inc. Proj.4, PDAL, GDAL, Point clouds x x x x x No thank you.
3 Even Rouault FR even.rouault(at)spatialys.com Spatialys Proj.4, GDAL, MapServer x x x x x BaseCamp x
4 Markus Neteler DE neteler(at)osgeo.org mundialis GRASS GIS (Proj.4, GDAL, OTB, QGIS) x x x x x x x x preferably
5 Gérald Fenoy FR gerald.fenoy(at)geolabs.fr GeoLabs MS4W, ZOO-Project x x x x x x x x shared accommodation
6 Stephan Meißl AT stephan(at)meissl.name EOX MapServer, EOxServer x x x x x BaseCamp x
7 Martin Landa CZ landa.martin(at)gmail.com CTU in Prague GRASS GIS (Proj.4, GDAL, PostGIS, QGIS) x x x x x x x x BaseCamp
8 Connor Manning US connor@hobu.co Hobu, Inc. Entwine, Greyhound, PDAL, Point clouds x x x x x x x x
9 Markus Schütz AT mschuetz@potree.org TU Wien Potree, point clouds x x x x x
10 Tom Kralidis CA tomkralidis(at)gmail.com self pycsw, OWSLib, pygeometa, MapServer, geocatalogo x x x x x tbd sure x
11 Angelos Tzotsos GR tzotsos(at)osgeo.org OSGeo pycsw, OSGeoLive, GeoNode, UbuntuGIS, OTB, ZOO-Project x x x x x x x x booked No x
12 Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus NL jorge.dejesus(at)geocat.net Geocat pywps x x x x AirBNB NO!
13 Ariel Núñez CO ariel(at)terranodo.io Terranodo GeoNode x x x x x x x x tbd
14 Luís de Sousa PT & NL luis.de.sousa(at)protonmail.ch ISRIC PyWPS, GRASS x x x x x BaseCamp
15 Volker Mische DE volker.mische(at)gmail,com Myself Noise, CouchDB x x x x x x x x BaseCamp 50%
16 Just van den Broecke NL justb4(at)gmail,com Myself GeoHealthCheck, Stetl x x x x x x x x tbd -
17 Jorge Gustavo Rocha PT jgr@geomaster.pt Geomaster QGIS, GeoExt 3, Nominatim x x x x x 2 x 2 x BaseCamp x
18 Torsten Friebe DE friebe AT lat-lon DOT de lat/lon deegree x x x x x x x x not needed yes, please
19 Dirk Stenger DE stenger AT lat-lon DOT de lat/lon deegree, TEAM Engine x x not needed
20 Lyn Goltz DE goltz AT lat-lon DOT de lat/lon deegree, TEAM Engine x x not needed yes
21 Rob Emanuele US remanuele@azavea.com Azavea PDAL, GDAL, Point clouds, GeoTrellis, LocationTech x x x x x
22 Grigory Pomadchin RU gr.pomadchin AT gmail DOT com Azavea PDAL, GDAL, Point clouds, GeoTrellis x x x x x
23 Tom van Tilburg NL tom.van.tilburg@geodan.nl geodan Pointcloud x x x x x x tbd -
24 Brad Chambers US bradley.chambers@digitalglobe.com Radiant Solutions PDAL, Point Clouds x x x x x TBD No thanks!
25 Eugene Cheipesh USA echeipesh AT azavea DOT com Azavea LocationTech, JTS, JAI Replacement x x x x x x
26 Luca Delucchi IT lucadeluge AT gmail DOT com Fondazione Edmund Mach GRASS GIS, OSGeoLive, pyModis x x x x x x ? ? Basecamp x
27 Veronica Andreo AR/NL veroandreo AT gmail.com on-my-own-time GRASS GIS x x x x x x x ? Basecamp x
28 Dirk Frigne BE Dirk AT Geosparc.com OSGeo Europe GeoMajas OSGeo Live x x x - x x motor home
29 Michael Smith US michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com US Army Corps MapServer, PDAL x x x x x x x x hotel
30 Vicky Vergara MX vicky at georepublic DOT de Georepublic pgRouting, OSgeoLive, PDAL, Point clouds x x x x x x x x Basecamp
31 Marco Hugentobler CH marco at sourcepole dot com Sourcepole QGIS x x x x x BaseCamp
32 Pirmin Kalberer CH pka at sourcepole dot com Sourcepole QGIS, GDAL, t-rex x x x x x BaseCamp
33 Moritz Lennert BE mlennert at club dot worldonline dot be ULB GRASS GIS x x x x BaseCamp preferably
34 Andrew Bell US andrew@hobu.co Hobu, Inc. Proj.4, PDAL, Point clouds, meshes x x x x x
35 Dan "Ducky" Little US dlittle@boundlessgeo.com Boundless React + OpenLayers, MapServer x x x x x FeWo x
36 Nicklas Avén SE/NO nicklas.aven@jordogskog.no Just me TilelessMap, PostGIS x x x x x x x BaseCamp x
37 Chris Lucas NL chris.lucas@geodan.nl Geodan PDAL, point clouds x x x x x tbd
38 Marc Jansen DE jansen@terrestris.de terrestris OpenLayers, react-geo, GeoExt (x) x x (x) (x) (x) not needed
39 Marco Lechner DE marco.lechner@fossgis.de FOSSGIS e.V./BfS OpenLayers, Geonetwork, Geoserver, everything (x) x x (x) (x) (x) BaseCamp veg.
40 Martin Heidegger JP/AT martin.heidegger@gmail.com Freelancer (Georepublic) Point clouds, dotloom, pix4d/potree (x) x x x (x) BaseCamp x
41 Andrea Antonello IT andrea.antonello@gmail.com HydroloGIS / Free University of Bolzano Geopaparazzi, gvSIG, gvSIG Mobile, everything (x) x x x x x TBD no
42 Astrid Emde DE astrid_emde@osgeo.org WhereGroup/OSGeo Mapbender, OSGeoLive, OSGeo x x x x x BaseCamp vegetarian
43 Christian Mayer DE chris@meggsimum.de meggsimum OpenLayers, GeoExt (x) x x (x) (x) (x) not needed
44 Andreas Schmitz DE schmitz@terrestris.de terrestris OpenLayers, react-geo, GeoExt (x) x x (x) (x) (x) not needed
45 Christian Kuntzsch DE Christian.Kuntzsch@wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x x x BaseCamp
