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#REDIRECT [[Archived]]
Please check www.osgeo.org for the latest Board and Officers update.
OSGeo Projects are freestanding entities, handled by their own Project Steering Committees. Each project has been asked to provide a representative to help coordinate OSGeo involvement. These volunteers are listed by project below:
OSGeo Projects are freestanding entities, handled by their own Project Steering Committees. Each project has been asked to provide a representative to help coordinate OSGeo involvement. These volunteers are listed by project below:
== General ==
== General ==
* General Foundation Info - info@osgeo.org - [mailto:info@osgeo.org]
* General Foundation Info - info@osgeo.org - [mailto:info@osgeo.org] (emails are currently forwarded to 3 people: FrankW, JeffM, Jachym)
* [[Board of Directors]] - Arnulf Christl - arnulf at osgeo.org
* [[Executive Positions|President]] - [[Jeff McKenna]] - (president at osgeo.org)
* Treasurer (AC/AP) - Frank Warmerdam - warmerdam at pobox.com
* [[Treasurer]] - [[Michael Smith]] - (treasurer at osgeo.org)
* Executive Director - [[User:Tmitchell |Tyler Mitchell]] - tmitchell at osgeo.org
* [[Secretary]] - [[Jáchym Čepický]] - (secretary at osgeo.org)
* [[Board of Directors]]
== Software Projects ==
== Software Projects ==
* [http://www.osgeo.org/deegree deegree] - Markus Lupp - lupp at lat-lon.de
* [http://fdo.osgeo.org/ FDO] - Greg  Boone - greg.boone at autodesk.com
* [http://www.osgeo.org/gdal_ogr GDAL/OGR] - Frank Warmerdam - warmerdam at pobox.com
* [http://geos.refractions.net GEOS] - Paul Ramsey - pramsey at refractions.net
* [http://www.osgeo.org/geonetwork GeoNetwork opensource] - Jeroen Ticheler - Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
* [http://www.osgeo.org/geotools GeoTools] - Jody Garnett - jgarnett at refractions.net
* [http://www.osgeo.org/grass GRASS GIS] - Markus Neteler - neteler at osgeo.org
* [http://www.gvsig.gva.es/gvSIG gvSIG] - Jorge Sanz - jsanz at prodevelop.es
* [http://www.osgeo.org/mapbender Mapbender] Christoph Baudson - christoph at osgeo.org
* [http://www.osgeo.org/mapbuilder MapBuilder] - Cameron Shorter - cameron AT shorter.net
* [http://www.osgeo.org/mapguide MapGuide Open Source] - Robert Bray - robert.bray at autodesk.com
* [http://www.osgeo.org/mapserver MapServer] - Steve Lime - sdlime at comcast.net
* [http://www.osgeo.org/openlayers OpenLayers] - Erik Uzureau - euzuro at metacarta.com
* [http://www.osgeo.org/ossim OSSIM] - Mark Lucas - mlucas at radiantblue.com
* [http://www.osgeo.org/qgis QGIS] - Gary Sherman - sherman at mrcc.com
== Project Steering Committees ==
'''Web Mapping'''
'''Web Mapping'''
* Mapbender [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Category:PSC PSC] - Chair: [[User:Christoph | Christoph Baudson]]
* [http://www.deegree.org deegree]: [http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/StructuresAndProcedures PSC] - Contact: [[User:JensFitzke | Jens Fitzke]]
* MapBuilder [http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAP/Contributers+Guide PSC] - Chair: Cameron Shorter
* [http://geomajas.org Geomajas]: [http://www.geomajas.org/geomajas/project-steering-committee PSC] - Chair: Pieter De Graef (pieter.degraef at geosparc.com)
* MapGuide Open Source [http://mapguide.osgeo.org/psc.html PSC] - Chair: Robert Bray
* [http://www.geomoose.org/ GeoMoose]: [http://www.geomoose.org/rfc/rfc-1.html PSC] - Chair: - Brian Fischer (bfischer at houstoneng.com)
* MapServer [http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/rfc/ms-rfc-23 PSC] - Chair: Stephen Lime
* [http://geoserver.org GeoServer]: [http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/developer/policies/psc.html PSC] - Project Officer: Simone Giannecchini (simone.giannecchini at geo-solutions.it ) (checked 2014-10-09)
