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* [[User:grizonnetm|Manuel Grizonnet]]
* [[User:grizonnetm|Manuel Grizonnet]]
* Kari Salovaara
* Kari Salovaara
* [[Milena Nowotarska | Milena Nowotarska]]

Revision as of 09:07, 16 August 2016


Venue: Bonn, Germany

This year, once again, we are following the old tradition of hosting a codesprint on the FOSS4G. More precisely, we offer a setting so that individual projects can meet for their codesprint. Since projects benefit from each other as well, the codesprint will naturally be held conjointly at one place. Unfortunately, circumstances have forced us to divide the codesprint timetable-wise.


The first part is scheduled to take place directly before the conference, the second immediately after. The first two and a half days start on Sunday, August 21, 2016 at around noon and are scheduled to end on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 (open end). The second part starts in the morning of Saturday, August 27, 2016 and ends on Sunday at 12 pm.


We are happy to have found a really awesome location for you. Codesprint and accommodations are combined in one hall. Check out http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/ for details about the venue. Working zones will be created for you in the breakfast area and hallways. There’s the option of finding relatively inexpensive sleeping accommodations in train sleeping cars, camping buses, classic cars and more. Additionally, an outdoor area is available for you to enjoy Bonn’s summer weather in August, while working. Healthy and not-so-healthy catering of drinks and snacks will be provided by us. Participation in codesprint is free of charge. However, overnight stays will have to be reserved and paid for by you.


Another hint: the BaseCamp is within walking distance from the conference venue (WCCB) and has good access to public transportation – the Icebreaker takes place here, too. You see, it’s worthwhile booking here!

As the accommodations are available to all FOSS4G participants, we will make an effort to make advance booking possible for you a few days ahead, to ensure you have the opportunity to sleep on-site and wrap up the evenings jointly. For that, it’s necessary for you to sign up (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint) and leave your email address so that we can contact you immediately accomodation booking is available. We need your sign-up for the planning of snacks and drinks, too!

This is open to all who wish to participate in one or more projects. There’s always plenty to do – it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, testing – all this is also important for project so everyone is cordially invited to attend the codesprints! Registration with the conference is not a prerequisite for participation in codesprint.

One thing we’d like to ask you: with an approx. 120 participants anticipated, the WLAN capacity will naturally be exhausted at some point. Please be sure to avoid huge on-site downloads of data, as this could impact the work of others. Thank you!

The Codesprint Organizing Team is looking forward to your coming!

In summary:


  • Part I: Sun 2016-08-21 12:00 noon - Tue 2016-08-23 (open end)
  • Part II: Sat 2016-08-27 - Sun 2016-08-28 12:00 noon



  • If you have questions/comments/ideas please let us know. Send an email to codesprint@foss4g2016.org. You are welcome!


Thanks to our great sponsors!

OSGeo Logo 150by65 pixel.png


Registered Attendees

The Code Sprint does not cost any money. For us it makes planning easier if we know who is coming. So please leave your Name and mark the days you will come.