46 Nina Moelkner DE nina.moelkner@wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x not needed
47 Robin Schwammborn DE robin.schwammborn@wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x not needed
48 Cesar Martinez ES cesar.izq@gmail.com gvSIG/Scolab gvSIG, gvSIG Mobile, Geopaparazzi x x x x x BaseCamp if possible not needed
49 Thekla Wirkus DE thekla.wirkus@wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x not needed
50 Axel Schaefer DE axel.schaefer@wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x (x) not needed
51 Markus Metz DE metz@mundialis.de mundialis GRASS GIS (Proj.4, GDAL, OTB, QGIS) x x x x Base Camp not needed x
52 Taehoon Kim JP/KR kim.taehoon@aist.go.jp AIST Point clouds (x) x x x x x x
53 Marco Pochert DE mpochert@bfs.de BfS OpenLayers, Geonetwork, GeoExt, everything (x) x x (x) (x) (x) BaseCamp
54 Bart van den Eijnden Netherlands bartvde@boundlessgeo.com Boundless React + OpenLayers x x x x x x
55 Felix Kunde DE felix-kunde@gmx.de Beuth University 3DCityDB and testing GMLAS tools x x HBF
56 Stefan Blumentrath NO stefan.blumentrath@nina.no Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) GRASS GIS x x x x x x ?
57 Alessandro Pasotti IT elpaso@itopen.it ItOpen QGIS x x x x x x Base Camp
58 Milena Nowotarska PL milena.osgeo(at)gmail.com OSGeo / GISTRA GRASS GIS, QGIS, OSGeoLive x x x gluten free
59 Vasile Craciunescu RO vasile(at)geo-spatial.org OSGeo / geo-spatial.org FOSS4G2019 x x x BaseCamp
60 Oliver Rudzick DE osm(at)rudzick.de FOSSGIS OSM x x (x) (x) (x) x x not needed
61 Uli Rothstein DE uli.rothstein(at)fossgis.de terrestris / FOSSGIS Orga x x (x) (x) (x) x x not needed
62 Nils Bühner DE buehner(at)terrestris.de terrestris SHOGun, react-geo x x not needed
63 Daniel Koch DE koch(at)terrestris.de terrestris SHOGun, react-geo x x (x) (x) (x) not needed
64 Kai Volland DE volland(at)terrestris.de terrestris react-geo x x not needed
65 Johannes Weskamm DE weskamm(at)terrestris.de terrestris OSM-Vector-Tiles / react-geo x x x not needed
66 Carmen Tawalika DE tawalika(at)mundialis.de mundialis actinia x x x x x x not needed
67 Frank Gasdorf DE fgdrf(at)users.sourceforge.net uDig, Geotools, LocationTech, JTS, JAI Replacement x x x TBD
68 Roman Zoller CH roman.zoller ät camptocamp.com Camptocamp OpenLayers / react-geo / TBD? (x) (x) (x) x x Hotel
69 Jody garnett CA jody.garnett@gmail.com OSGeo GeoTools x x x x x x x base camp whiskey
70 Seth Girvin IE sgirvin@compass.ie Compass Informatics MapServer, GeoExt x x x x x Basecamp
71 María Arias de Reyna ES maria.arias@geocat.net GeoCat bv,OSGeo GeoNetwork x x x - no
72 Mario Härtwig DE mario.haertwig(at)geops.de geOps OpenLayers Editor x x x BaseCamp
73 Friedjoff Trautwein DE friedjoff.trautwein(at)geops.de geOps OpenLayers Editor x x x BaseCamp
74 Kyoung-Sook Kim JP ks.kim(at)aist.go.jp AIST Point clouds (x) x x x
75 Carsten Ehbrecht DE ehbrecht(at)dkrz.de DKRZ pywps, owslib x x x (x) Hotel no
76 Johan Van de Wauw BE johan AT gisky.be gisky saga, osgeo live, owslib, debian/ubuntu x x x x Basecamp none
77 Peter Limkilde Svendsen DK pelis åt sdfe dot dk SDFE Point clouds (x) x x x x (x) -
78 Alexander Kotsev IT alexander.kotsev åt ec dot europa dot eu EC/JRC x x
79 Ondřej Pešek CZ pesej.ondrek(at)gmail.com CTU in Prague GRASS GIS x x x x x x x x BaseCamp
80 Charlotte Toma DE charlotte.toma(at)wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x no no
81 Paul S DE paul.schell(at)wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x no no
82 Julius Krey DE julius.krey(at)wheregroup.com WhereGroup Mapbender x x no no
83 Daniel Santillan AT daniel.santillan@eox.at EOX plotty, 3D JavaScript in general x x x BaseCamp
84 Anton Wagensonner AT awagensonner(at)riegl.com RIEGL point clouds, PDAL x x hotel no
85 Norbert Wenzel AT nwenzel(at)riegl.com RIEGL point clouds, PDAL x x hotel no
86 Kris Depril BE Kris.depril@geosparc.com Geosparc OSGeoLive x x x not needed
87 Sophie Herrmann AT sophie.herrmann@eodc.eu eodc pycsw x x x hotel
88 André Henn DE henn@terrestris.de terrestris react-geo / SHOGun x x not needed
89 Anika Bettge DE bettge@mundialis.de mundialis GRASS GIS x
90 Hajar Benelcadi DE benelcadi@mundialis.de mundialis OTB, GRASS GIS, snappy x yes please
91 Johannes Kröger DE hannes ät enjoys dot it me GDAL, QGIS x x
92 Stephan Reichhelm DE reichhelm AT grit.de grit GmbH deegree x not needed No
93 Radek Novotný CZ radeknovotny94(at)gmail.com CTU in Prague GRASS GIS x x x x x x
94 Nikos Alexandris DE nik@nikosalexandris.net Freelancer GRASS GIS (x) x x x x (x) (x) (x) ? x
# Your name DE email organization project x x x x x x x x ?Accommodation ?vegetarian do you need a ticket for the social event? yes=x