* OpenLayers  [http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/SteeringCommittee PSC] - Chair: Erik Uzureau
* [http://www.mapbender.org Mapbender]: [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Category:PSC PSC] - Chair: Axel Schaefer
* [http://www.mapfish.org MapFish]: [http://trac.mapfish.org/trac/mapfish/wiki/Community/PSC PSC] - Chair: [[User:Elem | Eric Lemoine]]
* [http://mapguide.osgeo.org/ MapGuide Open Source]: [http://mapguide.osgeo.org/psc.html PSC] - Chair: Robert Bray (robert.bray at autodesk.com)
* [http://mapserver.org/ MapServer]: [http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-23.html PSC] - Chair: Stephen Lime (sdlime at comcast.net)
* [http://openlayers.org/ OpenLayers]: [https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/wiki/Steering-Committee PSC] - Chair: [[User:Tschaub | Tim Schaub]]
'''Desktop Applications'''
'''Desktop Applications'''
* GRASS GIS [http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/PSC PSC] - Chair: Markus Neteler
* [http://grass.osgeo.org/ GRASS GIS]: [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/PSC PSC] - Chair: [[Markus Neteler]]
* OSSIM [http://trac.osgeo.org/ossim/wiki/ossimgovernance PSC] - Chair: Garrett Potts
* [http://www.gvsig.org/ gvSIG]: - [[GvSIG Technical Project Committee|PSC]] - Chair: [[Manuel Madrid]]
* Quantum GIS [http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/Project_Organigram PSC] - Chair: Gary Sherman
* [http://marble.kde.org/ Marble]: [http://edu.kde.org/marble/authors.php Authors] - Liaison Officer: [[Torsten Rahn]]
* gvSIG - PSC ? - Chair: Gabriel Carrión?
* [http://www.ossim.org/ OSSIM]: [http://trac.osgeo.org/ossim/wiki/ossimgovernance PSC] - Chair: Garrett Potts
* [http://www.qgis.org/ QGIS]: [http://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/psc.html PSC] - Chair: [[User:Ahocevar | Andreas Hocevar]]
'''Geospatial Libraries'''
'''Geospatial Libraries'''
* FDO [http://fdo.osgeo.org/psc.html PSC] - Chair: Greg Boone
* [http://fdo.osgeo.org/ FDO]: [http://fdo.osgeo.org/ Home Page] (link to PSC broken) - Chair: Greg Boone (greg.boone at autodesk.com)
* GDAL/OGR [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GovernanceAndCommunity PSC] - Chair: Frank Warmerdam
* [http://www.gdal.org/ GDAL/OGR]: [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GovernanceAndCommunity PSC] - Chair: Even Rouault (even.rouault at spatialys.com)
* GeoTools [http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOT/4+Project+Management+Committee PSC] - Chair: Jody Garnett
* [http://www.geotools.org/ GeoTools]: [http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOT/4+Project+Management+Committee PSC] - Project Officer Jody Garnett (jody.garnett at gmail.com) (checked 2014-10-09)
* GEOS [http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/PSC PSC] - Chair: Paul Ramsey
* [http://geos.osgeo.org/ GEOS]: [http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/PSC PSC] - Chair: [[User:Strk | Sandro Santilli]] (strk at kbt.io)
* [http://metacrs.osgeo.org/ MetaCRS]: [http://metacrs.osgeo.org PSC] - Chair: Frank Warmerdam (warmerdam@pobox.com)
* [https://github.com/proj4php/proj4php/ Proj4php] - Chair : Julien Moquet (moquet dot julien at gmail dot com)
* [http://postgis.net/ PostGIS]: [http://postgis.net/docs/postgis_introduction.html#psc PSC] - Chair: [[User:Pwramsey3 | Paul Ramsey]]
* [http://pgrouting.org/ pgRouting]: [http://pgrouting.org/development.html PSC] - Chair: [[User:Woodbri | Stephen Woodbridge]]
* [https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/ Orfeo Toolbox]: [https://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Project_Steering_Committee PSC] - OSGeo Contact Officer  [[User:Grizonnetm | Manuel Grizonnet ]](CNES manuel.grizonnet AT cnes DOT fr)