No Name Email Projects sun mon tue sat sun Accomodation vegetarian food
1 Astrid Emde astrid_emde@osgeo.org Mapbender & Organization x x x x x other x
2 Rob Coup robert@coup.net.nz GDAL, GeoServer - x x - - Basecamp
3 Stefan Tzeggai tzeggai@wikisquare.de - - x x - Basecamp?
4 Markus Neteler neteler@osgeo.org GRASS GIS x x x x x other x
5 Paolo Cavallini cavallini@faunalia.it QGIS x x x - - Ibis
6 Pirmin Kalberer pka [ät] sourcepole.ch QGIS, GDAL x x x - - Basecamp
7 Andreas Neumann andreas [ät] qgis.org QGIS x x x x - Basecamp
8 Tim Sutton tim [ät] qgis.org QGIS x x x - - AirBNB yes
9 Luca Delucchi lucadeluge @ gmail.com GRASS GIS x x x x x Basecamp
10 Stephan Meißl stephan [ät] meissl.name MapServer, EOxServer late x x - - Basecamp
11 Martin Isenburg martin near rapidlasso.com LASzip for LAS 1.4 x x x x x Basecamp
12 Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr@di.uminho.pt GeoExt 3 x x x x x Basecamp
13 Alex Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com QGIS x x x - - Basecamp?
14 Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com QGIS x x x - - Basecamp?
15 Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at osgis.nl OpenLayers - x x - - Other
16 Anita Graser anitagraser [ät] gmx.at QGIS - x x - - Basecamp
17 Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com MapServer, GDAL/OGR ? ? x x ? Basecamp
18 Andreas Schmitz hwbllmnn@mailbox.org Mapbender x x other
19 Uli Rothstein Mapbender x x x x x other
20 Thomas Bonfort thomas.bonfort@gmail.com MapServer - - - x - Basecamp
21 Martin Landa GRASS GIS, GDAL, QGIS, PyWPS, GIS.lab x x x x x Basecamp?
22 Jáchym Čepický jachym.cepicky at gmail PyWPS, GIS.lab x x x x x Basecamp
23 Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at gmx.de PyWPS x x x x x Basecamp/other?
24 Otto Dassau otto at qgis.org QGIS x x x - - other yes
25 Even Rouault even.rouault @ spatialys.com GDAL, MapServer, QGIS - x x x - Basecamp
26 Manuel Grizonnet manuel.grizonnet @ cnes.fr OTB, OSGeo-Live, QGIS x x x - - Basecamp
27 Moritz Lennert mlennert at club worldonline be GRASS GIS x x x - - Other
28 Arash Raphid Pour Mapbender x x x x x other
29 Andriy Oblivantsev Mapbender x x x x x other
30 Axel Schaefer Mapbender x x other
31 Jochen Schulz Mapbender x x x other
32 Arne Schubert Mapbender x x other
33 Charly Toma Mapbender x other
34 Luís de Sousa luis de sousa @ protonmail ch PyWPS ? x x x ? Basecamp?
35 Ari Jolma ari.jolma @ gm/* Registered Attendees */ ail.com GDAL, MapServer, QGIS ? ? x x ? Beethoven
36 Jakob Miksch jakob.miksch [ät] posteo.eu OSGeo-Live x x x not there from 11-15 B2B x x Basecamp
37 yjacolin (talk) yves dot jacolin [at] camptocamp.com QGIS x x x Bonnox
38 Arnaud Morvan arnaud dot morvan @ camptocamp.com QGIS x x x Bonnox
39 Stéphane Brunner stephane dot brunner [at] camptocamp.com QGIS x x x Other
40 Asger Skovbo Petersen asger ãt septima.dk QGIS - x x - - Other
41 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu [at] qtibia.ro QGIS x x x x x Basecamp?
42 Andrea Antonello andrea dot antonello [at] gmail dot com gvSIG - - x - - other
43 Silvia Franceschi silvia dot franceschi [at] gmail dot com gvSIG - - x - - other yes, additionally no yeast and no milk
44 Guy Chisholm guy.chisholm at geoplace dot co dot uk GeoServer, OpenLayers x ? ? x x Basecamp
45 Rob Emanuele remanuele at azavea dot com GDAL, JTS, Proj4j, GeoTrellis, GeoTools x x x ? ? other
46 Dan Little dan.little at dbspatial dot com GeoMoose - - - x ? other
47 Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan sanchezortega.es Leaflet ? - - ? ? TODO
48 Marc Jansen jansen [at] terrestris [dot] de OpenLayers x x x - - Other
49 Thomas Baschetti - x - - - other preferred
50 Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears dot com MapServer, OpenLayers x x x x - other
51 Rasťo Micanik rastomicanik at gmail dot com GIS.lab x x x x x Basecamp yes
52 Ian Turton ijturton at gmail dot com GeoTools, GeoServer - - x x x Other No
53 Andrea Aime andrea dot aime at gmail dot com GeoTools, GeoServer x x - - - Other No
54 Connor Manning connor at hobu dot co Entwine PDAL - - x x x Other No
55 Tuure Laurinolli tuure dot laurinolli at vaisala dot com GeoTools, GeoServer, OpenLayers x x x - - Other
56 Tõnis Lärdi tonis.kardi@kemit.ee ? x x x ? Basecamp
57 Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano dot cannata at supsi dot ch istSOS - x - - - Other
58 Milan Antonovic milan dot antonovic at supsi dot ch istSOS - x - - - Other
59 Mirko Cardoso mirko dot cardoso at supsi dot ch istSOS - x - - - Other
60 Patrick Valsecchi patrick dot valsecchi at camptocamp dot com QGIS x x x Other
61 Oliver Rudzick Orga x x x x x Other
62 Veronica Andreo veroandreo@gmail.com GRASS GIS - - - x x Basecamp
63 Kevin Smith smithkm at draconic dot ca GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoTools late wkshp x x x
64 Anna Zanchetta ciupava[at]gmail[dot]com GRASS GIS - x x - - Basecamp
65 Torben Barsballe tbarsballe at boundlessgeo dot com GeoServer, GeoTools - - - x -
66 Jon Moules GeoServer, QGIS - ? ? x x Other Vegan
67 Torsten Friebe friebe AT lat-lon DOT de deegree x ? ? x x Other
68 Borys Jurgiel info at borysjurgiel dot pl QGIS - x x - - Bonnox preferred
69 Jody Garnett jody.garnett@gmail.com GeoServer, GeoTools, Incubation, uDig x ? ? x x No
70 Richard Duivenvoorde richard ta qgis.org QGIS, GeoServer x x x - -
71 Andreas Hocevar andreas.hocevar ta gmail.com OpenLayers - x x - -
72 Christian Mayer chris ta meggsimum.de GeoExt, OpenLayers - x x x -
73 Felix Kunde fkunde[at]beuth-hoschschule.de 3DCityDB, pgMemento - x x - - other
74 Jorge S. Mendes de Jesus jorge.mendesdejesus[at]wur.nl PyWPS x x x - - BaseCamp NO
75 Hugo Mercier hugo dot mercier at oslandia dot com QGIS ? x x - - ? no preference
76 Sara Safavi ssafavi at boundlessgeo dot com GeoNode x x x - - Other
77 lars lingner lars at lingner dot eu MapServer - - - x x Other no preference
78 Matthias Kuhn matthias@opengis.ch QGIS x x x - - Other no preference
79 Lene Fischer lfi@ign.ku.dk QGIS x x x - - Other no preference
80 Bo Victor Thomsen bvtho@frederikssund.dk QGIS x x x - - Other no preference
81 Raymond Nijssen r.nijssen[at]terglobo.nl QGIS x x x - - Camping Siebengebirgsblick no preference
82 Kai Mühlbauer kai.muehlbauer[at]uni-bonn.de GDAL ? x x - - other no preference
83 Sean Gillies sean.gillies@gmail.com GDAL, Rasterio x x x - - other no preference
84 Tsolmongerel Papilloud tsolmongerel.papilloud@epfl.com OpenLayers, GeoTools - x x - - Basecamp? no preference
85 Fabian Schindler fabian.schindler@eox.at EOxServer, MapServer, geotiff.js - x x - - Basecamp no preference
86 Alexandre Neto senhor.neto[at]gmail.com QGIS - x x - - other no preference
87 Milena Nowotarska do.milenki at gmail.com GRASS GIS, QGIS x x x x x other glutenfree, milkfree food
88 Daniel Berry dberry at boundlessgeo dot com GeoNode x x x - - Other no preference
89 Casper Børgesen emailtocasper which is my gmail account GeoServer? - - - x x Other no preference
90 Maxim Dubinin sim@gis-lab.info GDAL, QGIS - x x - - Other no preference
91 Dmitry Baryshnikov bishop.dev@gmail.com GDAL - x x - - Other no preference
92 Simon Templer simon @ wetransform.to deegree, hale - - - x ? Other no preference
93 Yoichi Kayama yoichi.kayama@gmail.com QGIS x ? - x - Other
94 Harrissou Sant-anna delazj at gmail dot com QGIS x x x - - Ibis Yes
95 Jürgen Fischer jef at norbit dot de QGIS x x x - - Ibis No
96 Thomas Schüttenberg thomas at qgis dot de QGIS x x other no preference
97 Joachim Ungar joachim dot ungar at eox dot at EOxServer x x Basecamp no preference
98 Gero Wahren Mapbender x x x other
99 Robin Schwammborn Mapbender x x
100 Michael Smith michael.smith.erdc@gmail.com MapServer - ? x x ? Other no preference
101 Dirk Stenger stenger at lat-lon dot de deegree - ? x - - other no preference
102 Thorsten Mueller woodstocktm at gmx.de GeoExt, OpenLayers x ? ? x x
103 Julien Collaer julien.collaer at opengeode.be Geonode - - x - - Other no preference
104 Kari Salovaara kari.salovaara at iki.fi OSGeo-Live - x - - - Bonnox no preference
105 Lyn Goltz goltz at lat-lon.de deegree x x x - - other yes
106 Tuul Batbaldan student x - - other
107 Nicolas Dufrane nicolas.dufrane at opengeode.be Geonode - - x - - Other no preference
108 Stefan Blumentrath stefan.blumentrath at nina.no GRASS GIS - - - x x ? no preference