Participants should plan for the following costs:

  • Travel to Bonn
  • Accommodation for x nights

All other costs - food, outings and entertainment - should/will be covered by the sponsors

Individual preparation


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Open Source GIS software. (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints).

Simultaneously with the FOSSGIS Conference 2018 in Bonn an international code sprint of the OSGeo will take place from 19 to 25 March 2018. We expect about 80 developers from all over the world to come from various [1] projects. Whether desktop application, geospatial library, metadata catalog or web mapping: be sure to find products in the list that you use. Thus, the Code Sprint is also an opportunity for your developers to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software and participate in the development.

The code sprint will take place at BaseCamp in Bonn. During the FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn we have already organized a code sprint at this location, in which about 100 developers worked on the open source projects every day. (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint)

In addition to the costs of providing the technical infrastructure, the cost of food and drinks for the developers is the main cost. A buffet at lunchtime and drinks during the whole day are intended.

So far, the code sprint is already sponsored by OSGeo and FOSSGIS e. V..

In order to cover the costs, we would be very pleased about further sponsors!

What we offer:

  • Your logo on top of the websites of the Code Sprint 1 as well as on all official documents around the Code Sprint
  • Mention in all code sprint related mails
  • Our undying gratitude, which comes in handy when you least expect it (Remember that feature you wanted...)

Our sponsorship levels:

  • Gold: >= 2500 USD
  • Silver: 1500 USD
  • Bronze: 750 USD


  • get your company talking to the top developers of the scene!
  • enable your GIS developers to take advantage of this opportunity, there is no better opportunity to learn!
  • support the software you use - you benefit immediately.

Thank you very much!

Contact: To sponsor, please contact codesprint@osgeo.org directly.

Event Owner

Supported by