'''Metadata Catalog'''
'''Metadata Catalog'''
* GeoNetwork opensource [http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/PSC PSC]  - Chair: Jeroen Ticheler
* [http://geonetwork-opensource.org GeoNetwork opensource]: [http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/PSC PSC]  - Chair: [[User:Ticheler | Jeroen Ticheler]] (Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net) (checked 2014-10-09)
* [http://pycsw.org pycsw]: [http://pycsw.org/community/psc.html PSC] - Chair: [[Angelos_Tzotsos]] (tzotsos at gmail.com)
'''Spatio-Temporal Analytics'''
* [http://www.rasdaman.org rasdaman opensource]: [http://rasdaman.org/wiki/Governance PSC]  - Chair: [[User:Pebau | Peter Baumann]] (baumann at rasdaman.com) (checked 2014-10-09)
'''Web processing'''
* [http://pywps.org PyWPS]: [http://pywps.org/development/psc.html PSC] - Project Officer [[User:jachym| Jachym Cepicky]] (jachym.cepicky at gmail com)
== Committees ==
== Committees ==
* [[Education and Curriculum Committee]] - Charlie Schweik - cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
* [[CodeOfConduct Committee]] -
* [[Finance Committee]] - Frank Warmerdam - warmerdam at pobox.com
* [[Conference Committee]] -
* [[Incubation Committee]] - Frank Warmerdam - warmerdam at pobox.com
* [[Education and Curriculum Committee]] - Charlie Schweik - cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Public Geospatial Data Committee]] - David William Bitner - bitner at dbspatial.com
* [[Finance Committee]] - [[User:Dmorissette|Daniel Morissette]] - dmorissette at mapgears.com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Marketing Committee]] - Tyler Mitchell - tmitchell at osgeo.org
* [[Incubation Committee]] - Jody Garnett - jody.garnett at gmail.com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[SAC|System Administration Committee]] - Howard Butler - hobu at hobu.net
* [[Marketing Committee]] - Cameron Shorter - cameron.shorter at gmail.com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Website Committee]] - Christopher Schmidt - crschmidt at metacarta.com
* [[Open Geoscience Committee]] -
* [[Conference Committee]] - Jeff McKenna - jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
* [[Public Geospatial Data Committee]] - [[User:Bitner|David Bitner]] - bitner at dbspatial dot com (checked 2014-10-09)
* OSGeo [[Journal]] - Tyler Mitchell - tmitchell at osgeo.org
* [[SAC|System Administration Committee]] - Alex Mandel - tech_dev at wildintellect.com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[UnitedNations Committee]] -
* [[Website Committee]] - Christopher Schmidt - crschmidt at crschmidt.net
* OSGeo [[Journal]]
== Packaging ==
* [http://live.osgeo.org OSGeo-Live] - Cameron Shorter - cameron.shorter at gmail.com
* [http://osgeo4w.osgeo.org OSGeo4W] - [[User:Jef | Jürgen Fischer]] - jef at norbit.de
== Local Chapters ==
== Local Chapters ==
* [[Ottawa Chapter]] - Scott Mitchell / Philippe Vachon - smitch at mac.com / philippe at cowpig.ca
Contacts list for the [[:Category:Local_Chapters|local chapters]]:
* [[Africa Local Chapter]] - [[User:Gfleming|Gavin Fleming]]
* [[Aust-NZ]] - Australia and New Zealand Chapter- Bruce Bannerman - bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com
* [[Belgium]] - [[User:dirkf|Dirk Frigne]] - founder of the geomajas.org framework - OSGeo Advocate - dirk AT geomajas DOT org
* [[Brazil]] - Helton Uchoa - engenheiro.uchoa at gmail.com
* [[California]] - Landon Blake - sunburned.surveyor at gmail dot com
* [[Cascadia|CUGOS Cascadia Chapter US]] - [[User:Racicot|Aaron Racicot]] - aaronr at cugos.org (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[China]] - Chen Rongguo - chenrg at lreis.ac.cn