  • modularisation
  • tests
  • documentation
  • & more




  • planning towards GRASS GIS 8
  • integrating GSoC results




  • working on QGIS 3.0
  • porting plugins to Python 3
  • Working on QWC II
  • Working on QGIS Processing framework
  • Working on Documentation (release 2.16, discussion)




  • What is needed for PyWPS-4
  • Discuss new steps
  • WPS 2.0.0 start




  • GIS.lab 1.0
  • GIS.lab QGIS Plugin
  • new generation of GIS.lab Web Client
  • WPS Processing




  • next version
  • documentation
  • translation




  • 3.0 release!




  • Documentation
  • QGIS/OTB compatibility
  • Bugs




  • Developer Documentation
  • JGrasstools integration
  • Geopaparazzi integration
  • Bug fixes


Focused on Saturday/Sunday activities, seeking collaboration with QGIS project on SLD export story.



  • QGIS SLD Export story
  • Bug fixes
  • fun!




  • OSGeo Incubation, what's next?




  • Torsten Friebe
  • Simon Templer
  • Dirk Stenger
  • Lyn Goltz


  • Finalize 3.4, bug-fixing, documentation
  • improved interface for HALE
  • prepare official docker image for deegree 3.4




  • Bart van den Eijnden
  • Andreas Hocevar


  • Implement restricted extent (#2777)




  • Finalize 2.6 release, bug-fixing, documentation