* [[China]] - Chen Rongguo - chenrg at lreis.ac.cn
* [[Japan]] - Mr. Mori Toru - moritoru at orkney.co.jp
* [[D-A-CH]] (German language) - [[User:Mlechner|Marco Lechner]] (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[India]] - P.S. Roy - psr at nrsa.gov.in
* [[Finland]] - Kari Salovaara - kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi  (updated 2015-09-18)
* [[Brazil]] - Helton Uchoa - uchoa at osgeo.org
* [[Francophone]] - board at osgeo.asso dot fr / president at osgeo.asso.fr (Etienne Delay) (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[Taiwan]] - Sander Borghuis - s.borghuis at geo.uu.nl
* [[Greek]] - [[User:kotzino|Dimitris Kotzinos]] - kotzino at csd dot uoc dot gr (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[Spanish]] - Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses - vehrka at gmail.com
* [[Ireland]] - Daniel McInerney - daniel . o . mcinerney at gmail.com
* [[Aust-NZ]] - Australia and New Zealand Chapter- tim.bowden _at_ westnet.com.au
* [[India]] - P.S. Roy - psroy13 at gmail.com
* [[Finland]] - Ari Jolma - ajolma at osgeo.org
* [[Italy]] - [[User:epifanio|Massimo Di Stefano]] - IT -- epiesasha at me dot com
* [[Francophone]] - [[User:Yjacolin|yjacolin]]
* [[Japan]] - Mr. Mori Toru - moritoru at orkney.co.jp (checked 2014-09-30)
* [D-A-CH] (German language) - Dr. Georg Lösel georg.loesel a.t grass-verein.de
* [[Korea | Korean Chapter]] - [[User:Endofcap|Sanghee Shin]] - shshin at gaia3d.com or endofcap at gmail.com (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[KSA Chapter]] - Awase Khirni Syed - awasekhirni at gmail.com
* [[Nederlands | Dutch language Chapter]] - [[User:Just|Just van den Broecke]] (secretary) [[User:Geejee|Gert-Jan van der Weijden]] (president). info at osgeo dot nl (checked 2014-10-08)
* [[Ottawa Chapter]] - Fabien Ancelin - fabien.ancelin at gmail.com  
* [[PDX-OSGEO]] - Oregon, US Chapter -- [[User:EliL|Eli L Adam]] - contact on user page (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[Philippines]] - [[User:maning|Maning Sambale]] - emmanuel dot sambale at gmail dot com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Poland]] - Tomasz Kubik - tomasz kubik at pwr wroc pl (checked 2014-09-30)
* [[Portugal]] - Jorge Gustavo Rocha - [[Jorge_Gustavo_Rocha]], Giovanni Manghi - [[Giovanni_Manghi]]
* [[Romanian]] - [[User:Vasile|Vasile Crăciunescu]] - vasile at geo-spatial dot org
* [[Quebec]] - [[User:Dmorissette|Daniel Morissette]] - dmorissette at mapgears dot com (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Spanish]] - [[Pedro-Juan Ferrer]] - vehrka at gmail.com  (checked 2014-10-09)
* [[Taiwan]] - Sander Borghuis - s.borghuis at geo.uu.nl '''(mail not delivered)'''
* [[Twin_Cities]] - Twin Cities, MN -- [[User:Bitner|David Bitner]] - bitner at dbspatial dot com
* [[Yukon Chapter]] -  [[User:hammj|Jeff Hamm]] - jeff at geoprism dot ca
* [http://www.osgeo.org/uk UK] - [[User:JoCook|Jo Cook]]
== Infrastructure ==
== Infrastructure ==
* [[SAC:Primary Administrators]]
* [[SAC:Primary Administrators]]
== Local Representatives ==
* list of local leaders by region: [[OSGeo Advocate]]

Latest revision as of 23:39, 24 August 2019

Redirect to:

Please check www.osgeo.org for the latest Board and Officers update.

OSGeo Projects are freestanding entities, handled by their own Project Steering Committees. Each project has been asked to provide a representative to help coordinate OSGeo involvement. These volunteers are listed by project below:


Software Projects

Web Mapping

Desktop Applications

Geospatial Libraries

Metadata Catalog

Spatio-Temporal Analytics

Web processing



Local Chapters

Contacts list for the local chapters:


Local Representatives